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The Raven by Heaven

The Raven


A/N: Several of you were confused about Harry in the first chapter and I'm hoping to clarify it for you now:

Harry isn't alive. His soul is at a state of unrest because of the way he died. Therefore, the Raven is like his guide now, because the world he knew isn't the same anymore.

I hope that answered your questions… if you guys still are confused… then maybe you should watch the movie ;) It's excellent, I promise.

The Raven: Chapter 2- The First Revenge

Harry had no idea how long he stood in his ruined living room, but the lightning had finally died down as he stepped over broken wood.

A cracking of glass could be heard underneath the wall, and it made Harry retrace his steps and effortlessly lift up the wall. He was amazed at his strength, and looked gratefully to the Raven for this gift. Pushing back the plaster and wood, he looked down to see several broken picture frames scattered across the floor.

Gently, Harry pushed aside the glass and picked up the photos. When he had successfully pulled all of them from under the broken frames, he backed into a corner of the room, the Raven somewhere above him, and looked at all of them.

The first one was taken at Ginny's nineteenth birthday party, back when the Weasleys were all still alive. Harry was sitting next to Hermione and he had shoved some cake in her face, claiming they needed practice for their wedding. It had been the first public announcement of their engagement.

Harry impatiently brushed away at several tears that rolled down his pale cheeks. Going a few pictures more into the small stack, he came upon another one that brought a slight smile to his cracked, dry lips.

The next one was during a day when he and Hermione had decided to picnic in their backyard. Instead of eating, they had spent the day rolling around on the blanket, snogging and making love. He had brought an old camera out with them and had extended his arm to take a picture. In it Hermione repeatedly kissed his cheek and periodically he would turn to take her lips with his.

Harry let out a low moan as his body ached for Hermione… the way her eyes would warm as soon as he would step into the same room, her soft hands cupping his cheek as they kissed… he let out a loud cry and flew up from where he was crouched on the floor.

The Raven flew behind him, never straying far away.

*** *** ***

Opius Gavet, Death Eater in Lucius Malfoy's group, strolled down the wet dark streets of Knockturn Alley. In one hand, he held a bag filled with loot from a house they'd ransacked earlier in the evening.

"Get some good money for this shit…" he puffed hard on a cigarette then tossed the butt onto the street. Opius yanked the metal grate and pushed the door open. The inside of Rim Tin's pawn shoppe was dark, but he could see a flicker of light in the back. Stalking past glass cases of rings and other fancy things, he pounded on the metal fencing that kept Rim Tin separated from his customers.

"Who's there?" Rim Tin's gruff voice came from the back.

"Me," Opius replied shortly, tossing his bag on the counter loudly.

"I'm closed!"

"Not for me you aren't." Opius hit the metal grating with his fist.

Rim Tin grumbled as he slammed the door behind him. "You'd better have something good in here tonight." He yanked the bag and started pawing through it.

Opius lit another cigarette and watched Rim Tin go through the loot. "There's some excellent stuff in there tonight my friend…"

"You call this excellent?" Rim Tin held up a tiny sparkling diamond ring. "This shit's so small no one will even see it."

"Bull shit!" Opius snarled, running a fist through his long straggly hair.

"I'll give you ten Galleons for all this." Rim Tin replied.

"Ten Galleons?" Opius was pissed.

"Take it or leave it." Rim Tin was firm.

"Fucking… I'll take it." Opius curled his hand into a fist and dropped his cigarette on the floor, grinding it out with his black boot. He snatched the Galleons and turned to leave. "Cheap ass fucker…"

"Close the damn door on your way out!" Rim Tin yelled.

"Oh I'll close it for you REAL good!" Opius slammed the door behind him so hard the glass shattered behind the grate.

He stomped off down the street angrily, grumbling about the lack of money he'd gotten for all his hard work. Opius turned down a dark alley filled with garbage and leaned against the wall to light another smoke.

Harry was running- he had an idea of where to find his first victim. It was almost as if the Raven had given him extra senses- he could taste the scent of Opius Gavet and knew when he was getting close. Peering around the side of the building, he saw his target further down the alley.

A malicious grin crossed his face as he opened his mouth and let out a hideous laugh that echoed off the side of the buildings. Once he started, he could barely stop.

"Who's out there?" Opius shouted.

Harry ceased laughing as he began stalking down the alley towards the other man. His lips twisted in a horrible snarl as he got closer.

