Author's note: - Apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I don't own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Today was her wedding day and she was sitting in her room dressed in her wedding dress. Past memories were running in her mind. Life had not been easy for her and her two best friends. They had been through many things in last ten years. One was the hero, other one was his sidekick friend, and she was the brain of the group who had answers of all the questions. In the end, she had chosen the sidekick.
"Hermione, would you go out with me?" Ron asked nervously on the celebration night of defeating Voldemort.
"Of course Ron, I would love to." Hermione said with a smile.
They were so happy together. She wasn't in love with him, but she was sure, she was just about to fall in love with him.
Then the things started to change. They had always fought with each other during their school days, but it was never very serious to the point of no return. Their relationship had started on a high note, but they still fought with each other. However, it was more like teasing each other than the actual fight.
However, later on they were fighting a lot more than their usual numbers. They had moved in together six months after their relationship had started. This was one of the main reasons of their downfall. They were too different, their habits were opposite, and there was not a day when they never fought.
A few months later came the doom's day of their relationship. She had come home from a long trip to Romania. She hadn't informed him, as she wanted to give him a surprise. Instead, she got the biggest shock of her life. She entered the house and went to the bedroom she shared with him and there he was, with none other than Lavender Brown in his arms. They were lying in the bed, kissing and shagging each other shamelessly and without any guilt.
They fought again, this fight was the worst of all the fights they ever had. He told her that she wasn't good enough for him. They both said many things to each other, and in the end, she left, never to come back again. She avoided seeing him after that and he didn't try to meet her either.
She wasn't able to recover from the debacle of her relationship for at least three months. She still missed him, thinking that it all was a nightmare, and would end soon. She would get up in the morning and would find herself in his arms again. She was depressed and she had cried a lot. It continued until one day her other best friend, Harry, barged into her room and dragged her out of the room and her depressed state. She lived in an apartment she shared it Luna Lovegood.
He helped her getting over her ex- boyfriend. He was always there for her and never left her side. Whenever she needed somebody to hold her as she cried, he was there. He was a best friend anyone could have ever asked for. They became closer than ever before and then turned their friendship into a non-platonic relationship. He always took care of what she wanted. He told her that if she ever wanted to talk about anything including their relationship, he would be there to talk with her.
She was very happy with him. He made her forget about her past and made her feel like her old self again. He respected her. He kissed her for the first time, when she was ready. He never forced her to do anything she never wanted to do.
Slowly she grew out of her past and started being happy again, and one day he popped out the question. He took her to dinner to a fancy restaurant for dinner. After the dinner, he finally asked her if she would marry him, and she said yes.
Wedding preparations were on. Everyone was happy, but he was the happiest. Finally, he was going to have a family of his own.
However, fate can be very cruel at times. Ron chose one of these moments to appear back in her life. She was at Burrow, two days before her wedding. Her Mom and Mrs. Weasley were going through final preparations, when there was a knock on the door. Ginny went to open the door to see who it was.
It was Ron.
Hermione had almost fainted seeing him there. That night at the dinner table in Burrow, atmosphere was very tense.
They both were there. One was her past and other was her future. Ron kept throwing curious glances at her, while Harry was looking very uncomfortable there, and she was feeling numb, as though if her brain had stopped functioning. At last, after the dinner Ron cornered her. She was about to leave with Harry when,
"Hermione, can I talk to you for a minute?" Ron asked. Hermione suddenly felt tensed hearing her name from his mouth after so long. She looked at Harry who was looking at her expectantly, probably waiting for her reply. It was her choice.
"Please it won't take long." Ron more or less pleaded. Her heart almost melted seeing his face, but she hardened herself and nodded.
Ron gestured her to follow him out, and she did. He stopped under a tree, a bit away from the entrance. He turned around and leaned against the tree, staring at her.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked Hermione.
She looked sharply at him. "What are you talking about?" she asked, though she very well knew what he was talking about.
"You know what I am talking about. I know you don't love him. Why are you marrying him? You know you still love me." He said confidently.
