After everything was sorted out, they went back to school, exhausted. It was well past curfew so Draco walked her up to her dormitory. As they reached the portrait leading to the Gryffindor common room, the Fat Lady pretended to be asleep. As Ginny was about to whisper the password, he grasped he forearm.
"Can't we discuss it?" he pleaded.
It was highly uncharacteristic for him to plead, but he hoped that it would weaken her resolve. Plus, no one but Ginny was around to see him. As predicted, it did soften her. She hesitated and stared directly into the slate eyes that made her fall on the metaphoric marble floor. Theoretically, she was supposed to despise him for all he stood for, but that didn't mean a thing.
"What's there to discuss? I'm too young to marry. My baby's happy. I'm happy and you're-" she began.
"I'm not. It's our baby, by the way. It takes two to tango," he interrupted.
"Tango?" she queried.
"I don't know. I heard some muggle borns say it. Blaise said that it was some muggle dance. Very provocative, I believe," he leered.
"Shut up," Ginny reprimanded, flushing into a crimson hue.
He chuckled at how endearing her blush was a how easy it was to put her in that predicament.
"Come on, Gin. I could provide for you and our child," he said.
"But could you love us?" she asked.
He frowned. What was it with her and this would love saga? Why was it so important to her? His parents didn't love him and vice versa. It was respect he felt. Respect for the parents who borne him. She sensed his trepidation and sighed.
"I was brought up with love and I was my, excuse me, our child to have the same. Despite being poor, I was happy and loved," she explained patiently.
Bah. Love was just a mythological emotion just like Santa Clause was a fictional character to him.
"I could try," he mumbled.
Ginny cocked her red eyebrow up. She needed to be sure of what was best for her baby and along the way, to protect her heart. As clichéd as it sounded to her, she did love him, she supposed. There was always that nuisance of the lingering tingle of lust and care, but she couldn't afford to love him again. Stupid, stupid emotions…
"Let's try us," he murmured huskily.
She bit her lip. Stupid emotions. Stupid conflicting emotions. Stupid conflicting emotions that were utterly in contempt of her. Draco, however, took advantage of her indecision and used his most alluring pout that always brought her to her knees the year prior. It was still very much effective.
"Okay, fine. You get one chance, Draco. If you mess it up, we're over. Indefinitely," she stated firmly.
"What about Creevey?" he questioned.
"What about him?" she retorted coolly.
"Aren't you still his cover up girl?" he asked.
"He's moved onto greener pastures," she grinned.
"Ah… he confessed," Draco redefined.
"Yep," she replied.
He smirked roguishly. Now Ginny was all his. He didn't have to fight for her affection.
"Next week's Hogsmeade weekend. Would you like to accompany me? Adrienne is invited," he offered.
She mulled it over and beamed.
"That would be absolutely delightful," she chuckled.
"Fabulous. I'll meet you outside your common room at nine and we can board the carriage by 9:30," he told her.
She just nodded in assent. He watched as she headed into the Gryffindor towers and disappeared from his sight. He spun around on his heel and walked back to his room, ignorant of the ridiculous smile plastered upon his face.
* * * * *
The next morning, Ginny was showered and dressed in record time. She applied a dab of strawberry flavored lip-gloss and grabbed her books and went to the Great Hall. A few students had already arrived. Thomas Cliff, Colin and Maria were among them.
"So, Gin. Why were you back so late last night?" Maria queried coyly.
Ginny glowed with color and mumbled incoherently into her toast.
"I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that," Maria grinned devilishly.
"I was out with a friend," Ginny finally said.
Maria made a noise of disbelief and began a conversation with Colin about the attractive boys in Hogwarts. Colin, on the other hand, was preoccupied with a staring contest between himself and Thomas, but still managed to mumble a few agreements and discrepancies. Suddenly, Thomas got up from the Slytherin table and walked over to him. The kids already there watched with horror and fascination as the snake crossed the border to the lion's den.
"Hello, Colin," he grinned.
"Hey, T-Thomas," Colin stammered.
Ginny and Maria stared with bated breaths, waiting for the next move, which came unexpectedly. Thomas reached over to where Colin's hand lay and intertwined their fingers.
"I fancy you, Colin. Would you consider going out with me, let's say, next week at Hogsmeade?" he questioned.
Colin couldn't speak at the initial shock because he was so dumbfounded and bewildered so he just nodded rapidly like a plastic bobble head dog.
"Great. We can meet at the Three Broomsticks at lunch, right?" Thomas suggested.
"Nunga," Colin replied, nodding yes.
"Smashing. See you later then," he grinned, walking back to his table, ignoring the rumors already beginning to fly.
"Nunga? Out of all incomprehensible words: nunga?" Ginny laughed.
"Shut up. It made sense in my head," Colin joked returning to his old self again.
"It figures that you understand what us mere mortals do not," she sighed dramatically.
He smiled haughtily.
"It wasn't a compliment," she smirked.
He deflated.
"Gin! Look! It's your friend!" Maria squealed.
At that moment, Draco strolled by the table, raising a blonde brow at the nuance. Ginny blushed into a rosy color.
"Shut. Up. Maria," she grit out through her teeth as Maria made room for him to sit.
