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The Pianist by mangolee_schnooglesquee

The Pianist


She was suddenly entranced. Dear Lord, she was paralyzed on the spot. The thoughts that circled her head were suddenly much more profound than the way she usually thought at those kinds of situations.

It was quite clear that she was elated that he recognized her, even if she didn't recognize him in return. But then, the latter fact made her see herself as stupid, scolding herself for not remembering someone as gorgeous looking as him.

"Seamus! You're with her as well?" Her reverie was broken upon the sound of Harry's voice. The two shook hands enthusiastically, before she offered her hand to his as well. She could feel Seamus glare behind her.

"I'm glad you both came. Come in! I wouldn't want both of you to freeze out here." He disappeared behind the door, and Ginny suddenly felt the urge to run after him. Seamus whispered violently into her ear.

"Ginerva Weasley, don't you dare." She smirked.

Both of them followed his retreating figure, until the pair settled onto the couch that was placed just by the fireplace. Harry then turned to face the two, who seemed to be whispering violently to each other.

"So what brings you here, mates?" His voice resounded through the room, immediately breaking their heated conversation. Seamus looked mortified for a second, and Harry noticed the sweat that started to form on his forehead. He quirked an eyebrow for a moment's time, before turning his head to Ginny, who seemed to grow eager each second.

"So, Ginny! It's been a while hasn't it?"

"A really long while. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but…where have I seen you before?" His laughter made her jump for a second.

"Well, I'll just let you have a glance at my scar. Maybe that way you'll remember." He swept his bangs away from his forehead, making way for the scar that was placed just by the right side of his temple. Ginny's eyes grew large.

"Goodness me. It's you!" It was either joy or overexcitement. Either way, it caused her to jump off the couch and hug him tight without any intention of doing so. The sudden blankness of his mind caused Harry to stand still. By her shoulder, she saw Seamus glaring insistently at her.

"It's nice to see you again too…ughm, Ginny." In an instant, Ginny released. She stared at him for a while, seeing the confusion swimming within his eyes. She glanced back a bit, and noticed the scowl that was being thrown to her by her best friend. She blushed madly at both of them.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Harry. I'm just really like that, right Seamus?" She turned hopefully to him, yet the scowl remained still on his face.

"No, she's not." Her face dropped.

"Seamus!" She turned to look at Harry, yet he was already seated on a separate couch in all of his befuddlement.

"Don't mind Seamus. He's drunk." His eyes turned from irritancy to disbelief.

"I am not drunk. Harry, don't believe her. She's had too much whiskey since we left."

"What! I did not have too much whiskey, Seamus!" Her claim was cut off by the sound of his snickering. Both of them were silenced, and each surrendered instantly. Having known what more embarrassment both of them might get into, they stayed still on the couch and merely waited for a response from Harry, who was smiling gently at both of them.

"Now that all the tension's out of the way, may I ask why you came to visit?" Seamus closed his eyes for a bit and phrased each and ever word he had to say in his head. Ginny glanced sideways at him and noticed that, surely, what was bothering him for the past few days was gravely important.

"Harry, have you noticed the sudden changes lately?" His voice was low and slightly crackly, but was audible enough for Harry to understand.

"Changes, you say?"

"Yes. I'm sure you're aware about the government rumble these days?" Upon this statement, Harry's ears perked.

"Oh, that. Well yes, certainly. I was just watching the news."

"How do you feel about it?" The room was silent. Ginny was now listening intently, all the while noticing the sudden mood change in Harry's features. He turned melancholy as his eyes drooped down to the floor.

"Well, It's rubbish. I'm betting that everyone thinks so too."

"Yes, I'm sure they feel the same." Silence. Seamus fumbled irritably with the loose thread that hung from the sofa's armrest. Somehow, he sensed Harry's temper growing.

"I'm sure it must've hurt when your parents suffered drastically-" Even Ginny sensed the insensitivity in her companion. Harry's head snapped back up to look at him, and somehow, a small scowl formed on his face.

"What?" Harry's eyes were now bright, and somehow blazing with the reflection of the fire by the fireplace. He spoke forcefully, with a slight sarcasm that made Seamus stutter.

"Well…yes, you know. They suffered greatly-"

"Well, that's pretty obvious. The whole damn world suffered, if you hadn't noticed." The sarcasm was impenetrable. Harry's voice raised a decibel higher, and Ginny looked at Seamus in caution.

"Look, all I'm saying is that it must've been so hard for you."

"Damn right it was! What kind of arse would state the obvious?"

"Harry, we share in your mourning. We're here to help you!" Harry's face formed into a glare. It was something so deep that Ginny felt the aura seep through her. She turned to Seamus one more time, trying hard to talk to him through her pleading eyes. Yet, it was left unanswered.

