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Trying Times by harryherm84

Trying Times


Summary: Hermione Granger has been through some trying times during her years at Hogwarts. She couldn't deny that they were filled with adventure, danger and excitement, but something was missing in her life. A void and she didn't feel whole. Well during her last year at Hogwarts she is going to fill that void, and maybe a few more things along the way. Suspense, Horror, Humor, Kidnapping, and Romance abound together to make this story one hell of a roller coaster ride!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything remotely relating to Harry Potter or any of the Harry Potter World, that right goes to the wonderful and talented J.K. Rowling!

Trying Times

Chapter One

Hermione Granger was just a normal teenage girl with normal teenage problems and that was abnormal to her. She was never considered "a girl", most people thought of her as the goody-two-shoes bookworm who didn't have a life, besides the fact that her two best friends, who just so happen to be guys, are far from boring. But, even though she loved being around them, she was sick and tired of being considered one of the guys. She wanted the romance and love she read about in all her books. She wanted to be noticed; she wanted someone to sweep her off her feet. And that definitely hasn't happened yet.

It has been seven years since she found out about becoming a witch and it was definitely the best thing she could have asked for. Tomorrow she would start her seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was excited, yet a little apprehensive. She didn't know what to expect life to be like after school. She figured she would go on to be an auror or a professor, she didn't know which yet, but the thought did bring chills. She always seemed to be in control of so many things, but there was a lot about her life she didn't have control over, and that frightened her.

She got up from her bed, unable to get back to sleep, and walked to the bathroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She had grown quite extensively from that adorable little, eleven year old, and into a woman. Her hair was still a little bushy, but it was quite tamer than it used to be. Her eyes had a slight sparkle to them that set them apart from any other person's brown eyes. Her body had filled out, but not in all the right places, at least she thought. She wished she had a little more in the chest and a lot less in the hips, but she didn't think she looked all that bad. She still didn't really wear make-up, it just wasn't her thing, and she liked that about herself. She remember Lavender telling her the week before the end of sixth year, "Now Hermione, make sure you get your mom to give you some make-up and when you get back here next year I will give you a makeover!" Yeah right, I don't need a makeover, I am fine just the way I am.

And this statement was completely true about her. She wasn't afraid to be who she was, she wasn't afraid to be herself. She enjoyed books and enjoyed her natural look, and she was completely content with that. No matter what people said or how many lame remarks she got, she was not going to change herself to fit anyone else's mold. She had her own to fill and she knew how she wanted it.

She took a quick shower and towel dried her hair. She slipped on a pair of blue sweatpants, a white tank-top, and lay down on her bed. She grabbed her favorite book, "Hogwarts: A History", which she has read so many times she actually could almost recite the whole book from memory (which she often did to Ron and Harry) and began to read. But her mind began to wonder on about other things and she wasn't able to concentrate on her readings. She thought about her friends and how much she missed them. She wasn't able to go and see Harry and Ron this year because they were all so busy. Voldemort was stronger than ever and they all had to keep their distance, for safety. Suddenly she heard a knock at her window and saw Hedwig fluttering outside. She throw open the door and let her in.

"Hi Hedwig, got a letter for me?" she asked the owl, eyeing the parchment tied to her leg. She pulled it off, gave Hedwig and treat and some water and lay back on her bed. She saw Harry's chicken-scratch writing on the front. She tore it open and pulled out the parchment from inside. She began to read aloud:


How are you doing these days? I hope fine. I am doing a little better, but I can't wait to leave here. The Dursley's are not as bad as last year, but they are still bad. They made Dudley go on a diet again, so I am living off salad and water. Well anyway, so how has your summer been? I can't wait to get back to school and see everyone. I can't believe this is going to be our last year; it is weird when you think about it. But I guess we better live it up. I wish that we could see each other, but you know what Dumbledore said, it's for our safety, which I guess he is right, but I still hate it. Have you heard from Ron? His family went to Egypt to visit his brother again. I got an owl from him the other day saying he was having a good time, although he did say Fred and George tried to magically make the mummies walk by themselves when they were in a museum. Just like them, huh? Well I will see you on the train tomorrow!