Being courteous, he sat down between Ginny and Maria. Ginny resisted the urge to slam her head against the table or more preferably, slam Maria's head instead. She just settled for pinching her own arm.
"So… You're dating Gin?" she asked.
"Yes," he answered.
"Are your intentions good?" she interrogated.
Ginny felt the absolute need to kill Maria now. What was this? Twenty-one questions?
"Of course," he responded smoothly.
"If you don't want to stay, you don't have to," Ginny mumbled.
"Then I'll stay," Draco replied sincerely.
Ginny almost swooned. What did she do to deserve such a great man? He was gorgeous, charming, snarky, manipulative, smart, sweet and everything in between. His arrogance and pride made his above all else. They chatted about anything and everything until they had to go to their first classes. Ginny had transfiguration while Colin and Maria had advanced Herbology. They said their farewells and parted ways.
* * * * *
(A/N: Sorry! Shameless self-promotion… PLEASE visit To keep it alive, I need at least 25 people to visit my site in 90 days… Thank you!)
Ginny sat in Professor McGonagall's class, bored out of her mind. They were learning how to transfigure a rock into a diamond. The period was almost over and no one had yet succeeded. The bell rang, signaling the next class. She had double potions. She ran all the way down to the dungeons to avoid being late and getting slapped with detention again. Professor Snape sat at the head of the class, flicking his wand to make the directions for a sleeping drought appear onto the board. Students flooded into the room and sat in their respective seats quietly. Halfway through the first period, a small boy came into the classroom, holding a note. He was probably no more than in his second year. He handed the note to Professor Snape before promptly running out. Professor Snape read the letter to himself and grimaced.
"Miss Weasley. Please get your things and go to the Headmaster," he drawled.
Ginny nodded and packed up her stuff and left, leaving her half finished potion. She ran, afraid something had happened to Adrienne. She stifled the inclination to growl as she reached the stone gargoyles. She didn't have the password. She had remembered that every time she had gone into his office, the password was some muggle candy so she began to name them off the top of her head, silently thanking Hermione for writing out the candies she shouldn't have or could have eaten without causing cavities.
"Snickers, Twix, Mars Bars, Cadbury egg, Twizzlers," she muttered.
All of a sudden, the concrete statues jumped away, leading her to the stairs. She ran up and into Headmaster Dumbledore's desk, uttering a creative curse not so softly.
"Hello, Miss Weasley," he said cheerily.
Ginny shot her head up to see Albus Dumbledore right before her. Damn, he was good.
"Please, have a seat," he smiled cordially.
She sat down on the mahogany chair with the satin lining. It felt heavenly between her fingers.
"I have called you here today to discuss the matter concerning Professor Malfoy. I believe you parent a child together," he commented kindly.
She nodded, taken by surprise.
"I understand that the situation is quite abnormal. I'm offering to allow Adrienne into the school so you can take good care of him," he suggested.
She thought long and hard and weighed the pros and cons. Respectfully, she shook her head and declined the notion.
"Adrienne needs someone with him at all time. I just can't do it. He's better off at home," Ginny stated firmly.
"If you ever decided to change your mind, don't hesitate to tell me," he said.
"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore," she murmured.
He bowed his head and told her that she could take a rest until lunch was served. She thanked him again and left. She decided to go visit Draco. Fortunately, he didn't have a class at the moment.
"Hey," she whispered from the doorway.
He looked up from his work.
"Shouldn't you be at class?" she queried.
She dismissed his question with the wave of her hand. She sat cross-legged on his desk after moving his parchment, quill and ink away. All of a sudden, Draco's mouth went dry. Her position gave him a glimpse of her lacy red panties. She, however, did not notice. She shrugged off her robe, revealing creamy white skin under the gray skirt and white chemise. She pulled off her tie and unbuttoned the topmost two buttons on her blouse.
"It's so hot today, don't you think?" she asked, a bit aggravated at the stickiness of her skin.
She fanned herself with her hand as Draco made a grunt of assent. The motion pushed her breasts together and made them dip up and down. He tried to avert his eyes from the sight like a decent gentleman should have, but it was just too hypnotizing. Did this make him a misogynistic pig? She shifted a bit a in her position, giving him the perfect view of the thong. His eyes widened in shock. Ginny was still utterly oblivious to the presentation that she was giving.
"…a protector. It's going to e so difficult, don't you think?" Ginny questioned.
Draco's eyes bored into hers. Who was a protector?
"Er. Can you repeat that again?" he queried.
She huffed in annoyance.
"I said that isn't it difficult that Adrienne's a protector?" she repeated.
"He's a what?" he yelled.
"A protector," she whispered.
"But-uh-how-what," he stuttered.
"I don't know. Didn't you see him last night?" she asked.
"No. I was in your pocket," Draco answered.
She told him about the food fight, the floating and Dumbledore's offer and why she declined. He listened to her, controlling his inane urges to peek down.
"Oh," was his monosyllabic reply.
"Oh? Oh what? Oh, I'm going to kill myself or oh, I'm so worried about Adrienne that I'm speechless?" she asked angrily.
"The second one," he told her.
Awkward silence passed through the classroom. Ginny plucked on the frame of her chemise, pulling at a loose thread. Draco was still trying to stare above her head, without it working very well. This was going to be a long year…