A Different Shade of Grey
By: Elban Fehl
Rated R
Ship: HHr
The (unlovely) procedure: previous plot and characters are JKR's, WB, etc, etc., blah blah blah. A response to the erotic novel series, Fifty Shades of Grey.
Author's Note: A few short scenes that describe our list of characters and how they think, act, react, and hold themselves.
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"Is it hot enough for you?"
She nodded.
A very naked and wet Hermione Granger lay against me. I had my legs parted for her to lie in. With my height, and in the antique bathtub, a leg had to be propped up outside on the curved edge. Hermione adorably did the same, her smooth skin parallel to my manly, hair-covered, double-in-size version. I blamed all the hair on genes; maybe dad was hairy, too. I'd never know.
Her wet hair became one long, beautiful line of dark brown sticking to my chest. She had her head back, her crown at my clavicle, my shoulder. She had her eyes closed as I washed her without a cloth or one of those girly foam things I began to see advertised everywhere. My hands, and my hands only, I rubbed the pure white soap together and began my massage of her exquisite-more than exquisite-form.
I started in the middle, and went to her waist, her sides.
The water was clear, a bit of soap suds splotched at random.
I could see her stunning body, how comfortable she was, straight down to the negative shapes of the black with gold-trim surface. I loved how her body stood out, accentuating the already beautiful Hermione.
I could tell she was still tired.
I didn't remember a lot of what was said or done last night, but at least the hangover was gone. Nothing a little potion couldn't do-and thankfully I had a stock however expensive it was.
I thought she had drifted off to sleep.
I smiled, sliding up and along the round of her breasts.
That got her to move about, her eyes closed, replying in smile and a curl of her toes.
"You didn't have to wake for me this time. You're positively spent from yesterday. You'll need all the rest you can get."
She smiled and shook her head. "I'm fine, really."
With her head tilted towards me, and her peek between her smile, I held her soapy breasts and only gave her the lightest of squeezes when our tongues met. I kissed her, rubbing her breasts, molding them to my hands, fingers, and finding hers suddenly atop.
"Where were you sore again?"
She giggled, knowing I knew quite well where she had told me. Hell, I had to pick her up out of bed because of it.
"Take my hands and lead me."
She did, moving them from her breasts and down.
She broke the water's surface, colliding with the heat intermixed with her suppleness. Along her flattened abs, and down further until I felt her mound-felt her-and then a subtle gasp. I had cupped her in my hands, her sore legs, her core, her vagina sensitive.
I took my hands from her and massaged first the outside of her thighs and gradually moving inward. My fingers sunk into her skin. Hermione stretched herself out, her dainty figure easily mobile in the tub. I felt her moist forehead go to my cheek where it lay, and heard her sighs grow heavy the farther I went towards her centre.
My fingers slid down the line of her opening, across her dark pubic hair and gently into her pink slit. Gently, I teased her hole, merely slipping in and going out before I could penetrate.
She went to my hands, her arms pushing her breasts together as she set them back atop. I maneuvered her, leading her as my hand traced the soft contour of her outer labia, and then back down inside with the tease. Her thighs took hold of my hands. I didn't think she did it on purpose, but laughed through my nose all the same.
"Look at me."
Her eyelids pried from their contented stay and I was instantly mirrored through her happily dilated pupils.
"Feel any better?"
I'd stopped, the flat of my hand resting around her.
"A little," she snickered. I didn't know if she was lying to me, but I didn't care.
I left her but only for seconds, to lather back up and push back into the water.
I found her again, and she found a jolt.
With more friction, and speed, I ran my hand along her pussy, my fingers pushing into her lines, any opening.
The only way to get clean, I mused in thought.
I conducted her movement with my hand, her body writhing with sighs, a whimper, when I'd hit her sweet spot. She opened her eyes once and looked at me; but, that's all it took. In the second I kissed her, leaving one hand down below whilst my other wrapped around her in embrace.
I gripped her breasts, hearing the water splash along the sides and over onto the floor.
I loved how I could do this.
I loved it.
It didn't take long from her to go, to come, her privates hypersensitive to my working from then to now.
She broke with me to giggle as she climbed down from the immediate sexual high, smiling at me, to respond back with a hard kiss. I pinched her nipple, and then rubbed around it in circle with my thumb to elongate the pleasurable pain.
