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Harry Potter and the Bird of Hermes by Obscurum_Venator

Harry Potter and the Bird of Hermes


A/N: After a full weekend of watching Hellsing: Ultimate, and rereading the entire manga, this idea has grabbed my mind and won't fucking let go, so here I go with my own vampire Harry story. One difference, though, he's a vampire under the control of the Royal Order of Protestant Knights. Two notes: 1. Imagine the Hellsing characters with their OVA actors' voices. 2. I might base a little of Harry's character on Zack Fair from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, as both part homage and because he and Harry are similar in their heroic qualities. Oh, and, by the way, I know the "In the name of God..." prayer isn't in the manga, but it is badass, so I'll use it.

Time period: After Harry's fifth year and between Alucard and Seras's encounter with Anderson in Northern Ireland and the attack on Hellsing HQ.

Disclaimer (For the whole story): I own neither Hellsing, Harry Potter, or anything you recognize that I didn't create. Any lawyers who show up will be fed to Alucard.

Harry Potter & the Bird of Hermes

Chapter 1: A Fledgling's Fledgling

Harry Potter sat moping in the smallest room of Number 4 Privet Drive, his godfather had just been killed and it was all his bloody fault. He sighed and looked at his clock on the bedside table.

3:00 A.M. I can't sleep because of the nightmares, and I have no energy 'cause I can't sleep. Somehow, I don't think this is how Voldemort planned to kill me, but it's working, he thought bitterly. A sudden noise from down the hallway broke him out of his depressing thoughts, a muffled shout from his Uncle and Aunt's room. He retrieved his wand and crept to the door, cracking it just enough that he could see outside. He saw a half a dozen figures cloaked in black, and through the door of the master bedroom, he could see two of them latched onto the elder Dursleys' throats and covering their mouths, with another creeping towards Dudley's room. What the hell? he thought, as he quietly shut the door. He immediately went to his window and opened it. There's only one thing that would be that quiet and attack their necks like that... he left that disturbing thought unfinished as he dropped out of his window and landed in the shrubs.


Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk with his head in his hands, thinking about all the things he'd done wrong with Harry. Placing him with Dursleys, not pushing for Sirius's trial, holding back the Prophecy. It was times like this that he thought was better off back in WWII where all he had to do was beat a Dark Lord and help Walter and Alucard take out that crazy SS Major. Trying to prepare a child for war was a hundred times harder than that, and it seemed that he'd done a poor job so far, letting his concern override the pressing need for Harry's training. Hell, even Walter, Alucard, and little Integra had been lecturing him over his bad judgment for years. His train of thought was derailed as the alarm for the wards around the Dursleys' house went off.

"No, they can't have broken in, unless..." Dumbledore rushed over to the alarm and breathed a sigh of relief. He'd programmed the thing to glow a different color for different threats, with an immediate warning for Tom's presence, and it confirmed that Voldemort was not present, but the relief was short lived, as the alarm switched from the general alert color to a deep blood red. "Vampires..." With that, he rushed to his fire place, threw some floo powder in, and said in a slightly anxious voice, "Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing."

"Oh, Albus, to what do I owe the surprise?" the leader of the Royal Order of Protestant Knights asked as he put his head through the fireplace and it appeared in her office.

"Ah, hello, old man," the Hellsing family vampire greeted as he, too, appeared in the room.

"No time for that, there are vampires at Harry's home, and I don't have any agents in the area right now. There was an attack last night and we are still cleaning up the mess," Dumbledore told them. "Can you send Alucard?"

"Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, correct?" the vampire asked, remembering a conversation between his and Walter's former partner and his master.

"Yes, the alarm says six real vampires, not these Freaks you have been having trouble with. I can only imagine that Voldemort sent them. Turns out that vampires were not included in the original wards."

"Very well, Albus. You've done so much for my family that I can hardly refuse, not to mention that I remember that boy and his parents. Good people cut down before their time. Alucard, take Seras and wipe them out."

"As you wish, master," the elder Nosferatu said as he vanished through a wall.

"Thank you, Integra."

"Don't mention it, I'll even house Harry here until one of your men can pick him up."


Harry hit the shrub and grunted in pain as the branches gave him more than a few scratches. "Not one of my better ideas," Harry scolded himself as he disentangled himself from the brambles and took off running down the street. He looked around for an Order member, but remembered Dumbledore's warning that they were taking care of a recent attack and to be extra careful from today until they could spare the personnel to keep watch on his house. Great...alone against six vampires, after a solid week with no sleep.

At this point, the vamps seemed to have realized that he was no longer in the house because he heard several soft footfalls as they leapt out his open window and began to pursue him. "Shit," he muttered as he ducked between two houses and dove into a bush for cover. He pointed his wand at the grass and muttered, "Glacius," causing the grass to freeze over. He took off running again, and heard two of the vampires slip on his little trap, but a look over his shoulder revealed that the other four simply jumped over them and increased their pursuit speed. Remembering that no other form of light but sunlight could hurt or at least irritate them, but that their eyesight was very sensitive, he spun around and cried, "Lumos," pouring as much power into the spell as he could manage, and produced a flood of light aimed for their eyes. They all recoiled and tried desperately to get the spots out of their vision before continuing after him, joined by their now recovered brothers.

