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The Terror Nights by Songbird21

The Terror Nights


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Harry Potter and the Terror Nights- by Songbird21


(Part of the 'Emerald Spellbook' series)

WARNING! WARNING WILL ROBINSON! [Shame on you if you didn't get that joke ^_~] The following author's notes are pretty damn long. If you want to just read the important stuff then you can stop reading after I've explained about the Quidditch team. The rest is just me thanking my reviewers. ^_~\/
Harry Potter and all the characters are not mine blah blah blah. The only things/people I own are Wendy Potter, Tea Mason, Esmeralda Carney, Kimberly Gellar, the spell creation course, the mermaid language course, the broom making course, the blue magic flower ball, and "The Secret Lives of Spirits". Please do not use them in a story without asking me. Thoughts are in italics
I realize that there are two more original characters. Trust me, they are mostly there to fill in the team positions that I couldn't fill using cannon characters. They won't be used for much off the Quidditch field. I went to start writing my first quidditch match when I realized that everyone on the fricken' team had graduated except for Harry and Ginny! Ahhhgggggg! The new characters are Tea Mason and Kimberly Gellar. The other two replacements are cannon characters, just not well known. So the new Gryffindor team stands thus:

Seamus Finnigan- Chaser

Tea Mason- Keeper

Ginny Weasley- Chaser

Kimberly Gellar- Chaser

Natalie McDonald- Beater

Andrew Kirke - Beater

Harry Potter- Seeker and captain

If anyone knows what the other cannon characters look like I would be very pleased to know. I got their names from the HP Lexicon, so their names are all I know about them, apart from what years they attended Hogwarts.

Answers to questions and/or comments. Also general thanks (NOTE: Some reviews are from Fiction Alley) :

