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Stories by Loveedoo

  1. Erased by Loveedoo

    Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. When something happens at the Yule Ball that Ginny can't remember, is she doomed to repeat her mistakes ten years later? AU when it comes to ships. Just assume that it went H/HR and R/L sometime in book 4 or 5. READ AND REVIEW!!!!

  2. Green by Loveedoo

    Ginny is jealous and bored, bored, bored. A quickie little one-shot that may or may not turn into a series, depending on how the review turn out is. R&R!

  3. Sweet Revenge by Loveedoo

    Who knew Draco Malfoy was such an adept prankster...or that Ginny was such a jealous person? I'm still playing around with the later chapters, so revenge may end up having nothing to do with it, but i thought it was a good title. Read + Review, lovies!

  4. He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Loveedoo

    When Harry breaks up with Ginny, her world spirals out of control...and who is there to pick up the pieces but Draco Malfoy? (yes, i know it sounds cliched, but it's my first fic, give me a break) Rated a light PG13 for small amounts of language and implied sexual content. Enjoy! (many thanks to my reviewers, i love you all very very very much *mwah*) It's over! Sob.