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A Sister's Influence by Harry85

A Sister's Influence


Disclaimer: Not mine. If it were, Harmony shippers would be celebrating.

A/N: My response to the "Hermione's sister" challenge by Strawberry Nerd. You can find it here: . I hope you'll like the story, it will start from HBP, during sixth year, but hopefully this new character will help change things, uh? ;)

Thanks to my beta Gingercat!

A Sister's Influence

Chapter Nine: Thank You Ophelia!

Dear Ophelia,

Your letters have been very helpful, thank you sis!

Yes, I know about the letter you sent to Harry, and while

normally I'd chastise you for doing so without asking me first,

considering the results I can't really complain, I guess.

He's here with me by the way, and says hi. He said he'd like to get to know you,

so you must have had a good impression on him.

Maybe I should feel threatened, uh? Just kidding!

As I said, your letters have been very helpful. You opened our eyes to our

mistakes, and helped us regain our close friendship. I have to admit I was jealous of his

academic results with the Prince's book, and he admitted he should have checked it

more carefully for hidden dangers.

Right now, we've found an agreement about reading it together, and research what we find in it.

Who knows, we might find something useful for the war.

About that, sis, we are both training hard now, Ron too, and we reopened our defence association from last year. It has been made official now, so we also have teachers chaperoning us and giving us tips on how to use their fields of expertise in battle.

I'm sure you'd love to see it!

Also, Harry says he deserved your harsh words because he truly had been an awful friend to me. I guess we both have our faults, but he's just like that, he keeps blaming himself for things like that.

But sis, he took that seriously. You should have seen him the other day, those cows were taunting me again, as they found your letter and they were saying mean things about you.

Harry happened to come into the room at that precise moment and he silenced them all with an impressive speech.

He was a bit scary too, enraged like that. I guess they won't try it again now.

I followed your advice, and have given up on Ron. Just the other day I was talking about you and Jason to Harry, he was curious to know what had happened so I told him (sorry for that, but I really can't resist him when he asks like that). We both spotted some similarities between Ron and Jason. Not that Ron is so awful, he just likes to have people do his homework for him and he doesn't respect any of my opinions.

It's enough to see that a relationship between us won't go anywhere. He's better off with Lavender anyway, although I guess he'd be far better with Luna. Did I tell you about her? If not, I will next time.

Now, I know you said I don't have time for a boyfriend at the moment, with the war and all, but sis, there's never a good time to have a boyfriend. Now it's the war, then it will be my career, and soon enough I'd find myself a forty years old spinster with lots of cats.

On that, sorry but I didn't follow your advice. So, I'm proud to tell you that Harry and I are together now. It was amazing, he declared himself in front of the whole common room, at the end of that great speech I told you about before.

Yes, he was with Ginny, but they broke up. She was mad at him for spending time with me after he read your letter, and he told her she would never be more important than me in his heart. I guess that was when he first started realizing his feelings for me.

Anyway, the bitch broke up with him for that, and now that we are together she doesn't talk to either of us. I guess we're better off without her anyway.

Having a loving boyfriend is amazing, you should try that again too. We're taking it slow, of course, as our focus is mainly on our studies and our training with the Headmaster (so please don't come and kick his ass yet, we still need him in one piece for some time, lol), but we make sure we can spare some quality time every day, just for the two of us.

I guess Harry might freak out if I gave you details in a letter, so our girl talk about that will just have to wait till this summer.

What can I say, sis, I love you, have fun at Harvard, and keep being the top of your class. I still am here at Hogwarts.

Can't wait to see and hug you, hopefully I'll be able to soon

Hermione (and Harry)

As Ophelia finished reading the letter, she couldn't help a smile spreading on her lips. "Oh, Hermione, this Harry really seems a good bloke, if he's willing to listen to the advice of someone he never met before" she whispered. "I'm so glad you're happy, just be careful, little one" she added then, closing her eyes, remembering all the time they spent together in their childhood.

She knew she couldn't avoid seriously dating someone forever, and she reckoned the Jason incident was in the past by now. She shouldn't let it rule her life, not every bloke was an asshole like him.

"Hey, Ophelia" her roommate Helen called. "You in for a night of relax in front of the telly? I've got the DVD of the last Buffy the Vampire slayer season!"

The brunette weighed her options, Buffy was her favourite series after all, and it was hard to resist. In the end, though, she shook her head.

"I think I'll go out tonight, Helen" she said, picking up her cell phone. Quickly dialling a number, she let it ring, until a warm male voice answered.

"Hey, Dave, it's Ophelia. You up for a movie tonight?" she asked. After his reply, she beamed. "Perfect, I'll meet you there in half an hour. Bye"

"Ooh, Dave" Helen cooed. Ophelia good-naturedly rolled her eyes at her friend. Dave had been asking her out for months, and he was a really nice bloke. They had the same courses, and often studied together for exams or such, but Ophelia had never let it get past that, although he was quite handsome and half the girls in biochemistry fawned over him.

Ophelia wondered what he saw in her, he was top of their class even before she came to Harvard so it couldn't be to take advantage of her hard work, and he could date prettier girls if he wanted, but he still kept asking her out.

Hermione had followed her advice and was now happier, it was time for Ophelia to listen to her sister too. Hopefully, she would be happier too Ophelia thought as she took her purse, checked her appearance in the mirror for the last time and finally left her room to go on her date.
