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Rainy Days by xbittersweet

Rainy Days


A/N - Wooowww, sorry guys. I know the time between updates has been long and ridiculous, but I really have tried to get this done. This chapter was particularly hard to complete, it took me a lot of copies and pre-planning to finally get it right. I think I've finally got as close to what I wanted as possible, so I hope you enjoy this.

Keep in mind that I am back at school now, and naturally I'll keep writing in every spare moment, but please forgive me if updates are scarce.

Please enjoy! ^^

In an ordinary household, Sunday afternoon was a time of peace and quiet. Perhaps one might fancy breakfast in bed, catching up on some reading or taking the dog for a walk. It was a time in which the busy and flustered could retire from the stresses that are so often placed on us, to naughtily rest shoes on coffee tables or ignore unrelenting telephones.

Sunday at Harry Potter's house was never ordinary. Additionally, it did not help his case that at the precise moment he closed his weary eyes with his limbs sprawled out on his couch, a large crackle emitted from behind him. His fireplace spat and sizzled, and though his initial instinct was to ignore, it was considerably difficult to tune out the persistent coo-ees of Luna. He could picture her brandishing hands and sparkling eyes without even having to turn around. Knowing that her peering eyes could plainly see the back of his head, he sighed longingly at the nap that could have been and got up to look into her cheerful face, which was currently blowing a fringe out of her eyes.

`Morning, Harry.' She smiled, shifting her weight to sit more comfortably. Harry dreaded her preparation for a long winded Hermione discussion. She must have heard or suspected something, or she wouldn't have called. His eyes narrowed.

`Hi Luna,' he said warily, leaning on the back of the couch, his arms loosely folded. `What's the matter?'

`Can't I innocently drop in for a chat once in a while?' she asked politely in her floaty, wistful voice, shrugging her shoulders.

Harry gave a curt, sarcastic laugh at her floating head, to which Luna chose to conveniently ignore. She attempted to stretch her head, peering around the room as much as she could given her current position, then asked lightly; `Where's Hermione?'

Harry gave a slight frown before replying; `She's gone to the fruit market….why?'

Luna gave a short exclamation of glee, her fringe now bobbing back into its original place over her eyes. `Aha! I knew it!'

Once again ignoring Harry's questioning looks she continued; `Well, Ron was blabbering away about a fight they'd had and that she answering her floos so naturally I assumed that she would have automatically turn to-

She stopped abruptly and mid-sentence, noticing Harry's expression.

`…Am I missing something?' she enquired, surprised. `You look like you've been cornered by a pack of wild calgornias.'

Harry didn't even bother to ask, and with her curious gaze upon him he had no other choice but to admit what was on his mind. It was clear that she would have noticed the strain in his face, the effort to smile. His head was pounding as if it was being beaten from the inside with all the thoughts that were cascading through it. As an added factor, Hermione had left, leaving him alone in the house to brood on the current situation in silence.

`She said it was over.'

It took a few moments for her to process his words, then Luna's eyes became wide with interest, his voice had silenced her immediately and her body language urged him to continue.

`Over, as in, over over?' she said incredulously, undeniably shocked.

Harry nodded and she stared wordlessly, obviously thinking hard.

`How did all this happen?' she enquired, chewing a fingernail and eyeing Harry closely.

He shrugged and fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. `I don't really know.' He answered truthfully. `She just turned up the other night and…'

Harry didn't finish his sentence and Luna's stare drilled into him, suspicion etched on her face, but hidden by sudden concern.

`Harry, are you okay?'

He ran an agitated hand through his hair and scrunched his eyes for a moment of peace, trying to recompose himself. There were so many things he wanted to say, needed to explain, but he didn't know where to start. Would Luna even understand? He wasn't sure if even he understood what he was feeling.

It was just so hard.

`Harry?' Luna asked again, reaching a hand gingerly towards him. `Do you want me to come over there?'

`No, no don't bother.' Harry replied hastily, kicking the carpet with his shoe. `I'm fine. Really.' He added, looking at her slightly disbelieving expression.

