Unofficial Portkey Archive

Blood Moon by Mudbloodcaz

Blood Moon


A/N: Sorry for the wait been busy were work, Thanks again to Justine *huggs*

Blood Moon

Chapter Four

Harry barely had time for the name Bellatrix Lestrange to register before Hagrid pulled Harry to his feet.

"We don' have long 'arry."

"Right!" Harry said stumbling to his feet. He looked at Hermione.

"Go!" she said. "I'll be fine; I've got Tonks here to keep me company."

"Right," Harry said again as he followed Hagrid out of the ward, Hagrid digging into his tent sized pockets and pulling out of one of his rock cakes.

"This is the portkey. We can't go outside cause of the muggles, 'ere," he said, thrusting the rock cake at Harry. Harry touched it and felt the tug and moments later he was outside Hagrids' hut,. Hagrid walked up the stairs and Harry followed into his hut, the door shutting behind him.

"Harry. Finally," said a female voice,. Harry turned and felt anger boil up in his blood.

"You," he hissed,. Bellatrix Lestrange was tied to the floor, thick black chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles. Harry stepped forward, but Hagrid stopped him with a hand on his arm.

"Let her speak, Harry," came the soft voice of Dumbledore,. Harry turned and saw that Dumbledore was sitting in one of Hagrid's large armchairs,. Fang was lying on the floor next to him. Then Harry spotted Mad Eye Moody, who was dressed in normal wizard's robes. His normal eye looked at Harry, while his magical eye was fixed on Bellatrix- as was his wand.

"Speak," he growled at her, the chains around her tightening, but Bellatrix just smiled as if she was were enjoying it,. She looked up at Harry.

"How's the mudblood?" she asked Harry.

"Don't use THAT word in my presence, Bella!" Moody hissed, the chains tightening even more.

"Moody!" Dumbledore warned,. Lestrange watched the whole thing with a grin on her face.

"Sorry, how is darling Hermione?" she asked sarcastically,. Harry glared at her.

"Why… why did you attack her?"

"What Master wants, Master gets," came the reply.

"You mean Voldemort ordered it?" Moody questioned.



Lestrange smiled and lifted her arm as much as the chains would allow and pointing at Harry.

"You need not kill a man to break him, Dumbledore," Lestrange smiled happily. Harry felt his heart drop in to his stomach.

"You mean it's my fault Hermione was attacked?" he asked,. Lestrange nodded.

"Shame the half breed here came across us in time, otherwise I would have left the mudblood's broken body on the steps of that school for you to find. But this is even better Harry, I want you to hear the mudblood's bones crack and break; I want you to hear her screams as her body bends when she changes for the first time. My first time was hell; I blacked out due to the pain,. Do you think the filthy bitch mudblood will be able to stand the pain?"

Harry didn't know how he got free of Hagrid's grip, but suddenly he was across the room, his hands around Lestrange's neck, and he wanted to squeeze the life out of her.

"I HATE YOU!" Harry yelled at her, his grip around her neck tightening. "You killed Sirius, you dared to touch Hermione… you should be the one that's dead, not Sirius." Harry yelled as tears rolled down his cheeks; he could hear Lestrange choking as his hands tightened their grip. Then he felt hands pulling him away; he looked up to see Dumbledore looking down at him.

"Take her away, Moody," he heard Dumbledore say.

"Harry, I think you need to rest," he said, pulling Harry to his feet.

"But...Hermione!" Harry said weakly, watching as Hagrid and Moody lead Lestrange out of the hut.

"I'm sure Miss Granger is fine,. Tonks is with her and I'll check on her myself later," Dumbledore said as he lead Harry over to an arm chair,. "Now sit." Harry curled up into the chair suddenly feeling exhausted,. He felt Dumbledore wrap a blanket around him.

"You can see Miss. Granger after you've had a rest." Harry nodded, letting his eyelids fall closed, and slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Harry was awoken by the sound of clinking china and the smell of bacon cooking. He opened his eyes and found that he was still in Hagrid's hut,. Hagrid himself was cooking, Fang at his heels. Harry yawned and Hagrid turned around.

"How long have I been asleep?" he asked

"The rest of the day and most the 'ight."

"What time is it?"

"'Bout 9."

Harry stood.

"I need to get back to St.Mungo's."

"Not just yet 'arry, you'll be needing somthin' to eat and perhaps a shower as well. A change of clothes migh' not go amiss either." Harry nodded.

"Sit down at the 'able," Hagrid said, going back to the stove. As Harry sat down there was a knock on the door ,. Fang let out a loud bark.

"Down Fang!" Hagrid ordered as he made his way to the door and opened it,. Harry saw Ron standing on the steps.

"Come in, Ron," Hagrid said, stepping aside to let him in,. Ron nodded and stepped into the hut,. he looked at Harry

"How's Hermione?" he asked, taking a sit.

"She's okay," Harry said.

"So was it true, that she got attacked by a werewolf?" Ron questioned, not looking at Harry. Hagrid placed a cup of coffee in front of Ron.


"Was she bitten?"

"Does it matter if she was? She's still Hermione isn't she?" Harry questioned Ron.

"No, but…"

"Yes, yes she was bitten." Harry watched as Ron spilled coffee all over the table.

"Oh!" came Ron's reply and Harry knew that Ron didn't like the idea of Hermione being a werewolf; he looked up at Hagrid who just shrugged his massive shoulders.

Twenty minutes later, Harry was washed, changed and ready to go. Lupin had arrived five minutes before. The past Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher looked pale and withdrawn.

"You two ready?" Lupin said asked, looking at Harry and Ron, and holding a rock in his hand,. Harry nodded and stepped forward and touched the stone, however Ron hadn't moved. Harry looked at him.

"Hurry, Ron, we don't have a lot of time," Lupin said,. Ron shook his head and took a step back.

"I can't,. I can't go, I'm sorry....I just can't face Hermione."