Shawn Pickett- Actually, we haven't seen Seamus on the quiditch team up untill this story, so having him as captain does not seem to make much sense. [Changed all that. Harry is now captain. ^_^]
Shinjo_ken- Add a little more meat to the story. It was ok and all, but there was not really any gain on the plot. [Yes the additions to the plot were small, but they did advance the story. I'm just trying not to to use eveything up all at once. ^_^]
Juggling stars- Yay! Wendy and George are finally together! [Glad you're happy *Grin*]
Miss Foxxxy- Although I'm not a huge H/H shipper, I love the way you put them together! [Yay! It's a real compliment when I'm able to get a person who's not really into H/H to be happy about me putting them together.] Wp/Gw shipper is great too [Yay!], I like to hear more outta George, since Fred seems to get more attention in the books. [He does, doesn't he? I never thought about it before.]
Saphire Morgona- I love the Wendy/George. [*Grin* Thanks!]
Awww... I love Wendy and George together. (Yay!) And all the H/H-iness. But what about Ron? [I have plans for him. Don't worry.] The Boggart was way harsh [I know, I know, but it was necessary.]
Thanks for the reviews everyone! You're AWSOME!! :)
Harry rocketed through the stadium as he raced Draco Malfoy for the snitch. He was still the best seeker Hogwarts had ever seen, but he had to admit that Malfoy was getting better. He grinned. "Now I almost have a challenge."
As the two seekers flew on they had to go through the center Gryffindor goal post, narrowly missing the new fourth year keeper that had joined the team last year, Tea Mason. "Watch where you're going!" she yelled angrily at them as she flew out of the way.
"Ooooooo! That was a close one!" came the voice of Dean Thomas through the magical megaphone.
Professor McGonagal sat contentedly in her seat. She was happy someone had finally volunteered to announce the games. She really didn't care for the task. She looked to her right and saw George Weasley and Wendy Potter holding hands. She smiled. It was good to see a Weasley twin doing something other than plotting his next prank. "Maybe she'll mature him a little" she thought hopefully. Her attention was drawn back to the game when she heard a loud boo from the crowd.
Kimberly Gellar, a fifth year chaser who had joined the team at the start of the season, was rolling on the ground and screaming with pain as she held her hands over her ribcage. Madam Hooch was talking angrily to the Slytherin beater who had hit her. Kimberly was taken from the pitch on a floating stretcher and the Slytherin beater slunk back to his position as Madam Hooch ordered Ginny to take the penalty shot.
Ginny took hold of the quaffle. She threw it into the air and, just as it became level with the height of her broom, she shot forward and used her broom to hit it like a pool cue. The Slytherin keeper had no chance of stopping it. It nearly grazed his ear as it sailed through the goal. The Gryffindor side of the bleachers erupted in cheers.
The whistle was blown and Harry went back to looking for the snitch. Andrew Kirke backhanded the quaffle like a volleyball and scored another goal for Gryffindor. Harry smiled. He was glad they were doing well. He had been a little nervous when most of his team had graduated.
He spotted the snitch flying just ten feet above the ground. Malfoy was already diving for it. Harry flattened himself against his Firebolt and shot down, but Malfoy had already leveled out. Harry was still too high, he wasn't going to make it. Malfoy put on an extra burst of speed and reached his hand out to grab the snitch. He missed and the snitch hit him squarely in the eye. It bounced upwards. Harry saw his chance and easily caught the snitch as he sped past a dazed Malfoy. The roar of the Gryffindor crowd was deafening.
Harry didn't see, or hear, the particularly malicious looking ghost that had appeared behind him. Just a second after passing Malfoy the ghost swung his hand forward and hit the end of Harry's Firebolt. Still moving at maximum speed, he spun out of control. Looking like a human drill, Harry shot towards the Slytherin goal post, with no way of stopping.
"HARRY!!!" Hermione screamed in fear.
Suddenly, the broom stopped. Harry took a chance and opened his eyes. He was frozen in mid-air just a few inches from impact. He blinked in surprise as he noticed a pair of semi-transparent hands held up in front of the broom. Esmeralda's face appeared as a misty haze. She smiled in satisfaction and vanished.
Harry dropped his broom to the ground and vomited. "Deletrius," he whispered as he pointed his wand at the mess he had made. The puddle instantly disappeared.
Madam Pomfrey arrived at Harry's position and pointed her wand at his stomach. "Medicor ventris," she said.
Harry felt much better. "Thank you," he said as he stood up.
Hermione was running toward Harry. "Harry! Are you alright?" she said as she collected him into a gentle hug.
Harry returned the hug. "I'm fine Mione, thanks to Esmeralda."
Hermione looked around for the young ghost. "She was here?"
"She wasn't solid this time. Even I could barely see her," Harry replied wearily.
Ron arrived on the scene with Wendy and George right behind him. "That was spectacular Harry!" Ron said, beaming with pride.
"Tell me you're kidding Ron. Don't you realized Harry could have been killed?" Hermione said with disgust at Ron's apparent lack of concern for his best friend.
Ron sighed. "Of course I was worried Hermione, but he's okay." Ron noticed Harry had a puzzled look on his face. "Harry? You okay mate?"
"Does it seem....quiet to you?" Harry replied. He was right. The pitch had gone deathly quiet.
The group noticed everyone in the stands was looking up, so they followed suit. High above the crowd the sky was growing steadily darker. "What the hell?" Wendy said out loud to no one in particular.
Suddenly Professor Dumbledore's voice boomed through out the pitch. "Everyone, return to your dormitories immediately."
Harry and the others watched as the prefects stood and began organizing their houses into groups to return to the castle. "We better get moving," Harry said. The others nodded and began walking.
The students walked in a large, organized mass with the prefects and teachers in the lead. By the time they reached the main doors it was so dark that everyone had cast lumos on their wands.
As soon as the doors were opened every torch in the building erupted in light. The prefects quickly led everyone away, while Dumbledore and the teachers shut themselves in the great hall.
The Gryffindors sat in various places all around the common room, talking nervously about what had just taken place. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Wendy and George were sitting on the floor, in a corner away from the main group. Wendy turned to Harry. "Does this kind of shit happen every year?" Wendy said in a 'please tell me it's not true' tone of voice. Harry grimaced and nodded. She sighed in mild dispair.
"All we can do now is wait and see what Dumbledore decides to do," Hermione said.
Harry stood and looked out of the nearest window at the blackness surrounding the school. "Everyone, come here," he said suddenly. They all stood. "Look," he said as he pointed at a section of the sky.
"The Sun. It's still visible," Hermione said in disbelief. Indeed, they were still able see the sun through the cloak of darkness.
"What does that mean?" Wendy asked.
"It means that this isn't just darkness," replied Hermione with dread in her voice. "It's a magical barrier."
The group looked back to the sky with concern, a sense of fear creeping over their hearts.


Medicor vetris literally means "cure stomach" in Latin, and since I can't claim parts of the Latin language as mine, you are free to use it if you wish. A credit would be nice, but isn't required.

Later guys. *Grins and waves*