Harry walked around the length of the couch and collapsed into it, his back now facing Luna again. `Now isn't really the best time, Luna.'

There was a small `whoosh' and Harry sighed and leaned down to place his head in his hands, knowing she had disappeared. He listened to the stillness, the clock in the kitchen ticking away as if nothing had changed, the wind batting at the windows.

It did no difference; the peace of mind never came.

It was then that he felt a presence and he reluctantly separated his hands to find Luna sitting cross legged on the rug underneath him, peering into his face like a mother inspecting a child. Her flamboyant skirt billowed out around her and her hands were clasped neatly in her lap.

`Just try.' She said gently, and he felt a wash of tension and relief at the same time. He was afraid he wouldn't get his meaning across, afraid of having his hopes trodden on but, and Luna knew this, he wanted to get it out. He had to say something.

`I…I don't know what to do.' He said at last, speaking to his knees. He couldn't bear to look her in the eye; it was hard enough as it was. `I'm so confused, Luna. It's all happening so fast, it's all changed, nothing's the same anymore.'

`You need to remember to keep a clear head, Harry.' Luna reminded him, her voice still gentle and soft.

Harry gave a small moan of helplessness. `You didn't see her, when she turned up. She was a mess; I've never seen her like that before. It…plays over and over in my head. Some night I can't even sleep. The rain, the look on her face, I don't think I'll ever forget it.'

`What has she told you about it? Her and Ron, I mean.' Luna asked, a slight difference in her tone, and Harry knew what she was thinking. There wasn't a more caring person than Luna when she really knew someone, except for maybe Hermione, but this didn't just affect him anymore. He had to keep reminding himself that she was involved too; she was depending on this, just like him.

They were quite a sight.

`Not much.' He confessed honestly. `She wasn't in much of a state for conversation.'

There was a pause, and he could tell Luna was trying as hard as she could to be patient. One day he would repay her for this, he vowed it right then and there.

`But,' He mulled over the words in his head before he spoke them, trying to make it sound right. `I think its all coming to an end.'

The inevitable outcome had been badgering him since Hermione first came to him. He knew this fight had been different. It had brought on a long forgotten fear in Hermione; it had spooked her, a feat that was never accomplished. Time had escaped her, she had found herself in a situation she couldn't remember getting in, it had come on without her even realising it and now she was trying to dig herself out.

`I don't think either of them can take it anymore.'

Luna exhaled and Harry took the opportunity to lift his head and look at her frame. Her eyelashes were downcast, staring at her tightly clasped hands but he knew she was listening.

`And if they're done, what happens to us?' He asked softly, watching Luna's head jerk upwards. `Can we…do anything at all?'

Luna didn't answer.

Harry hadn't expected her to.

When he spoke again, it was with a more determined edge. `I can't wait much longer. I…I need her. I need her like oxygen; I've been living without it for so long. Is that wrong?'

Luna slowly shook her head, her face strained.

`I could do something you know, if I wanted. I…think she could love me, if I taught her how.'

Luna's mouth opened in a silent sentence, as if she too was thinking about the words that wanted to come out of her mouth. Her frame looked rigid and stiff, it was a Luna that Harry rarely saw.

`Harry, you need to be careful. Don't...I mean, just think it all the way through. You only get one chance, and you really need to wait until the opportune moment. Make it count.'

Harry extended a hand and interlaced his fingers with hers, concentrating on the lines of her knuckles. It was a few moments before he saw a small, wet tear drop into her lap, though she made no sound.

`Good luck Harry. Goodness knows, it's about time you deserved a little happiness.'

Harry squeezed her hand, and wondered what in the world he did to deserve her. One way or another, he would make it work.

He had to, because this wasn't just for himself.


It was late afternoon when Harry could be seen apparating into the stairwell of Hermione's apartment block and climbing the remainder of the stairs to reach her floor. He hummed to himself and strummed his fingers on the banister as he went, in a perfectly cheerful mood.