"Mourning? You think I'm still mourning for the murder of my parents? You're maniacal! Of course not! I don't need anyone to dictate how I feel. Especially people who don't know me. In addition to that, I don't need your help! I don't need anyone's help. I can take care of myself. So please, bugger off and mind your own damned business!" With that, Harry stood up in finality and exited the room briskly. From the far end, Ginny could see his face redden in irritability and anger. Seamus stood up and ran after him, even amidst Ginny's loud protests.

"Seamus, no!" Ginny whispered.

"Harry, wait!" Seamus called out, yet Harry continued on.

"Don't talk to me, Finnigan."

"Would you please stop!" Seamus grabbed him by the shoulder, but was only replied upon with a hard blow by his jaw. By the far end, Harry heard Ginny scream as she rushed down to help her bleeding friend. Harry was breathing heavily, all the while glowering at Seamus, who struggled upon standing up once again.

"You're a madman, Potter!"

"And you're a bastard. Now get out!" Seamus threw a punch at his jaw in reply. Harry stumbled for a while, before regaining his balance and charging after Seamus once again. In an instant, Ginny halted the two as she stayed in the middle.

"Stop it, both of you!" She pleaded, but she remained unnoticed.

"You git! You insensitive fuck! How dare you dictate to me how I should feel!"

"Oh, shut up Potter! I'm trying to help you here!"

"Well you can help me by shutting your mouth before I beat you to a damn pulp!"

"I'd like to see you try!" With that, Harry forcibly escaped from Ginny's grip and threw another punch at Seamus, who stumbled just like before.

"You sick fuck, stop it! He's not doing anything to you!" Ginny screamed quite loudly as she pushed Harry away. Harry took deep breaths by the side, glaring at Seamus' struggling figure.

"Harry." Seamus said in a low voice. "You have to listen to me. I want to help you. I need to help you."

Harry remained silent.

"I-" Ginny helped him up by the arms, just as his speech slurred slightly.

"I have to tell you something. It can affect you, and everyone around you. And damnit, it can even get you killed if I don't tell you!"

"What is it then?" Harry looked expectantly at Seamus, yet he remained still.

"Just as I thought. You have no guts, Finnigan. Your stay here was just a big lie so you could rub the death of my parents onto my face!"

"No, that's a lie!"

"Oh shut it, Finnigan. You've been jealous of me since elementary school. You always hated me, and I knew it. You envied my lifestyle, my parents-everything! And this is just some psychotic plan of yours to make my life more miserable than it already is!"

"Just listen to me, Harry. Please!"

"No, You listen!" His voice was almost a scream that it made Ginny jump momentarily. "All you ever did was make my life miserable. You, Seamus. Ever since our childhood days, you did nothing but accuse me of being the snob that I was. You made my life a living hell by spreading rumors about me to the whole damn prep school. I was an outcast, Seamus. A goddamn outcast, and it's all because of you!"

"And I apologized for it, Harry! I repented!" Ginny looked incredulously at both of them as she remained silent by the crevice. The sudden realization on as to why Seamus refused to talk about his past suddenly kicked in, and made her gasp silently. Harry approached Seamus and glowered at him, and Ginny noticed the intensity of his stare on her helpless friend.

"You disgust me, Finnigan."

"I-I'm sorry!"

"Get out." His voice was low and threatening, but Seamus stood still.

"Get the fuck out, Seamus." His voice showed finality, and Seamus didn't bother to reply. With his head cast down onto the floor, he held Ginny by the shoulders before heading out the big doors from which they entered moments ago.

Harry was alone.

He wept.

Not for Seamus.

Not for Ginny.

Not for the world.

But for himself.



Hermione walked silently through the sidewalk. The aftermath of what just happened lingered in her head. Upon her will to say what she felt to Harry, she suddenly saw the look of betrayal of her grandfather in her head. She saw the disappointment in her father's eyes, and the pure sadness it will bring him if she remained disloyal to them.

The air was cold as it swept pass her.

She remembered Harry's figure holding onto her firmly. His eyes said so much that it merely hurt her to think that she had left him immediately out of vulnerability.

She sighed loudly, and quite exasperatedly.

Suddenly, the mere thought of Harry holding on to her made her heart palpitate.

She didn't know why.

She didn't know how.



Standing just kilometers away, she saw the most horrid vision she had ever seen.

She wanted to scream.

But she couldn't.

They might hear her.

She ran.


A/N: It was one huuuuge struggle to write this, due to the major writer's block I've been experiencing for the past months. Anyway, writing it was fun though. I love fight scenes. XD Anyway, the Roman numeral II holds a deep significance for events so please don't think it's MS Word's fault. XD!