Hermione glared at him "I love him, not you." She said indignantly.
He laughed. "Fool yourself. We both know you never loved him. You chose me, remember." He stepped closer to her. "Don't marry him Hermione. Come with me. You know you will never be happy with him. What you feel for him is just sympathy, nothing else." He said huskily. His blue eyes were intense and twinkling in the moon light. She gulped and stepped back from him and ran back to the house.
'Why now?' she thought, 'just before the wedding and of course, I love Harry.'
She left the Burrow with Harry. They reached to Harry's apartment. Harry hadn't asked her about her conversation with Ron. He asked Hermione to sit on the couch and went to kitchen and came back with two mugs of hot coffee for both of them, he gave one cup to her and sat next to her on the couch.
"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.
"Fine," She answered shortly and took a sip of coffee to avoid talking.
Harry touched her hand and she looked at him. He was looking at her with a piercing stare. She always felt that he could look into her soul with those intense green eyes of him.
"Hermione, I want you to be happy, even if it's not me who makes you happy." Hermione tried to protest, but he stopped her by shaking his head. "Let me finish. You have a whole day to think about it. I want you to follow your heart. Don't feel sorry for me. If you are happy, so am I. If he makes you happy, go for it. I won't be calling the wedding off yet. It's your decision. Don't think about anyone else; just think what makes you happy. And if you are worried about us, don't be. Nothing will change between us except our romantic relationship." Harry finished. Tears started falling from Hermione's eyes. Harry took her in his arms as she cried.
'Why life has to be so difficult?' she mused sadly.
She spent next day thinking about what she wanted. She started remembering all the moments she had spent with both of them. She was so confused about her feelings. As the day passed, she grew more and more agitated.
'Will it be fair to Harry, if I got married with him in the midst of my confused feelings? Do I love him? Do I still have feelings for Ron? But did I ever love him when we were together? It would be so easy to love Harry, and Ron, he wants to get back with me, even after everything that happened. But why now?' All these thoughts kept swirling in her mind for the whole day.
So today, here she was at Hogwarts, sitting in her wedding dress in one of the chamber in the Great hall. She was still undecided about what to do. There was a knock on the door. "Hermione its time," She heard Luna's voice. She got up and opened the door.
"Are you ready?" Luna asked. Hermione nodded nervously.
She stepped out with her father. Whole ground was filled with her friends and family. It was Harry's idea to get married at Hogwarts. Later, he mentioned that he knew that she always wanted to marry at Hogwarts so he decided to choose Hogwarts. She almost smiled at the thought. In the crowd, Ron was also there. He was looking at her. Their eyes met for a second and she quickly looked away. Then, her eyes met Harry's intense emerald-green ones. He was looking at her with a smile. His eyes had a warm look, which soothed her nerves immediately, and then she knew what she had to do.
She covered the rest of the distance to the aisle without any confusion. Harry looked at her expectantly. She smiled at him, looking at him with love-filled eyes. Then, he smiled a smile of a happiest man on this earth. She stood next to Harry as they said their marriage vows and then they kissed, sealing their love for each other forever.
"I love you, Harry James Potter." She said in a heartfelt voice.
Harry just grinned at her goofily. "I love you too, Mrs. Potter." He said and kissed her again, this time more passionately than ever before.
They both turned towards the crowd where everyone was applauding for them. Hermione's eyes met Ron's, who had a shocked expression on his face. She realized why he had come back. He never loved her. It was all just a game for him nothing else. She also realized that she never loved Ron, but it was just her insecurities of being left alone, which got them together in the first place.
Her heart had always belonged to Harry and she realized it while walking down to aisle. His smile and look in the eyes were full of love, which she felt inside her own heart. There was no one she loved as much as she did to Harry James Potter, her best friend, her lover, her companion, her hope, and her life. It was always him. There was no doubt in her mind now. She was a truly happy bride now.
Author's note: - I hope you liked it. Please review and tell me what you think.