Hermione smiled at the letter. She grabbed a box of Bertie Bots Every Flavor Beans and a couple chocolate frogs that she had saved and came back upstairs. She pulled out a piece of parchment and her quill from her trunk and set down at her desk. It didn't take her long to write a response:


Hi, it was good to hear from you! My summer is pretty good. I am sorry that the Dursley's are acting terrible again. Wish I could let you come here, but yeah I know what Dumbledore said, and it is for the best. I am sending some treats with Hedwig, hope you enjoy them. I heard about Ron going to Egypt, that is funny about his brothers, but they need to learn to control themselves. They could get into serious trouble one day. I can't believe it is our last year either, but like you said we have to make the most of it. Well, I will see you on the train tomorrow! I can't wait to see you!

All my love,


She was about to seal the parchment when suddenly another owl swooped into her bedroom. She pulled of the parchment and saw the Hogwarts seal. She ripped it open and found a letter from Professor Dumbledore:

Miss Granger,

It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected as this year's head girl. I am also pleased to tell you that the head boy is Harry Potter. You are both outstanding and courageous and I know this will be a job that you will not take lightly. I will see you at the start of the school year. I will need you to meet with me after the feast so we can discuss your duties. Congratulations and I will see you tomorrow.


Professor Albus Dumbledore

Hermione couldn't help but leap for joy. She was so happy that her and Harry were head boy and girl. She felt a little bad for Ron, but she couldn't help but smile. She grabbed the parchment she was about to send off and added a quick note at the bottom:

P.S. I just got my letter from Professor Dumbledore. I can't believe we are head boy and girl! Congratulations!

She tied the envelope onto Hedwig's leg and filled a box with the treats and tied it on her other leg. Hedwig took off out the window. Hermione was absolutely glowing with the news she was head girl. She was prefect the last two years, so she was hoping she would get this job too. She was also happy that Harry was head boy. She ran downstairs to tell her parents the good news!

Hermione waved goodbye to her parents as she boarded Hogwarts Express for the last and final time. She felt a wave of sadness rush over her as she found an empty compartment in the back. She knew that being head girl you get a private compartment in the front, but she was sick of being alone. She wanted to see her friends. She was a little early, so she didn't expect anyone to arrive anytime soon.

She pulled out Hogwarts: A History again and leaned against the back wall, facing the window. She started to read, but found her mind wondering off again. She couldn't help but stare at the passing couples outside. Hand in hand, a look of blissful love on their faces. Oh how she longed to be them. To be with the one you love and not have a care in the world. She was sick of being lonely; she wanted someone in her life. She couldn't help but get a tear in her eye as she thought about it. She felt so depressed and she hated that feeling. She didn't want to be unhappy just because she didn't have anyone. There were other people who didn't have anyone. She did have Victor in fourth year, but it was nothing special. He was too far away and they never got to see each other. Plus she didn't' really have feelings for him and she didn't' want to lead him on anymore, so she broke up with him.

As she gazed out the window she didn't hear anyone come into the compartment with her. Suddenly she felt an arm on her shoulder. It startled her and she jumped up quickly and turned around to face her raven haired friend. Harry still wore the black-framed glasses and she could see his piercing green eyes through them. Oh, how she loved those eyes. He stood about a foot taller than her now, but he was still rather skinny. She knew he shouldn't have been eating only salads for the summer; he needed to get some meat on those bones. His hair was still unruly and a little longer than last year, now it completely covered his scar. He was dressed in muggle clothes, a light gray t-shirt and jeans that were about ten sizes too big.

She smiled broadly and gave him a huge hug. "Oh Harry, it's so good to see you!"

Harry hugged her back and said, "It's good to see you too, Hermione."

They backed away and sat back down on the seat. Harry eyed the book lying beside Hermione, Hogwarts: A History and he couldn't help but think, typical Hermione.

"So what was wrong a minute ago?" Harry asked.

"Huh?" Hermione asked.

"Well I called your name like five times and you didn't even know I was there till I put my hand on your shoulder."

"Oh, I guess I was thinking."

"About?" Harry asked raising his brow.

"Everything, the end of school, life, just everything." Hermione eyed him to see if he would ask anything else.

"Oh, ok. Well, so tell me about your summer." Harry asked.

"Well, I didn't do anything much. Just laid around the house and got some studying done, you know the usual."

"Yeah, just like you to study over summer vacation," Harry said with a smirk on his face.

"Well you do know N.E.W.T.'s are this year and they are very important."

