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Here Comes the (Wrong) Bride by lil_irish_girl

Here Comes the (Wrong) Bride


Hey there- before you read on, you must first read this seemingly boring Very Important Authors Note. First- a warning. This is an Accidental Marriage Fic. Yes, I understand it's very improbable. Yes, I understand it's highly unlikely. I spend nearly a day researching it and, while improbable and unlikely, it is possible.

Which brings me to my next point; this also has aspects of a FF. Not fanfiction, but Fate Fic. I'm in the middle of a class dealing with Greek Mythology, and I found it so interesting when we did a piece on the Fates. That's what kind of inspired me, and helped this plot form in my head.

So, basically the reason I'm rambling so much in this thing is because I'd really appreciate not getting reviews that say "you're so stupid. that won't happen. you can't accidentally marry someone- what are you thinking?!"

another thing you might be asking yourself at this point is- why go with a plotline like this ? well I'll tell you why; it's a darn good plotline. I plan to do a lot with it, and I hope you'll join me in the journey that will be this story. I'll do my best to update regularly- but it won't be as often as it was for Charmed. Well, I've said my part. Please tell me what you think- I'd love to hear your opinion on this thing. Enjoy !




"Hermione, stop moving around so much, I can't zip you up."

"Sorry, Charlotte," Hermione apologized, turning slightly to look at her friend.

Nearly five years ago, Hermione Granger had left the Wizarding World. She didn't take a vacation. Not a business trip, either. Supposedly, one day she just vanished. Poof- gone. Well, not gone. Rumors flew around that she was living in Muggle London. These rumors proved to be true, and the Wizarding Press had a field day. The 21 year old war hero just up and left everything behind? Talk about suspicious. Stories came out every other day, each with a different theory explaining why she left. Funny thing was, none of them made perfect sense.

But enough on that particular subject; Hermione had moved into a flat across the street from the office where she had acquired a job. She was a secretary- and that's all she needed for the moment. No point in calling attention to herself if she didn't want to be found.

She did manage to get the attention of one certain individual in her office, however. His name was James. With his startling blue eyes and very dark brown hair, he charmed Hermione into agreeing to go on a date with him. Hermione was amazed at how respectful he treated her, how he made her feel loved and beautiful. One date turned into many, and on one fateful evening, James took her to one of the fanciest restaurants in London.

"James?" Hermione asked as he led her by the hand inside. "Are you sure you got the right restaurant? I don't think I can pee in this place, let alone eat in it."

James laughed softly. "Nothing but the best for my girl," he said.

Sitting down at a table, James ordered just about half the menu, oblivious to Hermione's protests about how much it'd cost in the end. While they were eating their dessert, a white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake, Hermione reached over to take a sip of her wine. Putting it down nearly immediately, she began sputtering. James could see her tongue poking along the sides of her mouth, as if trying to fish something out.

Sticking her tongue out, Hermione looked down (as best she could) and noticed that something shiny, a ring, was wrapped around the tip of her tongue. Slowly taking it off, Hermione looked at it, then at James.

"James, what-" Hermione began, but was stopped by her boyfriend. He took the ring from her hand and moved in front of her chair, getting down on one knee.

"Hermione Jane Granger," he said. "I love you with everything that I am. I want to spend the rest of my life with you- will you marry me?"

Smiling, with tears threatening to escape from her eyes, she whispered "yes" and the next few months were a blur. The wedding was set for September 3rd. Hermione had befriended Charlotte, her flat neighbor, right when she moved in.

"I'm just nervous, you know?" Hermione said, smoothing the ruffles she had made in her dress. "The wedding's this afternoon. I'm not the control freak I used to be, however; I've let my mother handle a good portion of this."

Hermione and her mother had gone to look at churches a few weeks back. Hermione didn't find one that she disliked, and James didn't have a preference, so she allowed her mother to pick the church that she felt would be best.

"It's normal to be nervous," Charlotte soothed, placing her arms on her friend's shoulders. "You're getting married! I couldn't be happier for you. I'm so sorry I can't make the actual wedding- my boss had a fit when I asked her, apparently I'm needed for some top secret business junk." Charlotte rolled her eyes, smiling. "I'm glad you found another maid of honor, though."

Hermione's maid of honor was a fellow secretary from her office. Ever since day one, Danielle and Hermione had clicked. Of course, Danielle knew Hermione was a witch. She was one herself. But the way the truth came out was rather interesting…

Hermione and Danielle had invited their boyfriends over to Danielle's flat for a type of double date. Hermione had come nearly a half hour early to help- Danielle knew nothing about this. Knowing the door would be unlocked, Hermione opened the door to see Danielle's living room cleaning itself. Over in the kitchen, Danielle was using her wand to stir something in a rather large pot. When she noticed Hermione, Danielle hurriedly hid her wand behind her back.

"You're a witch?" Hermione asked.

"No," Danielle responded quickly. "No, I'm not."

Hermione saw her friend discreetly point her wand at Hermione.

"Oh!" Hermione said, putting her hands up. "Don't Obliviate me. I'm a witch, too."

