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A Darkened Doorway by cheering charm

A Darkened Doorway

cheering charm

A Darkened Doorway

by cheering charm

Chapter 5

Harry couldn't decide if he was more angry or relieved.

His first thought, as he heard the telltale signs of Ron transforming into someone else, was happiness that it hadn't been Ron that had walked in on him and Hermione. Their friendship hadn't been destroyed. A quick glance at Hermione confirmed that the exact same thoughts were running through her mind.

Then he saw Malfoy's face, and anger boiled up in him.

Malfoy laughed heartily for what seemed to Harry like five minutes. When he finally was able to control himself he said, "I never thought the day would come when the two of you would be relieved to see me."

Harry strained against the ropes that bound him tightly to his chair, anger coursing through his body when the realization hit him that Malfoy had outsmarted them. He felt the ropes tighten as he struggled, constricting his chest, making it difficult to breathe.

"Hermione! Don't move!" Harry yelled as he saw her wiggle against her restraints. He heard the creak of ropes as they tightened around her. Hermione grimaced in pain and went stock-still.

"Yes, Granger, do be still. I would hate for you to die from your restraints. I want to have the pleasure of killing you myself."

Hermione narrowed her eyes, her voice cold as ice. "Malfoy, you bastard! I'm going to kill you."

The amusement dropped from Malfoy's face. "Like you killed my father, mudblood?" he said, icily.

"I didn't kill your father. Voldemort did," Hermione replied angrily.

"Since neither my father nor the Dark Lord are here to confirm or deny your allegation, I prefer to believe you did it. It will make killing you so much more satisfying."

"So, that is what this is all about? Revenge for something I didn't even do?"

Malfoy looked up at the ceiling as if thinking. He nodded his head and replied. "Yeah, pretty much."

Malfoy pushed off from the table that had been supporting him and began to pace back and forth between Hermione and Harry. "That was one of the Dark Lord's weaknesses, I think. His goals were too broad. Power and world domination, that encompasses so much. You get stretched too thin, your focus shifts back and forth between your responsibilities. Who needs the hassle? I say find a goal and concentrate on that. Then, move on to the next goal. World domination will come in time."

He stopped pacing and turned to Hermione his face a mask of evil. "My goal from the day you killed my father has been to kill you."

"Seeing as it's taken you seven years to catch me, world domination may be a bit out of your reach if all of your objectives take this long."

A resounding crack ripped through the air and Harry saw Hermione's head snap to the right. He screamed in frustration and once again strained against the ropes holding him in place, which tightened further. Malfoy bent down, his face level with Hermione's. She slowly moved her head back to face him, shaking her head once to the left to move her hair out of her face. Admiration swelled inside Harry as he saw Hermione narrow her eyes and return Malfoy's steely gaze.

"I've been wanting to do that since third year," he whispered malevolently.

Harry was relieved to see Hermione bite back the retort he knew was on the tip of her tongue. He couldn't stand to watch Malfoy hit Hermione and be powerless to help her.

Malfoy returned to his pacing. "So, I needed a plan. How to kill you? It was just my luck that you actually did become an Auror, so I knew your abilities to avoid capture would probably be better than my ability to catch you unaware. So, I bided my time. I knew eventually that you would screw up. No one is as perfect as you project to be.

"Imagine my surprise when the opportunity I had been waiting for came just a few short weeks ago. I had given Crabbe, Goyle and a few other loyal Death Eaters permission to kill you if they ever had the opportunity. You see, another one of the Dark Lord's weaknesses was his determination to be the one that killed Harry Potter personally. Yes, I wanted the pleasure of torturing you and seeing you die, but I knew that it was more important that you be dead, and not that I be the one to kill you.

"Of course, Goyle fucked it up. If he'd said the incantation, you would have died instantly. But he's been working on his ability to think spells instead of saying them and the moron did that instead." Malfoy shook his head. "I was just about to torture some sense into him, when out of desperation, he told me about your little display in the street, which gave me an idea. A little bit of planning, a little bit of luck, and here we are," he exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air with a triumphant look on his face.

"You know, it was really very easy to get into your flat. I wasn't entirely sure if the Polyjuice ruse would work with all of the charms and wards you and Potter have on your flats. I'm really surprised that Moody, considering his personal history with a Polyjuice imposter, wouldn't have that as a required ward." Malfoy shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sure when they find your bodies, they will discover the oversight and correct it."

Harry looked over at Hermione and found a disgusted look on her face.