"Yes, Hermione, yes I do know how important they are, but does that mean that you can't have fun either?"

"Well, I didn't say I didn't do anything fun, I just said that I studied a lot."

"Ok, tell me one thing fun you did this summer." Harry was sitting now with his back leaned against the seat and his one leg propped up on the other. He was looking at her questionably. He knew that she probably didn't do much of anything, just like he didn't.

"Well…uh…." Hermione couldn't think of one thing fun she really did all summer. "Well, uh…I don't have to answer that Harry Potter. Now just leave me be!" She wasn't mad, just frustrated because he had caught her between a rock and hard place.

"Exactly!" Harry said as she smiled at her. He knew her all to well. He knew she probably sat in her room studying and reading books. She probably went out to dinner with her parents a few times, but that was probably it. "Well I wanted to tell you congratulations on making Head Girl!"

"Thanks Harry, you too!" Hermione grinned from ear to ear.

"Well I can't believe I did, with how many times I have been in trouble." Harry said.

"Oh Harry, you know you deserved it," Hermione reassured.

"I hope Ron doesn't get mad!" Harry said. He couldn't help but think that his friend was going to be angry that both his best friends are head boy and girl and he is not anything. He just hoped he would be captain of Quidditch since he had gotten a lot better lately.

"Speaking of Ron, where is he?" Hermione asked just now noticing their red-haired friend was not there yet and it was almost 11:00.

"Oh, he should be here soon, I wouldn't worry. You know that we know how to get to school if the barrier is closed," Harry said as he remembered the flying car incident all too well. He couldn't help but laugh at the thought of him and Ron landing in the whomping willow.

"Yes, yes I do and we don't want a repeat of that now do we? I think you almost got expelled for that and not only that, but also almost killed," Hermione stated in her bossy tone.

"Yeah, the key word there is almost. I have survived far worse than an insane tree, like you!" Harry said. He watched as Hermione's eyes grew wide at his statement.

"Not funny Harry James Potter, not funny at all!" Hermione exclaimed. She was astonished he would say such a thing. Even though she knew by his smile he was joking, she couldn't help but think there was a little truth to what he said.

"I'm just playing with you Hermione. Don't get your panties in a twist!" Harry couldn't help but start laughing now at Hermione's face. It was priceless.

Hermione started to join in the laughter. It was good to laugh again, she thought. Just then their goofy best friend popped his freckled face into the compartment.

"So what's so funny?" Ron asked as he came and sat down beside Harry.

"Oh, nothing!" Hermione said as she looked at Harry. She gave him a wink and propped her book back on her lap.

"Bloody hell, Hermione, don't tell me you are reading that book again!" Ron exclaimed as he stared at her with a look of horror on his face.

"Honestly Ron, you look as if I just murdered somebody. So what if I like this book, what does it matter to you?" Hermione said eyeing her friend.

"Anything off the trolley dears?" the voice of a woman said in the aisle.

Harry and Ron bought a few treats, Hermione politely declined. She continued to read her book when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and Harry was handing her a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and a couple chocolate frogs. She gave him a questioning look and he said, "I'm repaying you for giving me those sweets. They saved my sanity!"

Hermione couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh Harry, you don't have to repay me, It's..." she started to say, but Harry cut in, "Hermione, it's not a big deal. Just take it."

She reluctantly held out her hand and she took the treats. That was really sweet of Harry to do that, she thought.

"Well I really think this should go down in the records for most times a book has been read by one person!" Ron stated opening one of his chocolate frogs.

Hermione gave him a smirk and was about to say something.

"Anyway Ron," Harry interrupted. It was just like them to bicker, but he didn't feel like listening to it so he changed the subject, "How was Egypt?"

"Oh it was great! Mum bought had a cow when Fred and George tried to do magic on the mummy!" Ron exclaimed.

"Yeah, I bet she didn't like the fact that they were messing with thousand year old skeletons." Hermione added not tearing her gaze away from her book.

"Well actually, it wasn't that. She was freaked out because she went to look at it and the thing started to dance and sing right in front of her face!" Ron said as he started to laugh.

"It was classic!"