He and Hermione had parted after their coffee break, and Harry was now on his way to pick up a few things from her place, she needed to collect something in Diagon alley. They would meet back at his house, for Harry had challenged her to a game of Cluedo. With his thoughts filled with images of her smiles, he turned the corner and looked up at her door to find…Ron.

Harry halted instantly, watching his best friend knock repeatedly on Hermione's front door while leaning on one leg, frustrated. He called out her name once or twice, asking if she was home, then slouched and sighed after getting no reply.

It was then that he noticed Harry, who looked as if he would like nothing more than to melt into the floor and disappear from sight. Ron, as oblivious as always noticed nothing out of the ordinary in Harry's behaviour and gave him a friendly grin.

`Hiya Harry,' He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets as Harry walked slowly towards Hermione's door, unsure of what he was supposed to say. He and Hermione had never talked about what they would say to Ron when the time came, they had both been particularly skilful in avoiding the subject altogether. But here was the problem, right in front of him and Harry could have kicked himself. Did he honestly think Ron wouldn't come looking for her eventually?

The only question now was what on earth was he going to say? Somehow he didn't think; `Oh hey Ron, listen, Hermione's been ignoring you for almost two weeks and she's been staying at my place. Oh and also, I've been in love with her for years.' was going to go down too well.

`Come to see Hermione too?' Ron asked. `I don't reckon she's here.'

Harry figured that there was nothing wrong with the truth, as long as it wouldn't cause too much of a fuss. It made him feel less guilty about neglecting to tell Ron about all of this.

`Nah,' he said, shrugging his shoulders. `I'm just picking up some stuff.' He pulled out the neatly written checklist that Hermione had given him that morning and, trying to seem natural, rolled his eyes and grinned at Ron as if trying to say `Hermione will be Hermione.'

`Oh,' Ron said, an unreadable expression plastered across his face. Harry could tell he was trying to seem nonchalant. `So…you've seen her then?

Harry nodded, avoiding a straight answer.

`Well, er, I just thought she had been busy at work, that's all.'

Harry made a noise of acknowledgement, again evading a direct comment and then began to rummage through his pockets. Ron seemed to feel the need to continue the conversation and eliminate the silence so spoke to the echoing corridor.

`Well, If you're trying to get in, good luck, Hermione's got all her wards up and-

He stopped abruptly because Harry had pulled out his key and was already unlocking the door before his brain processed what Ron was talking about.

There was silence as the door swung open with a loud creak. Harry looked back at Ron's face, which was displaying an expression of hurt surprise.

`She never gave me a key.' Ron said quietly, deliberately not looking Harry's way.

It was extremely rare that an awkward silence was heard within a conversation of Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, and it was anything but comfortable. There was the slightest tension, though both covered up their temporary uneasy demeanour and walked passed the threshold without a word.

Harry, seeking to get away from Ron as quickly as possible began instantly collecting Hermione's bits and pieces. He walked in and out of rooms, levitating books, clothing, a few photos, slowly checking things off the list as he went.

Ron merely hovered, his hands still meekly in his pockets, looking unsure it he should stay, go sit down or stand. His gaze followed Harry's travels eyeing the things he collected in silence.

Inside, Harry's thoughts were going a hundred miles an hour. He was worried about Ron's silence, was it a bad omen? Could he see right through him? He hated this, hated the feeling that he was betraying his best friend. He felt so selfish, what had happened to him these past weeks? Standing right in from of him had been half of the reason he had never told Hermione how he felt in the first place. It was harder being around Ron than he had anticipated.

As Harry was finishing up, Ron was fiddling with things in the kitchen. He seemed to be purposely keeping to himself, unsure of a topic to bring up, but Harry had some burning questions that he just couldn't ignore. As he shoved the piece of paper back into his pocket he cleared his throat and watched Ron look up, eager to progress to a comfortable conversation.

`Erm…Ron, how come you hadn't tried to see Hermione until now?'

Ron flushed and rubbed the back of his neck in a slightly apologetic fashion.

