"Hermione, speed up or you would miss all the fun." Nicole Granger shouted.
"Coming, just give me a minute." Hermione yelled back, from her room.
"I didn't know she would take this long to get ready." Amelia Granger commented.
"I told her to get ready, around an hour back. What the hell was she doing, for last one hour?" Nicole said irritably.
"Normally she doesn't take this long. She must have lost herself, in reading some book again." Ginny Weasley said knowingly.
"Hermione and her books; trust her to read a book, even today." Amelia said. "I am surprised, that any bloke would even agree to marry her, when she's already in love with her books." She finished.
"You should not worry about it. He is absolutely, in love with his bookworm." Luna said dreamily.
"Nicole, how did you even managed, to convince Hermione, to do this? She absolutely detests night clubs and would have very much, spent her time reading the books than going out to a club." Ginny said in an amazed voice.
"That's why she needs to go out and have some fun. She is getting married next week. She must have some fun, before she is tied down forever." Nicole replied thoughtfully.
Ginny nodded.
"Hermione" Nicole shouted again.
"Coming…coming. Don't bawl like a banshee." Hermione said, as she came down.
She was wearing a simple, short sleeve black top, with waist tie cords and a loose-fitting, dark blue jean. Her curly brown hairs were simply tied in a low ponytail and her face was devoid of any make-up.
"You are going to go to a night club, like this." Nicole asked with raised eyebrows, as she looked at Hermione.
Hermione fidgeted a bit, under her scrutinizing eyes. She looked at the other girls. They all were wearing, partially revealing and stylish dresses. Ginny was wearing a forest-green short dress. Luna was wearing a black halter neck, knee-length dress. Nicole also, was wearing a strapless, black knee-length dress, while Amelia was wearing a blood-red halter top and a short black jean skirt. Their hairs were styled differently, according to their dresses.
"Why? What's wrong with it? I am comfortable with this." Hermione said nervously.
Nicole simply rolled her eyes. She knew her cousin wasn't comfortable with revealing dresses, which was the main purpose of the night, to go wild and enjoy it to its fullest.
"Ok. Since you agreed to go out today, we can be a bit lenient with your dressing." Nicole said.
Hermione sighed with relief.
"Now come on, let's go and get wild." Amelia said excitedly, making her way to the front door.
"Aunty Jean, we are leaving." Nicole said loudly.
Mrs. Granger came out of her study room.
"Ok dears. Enjoy the evening." Mrs. Granger said, coming towards the front door.
"Yeah mum" Hermione said dejectedly, which clearly showed that she would have been anywhere, but at a night club.
"C'mon love, I am sure, you would enjoy the evening." Mrs. Granger said lovingly, kissing her daughter's forehead.
Hermione hugged her Mum and after that, five of them left together. They hired a cab and made their way, on the road to the club.
"Where are we going?" Hermione asked tentatively.
"Weren't you listening?" Nicole asked annoyingly.
"We are going to a new club, Moonlight. It's on other side of the city." Amelia said, answering her question. Hermione nodded.
Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, was going to get married in the next few days. Hermione had already moved in with her fiancé, long back, before they got engaged. However, since only few days were left in the wedding, Hermione's mum wanted her to live with her family, until the wedding.
Her twin blonde cousins, Nicole and Amelia, had come to the London, before the scheduled time of their arrival, to attend the wedding. They wanted to spend some additional quality time with their favorite cousin, before she got married. They were staying with Hermione and her parents, at the Granger's residence.
Tonight, Nicole and Amelia, along with Hermione's friends, Luna and Ginny, were taking Hermione out for a wild night, which was kind of, a bachelorette party for Hermione. Her cousins didn't know that Hermione, Ginny and Luna were the witches and Hermione wanted to keep it that way.
At first, Hermione was reluctant to go out, but then, finally gave in under the furious gaze of her cousin, Nicole Granger.
"Here we are." Amelia announced with excitement, as the cab stopped in front of a large club. They stepped out of the cab and paid to the cab driver.
"Welcome to your bachelorette night, Hermione." Nicole said, gesturing towards the entrance of the club.
Hermione sighed. "Then lead the way, dear cousin." Hermione said, gathering all her Gryffindor courage.
"Harry and Ron won't believe that you are finally entering into a night club." Ginny whispered smugly. Hermione glared at her friend and Ginny immediately went quiet, which, according to her, was a lot better option than facing her friend's rage.
Five of them entered the club together.
"Wow" Ginny said with awe, looking around.
Hermione nodded her head, agreeing with the Ginny's statement. It was really wow. Club was pretty large and made her feel excited. Different lights adorned the club, on different sides.
