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Pushing Through by Tayler

Pushing Through


Chapter One

The darkness was complete, not letting even the barest of peep-holes for light to shine through, and making a terrified Ginny Weasley wander fruitlessly down a street of Muggle London. Her hands swept the air wildly, willing her fingers to see what her eyes could not. Within her chest, her heart thudded so hard that it could have been compared to a jack rabbit's when running from a hungry predator. Tears streamed down her cheeks like an endless water fall, leaving a small trail of dark spots along the sooty pavement as she stumbled along the pavement. She was lost, alone and, despite her best efforts, unable to clear the dark shadow that had fallen over her vision.

As her foot kicked out to find more solid ground that was supposed to be before her, it found nothing but air as she unknowingly stepped off the curb. She tumbled forward, unable to steady herself, and fell forwards. Her shoulder struck the cement, pulling a gasp from her parted lips and more tears to flow from her blinded eyes. Rolling over onto her stomach, Ginny's body bucked and cringed as harsh sobs thundered coarsely out of her throat. She crossed her wrists, one over the other, and rested her forehead against them as she tried to make sense of the confusion that clouded the hour or two just passed.

A distant sound made her lift her head slightly. At first she thought it was just her imagination getting the better of her or, rather, her overacting mind that could tell her just about anything right now and she would have believed it. She strained her ears for anything that would tell her what the sound was and, if in fact, it was real. When it didn't come again, she gingerly stood and she turned in a slow circle trying to understand where she was. A loud horn sounded, making her jump and the screeching of tires filled Ginny's ears. The horn sounded again for a second time, louder and closer than before. Ginny froze like a scared animal car headlights.

Before she had time to think, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist as the horn sounded again and Ginny felt her self being pulled sharply from where she stood. She gasped as her feet left the ground and the arms around her grew tighter. A moment later, the person had barely set her feet on the ground before grabbing her shoulders and shaking her violently.

"Are you blind?! That bus was coming right for you!" an angered voice yelled. "I thought you were stupid before but know you've just stumbled into a whole new category!"

The voice made something in Ginny's mind start ticking, its familiarity bring back images of corridors and classrooms. Of spells and books. Of Gryffindors and…

"Hello! Are you listening to me?!" Ginny's eyes went round with realization. It couldn't be. He wouldn't…


The person's grip loosened and one hand was removed, leaving a chill where heat had been a moment before. A soft breeze kissed her cheeks, followed by the rough flesh of a palm brushing the tip of her nose.

"Weasley? What's wrong with you, can't you see me?"

Ginny was surprised by the softness in Draco's voice. It was hidden well by disbelief and a cautious hint of criticism, but it was there. A fresh fountain of tears began to sting the corners of Ginny's eyes, threatening to spill over despite her will against it. The barriers only held for a moment however and soon tears began to once again cascade down her cheeks.

"I can't," she whispered, her voice shaking for the restrain she had tried to impose not a moment ago. She covered her face with her hands, not wanting her childhood tormentor to see her weakness. Her legs wobbled, not wanting to stand any longer, and gave way beneath her. As she slid to the ground, her mind became as black as her vision; her hope dwindling like a burnt out candle and depression soaking up the light.

Distantly, Ginny heard a forced intake of breath and a strong exhale. Heat warmed her side as she felt Draco kneel down next to her. He awkwardly ran a hand along her back, clearly not used to comforting a blinded and sobbing woman, before taking another breath and pulling her into his arms. Ginny buried her head in Draco's shoulder and grasped the front of his robes in her hands, pulling herself close against him in the search for solace. She felt him stiffen under her hands, obviously unsure of what to do with her. Malfoys, as everyone knows, weren't the most caring of people. And now the son and heir to the Malfoy lineage, the very image of resentment and loathing, was trying to console someone. If it were someone else he was comforting, Ginny would have probably found this quite humorous.

"Shh…It's all right," he said in an attempt at a soothing voice, smoothing her hair with one hand while the other was placed loosely around her waist.

His words sent a tendril of rage through the former Gryffindor. Ginny pushed her self away and stumbled to her feet before turning her back to him. Fear, sadness, anger and confusion made Ginny's temper rise as she snaked her own arms around her torso.

"All right? All right?!" she snapped. "How can you say it's all right?!"

There was a moment of silence, the only sounds that caught in Ginny's ears was Draco's breathing as well as her own. The silence of the night seemed almost overwhelming to Ginny and without her sight, it made things worse tenfold.

"Let me help Ginny."

Draco's voice broke the stillness, the quietness of it cut through the air like a knife. It was not the soft, feigning comfort that he had used a few moments ago. It held more defeat and sternness as if his answer was not his decision.

"Why would you want to help me?" Ginny asked in a clipped tone, catching the sound of his and not trusting his good will. "You hate me. You've always hated me as well as my family."

"People can change."

"Not when you're Draco Malfoy."

"I'm only offering this once Weasley," Draco replied harshly. "If you want to find your way around London alone again, fine. Be my guest. But I don't offer my assistance to just anyone, nor do I give it lightly. If you want my help say so now or I'm leaving right now."

Ginny paused, weighing her options. Of course it would be stupid to try and find her way around Muggle London alone. It was a wonder she had made it so far without any other serious conflict. But did she really want to let herself be taken under the care of a Malfoy? A man who could just as easily lock her in a room and leave her there as appose to keeping her safe?

Ginny heaved a heavy sigh and nodded. It was better to be locked in a room then stay out on the streets.

"Good," Draco said, taking her hand and putting on the inside of his arm. "Let's be off then."

Author's note: Okay, so I'm redoing the entire story of Pushing Through because it needed to be done in my opinion. The chapters will be shorter than what the first started as and the initial story line will change a little in places but over all it will be the same story. I hope you all like it and please R&R!!! J J J