`Oh…' He said, trying to find the right words that wouldn't embarrass him. `You, er, heard about that then? Hermione tell you?'

Harry nodded once in affirmation so Ron continued, thought it was clear he wouldn't have told Harry had he not already known. Ron's pride often got in the way at times like this, though he would never admit it.

`Well, I thought she would want some space, you know? I thought girls needed time to…think, or whatever…' He trailed off lamely, and Harry fought the urge to roll his eyes.

`Ron,' he groaned, looking at him in exasperation, and for a short moment they were back to being themselves again. `Most girls, but not Hermione. That's the worst thing you could have done.'

Ron's brows furrowed in confusion, comprehending Harry's sentence, and Harry continued, relishing in the feeling of being back to normal. It was like he had never been interested in Hermione in the first place. The guilt washed away for a few blissful seconds and it was just him and Ron.

`You gotta be clear otherwise she'll take the silence as a bad omen and start analysing everything, that's what she's like. You know that.'

Ron was squinting and Harry could tell he was mentally trying to take notes. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, occasionally scuffing Hermione's clean kitchen floor with his shoe.

Harry, having finished his little speech, rattled the keys in his fingers and stuffed the now shrunken bag of Hermione's things into his pocket. He gave a small cough and wandered towards the front door, watching Ron still stand there in deep thought.

`Well, erm,' he began uneasily. `We better…'

Though he trailed off the rest of his sentence, Ron seemed to get the gist of what Harry was trying to say and snapped out of his reverie.

`Oh! Yeah, I have to go anyway, I've got…' His sentence trailed off too, but Harry didn't question it.

He was just about to shut the door when a last minute thought popped into his head and he backtracked, jogging quickly into the kitchen and pulling a mug from the shelves. Ron poked his head around the doorframe to watch curiously but Harry was soon joining him on the other side, locking the flat and tucking the keys away.

Ron tilted his head at the ladybirds slowly crawling upon the area of the mug and Harry's clenched hand around its handle tightened.

`It's her favourite.'

Ron blinked as Harry mumbled his brief explanation. `How do you know?'

Harry gave a small smile, as if remembering a memory and tilted the object towards Ron so he could see into its depths.


Within the immaculate white outer rim, the contents was faded, dark, chocolate coloured stains splashed the bottom, unable to be scrubbed out. Places were chipped or worn within the space from wall to floor, and the underside of the handle was rubbed off and pale looking.

It happened in a split second. Ron looked at the mug in Harry's hand, pausing, and something clicked heavily into place in his head like opening a locked door. Harry knew he had finally pieced it all together, even if it had been fairly delayed. Ron wasn't an idiot. His voice was emotionless and his eyes displayed no accusation, which in some way was much, much worse. It might have been better if he had yelled.

`She's staying with you.'

It wasn't a question. Harry stared plainly back, looking like a statue.

`She's staying with me.'

Ron showed no sign of anger, he didn't try to throw a punch or make threats. Indeed, he said nothing at all.

Within the hallways, no sound could be heard, save for a man apparating on the spot. The piercing sound was brief and crisp, like the crack of a whip.

Harry could do nothing but stare at where Ron had been moments before, and wonder whether a friendship had disintegrated along with his emotionless figure.

Well, there's another chapter over and done with. Let me take this time to say that I hope the first scene with Harry and Luna got the message across, I had the upmost trouble with the whole thing. It got to the point where I was just about to post and ended up rewriting the whole scene because Harry (or Luna for that matter) just hadn't come out the way I wanted them too.

I really wanted to portray the intense bond that Harry and Luna share, because it was important that readers realise their solace in each other and their upmost understanding for their friend. Friendship is one of the strongest things in the world, and things would be a lot better if we had someone like them to turn to when we needed it. So anyway, I hope that came across the way I wanted it to.

I think they'll be roughly two or three more chapters before this is done, so bear with me.

Also, I can't tell you enough how much reviews make my day, so if you truly enjoyed this, please, please, please review and tell me what you thought. You guys are my reassurance and my comfort. <3

He wasn't gouHe wasn't