Club had, kind of, a dark look to it, but still looked a little bright as well. It had a large dance floor, where the couples were dancing on some fast music.
Many eyes turned to the five girls, which had just entered the club. Many guys were giving them suggestive looks. However, girls ignored them.
"Look, there's an empty table." Nicole said pointing towards her left and leading the way.
"Did you saw, that guy was looking at me?" Amelia said in giddy voice, pointing towards a handsome blond, as they made their way towards the table.
Reaching to the table, they settled themselves on the chairs.
"It's great. Isn't it?" Luna said looking around, with a wistful look in her eyes.
"Yeah, it looks like club is a having smashing success." Hermione said thoughtfully, as she looked around, to see the crowd. Rest of them nodded, agreeing with her statement.
"So what would you like to do now Hermione?" Amelia said. "Tonight, it's all about you."
"Huh? I…I don't know. It's my first time, at a place like this." Hermione said uncertainly.
"Let's dance." Ginny suggested animatedly.
"Dance? You know I don't dance." Hermione said, frowning a bit.
"Ginny's right, tonight let go of all your worries and open up yourself." Luna said enthusiastically.
"But I think, first of all, we should get something to drink and then we all can hit the dance floor, together." Nicole suggested.
Amelia wrinkled her nose. "I am not going to dance with a girl. I want a guy." She said in tetchy voice.
"You know she's right." Ginny said with a naughty smile.
"Hermione, there are so many handsome guys. Have your pick and hit the dance floor. You might never get another chance, to be with another guy. If you want, you can even shag him. Have a one night stand." Ginny said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Nicole scowled at Ginny. "Don't get the wrong ideas in my cousin's mind." She said sternly, looking at the red-haired girl.
But then she smiled and looked at Hermione. "But I agree. Pick a guy and rock the dance floor." Nicole said, with a wicked smile on her lips.
"Yes Hermione, then I can also dance with that boy. Otherwise, Nicole will never let me do that." Amelia said, looking at the same blond guy, who was eyeing her before.
"You all are crazy. I am not going to do, any such thing." Hermione said with a determined voice.
"If you don't pick, we will do it for you." Ginny said with intent, giving a knowing look to her friend.
"There's no way, that I'll do it." Hermione said resolutely.
"Sorry dear cousin. But you have no choice in this matter. You have to do, what we say." Nicole said with a sweet voice, but her eyes were stern.
"Have some fun Hermione." Ginny said with a pat on Hermione's back.
"What about that guy?" Amelia said pointing towards a guy with short brown hair and well built body, sitting on the next table, with his friends.
"Nah, he's too bulky." Nicole said, dismissing the idea.
"What about him?" Nicole said, pointing towards the bar, where a handsome guy with dirty blond hair and fit body, was sitting alone looking towards their table.
"You are picking the wrong guys. None of them are Hermione's type." Ginny said, as she looked around for a right guy, for her friend.
"Look, you all go and dance. I'll sit here and enjoy." Hermione said trying to distract others from searching some strange guy for her to dance.
However, none of them paid any attention to her and kept looking around.
"What about him?" Luna said with a wide smile, pointing towards a guy at the bar, where some new guys and girls had just joined the guy, who was sitting alone, earlier.
Hermione, Ginny, Nicole and Amelia looked towards, where Luna was gesturing.
"Wow, he's so handsome." Amelia said dreamily.
"Luna I have to say, you have picked the perfect one." Ginny said looking at the guy, who was busy talking to his friends. Nicole and Amelia nodded in agreement.
"Who are you talking about?" Hermione asked frustratingly. She couldn't see the guy from her seating place.
"Come here" Ginny said as she stood up and motioned Hermione to sit on her chair. Hermione did, as was told and then she looked at the guy.
Hermione's eyes were wide open, with surprise, when she looked at the guy. She was speechless, looking at the devastatingly handsome guy, her friend had picked up for her. Her breath stilled in her chest, as she looked at him.
"You know if you don't want to go with him. I can." Amelia said covetously, looking at the guy, with ravenous look in her eyes.
Hermione glared at her cousin. "No I will go." Hermione said a bit too quickly, and too loudly. Nicole and Amelia looked surprised at her outburst.
"Let's go to the bar." Hermione said decisively, looking the guy at the bar, as she stood up.
"Yeah, there we can have a closer look at him." Amelia said, frivolously as she got up as well.
At the bar, they ordered their drinks. Nicole, Luna and Ginny took the seats at the bar, having their backs towards the bar, while Hermione and Amelia remained standing, near them. They started sipping their drinks.
