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Books and Lovers [Drabble] by Nox

Books and Lovers [Drabble]


Drabble: Books and Lovers A Harry Potter Fanfic


Overview: Post-DH. Drabble. H/Hr, H/R implied, H/G implied.

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and other related trademarks and copyrighted materials are property of their respective owners. Use of such properties is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute a claim on such properties.


"You know, I think the link between being a good at reading and being good in bed deserves some attention," said Hermione.

"Really? How do you figure?" said Harry

"Think about it: What are the characteristics of a good reader?"

"You like books?" opined Ron.

Hermione shot him a whithering look. "No. It's about patience, taking the time to appreciate the unique characteristics of the material in front of you, and-! The understanding that getting to the end isn't the point. Ron." She emphasized the latter. "There's such a thing as pacing and enjoying the journey."

Ron, who had tuned out Hermione's rant had half a sandwich stuffed in his face. "Wha? Wha moo mook an maw nfo?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, gave a hard shake of her head and looking to Harry for understanding.

"I think it's a Weasley thing," he remarked.

Blinking, Hermione gave a short laugh, laying a hand over Harry's. She squeezed gently, sharing a moment's unspoken comprehension of the failings of their Weasley lovers.