"What the fuck you all dressed up for?" Opius sneered as Harry got closer. "Halloween isn't for another few weeks!"

Harry continued to advance silently, the flickering firelight from dirty windows making his emerald eyes glow. He saw recognition flash across Opius Gavet's face as the man drew his wand. Harry leapt forward and slapped it out of his hand, grabbing at Opius's throat.

"Get the hell away!" Opius choked, raising his foot and kicking Harry in the stomach. Harry let go and staggered backwards, realising that it didn't hurt. He could hear the Raven cry out above him and he felt a surge of rage course through his body.

Harry rushed at Opius again, this time slamming him into the wall. Opius reached for his wand, and realised that it was lying somewhere in the dark alley. Going into his other pocket, he pulled out a long, wicked looking knife and slashed it at Harry.

He leapt back as Opius threw the knife. Harry hit it away and it clanged against the wall. Throwing a punch, he landed it right on Opius's jaw and he fell to the ground. Grabbing another knife from his pockets (he kept several on him for this purpose) he flung it at Harry, who caught it between his hands, much to Opius's horror.

Harry flew towards Opius and brandished the knife against his neck. "I want you to tell me a story," he said in a low, dangerous tone.

"Don't know what you're talking about!" Opius choked.

"A murder, one year ago…" Harry said darkly, pushing harder with the blade.

"I never murdered anyone!" Opius claimed.

"The hell you didn't!" Harry shouted. "A man and a woman in a house, a year ago…" his voice lowered. Opius opened his mouth to say something but Harry continued. "You killed them… tonight, one year ago."

"Yeah, some man, some bitch. Who cares!" Opius snarled. Harry slapped him hard across the face and nicked his neck with the knife.

"Her name was Hermione," He said through clenched teeth. "You gagged her…" he almost couldn't get his next words out of his mouth. "You… you raped her…"

"Yeah, Hermione… I shagged her ass raw and she LOVED it…" Opius snickered and as Harry shut his eyes tight in pain Opius threw him back, then grabbed some piping lying along the wall and brought it down hard on Harry's back.

Harry was seeing stars as Opius continued to hit him with the pipe- he couldn't seem to get back up when he suddenly heard the Raven call out- it was like new strength filled him and he swung around and plunged the knife into Opius's side.

Opius stumbled back in shock, looking at the blade in his side as Harry staggered to his feet, the other knife in his hand.

"That one was for me…" Harry said coldly, his eyes glinting. "And this… this one is for Hermione." He threw the knife and it embedded in Opius's chest, directly into his heart.

Opius fell back, gasping as he tried to move his hand to the blade in his chest. He saw Harry stand directly over him.

"And now you'll stare into my face as you die." Harry glared down at him.

Opius pulled the blade out of his side and felt something warm gush out. Blood… his blood was leaving his body. His vision began to grow dark and he began to cough up the thick red liquid.

Harry watched emotionlessly as Opius spasmed a couple of times and grew still. He nudged the body a couple times with his foot, and when the other man didn't stir Harry knew he was dead. He dragged the body over behind a pile of trash, then spotted Opius's wand a few feet away. Harry scooped it up, figuring he could use it for protection.

Although he didn't think he needed much- it wasn't as if they could kill him when he was already dead.

*** *** ***

Bellatrix was in the shower, letting the hot water steam over her long black hair. Lucius sat on the other side of the room, alternating between watching her and looking at an old snow globe.

She wrapped a silk robe around herself and sauntered over to him, sitting on his lap. "You're thinking about the past again aren't you." She leaned over and nibbled on his ear.

"My father gave this to me." he held up the globe to her, and she saw that it wasn't filled with white flakes; instead it was filled with drops of blood. "He told me the minute you know you're going to die, your child hood is over." A sneer lifted his upper lip. "I would have passed it on to my son, but…" he shuddered as he thought of Draco, the good for nothing child who chose to turn to the other side.

Bellatrix smirked, putting the globe on the nightstand and pushing Lucius onto the bed. "Is our little girl sleeping?" she asked coyly.

"See for yourself," He responded, motioning towards the motionless body. Bellatrix got up and went over, turning the naked body of the girl on her back. "I like her eyes," she slid a wicked curved knife from her garter and traced it lightly along the girl's face. "Can I have them?"

Lucius grinned.

*** *** ***

Rim Tin sat back, counting his good with a satisfactory smile on his unshaven face. His Galleons were stacking up by the day, and he loved the way he dealt with business. Rim Tin bought for less, sold for more. That was the way to go these days, especially when dealing with Death Eaters.