I watched her intensely from the opened door of the Black Room lavatory. With an arm on the doorframe, my eyes set to her curves, how her majestic form literally couldn't be more pulchritudinous. Effeminate, she treated every movement like a pirouette, soft and tender. The slope of her back, the indent of her spine, her lovely bum naked to me; her dark curls slightly moist at their tips swayed when she acted. She had in her hands a mesh babydoll, ebon, and see-through enough so when she slipped it on her pale contours were just seen.
I wandered to her as she stepped into her matching g-string and lifted her up in my arms. At the sink where she'd been brushing her hair, brushing her teeth, her reaction was of surprise and glee. She squealed, giggled, when I picked her up so sudden and with strength. Caught in the moment of hygiene, she wasn't expecting I'd come so soon.
I smiled, and snogged her adorableness.
Her feet wriggled and her toes curled, mingling together.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and held on wherever she could between our walk from the lavatory.
I set her down in the black sheets, the outline of her white form eager. I went to stand up, but she wanted more, guiding my lips, my body down with her by her hands on my face. In my hair she grabbed, giggling when I knelt on the bed and lay on her.
I was at her breasts, at the little white bow between them, when I asked, her hands still atop my head, "Are you still tired?"
She looked away from me.
Her confession would lead only to what she knew would come.
Regardless, I could feel her even when we played.
I crawled my way back to her throat and caressed her hollow.
I could feel her fingers glide down my back, running them parallel, feeling of my traps when they'd push outward and lower.
I left her after laying a while, caressing her mouth as I rose to my knees. I put my hands on my thighs and watched her between me on the bed. She knew what was coming, having played this game. My hands left for her hips, the gorgeous bit of her knickers shown, the babydoll having rolled in our tease.
"Sleep," I demanded. "Breakfast will be ready shortly."
She laid the top of her hand on her forehead and sighed.
She knew not to rebuttal.
"I know," I smacked her thigh giving her reason to look at me with a smirk from her withdrawn sight. "I'm horrible."
I shifted from the bed to my feet.
I drug the silk sheets, helping her get comfortable, along her body. She eased with me, allowing my access above and below her, atop her where I laid the palm of my hand on her flat stomach and left her with a kiss.
"The best things come to those who wait."
She flipped to her side to watch my leave.
I turned back around in time for her to smile back at me, her arms about her soft, black silk pillow, her darkened curls strewn in abstract behind her back.
"Where'd Hermione run off to this time?"
My bed.
I had an unlit cigarette betwixt my lips when I answered, giving Ron only verbal cues. I didn't feel like hearing him this morning, or ever, really. "She went shopping for some odds and ends with her mum."
I had the spatula in my hands, frying up some hash browns and onions.
The tea kettle piped, and I leaned over the oven to catch the knob.
"Women, eh?"
"What about them?"
I heard Ron putting his shoes on one at a time in the chair he always sat in.
With the spatula, I flipped over the sausage to let it brown on its other side.
"They're only good for two things."
"Oh?" My brows rose. I'd gone to find the strawberry-flavored almond milk Hermione was quite fond over in the fridge. When I had taken the carton out, I lifted back up and went rummaging in the cupboards for a glass. I asked, "Do enlighten me of those two things, mate. I must've missed them sometime in my youth."
"They both start with the letter `S'."
"Somersaults and surfing?"
Ron bellowed an obnoxious laugh. "No, stupid! Shopping and sex!"
"I can see how you've gotten all the ladies, mate." I had a tray, making up the plate for Hermione, a Full Monty including tomatoes and mushrooms. I'd taken a lot from her yesterday, and she'd need that energy back.
And how I popped Hermione's cherry, I thought as he continued rambling.
"Look at my sister, mate. She's always gone with your money."
"What's she gone for now? Shoes? You let her have those shoes?"
"I'm such a softy." Actually, I wanted the girl out of my hair. Her bitching and last night's little shouting match… I just didn't want to see her. I let her go with Cho and the girls out to spend more of my money. I was sure that'd stop in the near future…
"Ha! Pussy! Should have held out. She'd crack eventually."
"Yeah, well," I arranged the breakfast in sections so that not one piece combined with another. I even added a flower in a tiny crystal vase, setting it atop the tray. "I don't like her very much. Got her away from me."