"Ah, I see that the cleverest witch around has suddenly realized that it was I and not Ron watching you two," he shuddered dramatically, "do whatever it is you were doing." He walked around behind Hermione's chair and bent down, putting his lips close to her ear so that Harry could barely hear what he said. "I have to admit, though, that I was turned on. You are quite a bit more…responsive than I thought you would be."


"Ohh, Potter is getting jealous. He really must like you. I guess after the appetizer you gave him earlier, that's understandable."

"So help me God, Malfoy, I'm going to kill you," Harry raged.

"You do that," Malfoy replied, supremely unconcerned, his attention still on Hermione. Using his wand, he moved her hair from her shoulder, exposing her neck. "So, tell me Hermione, were you going to go down on him? Hmm? Was that your plan?"

Harry watched Hermione use every ounce of strength she had to maintain her composure. He could only imagine the emotions she was feeling right now - rage and anger at Malfoy, without a doubt. But also, if he knew her, she was also regretting every second of what happened between the two of them. And if he was honest with himself, coming from Malfoy's mouth with the descriptions he was using, it didn't sound like something that happened between two people in love.

Apparently realizing that she wasn't going to answer, he continued. "I knew when I heard the zipper that it was time to break up the little party. The last thing I wanted to see was Little Harry greeting the world. You should have seen the look on your faces when I spoke up!" He doubled over with laughter yet again. "That right there was worth waiting seven years for." He did an impression of Harry and Hermione's shocked faces in turn and roared with laughter at his own joke. He wiped tears away from his eyes, and his laughter died out into a sigh. "Ohhh, I wish I would've had a camera. That would be a picture worth a thousand words."

Hermione had had enough. "If one of your goals in your master plan was to humiliate me, then mission accomplished, you have. Congratulations," she said sarcastically. "Now, if you are going to torture and kill me, get on with it. Frankly, I'm tired of listening to your shit."

Harry had to stifle a laugh. How Hermione could come out with that statement in the particular situation they were in, he had no idea. But he was extremely impressed with it, nonetheless. He hoped it was part of a plan she had formulated to get them out of this mess while Malfoy droned on about himself, because, at the moment, things didn't look too rosy to Harry. They were tied up, very well as far as he could tell, their wands were broken in two and nowhere in sight and the git that had been harboring a grudge against them for years was holding the only wand.

Things did not look good.

Malfoy was looking at Hermione through narrowed eyes. "Yes, let's get on with it." He turned toward Harry and said, "Cru…" and stopped. He tapped his wand on his temple. "No, that's too easy. And you've already been tortured like that, haven't you, Potter?"

He turned and pointed his wand at Hermione. "I could torture you." He pulled his wand up again. "No, physical pain isn't enough suffering for you. I believe mental torture would be more painful for you."

He walked around them again and stopped, near the door. "I think it is time to expand our little party, don't you?"

For the first time that night, Harry, and Hermione, too, by the look on her face, was afraid. Instinct told him that Malfoy was about to bring someone close to them into his demented game. Realization hit the two of them at the same time. A moment later, Crabbe and Goyle walked through the door, dragging an unconscious Ron between them. Malfoy conjured a chair and they plopped him down in it, binding him with ropes the same way they had bound Harry and Hermione. Their chairs were set facing each other in a perfect triangle, so each could see the others' faces fully. Dread replaced fear in Harry's heart, as he finally understood the fullness of Malfoy's plan.

Malfoy slapped Ron on the face a few times, waking him up. Ron shook his head to clear it and looked around at them, then down at the ropes tying him. Comprehension dawned on him as Malfoy said magnanimously, "Welcome to the party!"


"What's going on?" Ron asked, looking at Harry and Hermione in turn.

Malfoy answered. "This is what I believe Muggles call an intervention."

Ron gave Harry a look that clearly said, 'What is this idiot talking about?'

"An intervention, Weasley," Malfoy said with exasperation. "I thought with all of your family's Muggle-loving ways you at the very least would know about it." He shook his head as if Ron had let him down. "An intervention is when friends and family members get together in a room with a loved one who is traveling a dark path. Usually, the person is addicted to something that is not good for them." Malfoy walked around behind Ron and put his hands on his shoulders. "I am here, Ronald, as your friend."

Ron attempted to shrug Malfoy's hands off of him. "You aren't a friend of mine."

He leaned down and whispered in Ron's ear. "Neither are these two." He straightened up and said to the room at large, "Are you going to tell him, or shall I?"