"So Hermione, what are you going to do now? Many other girls are looking at him. You better make your move fast." Ginny asked, with a smirk on her face.
Hermione looked at her. "Well I should go and ask him for a dance then." Hermione replied with ease, as she sipped her drink.
Before her companions could say anything, Hermione finished her drink in one gulp.
"Here I go." Hermione said with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, as she left her group and making her way to the group, which was standing, just a few seats away from them.
Hermione made her way confidently, to the guy, whom she was going to ask for the dance. His friends were standing with him, taking in their drinks.
Nicole and Amelia looked surprised at their cousin's attitude, while Luna and Ginny had self-satisfied smirks on their faces.
"Do you think, she would get him to dance with her?" Nicole asked, looking towards Ginny. As far as she knew, her cousin was an introvert and to approach a stranger on her own was a very difficult task for her. But today, her body language was telling a completely different story.
Nicole and Amelia saw from afar as their cousin went straight to that guy and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and looked at Hermione. At first, he looked surprised and then he grinned at her, roguishly. Hermione leaned toward the guy and said something in his ear. He smiled again and nodded. He placed his drink on the bar and took Hermione's hand, leading her to the dance floor. It was a slow song. Hermione placed her hands around the guy's neck and he pulled Hermione close to him, his arms around her waist. He pulled her, as close as possible.
"Wow! I didn't know she had it in her, to get him so quickly to dance with her." Nicole said with awed voice.
"You have no idea, what else she could do with that guy." Ginny said, looking over to, where Hermione was dancing.
After some time, the same blond guy, who was earlier looking at Amelia, came to ask her for a dance. Amelia immediately left. Soon, Nicole, Ginny and Luna too, were on the dance floor with some random guys, shaking their bodies with the rhythm.
To their surprise, Hermione continued dancing with the same guy. In actuality, she had spent the entire evening with him.
After dancing for a long time, Nicole and Luna got tired, so they left the dance floor, after thanking their dance partners. But Ginny and Amelia continued their dancing.
Nicole and Luna were sitting at the bar, soothing their parched throats, with the drinks. Just then Nicole saw Amelia, hurrying up towards them.
"You won't believe what I saw just now." Amelia said panting a bit, as she tried to control her fast breathing.
"What?" Nicole asked curiously.
"Hermione was kissing that bloke. And, oh god! What a steamy kiss that was." Amelia said, with an enchanting look in her eyes.
"What?" Nicole said, looking stunned.
"Oh don't worry. Hermione can do lots of other things with him, than just kissing." Luna said in her usual dreamy voice, sipping her drink languidly.
Both Nicole and Amelia looked at their cousin's, unusual friend.
"What do you mean by that, Luna?" Amelia asked with confused voice.
"Nothing" Luna said with a shrug and was lost in her thoughts.
Some time later, Ginny came to join them.
"Did you saw Hermione, kissing that bloke?" Amelia asked, looking inquisitively, at Ginny.
Ginny looked at her. "Yeah, she's having fun with that guy." She said dismissively and ordered her drink.
"And that is ok with her?" Nicole asked, with astonished look on her face.
Ginny simply shrugged. "Yeah. Why? What's wrong with that?" Ginny asked in a bored voice, taking her drink from the bartender.
"I mean, she's getting married. And from what Aunty Jean told me, it's a love marriage. So why is she kissing, that other bloke? Isn't that, kind of a cheating?" Nicole asked in casual manner.
Before Ginny could reply, Hermione joined them.
"Hey" she said breathlessly. Her face was red from all the dancing and her lips looked thoroughly kissed.
"Looks like you are enjoying, immensely." Nicole said sarcastically. She never expected her cousin to be like this, making out with another guy, when she was going to get married, to the love of her life, in just few days. Her idea of wild night was about dancing and getting completely pissed off, not snogging or shagging some other guy. And it looked as if Hermione had, exactly that, on her mind.
"Oh yes. He's so cute." Hermione said, smiling mischievously.
"Well I am here to tell you, that I am going out with him, at his place. I'll be back at home by the morning time. So when you are done here, just leave without me." Hermione said.
"You are going to sleep with him." Amelia said with wide eyes.
Hermione narrowed her eyes. "It's none of your business, what I do?" Hermione said, a bit crossly.
"You are going to get married in few days. I thought you loved your fiancé." Nicole added, trying to defend Amelia.
Hermione didn't reply, as she looked at the entrance, where the guy with whom she had spent her evening, was waving at her. Hermione waved back.
