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My Captive Love by kallee1987

My Captive Love


My Captive Love

By: Kallee1987

AN: Books 1-5. PLEASE READ. WARNING: This story is AU so if you don't like AU-ish stories please don't read this story: I take what I like from the books and changed it to my liking. There is no such thing as horcuxes and Dumbledore was killed by Bellatrix right after she killed Sirius Black. This story is set four months after the final battle against Voldemort, which, in this story, happened five years after when the "Golden Trio" should have graduated. Voldemort used those seven years to prepare for the final battle and to build a following up again and to build up his stronghold and castle "Nex Domus" which is located not to far from Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire.

During the time he spent to get ready he led his Death Eaters on skirmishes with the Order. The death toll had started to rack up before the final battle had even begun. The battle itself took months and after the death of many key Order members the war started to go in the direction of Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

Victory was imminent until the death of Narcissa Malfoy, at the hands of a displeased Voldemort, led to a rebellion of the Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy. Lucius led the Aurors and the Order on to defeat Voldemort once and for all. After the dust had settled many people had died in the crossfire of the battle. As a precaution all people who had had been branded with the Dark Mark were sent to Azkaban until their loyalty against Voldemort could be proven.

Proving the loyalty, however, wasn't easy for all witches and wizards as many of them are still in prison waiting for a reprieve.


A dark cloaked figure walked briskly through the dark halls of Azkaban toward one of the many interrogation rooms. The figure walked confidently into the interrogation room that held Draco Malfoy. The once arrogant and egotistical bully had changed so much through the years. He sat slumped in a chair with his hair unkempt and longer that it nearly brushed his shoulders. The once fine robes that used to make up his wardrobe were now replaced by a shabby second hand prison uniform that had seen better days.

After a few moments, Draco broke the silence surrounding them.

"I told you bloody bastards before I had nothing to do with Voldemort. I was working for the Order undercover from the time I was in my 5th year. Only reason I got the bloody mark was to fit in with the Death Eaters for spying purposes. So until you bastards feel like listening I have nothing more to say."

The figured laughed a very feminine laugh lightly as she pulled back her hood to reveal her face and fiery red hair.

"You don't even have anything to say to your wife…I'm hurt." She smiled.


AN: Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks to my wonderful beta, Mia, for fixing the bugs and making this story as good as I knew it could be.

*Nex Domus means "death house" in Latin.