A sudden pounding at the door made him jump and spill some of his money. "Shove off, we're closed!" he shouted, not moving from his seat.

The pounding continued, in a rhythmic pattern. "Go sleep it off somewhere else, wanker!" Rim Tin called angrily, trying to gather his fallen Galleons.

The metal gate suddenly let out a loud shriek as it was lifted up off the hinges and thrown away as if it weighed nothing.

"What the fuck…" Rim Tim stumbled back as he saw the figure raise a booted foot and shove it through the glass.

"Suddenly, I heard a tapping, as if someone gently rapping," Harry recited coldly as he stepped in the door. "Rapping at my chamber door," The bird settled on his shoulder. "Quoth the Raven, nevermore."

"What are you talking about?" Rim Tin was still on the floor. "Who the hell are you?"

Harry ignored the question. "You heard me rapping, right?"

"You're trespassing." Rim Tin snapped. "And you owe me a new door!"

"I'm looking for something in the style of an engagement ring." Harry said, ignoring the other man's statement. "Gold, one diamond."

"Don't sell those here," Rim Tin lied, fumbling around behind him for his Muggle gun he kept tucked in his waistband. He found it to be a much better weapon than a wand, especially when dealing with assholes like this guy. He tucked his finger against the trigger and pointed it at the guy, firing immediately.

Harry staggered back as the bullet bit through him, but he twisted his lips up in a smile as he straightened his body back out.

"Shit…" Rim Tin's face grew pale as he watched the wound heal up. "Oh shit…" he scrambled up and Harry flew at him, knocking him back over the counter. Boxes and junk fell on top of him as Rim Tin desperately pushed it off and shook with fear as he scanned his dark shoppe for the figure.

Harry had jumped up above the rafters and now he swung down. "Mr. Rim Tim, you're not paying attention." He said calmly with a mocking sneer on his face. He flipped himself down as Rim Tin shook the gun at him. Harry made a fist and smashed the glass casing, then grabbed the knife and swiftly pushed it right through Rim Tin's hand, pinning him to the wood shelf.

"Now, as I was saying. An engagement right. One diamond in the middle." Harry leaned closer to the shoppe owner. "A rather large diamond, if I do say so myself." He began to pace the small area. "You have regular Death Eaters that pawn stuff off here, I've known of you for a long time."

"Over there!" Rim Tin had dropped the gun and was frantically trying to pull the knife from his other hand. "In that box behind the shelves!"

Sirius pulled his cloak tighter around himself as he made his way down the dark alley. His office members had been summoned there a quarter of an hour before.

"Who's this trash?" his ex partner was standing in the wet street looking down at the dead body.

"Opius Gavet." Sirius knew who it was instantly. "One of Lucius Malfoy's Death Eater thugs."

"Figures you'd know right away," Chester McMurphy was snide.

"You asked." Sirius replied shortly. "I'd have figured such a good Ministry Auror would know what dangers there are on the streets these days.

"Spare me." Chester snapped. "You're not even a real Auror anymore."

"And I'm supposed to thank you for that, right?" Sirius said as other Aurors began covering up the body to take back to the Ministry.

Chester narrowed his eyes at him, and then looked past Sirius to the brick wall of the building. "What the hell is that?"

Sirius turned to see the outline of a raven traced in red. "Blood, Chester." He said simply. "I suppose you'll just write it up as graffiti."

"You can leave my crime scene now," Chester turned his back on Sirius, who smirked in reply and took his time walking back out of the alley.

Harry threw some boxes aside looking for the metal safe where Rim Tin claimed to keep his rings. "I don't see any rings!" he shouted.

"Under that shelf there!" Rim Tin finally yanked the knife out of his hand and wrapped it in a kerchief.

Harry stopped throwing things and looked down, seeing the grey metal under some papers. Pushing them to the side, he crouched down and unlocked the box.

"No," he dug through the rings. "No… no…." he closed his eyes tightly as his hand came in contact with the one he was looking for. Harry dropped the box as he doubled over; the pain inside of him at the memory was almost too much to bear.

"Keep your eyes closed," Harry was leading Hermione into the living room.

"I am!" she said, her lips curved up in a smile. She could feel Harry's hands softly caressing her bare shoulders as he guided her through the door. "What are we doing?"