"Really?" Danielle asked incredulously. "Prove it."

Pulling out her wand, Hermione made all the furniture in the room next to them move in complete circles then return to their original positions. Laughing, the girls returned to the task of preparing dinner.

"I'll have the wedding taped- you won't miss a thing," Hermione told Charlotte. Stepping away from the mirror, Hermione picked up her veil. This was a rather special veil- she had borrowed it from her mother. The veil blurs everything- the bride can't see very clearly. It had become a type of tradition in Hermione's family- her great grandmother down to her mother had used the same veil during their weddings.

"It was so special," Helen had told her daughter. "When my vision was completely foggy and the first thing I saw clearly was my husband."

"It's going to be so sweet," Charlotte gushed. "James is such a nice guy."

"He is, isn't he?" Hermione said, taking another look in the mirror. "He's everything I could have asked for, and more." Except, of course, for-

Hermione's thought was cut short as she heard her mobile ringing. Rushing over to her purse, she picked up her phone. The caller ID said "unknown."

"Hello?" she said, flipping it open.

"Where are you?" a voice asked. "The wedding should have started right about now. Come down, quick. The Westminster Abbey." Hermione heard a faint click signifying that the person on the other line had hung up.

"That sounded like Brian," Hermione mused, turning towards Charlotte. Brian was James' best man. "The wedding should have started already…? The Westminster Abbey isn't very far from here, but I suppose we've talked longer than I thought. I'm sorry, dear, I have to go." Waving goodbye to her friend, Hermione picked up her purse and, veil in hand, rushed outside and hailed a cab.

Once the cab had pulled up to the Westminster Abbey, Hermione paid the man and stepped out of the cab. Slipping her veil on, she managed to get into the church without harming herself. Now, it was only a matter of how to get inside the sanctuary…


"Don't worry, sir," the minister told the groom. "I've made it so no one's proper names are spoken, in case a reporter is lurking outside the doors. I couldn't, however, get out of saying the full name at the very end."

"That's fine," the groom said quickly. "Thank you so much."

"The bride should be coming in any second," the minister said. "I've sent someone outside to look for her."


"Come, come," an elderly woman was ushering Hermione along various corridors. "It's your wedding- we can't start without you."

Walking into the sanctuary and nearly tripping, Hermione could vaguely make out the path she was supposed to take. Slowly walking up to the tune of "Here Comes the Bride," she finally made it and stood next to the groom.

"Are we ready to begin?" the minister asked, smiling at the two. The groom nodded, as did the bride. The pastor hushed those in the pews and began speaking.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony," he said. "We share the joy of these two, who now come together in the love of one another; uniting two hearts and lives, blending all interests, sympathies, and hopes."

I can't believe I'm actually getting married! Hermione thought excitedly. So, right after the wedding reception we're going to head straight for the Caribbean. It's going to be so wonderful.

"You have chosen rings to be the symbol of your marriage covenant," the minister said, motioning to the ring bearer. "The ring, made of precious and enduring metal, gold, is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites their hearts in a love with has no end."

The ring bearer handed the first ring to the groom, who slipped it onto the third finger of Hermione's left hand while repeating after the minister.

"I take thee to be my wedded wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, honor and cherish, until death do us part," he whispered, hardly audible.

His hands are so cold, Hermione noted. He must be as nervous and excited as I am.

The ring bearer then handed Hermione a ring, and she copied the groom, repeating after the minister.

"I take thee to be my wedded husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, honor and cherish, until death do us part," she whispered so softly the groom could barely hear her.

"You will always remember this day, for it is a day of beginnings for both of you," the minister said, breaking Hermione's train of thought. "Everything you have ever experienced, every blessing, every heartache, every gift and talent that has been developed, every hope and desire expressed or unexpressed; all of these you are now giving to each other, and will continue to receive from each other during the rest of your lives."

Hermione stole a glance at her groom. Though her vision was blurry, she could tell he was smiling.

"Lastly I say to you both, let not your voices lose their tender tones of affection, nor your eyes forget the love with which they shone in courtship days."

Taking a pause, the minister beamed at both of them.

"And now having pledged your love for, and loyalty to each other, and having sealed the pledge with the marriage rings, I do, by the authority vested in me as a minister in this church, and in conformity with the laws of the commonwealth of London; pronounce you husband and wife," he said. "You may now kiss the bride."

Turning to face each other, Hermione watched her husband slowly lift the veil. Once everything was thrown into clear view, she gasped, her eyes widening in shock.

"Harry?" she whispered incredulously, though his name didn't get past her lips. The groom had taken on the same expression- wide eyed, mouth slightly open.

To Hermione, the room was spinning as her breathing increased rapidly.

This is a dream, Hermione thought. A nightmare, maybe. Closing her eyes tightly, then opening them again, she still faced the same person. Growing light headed, Hermione felt herself teetering backwards and, before slipping into unconsciousness, vaguely heard the minister say in a booming voice.

"It's my pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter!"


Musical Inspiration- Softer to Me by Relient K