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19 Years (and a few minutes) Later -- Bonded for Life by H_HrFan

19 Years (and a few minutes) Later -- Bonded for Life


This is only an author's note.

I currently have the Introduction and Chapter One written. I'll post the Introduction shortly and the remaining 2-3 chapters should follow soon (time allowing a quick write-up of as-yet-unwritten chapters, that is).

About the story:

I'm a proud Harry/Hermione shipper and I suppose that, looking back on it, there was really nowhere for Jo to go but down (for me) simply because my expectations for the series' finale were so high.

Although I never doubted that I was right about H/Hr, I knew (deep down) that there was a chance I could be disappointed in the ending. What I never expected to be disappointed in, however, was the total loss of plot - or, what I had believed the plot to be anyway.

Now I know that - in some ways - I was wrong about H/Hr (though I'd argue that the real romance in DH occurred between them and NOT H/G or Hr/R. I mean, seriously, how can you look at the wedding scene and not feel the romance in two people looking at each other - one who is beaming, despite the tears in her eyes (sounds like a bride to me) - as the preacher says, "…then I declare you bonded for life") but that wasn't nearly so disappointing as so many other things turned out to be. There was a lot of H/Hr in DH and much of it was the best we've gotten ... all previous six books combined. If ever there was a relationship built upon the foundation of love - it's theirs.

However, I digress as I'm getting quite off topic…

Unsurprisingly, my biggest pet peeve turned out to be the epilogue. Surprisingly (to me), it wasn't so much that Harry and Hermione didn't get together as it was the prejudice, Ron [still] lying to Hermione, Harry's son being upset about the idea of getting into Slytherin House, and so on…

Those are things that [I felt] should never have been a part of the ending. I still cannot fathom what would make JKR take this fabulous series and end it with the same prejudices with which it'd begun.

Where was the character growth? What were the lessons learned? What purpose did Harry's YEARS of suffering serve if there was no identifiable change to the mindset of the Wizarding World - most especially in someone who was right in the middle of it all the way Ron was? And, what the heck happened to the plot?

After reading the epilogue I'd lie down to sleep and all of my disappointments would come to light. Conversations between Hermione and Harry would continually play out in my head, with Hermione expounding upon all of the things that I'd found to be so maddening. (It was when I started writing things down that I realized how desperately I'd needed to vent just so I could get a good night's sleep).

When this story began to formulate I was so angry with all of the inconsistencies in DH that when I decided to tell it through Hermione, I wanted her to really unload on Harry - not because it was his fault but because she (I) was so utterly disappointed in life "nineteen years later" and he just happened to be the one she was talking to. I just needed everything to explode in this massive confrontation [conversation]. I wanted them to reconcile whatever differences they appeared to have in the epilogue and once again become the friends [couple] we'd all grown to love. (Yes, I HATED that there wasn't a trio conversation or even a simple hello between H/Hr. It was as though they were strangers or casual acquaintances - there was far too much distance between them).

In this story, there is a maelstrom of emotions that take Hermione in a dozen different directions but the one thing I found is that the more I wrote, the less angry I - and in essence Hermione - became. So, while there is anger, there is also a great deal more.

At times, Harry is somewhat clueless as to where Hermione's going but I've found that he's much closer to understanding her than I'd originally expected him to be. Naturally, that could have something to do with my belief that they are the inimitable couple in the HP series and that they truly belong together. However, I've tried really hard to keep them from straying too far out of character and what I've found is a couple who - despite nineteen years of marriage to other characters - understands that time and circumstances are irrelevant when you truly are …

Bonded For Life

This is my closure as conveyed through Hermione's eyes.

I hope you like it.


P.S. Many thanks to three very dear people (you know who you are) who've put up with me while writing this; I know it hasn't been easy. I'm out of practice and incredibly nervous about putting it out there for people to read so your support has been very much appreciated. Thank you.