I smiled at the truth of the matter.
"And the sex-baby-making."
"'Baby-making'." I reiterated. "I tell you what, mate. Write a book. I bet it'll sell-`book of the millennium'-gold."
"Their tits are for sucking and fucking."
"You certainly like pairing things in twos."
"And nothing says `Good morning!' better than a nice, long blow."
"That's strange," I finally turned to look at him and his perverted sneer. "I've never heard Hermione say she's had sex with you."
"Why would she say so, anyway?" Ron's voice went an octave. A gingered brow rose.
"We've always been close. She tells me everything. When haven't you noticed this fact of life?"
"Our private lives are secret."
"Your fuck must be pretty useless. She's always depressed around you and your genius."
"The fuck, mate?" Ron stood straight up. "What are you going on about? Want to say something?"
"That you're an enormous twat. Better?"
He pointed at me and yelled. "You better stay the fuck away from her! Do you hear me?"
"The whole bloody neighbourhood hears you," I rolled my eyes, the cig at the corner of my mouth bobbing. Shirtless, when I reached over to turn the oven off I could feel the residual warmth of the eyes off my clean-shaven torso. I went back on my feet, looked back at him, "Doesn't mean it's correct. She'll do as she damn well pleases. And if she wants to confide in me, I'll damn well let her do it."
"You fucking heard me!" Ron barked, walking behind me. "You fucking lay a finger on her, mate…"
"Oooh, Ron-you've got me shaking! Oh, please!" I chuckled, giving an eye roll. I shooed him with my hand. He was at the door. "Go ogle and charm the trousers off of Madam Rosmerta. That's where you're going, right?"
"Fuck you, mate."
He opened and slammed the door shut.
He gave me the finger in the window.
I waved cutely at him, puckered my lips, batted my eyelashes, and gave him a kiss.
I was sincerely flattered he thought of me before leaving!
So intensely, I watched her absorb her breakfast.
I never knew one's mouth could be so sensual, so fantastic.
I only wish I'd given her more than three strawberries because by the third…
When I first came in she lay silent. I saw her deliciously sexy form molded by the sheets, the lights of the room shining against the folds of her beautifully long legs, her tiny waist, and the concaved slope of her back. I could see only her hair, the darkened strands against the black silk, her head subtly secretive in the pillow.
Approaching the bed from the foot, I could see her stilled form in sleep. She had a smile on her pink lips, so happy, something that I gave her unequivocally.
I caressed her temple and smelled of her hair as she drank her tea. She'd raised from bed at my call, stretching like a lovable feline, her smile never ceasing.
I placed my hand on her cheek, her jaw, and led her to my waiting lips.
I kissed her with strength, looked into her eyes and said:
"My care for this world is nothing but you."
She smiled, the tip of her nose grazing mine, and she kissed me.
My fingers bunched her loose tassels where I scratched her head, making her purr after such a comforting meal and intermixed love.
My steady gaze never left hers.
"I want nothing more than to be with you, and you alone. Come with me and escape this drivel."
"I'll be wherever you go."
"Let's leave the country."
She nodded and grinned.
She peck-kissed my mouth.
I took her tray away, setting it on the bedside table.
She waited for me, and I took her by lips, and mine, down into the soft sheets. I held her, an arm wrapped around her back, to me. I wouldn't let her go, and she squeaked when I snuck a tickle or two beneath, her form jumping on me. I laughed, rolled her so she was beneath me and hovered over her.
Her arm, her hand lay above her head, her pale skin so immaculate, so pure against the darkness.
Her large pool of cinnamon, the white lights in her eyes dazzled as she looked up at me with that never leaving smile.
"I apologize that it's taken me time to say this…"
I pushed my hips along her, and at the beckon Hermione's legs wrapped around me.
I lowered an inch or two in height above her face.
I grazed the side of my fingers in her hair, down along her beautiful cheek.
"You're the only one who will ever understand my past."
Hermione's gaze went about my features, her hand reaching atop my head where she soothingly combed my hair.
"You're the only one who will ever understand me."
"I wish to be with you forever."
I smiled. "By this time tomorrow we'll be gone."
I leaned down to kiss her, to lie upon her, to love her.
Her arms went around my neck and hugged me tight.