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My Future or Our Future? by ShellyLove

My Future or Our Future?


The sun slowly began to rise over the grounds of Hogwarts, warming the moist grass of the lawn. Light reflected off the windows of the castle breathing life into the walls of the quiet school. A warm spring day awaited the sleeping students who would spend this day outside enjoying a class-free Saturday.

In the wee hours of the morning only one soul stirred, in the highest tower dormitory sat young Harry Potter watching the sun rise. His shadowed face became bright as the sun ascended higher in the sky. Now of age, the young wizard spent this morning absentmindedly staring out the window by his four-poster, not yet slept in. The four boys in the room slept noisily oblivious to their companion's unrest.

Sleep had never come easily for Harry, but the previous night's rest eluded him for a reason foreign to him. His mind refused to quiet, causing sleep to become a futile battle. He had spent the night by the window, blanket around his shoulders, his mind whirling nonstop. Often, his thoughts were of the battle against Voldemort, now only three months won. Having finally triumphed over his lifetime for, Harry had returned for his last year and Hogwarts.

Tonight, strangely enough, his thoughts were not of the past but of the future. Never knowing if he had a future had made this line of thinking perplexing for Harry. He had no idea what he would do after Hogwarts; he hoped to have a plan before the year was out. The other members of the Golden Trio seemed to have everything set. Ronald Weasley, now engaged to Luna Lovegood had a spot waiting for him as Keeper of the Chudley Cannons. Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age was studying to become a Healer. Harry Potter, vanquisher of Lord Voldemort had no bloody idea in the world as to which path he should take, and it bothered him. He felt a nagging feeling in his chest telling him of a future, the details of which continued to escape him.

Harry pulled a hand through his dark hair and looked down at his watch; it read 6:30am. Early risers would be heading to breakfast soon so Harry stood and stretched his long, lean body and went for a shower. Fifteen minutes later, sunlight poured through the windows of the common room as Harry descended the stairs. He took a seat in his favorite armchair by the now died out fire and picked up the book he'd left there last night.

That's how Hermione found him nearly an hour later; his feet perched on the coffee table, his head bent as he read. Her cinnamon brown eyes searched for his cautious jade eyes, but they were hidden behind her copy of Wuthering Heights that she'd lent him. She smiled at him and took a seat on the arm of his chair. Harry raised his head from his book, "Good morning, Harry," Hermione said smiling at him. "Morning, Mione," he replied yawning, setting the book aside. "You seem tired, did you not sleep well?" she asked, concern resonating in her words. "Actually I didn't sleep at all. I sat by the window, thinking until I came down here," he explained, waiting for his best friend to interrupt him and force him to bed. It never came, "What were you thinking about that kept you up all night?" she inquired softly. "My future, bugger that sounds so cliché," Harry replied amused, "No, it's perfectly plausible, Harry. You haven't had much time in your life to think about you," she stated bitterly.

Hermione had always put him first, even when he'd tried to push her away. Even with Voldemort gone, Hermione was still easily enraged when it came to what Voldemort had taken from Harry. "Easy, Mione. It's just that everyone knows what they want and I haven't the slightest idea," Harry said calmly, trying to ease her anger-filled face. Hermione softened at his words, moving her hand over his, saying "You'll figure it out, you always do."

Approaching footsteps redirected their attention, "Morning, you two," Ron said jovially sitting on Harry causing Hermione to laugh as the boys wrestled and fell in the floor. Harry took Ron's head under his arm, but Ron used his weight to put Harry on his back, both laughing loudly. Ron had Harry pinned, but Hermione joined in, jumping on Ron's back knocking him off Harry. The trio laughed and wrestled until all three were out of breath on the floor. "I could get used to having fun like this," Harry said grinning from in between Ron and Hermione. "Me too," Ron agreed, "Me three, Hermione said smiling.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Luna spent the day lounging about outside having fun; Luna pushed Ron into the lake. Soon, all four friends were swimming, enjoying their free day. After a filling dinner, the exhausted teens sat around the fire in the common room. The other Gryffindors joined them, all sat in comfortable silence until the need for sleep took over. Ron left to walk Luna to the Ravenclaw common room. Soon after, Seamus, Dean and Neville headed to bed. Lavendar and Pavarti departed not long after, leaving Harry and Hermione alone. Both sat on the lengthy scarlet sofa, Harry lounging against the back of the couch, his feet rested on the table. Hermione sat close to him, her legs laid across Harry's lap and her head on his shoulder. "Harry?" Hermione said, "Mmm?" he replied sleepily. A smile tugged at her lips, "Have you figured out what you want yet?" she asked watching the firelight dance across the planes of his handsome face. Harry opened his eyes and turned his glinting emerald orbs on the young witch beside him curiously, "No, why?" he said. Hermione lowered her head to his shoulder her eyelids hiding her chocolate brown eyes from him. "Just wondering," she answered yawning. Harry continued to watch her as she drifted off to sleep and thought, Someday I'll find a way to repay you for all you've done for me, Mione.

Ron returned awhile later and smiled fondly at the sleeping witch who had Harry trapped on the couch. "A little help, Ron?" Harry said, his eyes dancing with mirth. Ron smiled, "Sure thing, mate," gently lifting their friend off of Harry. "I'll take her up to bed," Ron said quietly, turning to leave. Harry put a hand up to stop him, "No, I'll take her you already walked Luna across the castle," he said lifting Hermione from Ron's arms. Harry took her up the stairs to the girl's dormitories slowly, trying to not wake the sleeping girl in his arms. Harry reached the door and whispered "Alohomora," the door swung opened to reveal Hermione's four sleeping roommates. Lavendar snored loudly across the room by the only vacant bed. Harry moved to the bed and laid Hermione down and pulled the covers over her sleeping form. Harry bent down to move her chaotic mahogany locks away from her face.

As he pulled his hand back Hermione stirred, opening her eyes. "Harry?" she questioned sleepily. Harry bent over and put his mouth near her ear, "I brought you up here, you fell asleep downstairs. Go on back to sleep, goodnight Mione," he whispered. He pulled away slowly, Hermione leaned up and kissed his cheek softly, "Night, Harry," was her quiet reply as she turned over. Harry left silently and headed to bed, smiling.