"Look I have to leave now. I'll talk to you lot in the morning." Hermione said in rushed voice and left to meet the bloke.
"I just don't believe it." Nicole said, looking incredulous, as she stared at Hermione, going towards the club's entrance. There, she kissed that bloke lightly and left with him.
"It's already late. I think we should make our way to the home as well. You both can stay with us tonight." Nicole said to Ginny and Luna.
"Ok" Ginny said.
After that four of them left the club and went back to Granger's residence. When they reached to the home, Mr. and Mrs. Granger asked about Hermione.
Nicole had already cooked up a fake story in her mind, to tell her aunt and uncle, about Hermione's whereabouts. Even if, what Hermione did, was wrong, she didn't want to embarrass her cousin, in front of her parents.
But, before Nicole could say anything, Ginny took Mrs. Granger, to the side and said something to her that others were not able to hear. When they came back, Mrs. Granger looked satisfied with Ginny's explanation and didn't ask anything further. Later, that night, when Nicole and Amelia asked Ginny, about what she said to their Aunt, Ginny simply smiled and said only one word, the 'Truth'.
Next day, in the morning, at 7:30 A.M.
Amelia, Ginny and Luna were still in the bed, while Nicole was already up and was helping Mr. Granger in preparing the breakfast, as Mrs. Granger was never good at the cooking, a trait, which Hermione inherited from her mother. And Mrs. Granger was sitting at the dining table in the kitchen.
"Aunty Jean, when would Hermione's fiance, be arriving here?" Nicole asked.
Nicole and Amelia wanted to meet Hermione's fiance personally, before other Granger members started to arrive, to attend the wedding. They had asked Hermione, to invite her fiance at the Granger's residence, today.
"I remember, Hermione mentioning, that Harry would be here at around 9:30, this morning." Mrs. Granger said, as she tried to remember the exact time.
Nicole nodded. "So how is this Harry guy? How did Hermione met him?" Nicole asked, her voice laced with curiosity.
"They both are childhood best friends. Mainly it's a trio including Harry, Hermione and their other best friend, Ron. He is Ginny's brother. Three of them have been best friends, since they were in school." Mr. Granger said, working on the breakfast.
"Wow! It's like, best friends turning into lovers. Tell me more about Harry." Nicole said, looking at her aunt, expectantly.
"He's a charming young man. You could clearly see in his eyes, how much he loves Hermione. And Hermione too, is absolutely in love with him. He had been through some difficult times in his life and Hermione and Ron helped him, to get through it. That's when he and Hermione grew closer." Mrs. Granger replied, with a faraway look in her eyes.
Before Nicole could ask anything else, doorbell rang.
"I'll see who is it?" Nicole said wiping her hands as Mrs. Granger started to get up from her chair.
Nicole opened the door. It was Hermione.
"Hey Nicole, Good morning." Hermione said with a smile and entered the house.
She looked tired, but her eyes were glowing with happiness.
"You know, your fiance is going to come here today. And you are coming home, from your last night's rendezvous." Nicole said, looking a bit dismayed.
Hermione looked surprised for a moment, but recovered quickly.
"Oh, don't worry about him. He'll understand. I better go and take a quick shower, before he comes." Hermione said in hurried tone and left to go to her bedroom, leaving a puzzled Nicole, behind her.
By 9:30 A.M., everyone was ready and waiting for Harry.
When the doorbell rang, it was again Nicole, who opened the door.
A handsome guy, with red hair and bright blue eyes, was standing there, looking very nervous.
'He must be Harry' Nicole thought.
"Hi" Nicole said pleasantly "Please come in."
She gestured red-haired boy to enter in the house.
"Hi, where's Hermione?" he asked nervously.
"She would be here in a couple of minutes." Luna said who was coming down from the Hermione's room.
"Luna" redhead said excitedly. "I didn't know you were here as well." He said, moving towards Luna.
Luna came down and kissed the redhead, lightly on the lips. Nicole was shocked to see her, kissing Hermione's fiancé.
"What the hell is happening here?" Nicole shouted in frustration, grabbing her hair with her hands.
Ron and Luna looked shocked, at her outburst. Others too, came out, to see what the problem was.
"What happened, Nicole?" Amelia asked her twin, with concerned voice. She came and stood next to her winded sister, patting her back in a soothing manner.
Everyone was gathered around Nicole, looking at her with worried eyes.
When they all were settled into living room, comfortably, Hermione asked her cousin about what was wrong.
"Nicole what's wrong?" Hermione asked softly.
Nicole looked at her cousin, with reproving look in her eyes.
"You, your friends, everyone is a problem here." Nicole said exasperatingly.
