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Sweet Revenge by Loveedoo

Sweet Revenge


And I join you again, my ducklings, for my second ever fanfiction! (Can you say plot bunny? In a major way!)

How exciting! I feel faint with anticipation!

Whoever my editor is, I want them to stop putting in these stupid exclamation points! They really annoy me!

Thanks. Finally.

So anyway, enjoy the ride with Draco and Ginny again (no, this isn't the promised sequel. It's coming later. It will come. I promise. In the meantime, pull up "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not." It's my first fanfic) and pinky swear to read and review!!!!

So much for no more exclamation points.

Obligatory disclaimer: I don't own Draco or Ginny, or any of their various entourages. I wish I did (heh heh heh heh heh) because then I would have loads of fun…


Chapter One: So Not the Jealous Type

Ginny woke up in the darkness. Malfoy Manor was still and cool in the predawn chill. She could see through the elaborate window that the sky was streaked with pink clouds heralding the arrival of the sun. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. Maybe she should just go back to sleep…

…but no. That was the only luxury they couldn't afford.

Draco was still asleep. She looked at his snoozing form, propping herself up using her elbow. Despite the fact that it had been years since either one of them had even set foot in Hogwarts, she could still see him as the seventeen-year-old she had fallen in love with, tie loosened, smirking cockily.

She brushed an errant lock of hair from his forehead. Ginny smiled at her husband. "Hey, Mr. Malfoy, wake up," she whispered in his ear like it was a naughty secret.

"What time is it, Mrs. Malfoy?" he said back groggily, sitting up in bed.

"Who cares?" she replied, brushing her lips against his.

Draco's eyes flew open to gaze at her with his characteristic smirk. "So it's going to be one of those days, is it Mrs. Malfoy?"

She smiled innocently. "I have no idea what you mean."

Her lips parted as he lowered his face to hers. "I'm sure you don't."

"Holy crap!"

Ginny's sudden exclamation woke her dormmates. "What's wrong, Ginny?" asked Demelza Robbins concernedly.

"Nothing, 'Melza," she mumbled, clearing her eyes of gunk. "Just a bad dream."

Had she really dreamed of Malfoy being her husband? And them kissing? Ick! Ick! That was beyond disgusting! Draco Malfoy had pretty much killed Dumbledore last year, not to mention seriously pissed off her boyfriend.

Her lips curved into a secret smile when she thought of Harry. Yes, that would certainly prevent her little prophetic dream from coming true. Ginny was sure that they would get married someday, despite the fact that she was only sixteen. Then they would have little mini-Harrys and mini-Ginnys and live happily ever after.

She was awoken from her little fantasy of them living in a small, white-picket-fenced house by the sound of her friends thundering down the stairs to go to breakfast. "Shit," she mumbled as she struggled to pull on her clothes.

Ginny arrived a few minutes late to breakfast. As always, Harry had saved her a seat. Today he was whispering with Hermione, no doubt to plan some sort of Voldemort-overthrowing-scheme thing that he was always working on.

So why was it that he pulled away almost guiltily from his best friend as Ginny sat down on Harry's other side?

Hermione was Harry's best friend. There was no shame in whispering to her. He already had a beautiful, sought-after girlfriend. Besides, Ginny was so not the jealous type.


"Hey, sexy," she said, beaming as she sat down. One hand picked up her fork and started spooning kippers into her mouth, and the other reached for Harry's hand under the table.

"Hi, Gin," Harry said almost guiltily. What was up with that?

"What's wrong, Mr. Undefeated Quidditch Captain?" It was all over the school that they were a win away from clinching the Cup, even though it was early in the season. Slytherin was the only obstacle. Draco had imposed a wicked new schedule on his team this year, and it was showing.

"Oh, nothing," he said, still sounding slightly weird.

Hermione nudged him. "Harry, you promised," she hissed in his ear. He blushed a little at the proximity of his "best friend's" mouth to his ear.

"What did he promise?" said Ginny, her mouth still full of food.

"Huh?" Harry said, looking perplexed.

She swallowed and repeated herself. "What did you promise?"

"Oh…I promised 'Mione I'd help her with her Patronus this afternoon in the Room of Requirement," Harry replied, still pink and sounding slightly odd.

"I can't stand this!" Hermione said shrilly. Her face reddened as she packed the mountain of books that she always carried around into her huge bag. Ginny could see that her eyes were shining with tears. What was going on today?

