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The Low Shine of Light by phoenixwriter

The Low Shine of Light


Author note: That's the second chapter of this story and I would like to thank my beta-reader who is much more a co-author for me because she do so much to this story I should call her this. Thank you very much for your effort Perivayne. If you has any questions regarding to this story just post to this thread and I will answer you. I would like to thank you who did review I really thankfully to your kind words.

Chapter Two - An Unexpected Visit

Harry's mind was racing with thoughts as he watched the door open and Mrs. Figg came peering blearily around the doorjamb. "What if we're too late…. what if Mrs Figg can't contact the Order…Where are the members who are supposed to be watching me…". He quickly glanced back to Hermione to see she had closed her eyes to concentrate on staying upright. Crookshanks sat at her feet, staring upward anxiously and mewing in concern whenever Hermione seemed to be losing the fight to remain standing.

"What are you doing here at this hour in the morning, Harry Potter?" Mrs. Figg's voice was clearly annoyed as she came forward into the threshold wearing a floral patterned dressing gown, floppy slippers and rag curlers completing the frumpy image of the older woman.

Mr. Tibbs, one of Mrs. Figg's cats, poked his head out to observe the strange goings on at his mistress' door. Crookshanks took immediate notice and meowed imperiously at the other cat, who then took off like a shot back into the house.

"Sorry for waking you, Mrs. Figg, but we need to talk to the Order straight away. It's very important!"

The older woman was slow on the uptake due to the early hour, but after a moment, she finally noticed Hermione standing behind Harry, looking very wan.

"Are you trying to impress this girl, then? You shouldn't be talking about the….the group to just anyone, young man! Really, I just don't know wha…" Harry interrupted her grumpy harangue.

"Hermione is a witch, Mrs Figg, she and her family were attacked tonight by Voldemort's …" Figg jumped as if she'd been bitten and shushed him, glancing anxiously about to be sure no neighbours were up and about to overhear them. As if there would be any Muggles lurking around at this time in the morning. Harry stated impatiently, " We need to contact the Order!"

"Please, Mrs. Figg! My parents need help!" Hermione interrupted.

Harry turned around in surprise. His impression from his dream was that their attackers had killed Hermione's parents, so his surprise soon turned to concern about the condition of the Grangers. Hermione seemed to exhaust her strength with her exclamation and she sank to the ground.

He sprang to Hermione's side and knelt over her, "Hermione, are you alright?" Hermione shook her head as she held herself up with shaking arms. Harry slid behind her and took hold of her below her arms and called Mrs. Figg to assist him. The batty old Squib hurried down the shallow steps and went to the stricken girl's side. Between them, Hermione was lifted to her feet and guided into Mrs. Figg's home. Crookshanks brought up the rear, slithering past the doorjamb just before the door swung shut.

The smell of cabbages and cats still permeated the home. Hermione was placed in an overstuffed chair and a crocheting throw was tucked around her. Mrs. Figg bustled into her kitchen to brew a spot of tea for the ailing girl. Crookshanks jumped up onto his mistress' lap and cuddled close. Mr. Tibbs and the other two cats then made an appearance and arranged themselves around Hermione's legs and shoulders in similar comforting poses.

Harry, feeling a little useless in the face of all this feline solicitude, settled on the floor near Hermione and watched her face anxiously. She sat with her eyes closed and her breathing was shallow. After a few minutes, Mrs. Figg hurried back into the room and let Harry help Hermione sip her tea. She hovered in the background, muttering about missing help and wringing her hands.

Hermione began to recover as she drank the tea, and soon took the cup from Harry to finish the beverage without assistance. Harry turned to the older woman and repeated his demand to contact the Order of the Phoenix.

Mrs. Figg looked strangely anxious as she informed Harry that his guard had been called away during the night and had not yet returned. "Shacklebolt left a note that he was called away. Something to do with the Ministry, he didn't say what."

"How can we contact the Order? Hedwig? And what about the Grangers? They need help right now!" The older woman looked furtive for a moment, then mumbled, "Could use the Floo connection…"

"Your fireplace is connected to the Floo network? Brilliant! I'll call them at Headquarters then!" He headed toward the large fireplace, looking about for the container of Floo powder. Mrs. Figg grabbed his arm to halt him.

"Not so quick, young man. The Floo connection isn't to be used unless there's no other way. That's Dumbledore's express order. And since I'm a Squib I don't have a magical way to contact him."

"But Hermione's parents need help! We have to risk it, Mrs. Figg!" The batty old woman's features set in a pinched expression and Harry felt a sinking in the pit of his stomach. Aunt Petunia had a look very similar which usually boded no good in Harry's experience.

"No, young man. We'll wait for the next guard from the Order and let them contact…"

"WE will be using the Floo connection. Right now!" Hermione was on her feet, her wand held at her side with unmistakeable intent. Mrs. Figg blanched at the determined and deadly look in Hermione's eyes, but tried to bluster in an attempt to regain her authority. "Now, wait just a minute, my girl, this is my …"

Hermione's wand came up and held steady on Mrs. Figg who went silent in the face of girl's obvious rage. Harry thrust himself in front of Mrs. Figg and faced his friend.