"Just stop running, boy, there is no way you can escape," the lead vampire growled.

"Sod off," Harry called over his shoulder, looking around the adjacent street they'd come out on. "Shit," he whispered as he saw nothing left to trip them up with. So, he did what he did best, he ran to one house's fence, put his back up against it, and raised his wand to face them.

"Where's that defiance now, boy," the same vampire snarled, stopping just a few feet from Harry and pulling out a dagger. "Voldemort commanded us not to drink from you, so we'll just have to cut you to pieces, instead."


"Master, what exactly are we doing?" Seras asked the elder Nosferatu as their helicopter took them to their target.

"A favor for an old friend. During WWII, Walter and I took down the SS's occult operations, and an old wizard who'd already defeated a powerful Dark Lord helping Hitler joined us in that operation. His name is Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of a school for young wizards and witches up in Scotland. Tonight, a group of vampires attacked a young boy, who happens to be very important in their world. Our orders are to go wipe them out, and bring the boy back to the Hellsing mansion. I met his parents once, they seemed like good people, and they certainly didn't deserve the end they met," Alucard replied, his usual maniacal grin slipping a bit at the end.

"Wizards?" the police girl asked.

"You are a bloodsucking creature of the night, and the fact that there may be people out their to whom magic is as normal as water is surprising?" Alucard asked, his grin widening.

"When you put it that way...," Seras said, looking a little sheepish. "So, what happened to his parents?"

"Murdered, cut down in their prime because of a coward's fear of death. Too bad I wasn't allowed to introduce him to the Reaper."

"I can relate..."

"Try not to dwell on it, police girl," Alucard said, "your past can destroy you as well as any weapon."

"Yes, Master," Seras replied as the chopper touched down on a residential street in Surrey.

"This is his house, but where is he?" Alucard asked, talking more to himself than Seras. He caught a whiff of blood and led his fledgling through a small path between two houses and onto an adjacent street. "Smell that, police girl?"

"Blood," she replied simply, raising her rifle and aiming around the street.

"Don't bother, they fled when they heard the chopper, but not without doing some damage," Alucard said, walking towards an unmoving body in the side yard of a house.


Harry had to admit that he'd had better days, those vampires had just shrugged his spells off, stolen his wand, and snapped it before he could really register what was going on. Then, they had begun stabbing and slashing at him, saying that Voldemort wanted him to suffer before he died. The lead vampire had been about to finish him with a stab to the heart, when the whirring of helicopter blades had scared them off, muttering something about "Hellsing". Then, he heard voices, one deep and male, the other light and female, and after a while two figures stepped into view. The first was a very tall man dressed Victorian style with a large, wide-brimmed hat and a pair of yellow-lensed sunglasses that seemed to shine even with his face covered in shadow. The other was a younger, blonde girl dressed in a yellow uniform and carrying one of the biggest rifles he'd ever seen like it was made of plastic.

"Oh, no. We were too late," the girl cried, dropping the gun and kneeling next to him.

"It appears so, police girl."

"Is he too far gone, master? Is there anything we can do?"

"No medicine or spell can repair the damage done."

"Can't you turn him? At least he'll still be around, if even as a vampire."

"I cannot, police girl, but you can. A vampire and virgin of the opposite sex, remember?"


"Remember that it's his choice, maybe he wants to die. To get away from his fame, to see his parents. I offered you the choice and you accepted, police girl, but not everyone is you."

"O-okay," Seras stammered, and looked down at the boy. "How bad do you want to live?"

It would be nice to see Mum, Dad, and Sirius again, but could I really abandon all my friends? An image of all his friends at school came to mind, then the Weasleys, and, finally, Hermione, and then he remembered the Prophecy. Dying was tantamount to killing all of them. "I can't a-abandon them, I-I can't abandon h-her. I d-don't care if I'm a v-vampire or not, if y-you can make it so I w-won't have to just leave them t-to die, do it," Harry struggled to say, staring straight into the woman's blue eyes.

"You're a virgin, then?"

"Yeah," Harry replied, his vision starting to black out. Seras, reluctantly, leaned over the boy's neck, hovering her fangs over the pale flesh there for a second before her vampiric bloodlust took over, turning her eyes red and removing any hesitation from her. Harry winced as he felt her fangs pierce his neck, and he could all but feel his blood flowing out of his body. Soon after lapsed into unconsciousness.

Alucard grinned, satisfied that his fledgling would be a little stronger for the blood she'd consumed and that he boy would turn successfully. Integra and the old man might not be thrilled, but at least he wasn't the bury-in-the-ground kind of dead. He looked towards the moon, "Reminds me of that night in Cheddar, and just like then, it truly is a beautiful night."


A/N: Please leave some feedback, hope you liked it. There's a deeper reason why Dumbledore couldn't rescue Harry, but I won't spoil it.

-Sypher Kyaeon