"Harry, if you're not going to tell her, I am!" Hermione almost shouted, shaking. She stood up, tears, running down her face now. "Ginny, Harry-"

"All right, all right, I'll tell her!" Harry yelled. Hermione crossed her arms.

"I'm waiting," she said.

"I've got to break it to her gently," Harry replied uneasily.

"I'm standing RIGHT HERE!" Ginny shouted. The two best friends stared at her for a second.

"Okay, Gin," Harry said, taking both of her hands. Oh no. This could not be good. "There's really no easy way to tell you this, but-I'mwithHermionenow."

That last part was said so fast that Ginny couldn't even understand what Harry was talking about. "Um. What?"

"I'm with Hermione now," Harry said, shamefaced.

It took a few moments to digest the meaning of the words. Ginny watched the scene as if from above, the three teenagers all glaring at one another, Ron trying to inch away to go snog Luna at the Ravenclaw table. "You're breaking up with me?" Her voice quivered.

This could not be happening.

"Look, Ginny, we just never-"

"How long?" she said in a monotone. She was still in shock.

"This isn't-"

"How long?" Ginny repeated.

Hermione butted in. "We knew for a while, but we never acted on our feelings. I promise, Ginny."

"I'm sure," she said with a sneer worthy of Draco Malfoy.

"I swear on my parents' graves, Ginny!" Harry said, jumping in to defend his new girlfriend.

"Of course Mr. Famous Harry Potter would go straight for the sympathy vote," Ginny snarled disgustedly. "Because just because you survive a stupid spell means that you always keep your word. That makes a whole lot of sense."

She knew she was being unfair, but it was almost involuntarily. In some small, detached part of her mind, Ginny was repulsed by how easily being nasty came to her. But maybe that was what happened to you when you grew up in a house full of brothers.

"-you two faced, no-good, evil BASTARD," she finished. Then Ginny collected her bag and, with as much dignity as she could muster, flounced out of the Great Hall. She delivered a glare over her shoulder as she left the room, only to see Hermione weeping into Harry's chest.

This made her even more angry. Serves her right, Ginny thought viciously. She stole my freaking boyfriend.

Then her conscience caught up with her and she sighed. It really was nasty, what she had done. Ginny sat in a nearby alcove and buried her head in her arms. She wanted something really badly, but she wasn't entirely sure what.

She raised her head after a while, and was horrified to see that the arms of her sweater were soaked through with tears. "I should go apologize," the redhead said out loud to herself. Ginny was actually standing up to go back in and say sorry when the bell rang. She sighed, resigned to class, and started for the stairs.

Only to find a couple snogging in the stairwell.

A very familiar couple.

A couple that had just snubbed Ginny publicly and caused her breakdown.

Harry broke away from Hermione's embrace to find Ginny staring at him in horror. "Oh shit," he said, running his hands through his hair.

"I can't believe you," Ginny whispered. She turned away and stomped off, parting the crowds of watching students that had witnessed the whole debacle. Angry tears burned in the corners of her eyes.

Harry hadn't even gone through a suitable period of mourning after dumping her! He was snogging his new girlfriend less than five minutes after declaring that their relationship was over! In front of the whole school, no less!

Half-blind with tears and choked by her own sobs, she stumbled into the girls' bathroom to hide in a stall. There was no way that she could face first-period Herbology with the Hufflepuffs like this.

Ginny's sobs and moans of fury echoed around the empty bathroom as she staggered into the first toilet stall she could find. She didn't even stop on the way to wonder why the girls' bathroom suddenly had urinals in it.

How long she sat there, head in hands, sobbing and shaking with rage, she did not know. But after not too long, her hysteria had cooled into a cold, calculating rage. Ugly black jealousy pulsed under the surface of her skin. How dare Hermione steal her man from right under her nose?
Still fuming slightly, Ginny stalked over to the sink. She could see in the mirror that she looked terrible. Her red hair was flying all over the place. Bloodshot eyes peered back at her from a puffy face. Her lip was bleeding from when she had bitten it to keep from screaming.

I can't go to class looking like this, she thought. That was convenient. It gave her more time to plan her revenge on the new cute little couple.

Ginny was smirking like the Cheshire Cat when the door opened. Shit. Company.

She spun around to defend her actions with a snarl and an intense stare only to meet the sarcastic gaze of none other than…

…Draco Malfoy.