"Hermione, what are you doing? You're not allowed to do magic outside of school unless it's in self-defence!" Harry checked a moment, realising that somehow his and Hermione's roles had been reversed. "We don't have time to argue about this, both of you! Your parents need help! Hermione, please!"

His words seemed to finally reach his friend. She blinked, then a confused look came over her face and she lowered the wand. Mrs. Figg, thoroughly cowed by this point scrambled to a cabinet near the fireplace and retrieved a small container of Floo powder. She handed the stuff to Harry and beat a quick retreat to her kitchen, followed by her three cats. Crookshanks remained seated regally in Hermione's chair.

Harry turned back to the fireplace, and took a pinch of Floo powder. Tossing it into the fireplace, he shouted, "12 Grimmauld Place!" The green flames sprang up hungrily and he knelt down and put his head into the flames.

After the spinning sensation stopped, Harry opened his eyes to see that the kitchen in Grimmauld Place was dark and silent. Looking around, Harry could detect no one in the room.

"Hello! Anyone there, please! Remus, can you hear me?" His voice echoed in the room. He called again and heard the sound of sudden and heavy footsteps pounding down the stairs. Finally, a rumpled and out-of-breath Remus Lupin arrived before the fireplace.

"Harry! What are you doing, calling here? You should be in your Aunt's house!" Lupin paused to take a breath, and Harry interrupted, "Hermione and her parents were attacked by Death Eaters last night. Hermione got away and came to Surrey, but she was cursed with something, I don't know what exactly."

Lupin looked stunned, " Hermione and her parents? But the wards should have let Dumbledore know if anyone…" The sound of the front door opening and the more footsteps echoed from above, accompanied by Tonks' shout, "Oy, Remus! Where are you?" Lupin called for her to come into the kitchen as Harry continued, "Hermione's ill, it's amazing she made it here in one piece. She says her parents were still alive when she left. Somebody has to go help them!"

Tonks had entered halfway through Harry's statement. Remus glanced over at her and nodded. Tonks spun round, to leave and tripped over a chair leg. The resultant crash made both Harry and Remus cringe.

"Bloody chair…bloody feet…I'm on it, Remus. Let Shacklebolt know when he arrives. I'll let you know when we reach St. Mungo's, alright?" And with that, Tonks dashed out.

Remus turned back to Harry. "I'll apparate to Mrs. Figg's in just a few moments to help Hermione, ok, Harry? I just need to let Albus know what's been going on first. Don't go outside again until I arrive!"

Harry nodded, relieved. Extracting his head, he sat back to let the spinning pass and then turned back to his best friend. She was sitting in the chair again, with Crookshanks on her lap. Silent tears tracked down her face as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

Not knowing what else to do for her, he sat on the arm of her chair and placed his arm around her shoulders. Hermione turned her face into his arm and sobbed. Mrs. Figg, popping her head around the corner to see if it was safe to come out, saw the pair and ducked back out of sight.

The loud crack of a person apparating came from the kitchen. On the heels of that, Mrs. Figg's feelings of misuse were evident in the complaints about high-handed behaviour by the youth of today. Remus came into the parlour room where Hermione and Harry waited with Mrs. Figg close behind.

Remus pulled his wand and held it over Hermione's head. Harry steeped back toward the fireplace to not be in the way of the spell. The older man spoke in a soft murmur "Patesco Incantatum" while moving the tip in a figure eight. A mote of blue light formed in the centre of the pattern and slowly drifted down. As it touched Hermione's head, it's colour changed drastically, bright red bleeding into the blue and then beginning to pulse like a heartbeat.

Harry did not know what the change meant, but the look on Remus' face indicated concern. He ended the spell and then turned to Harry. "Hermione needs to go to St. Mungo's immediately, Harry. Since the situation is so confused, Dumbledore wants you to return to your aunt's in the interim." Harry immediately opened his mouth to protest, but Remus put his hand on his shoulder. "I know you want to go with Hermione, Harry, but this may be a ruse to lure you out of Privet Drive. Until we can be sure, you need to stay."

Anger boiled up for a moment, and then froze as the memory of the fiasco in the Department of Mysteries surfaced in Harry's mind. Yes, it could be a plot of Voldemort's to catch Harry out. After a moment, Harry nodded, acquiescing to Remus' order. Remus's hand tightened briefly on the boy's shoulder and he gave a small sad smile as he watched the frustration in Harry's face.

Crookshanks suddenly let out an incredible yowl, and the two turned to see Hermione slumped over the arm of the chair. Remus quickly hurried to her and picked her up. Harry touched Hermione's head quickly before stepping back and nodding to Remus to go. A with another sharp crack of sound, they were gone.

Harry said goodbye to Mrs. Figg and thanked her for the use of her fireplace. She snorted in disbelief first, but then seemed to be mollified by Harry's good manners. Crookshanks appeared to have taken up residence in the chair beside the fireplace. He mewed as Harry passed, but made no move to follow the boy.

As he walked back to Number 4 Privet Drive in the early morning light, Harry pondered what could be wrong with Hermione and when he would get to see her again. He was so involved in his thoughts that he did not realise he had reached his relatives' home until his Uncle Vernon bellowed, "Who's bloody vehicle is blocking my driveway?"