Harry and Hermione both couldn't suppress their laughter. Hermione couldn't help but smile at this scene. She wished it would stay like this forever, but she knew it couldn't. Things were going to change and she had to except that, but that is when she realized that she still had a whole year before that would happen. At least she had now. She didn't want to try and worry about the future so much, she just wanted to try and focus on the present. How much better could it get? Here she was, in her seventh year at school, and she was with her two very best friends in the entire world laughing and cutting up. She couldn't think of anywhere else she would have liked to have been at that moment.

When the Hogwarts express pulled into Hogsmeade, Harry, Ron and Hermione went and found an empty horse-less carriage. Hermione breathed in the fresh air and stared at Hogwarts. This is the last time I am going to get to do this. She marveled at the beautiful castle that lay before her eyes. She loved this place so much; she was going to miss it so. Alright, bad Hermione, you are going to stop worrying about that, focus on now!! When they got out of the carriages, Hermione, Harry and Ron heard Hagrid's voice calling the first years.

"'ver 'ere first yers!" Hagrid bellowed above the crowd.

"Hagrid!" they all three yelled in unison. They gave the half-giant a hug.

"'ello 'arry, Ron and 'ermione!"

"It's good to see you Hagrid!" Hermione said to him as she smiled at her lovable friend. She may have been a little weary of his teaching abilities, but she wasn't weary about his friendship and kindness. He was one of the people she thoroughly enjoyed seeing. She loved this half-giant!

"Good to see yer too!" Hagrid said.

"Well we better go, we will see you later!" Ron said.

"Yeah, Hagrid will make a lot of trips to see you! We promise!" Harry called back to his friend as he was ushered inside Hogwarts.

They made their way into the Great Hall and took a seat on the long table where most of the Gryffindors were already seated. They waited for the sorting to begin. Hermione eyed the front table and spotted Remus Lupin, their third year defense against the dark arts teacher.

"Harry! Look!" Hermione pointed toward the table. "It's Lupin!"

"Do you think he is our DADA teacher again?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I think he is. He is sitting at the head table with all the other teachers and he is the only one that I see who could be it," Hermione said from behind him.

He turned to face her and said, "I really hope so! Then I won't have to worry if they are up to something. We can trust Lupin."

She nodded her head in agreement when McGonagall began the sorting. Hermione didn't feel like listening, so she started to admire her surroundings. She looked up at the beautiful enchanted sky and remembered the first time she had walked into this hall. She met Ron and Harry for the first time on the train while looking for Neville's toad. She remembered being put in Gryffindor and how wonderful it felt. She thought back to the troll incident and how Harry and Ron were both so brave. She missed those years, but she had grown and so has her friendship with them both. They were inseparable; she just hoped that would continue throughout their lives and not just stop when school was let out. Ok, Hermione, you are doing it again! She stopped thinking about that and turned back to the ceremony. She was staring at the first years and she watched their anxious faces. She remembered how she felt the first time she came to Hogwarts and had to be sorted. She was ecstatic when she got into Gryffindor, and over the years she knew that she had proved to be worthy of being in that house.

"Silverton, Gregory," Professor McGonagall said. "This is Gregory Silverton everyone and he is a transfer student from Beaurbaxtons. He will be in his seventh year this year." Hermione watched as a tall boy walked out of the crowd. He had brown hair that was cut short. He was about six foot and looked rather muscular. She couldn't really tell from under his robes. He is kinda cute. The boy sat down on the stool and placed the hat on his head. It took a few moments then the hat shouted, "Ravenclaw!" Everyone at the Ravenclaw table cheered and Gregory walked to the table. As he did, he was looking right at Hermione. Is he looking at me? No, that is just my imagination. But as he turned to sit down she could have sworn that he mouthed hi to her. She turned back to the ceremony and watched as the rest were sorted, but her mind was with Gregory the whole time. She couldn't help but think about him and she had no idea why.

"Students, as you all know the Forbidden Forest is off limits and Mr. Filch would like me to remind you that he will be keeping a close eye on everyone this year. I would like to announce that Remus Lupin will be this years DADA again." Everyone began clapping, but Harry, Ron and Hermione clapped the hardest. "We are very pleased to have him back with us again. And now, let's eat!"

The wonderful food appeared on all the tables and everyone dug in. After they ate, Harry and Hermione were to go and meet with Professor Dumbledore. They said their goodbyes to Ron and walked down the corridor toward the Headmaster's office.

"I hope Ron isn't mad at us," Harry said breaking the silence.