"You'll find out in a minute," Harry teased, kissing the back of her neck lightly. He sat her down in the middle of the floor and looked around to make sure everything was in its proper place. Harry looked at her for a moment, loving the way she was smiling even though she had no idea what he was up to. "Okay," he said.

Hermione opened her eyes and gasped as she looked around their living room. Candles floated everywhere, and there was a bottle of champagne sitting on the blanket between them. "Oh Harry, it's gorgeous."

"Not nearly as gorgeous as you," Harry said, his eyes growing soft. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. "I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course I know that," Hermione gave him an exasperated yet loving look. "And I love you too."

Harry grinned at her then, and poured some of the champagne into the glasses. "Here," he said, passing her one of the goblets. "To us, and how much I love you." He said.

"I'll drink to that," she laughed as they both sipped at the champagne. Hermione started to put the glass down but Harry kept it up to her mouth.

"Keep drinking," he said. "There's a surprise for you at the bottom of the glass." She kept drinking and he knew she'd found the ring when she let out a gasp of surprise.

"Harry!" she plucked it from the glass and held it up to the light. "Is this…"

"Marry me?" he asked taking her hand and putting the ring on her finger.

Hermione's lower lip trembled and she threw her arms around his neck, knocking him on his back as she repeatedly agreed to become his wife over and over again.

Harry let out an anguished cry as he nearly dropped the ring. Taking a handful of other ones, he kicked over stacks of things that Rim Tin was trying to sell and went back out to the front.

Rim Tin was still nursing his hand as Harry smashed several objects and pulled a wand from his pocket. "You have one chance to live," he snarled, pointing it at the larger man's jugular.

"Take anything," Rim Tin sputtered. "Anything you want."

"Thank you," Harry grinned maliciously. "But there's nothing else I need from you, aside from a little information. He pushed the wand harder against Rim Tin's throat. "I need to know where Opius Gavet's little friends play around at."

"Murdock's." Rim Tin gasped out. "They all hang out at Murdock's… its right down in the main street of Knockturn Alley." He wound the kerchief tighter around his hand. "All of Malfoy's cronies hang out there… Anton Storinson… he lives up above it!"

"Storinson…." A glint of hatred shone in Harry's eyes at the name of one of his other killers. Rim Tin made to move away but Harry shoved the wand back at his throat. Reaching into his pocket, Harry threw the handful of rings at Rim Tin. "See these?" he spat. "Each one of these represents a life… a life you helped to destroy."

"Please," Rim Tin was down on his knees. "Please, don't kill me!"

"I'm not going to," Harry grinned. "You're going to do me a favour. You're going to go to Murdock's. You're going to tell all of them that death is coming. Tonight." He stuck the wand back in his pocket as he dumped the rest of the rings on the floor. "Tell them Harry Potter sends his deepest regards."

Rim Tin watched him leave, shaking like a leaf. As soon as Harry was out of sight, he turned and ran. As fast as he could.

Harry left the shop behind, walking with measured steps towards Murdock's. His hands were clenched at his sides, and the look in his eyes would have scared many a person if there was anyone out that late. He was turning down one of the alleyways when another figure stepped out in front of him.

"Don't move," Sirius said, pointing his wand directly at the other person.

"Don't you guys normally give warnings before you stick your wand in someone's face?" Harry tried to stay in the shadows.

"Don't move, or you're dead." Sirius replied coolly, unaffected.

"Well I think I'll move, because I'm already dead." Harry said, moving further back away from the light. He didn't want to reveal himself to his godfather quite yet.

"What are you nuts?" Sirius couldn't believe this punk. "I could kill you with one spell, there's not a chance you'll get away."

"You don't remember me, do you?" Harry asked, now concealed in the shadows. "If you don't remember me, do you remember Hermione Granger?"

"Hermione Granger is dead," Sirius replied, an unexpected wave of pain coursing over him at the mention of a girl he'd considered to be like a daughter.

"Did you know someone named Opius Gavet?" Harry asked. "He died a year ago… but I finished off the job tonight."

"You killed Gavet…" Sirius realised, raising his wand higher.

"He and all the rest of his boys are already dead tonight," Harry needed to get away. "And Lucius will be the last to go." He moved quickly, swooping past Sirius like the Raven.

Sirius shouted as he went by, and the figure turned back once. He was able to catch a glimpse of bright green eyes before the figure disappeared. Only two people he had known in his life had eyes like that. One had been gone for such a long time and the other…

"Harry?" he called after him, but the figure didn't return.