"What you mean?" Hermione asked feigning ignorance, though she had an idea about, what would be causing the problems for her cousin. She looked at Ginny and Luna, both of their faces, showing confused expression.
"What I mean is, first you go ahead and spend your time with some other guy, when you are already getting married, next week. Then your friend, Luna, comes and kisses your fiance." Nicole said, pointing towards Luna and Ron, who were sitting close to each other.
Everyone looked flabbergasted at this. Mr. Granger was going to ask his daughter about this other guy. However, before he could ask anything to his daughter, Hermione burst out laughing.
"I just don't believe it. I thought, Ginny would have already told you everything, by now." Hermione said in laughing voice, as she looked at Ginny.
"No I didn't. It was too much fun, to see their faces, about what you were doing." Ginny said with an amused voice.
"What are you talking about?" Amelia asked, with a baffled look on her face.
At that moment, doorbell rang again. "I think, that would be the answer, to all your queries." Hermione said, as she got up, to go and open the door.
After a moment or two, she came back, with another young man following her.
Both Nicole and Amelia were shocked to see the man. It was the same bloke, with whom Hermione had left the club, having same messy black hair, emerald green eyes and the same round spectacles.
"You invited him." Nicole said, looking shocked. Her next shock came, when she saw Hermione's fiance, getting up and hugging that guy.
"And you have no problem with your fiance's lover?" Nicole said, looking towards Ron.
Ron looked puzzled. "My fiance?" He asked.
Hermione laughed again.
"Nicole, Amelia, meet my fiance, Harry Potter." Hermione introduced the guy, who was standing behind her. She took his hand and pulled him forward.
"B…But he is the same guy, with whom, you left last night." Amelia said, looking as shocked as her twin sister.
"Yeah, that was the plan." Harry said, grinning at Nicole and Amelia, as he wrapped his arm around Hermione's waist and pulled her closer.
He kissed her lightly on the lips. "She told me about your plans, about having a wild night. I trust Hermione completely, though I don't appreciate it, when somebody tries to push my fiance, in somebody else's arms." Harry said in an amused voice.
Nicole, Amelia, Ginny and Luna turned red, due to embarrassment.
"So you already knew about our plans?" Amelia asked curiously.
"No, I didn't know. I was there with some of my friends, from my workplace. I was surprised to see Hermione there and we just took the advantage of the situation." Harry answered.
"But if he is your fiance, then who is he?" Nicole asked Hermione while pointing towards Ron.
"He is our best friend, Ron Weasley." Harry replied. "I asked him to join us here." He said. Ron gave a mock salute to Nicole and smiled at her.
"And he also, happens to be Luna's boyfriend. That's why she kissed him." Hermione explained, while trying to control her laughter.
Finally Nicole and Amelia understood everything.
"You made a very big fool out of us." Nicole said with a smile.
"I didn't know you had it in you, Hermione." Amelia said and blushed, remembering, how she was fawning over Hermione's fiance, last night.
Everyone started laughing at this. "It wasn't intentional. Opportunity was just presented in front of us and it was too good, to let it pass on." Ginny said with a smile.
"But I have to compliment you both, for one thing though." Harry said looking towards Nicole and Amelia.
"What for?" Nicole asked, looking bemused.
"You finally managed to drag Hermione in a club, one thing Ron and I have tried for so long. She is such a bookworm." Harry said, with laughing voice.
Everyone again started laughing except Hermione. She got out of Harry's arms and hit him playfully on the arm.
"You are such a guy. You say it, as though if it's a bad thing, to be a bookworm." Hermione said teasingly.
Harry just laughed more at this and again pulled Hermione in his arms. "No way, I absolutely love my bookworm and would never change her for the world even." Harry said with a loving smile, which was just for Hermione.
Nicole looked at Hermione and her fiance. `Aunty Jean was right, they both are absolutely in love with each other.' she thought with a smile.
"Ok now, enough of all this. I am feeling hungry." Ron said, in complaining voice.
"You are always hungry, love." Luna said sweetly, kissing Ron, on his cheek.
Everyone burst out laughing, seeing Ron's red face.
"I have to agree with Ron. The entire laughing exercise, this morning, is making me feel very hungry. Let's go and eat now." Mr. Granger said as he got up from his seat. Everyone nodded in agreement.
With that, rest of them got up and made their way to the kitchen, where a warm and delicious breakfast was waiting for them.
Author's note: - So what you think of this? Did you actually laughed after reading this? Hope you guys enjoyed it. And whosoever read this, please tell me through your reviews. I would love to know what you think.