"I don't think he is. He didn't act like it and you know Ron, if he is mad he would show it. I think he is just happy for us. He seems to have matured." Hermione answered. She truly didn't think Ron was upset at all. Harry nodded and they continued to walk in silence.

They came upon the gargoyle statue and waited for Professor Dumbledore to arrive. "Hello, Harry and Hermione," they heard a voice call from down the hall. They turned to see the headmaster walking their way.

"Hello Professor!" Hermione said in a rather cheerful voice.

"Hello," Harry said also.

"Well, let's get inside so I can tell you what I expect of you this year."

They watched him as he said the password, "Chocolate Frog", and the rotating staircase appeared. They went up to his office and took seats in front of his desk.

"Now, I want to go ahead and congratulate you for making head boy and girl. I both think you will do a superb job," Dumbledore announced as he sat in his seat.

Hermione started to blush and said, "Thank you Professor." Harry nodded his head in agreement.

The meeting lasted only about fifteen minutes and Professor Dumbledore just specified what they were expected to do like watch over the students, patrol the halls and instruct the prefects of their duties.

Harry and Hermione walked back to the common room in silence, both were worn about by today. As they walked in, most students were already in their dorm rooms. Ron was sitting on a chair in front of the fire and Harry and Hermione walked over to join him. They both sat on the couch opposite of him.

"So, how was the meeting?" Ron asked.

"Oh, the usual. He just wanted to tell us what are duties are," Hermione answered. She hoped that Ron didn't feel left out. There really wasn't any need for him to feel that way.

"Yeah, it was rather boring," Harry said.

"Well, so Harry have you seen Cho lately?" Ron asked raising an eyebrow at him.

Hermione hated when they talked about other girls in front of her, and they often did. It's not that she was jealous, at least she didn't think she was, but it was that she never had anyone really to talk about herself other than Viktor and that didn't go so well. She hadn't been with anyone since him and no one seemed to take interest in her. But the girls would always swoon over Harry and Ron. She hated that feeling, but she never said anything. She just went along with the conversation like nothing bothered her.

"No, at least not yet," Harry answered. His face had turned a rather nice shade of red as the thought of his crush Cho Chang filled his mind.

"Are you going to ask her out again?" Ron asked.

"Who knows, maybe," Harry answered.

Hermione felt a sting of jealousy hit her when she heard him say that. She thought he was through with Cho. Just because she is beautiful, popular and the Ravenclaw seeker, didn't mean that every guy had to have her. Inside that head was probably nothing interesting. Guys were always like this, outside first, and then if that is good enough they will look on the inside.

"Well she is one hot girl and who wouldn't want to be with her, right?" Ron asked.

Hermione couldn't help but comment on this. "Typical!"

"What?" Ron said eying Hermione.

"I said, typical. It is just like every guy to want the most gorgeous girl no matter what. What about the inside, doesn't that matter?" Hermione said in a bossy tone. She was sick and tired of no one ever noticing her because she was not as pretty as Cho.

"Well, of course the inside matters, but the outside does too!" Ron said.

"Of course, Ronald Weasley, of course you would think that. I am sure you feel the same way, Harry!" Hermione said as she turned to Harry who was sitting quietly beside her.

"Well…" Harry started to say, but Hermione cut him off knowing that he had the same opinion as Ron.

"Ok, I see. I guess every guy will always be like this! I am going to bed!" Hermione said in a rather loud tone. She felt the tears wanting to fall, but she held them back long enough to make it to the stairs. As she was about to go up she heard Ron say, "What's with her?"

She ran up the stairs and into her room. Being head girl, she was allowed her own room this year, and she was happy about that. She didn't want the other girls to ask questions about why she was crying.

She changed into her pajamas and sat by the window. She peered up at the stars in the sky. They are so beautiful, unlike me. Why are guys like this? Why can't anyone see me for me? I have a lot to offer if someone would just give me a chance. Suddenly she saw a shooting star graze the sky and she silently made a wish to herself, please help me find the right person for me! She turned back to her bed and lay down, thinking about her life. She let the tears fall and slowly cried herself to sleep.

Little did she know that someone else had seen that same shooting star and made the exact same wish as she did.

I hope everyone likes it so far. I am anxious to get to the exciting stuff, but I have to take it slow and work my way there. So everyone, more exciting stuff with happen soon, I promise, but for now please READ/REVIEW!!