The redhead blushed and dropped her eyes, remembering her dream. Wow. This was embarrassing.

"Wow, Weasel, I had no idea that you had transvestite tendencies." Ginny could hear the smirk in his voice.

"What the hell are you talking about, Malfoy?" she said, still looking unflinchingly at the floor.

"You may want to get out of the boys' bathroom," Draco said, raising his eyebrows at her.

Ginny looked around her in a panic. She couldn't be…no way. Oh, crap. "Well, what are you doing here?" she said in an attempt to salvage what little dignity she had left. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"As much as you are," he replied infuriatingly.

She strode out to the corridor, nose in the air. To her annoyance, he followed her. The Chaser whirled around to face him angrily.

"Jesus, Weaselette, what happened to you? Get dumped?"

To the blond boy's surprise, Ginny burst into tears and nodded. Her legs buckled underneath her, and she sat unceremoniously on the floor. He stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, not sure what to do.

Then he squatted down next to her. "Look, I know Potter can be a real dickhead," he said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

Ginny raised her face to him; her eyes were full of hatred and fury. "Take your hands off me, you-you-you DEATH EATER!" she hissed.

Draco's face was completely blank with shock for a few moments. Then his façade of calmness returned. "I'd be careful what you call people, Weaselette," he said with a smooth and impassive face.

"It's your fault that Dumbledore is dead. Now how are we ever going to get out of this mess?" she said, mirroring his typical sneer.

His mouth twisted into a wry smile. "Snape killed Dumbledore. Not me."

"Snape took the fall for you!" She folded her arms. Privately, Draco thought that she looked like a little kid when she did that.

He stood angrily; she did the same. Then Ginny was surprised when he leaned over to whisper in her ear quickly.

"What if I told you that I didn't want this?"

She looked into his wide, frank blue eyes. His breath smelled like bubble gum. "I don't know what you're talking about," she breathed. Ginny was disgusted to hear her voice go all girly and flirty on her. Who was she kidding? She was worse than Hermione, the man-eater.

"What if I told you that I didn't want to be a Death Eater?"

She found her eyes locked on his nice-looking man lips. The redhead cleared her throat. "Then maybe I'd be a bit sorry," she mumbled clumsily.

"Maybe?" He was awfully close to her. And for some reason, it wasn't uncomfortable.

"Probably." She gulped.

And for one absurd moment, Ginny thought Draco was going to kiss her.

But then he pulled away and it was like she had imagined the moment. She probably had, anyway. Draco Malfoy? Kissing her? Absolutely insane.

Ginny shoved the dream she had had the night before to the back of her mind. It was only a dream, anyway.

"Well then, Ginny, I suppose you should be careful what you say," he said, smirking at her as if he knew the effect he had just had on her.

He probably did.


Ginny watched him walk away, his hands in his pockets. The sunlight caught his hair whenever he walked past a window, making each strand shine a dazzling white-blond color. He was much taller than Harry. A lot cuter in some ways, too…

She shook herself. Who was she kidding? He was Slytherin. She was Gryffindor. He was a Death Eater. She was practically in the Order of the Phoenix, not to mention being Harry Potter's ex-girlfriend. Even if she was attracted to him (and she refused to admit to herself that there was the slightest possibility that she was attracted to Draco Malfoy) it would never work.

It took her halfway to Herbology to realize that he had called her Ginny.


Draco walked away, silently berating himself. It wasn't as if he expected her to just up and kiss him when she didn't even like him yet. He had gotten awfully close to doing something stupid…

Well. He would just have to build it up slowly. And, he reminded himself, he had to talk to Snape. He needed some Occlumency lessons. Not that the Dark Lord was going to randomly summon him or anything, but it would be good to just do it for safety.

If he had managed to hide it for six years, what were a few more weeks or months?

She would fall for him.

Why wouldn't she?

He was Draco Malfoy.


You like? You better like.

I'd just like to stop here and say thanks to:

  1. My loyal (hopefully) fans (I wish).

  2. The Academy Is…for inspiring me with their fake emo songs. Fake emo is a compliment. It's so much better than real emo. I promise. Really.

  3. Fall Out Boy for inspiring The Academy Is…to rip them off. Because really, The Academy Is…has a better songwriter.

  4. Write REVIEWS! (yes, I realize that that isn't a thank-you, but I just thought I'd pop that in there. You know, as a reminder or something.)

Go get some munchies or something. You are free to go