Hermione looked down at the floor, unable to watch what was about to happen, even though she knew that it was her actions, or inactions, that were the cause.

"Ron, don't listen to him," Harry said urgently. "He is just trying to ruin our friendship."

"I'm trying to ruin your friendship? No, no, no, no. I think you and little Miss Granger have done that all on your own." Malfoy sighed heavily, as if what he was about to say was very painful for him. "It seems that your two best friends have been running around together behind your back."

The perplexed look Ron had sported since waking up was replaced with shock. He looked from Harry to Hermione and said, "What?"

Malfoy nodded sagely. "It's true. They have been shagging each other for months, probably years. And having a good laugh at your expense, too."

"That's not true!" Hermione said. "Ron, he's lying."

"Would you like proof?"

Hermione's heart stopped beating. She had thought for a brief moment that if it was just her and Harry's word against Malfoy's that there was a chance that they could bluff and lie their way through this, at least until some sort of plan came to her or Harry. But, if Malfoy had proof…what could he possibly have?

"I don't believe you," Ron said defiantly. "Any proof you give will be lies, too."

"I'll let you be the judge of that." He gestured toward Crabbe, who brought a large flat object forward from the shadows. He turned it around and held it in front of his body, a human easel for a picture of Hermione standing in front of her kitchen sink looking out the window earlier that night.

Hermione let out a groan as Malfoy waved his wand at the picture. Immediately, the images started moving. Harry came up behind her and removed the glass from her hand…Hermione turned to face him, standing very close, talking…Harry reached up and stroked her face…she moved forward and whispered in his ear, her nibbling his ear abundantly evident…Harry pulled her towards him roughly, and wrapped his arms around her waist…the image reset, and began again.

Hermione looked at Harry and they both realized that, even if by some miracle they survived this, their life as they knew it, the life they wanted together, was over.

"Ron," Harry began, "we haven't been going around together for months, and we certainly haven't been laughing at you behind your back. He is making this seem worse than it is."

"You know, Harry, I have to hand it to you," Malfoy said. "You really are an accomplished liar. I admire the way you have always been able to distort the truth to fit your best interests. Sadly, I don't think it is going to work this time."

He walked around behind Ron and leaned forward, whispering in his ear. "I meant it when I said I was your friend, Weasley. You should be thanking me. When I went to Granger's flat to capture them, I was able to stop them just before they, you know," he punched his fist in the air lightly, "fucked."

Ron's head jerked around towards Malfoy, his eyes narrowed in contempt. "You are a liar."

"Tell me, Ron. Does Hermione make this humming noise," he paused and hummed note for a few seconds, "when you suck on her tits? Because she did with Harry."

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" Ron yelled, rocking his chair dangerously at his effort to get free.

"Obviously, she does."

Malfoy walked over and squatted in front of Hermione. Tears were flowing freely down her cheeks. "Awww, the Mudblood is crying. So, Hermione, are you crying because you've hurt Ron? Or, is it because you realize he finally sees you for the slag you are?"

Something inside Hermione snapped. But instead of reacting as Malfoy was hoping, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, the final tears she would cry that night falling down her cheeks. She opened her eyes and looked directly into Malfoy's cold blue eyes. "No, Malfoy, they are tears of joy from the visual I have of handing you over to the guards at Azkaban. It is policy now for known Death Eaters to receive the kiss before they have even been taken to their cell. Did you know that?" she asked curiously.

He paused, his sneering smile frozen in place. Then an appreciative grin broke through the chill. "You know," he said to everyone, "You've got to admire a woman that can look death in the face and have a catchy comeback. Even if they are a Mudblood."

He stood up and walked over to Ron. "How does it feel to once again be second best to Potter? She loves him, you know. She told me that earlier, when she thought I was you." Malfoy slapped himself dramatically in the forehead at Ron's confused look. "I can't believe I forgot to tell you! This is the best part of the story! When I went to her flat, I pretended to be you, polyjuice potion and all," he said airily waving his hand in explanation. "You should have seen the look of shock on their faces when they saw you standing in the doorway."

Ron was staring at Harry, a look of anger etched on his face. "If it makes you feel any better, Weasley, they really did feel bad about it. I could tell. Of course, a few minutes earlier, when Harry was laying on top of her I don't think you were on their mind at all."

"MALFOY, STOP IT!" Hermione yelled. "Ron, this sounds worse coming from Malfoy. I was going to tell you everything tonight."

"How much better could it sound coming from you, Hermione?" Ron snapped, directing his anger at her. Hermione caught Malfoy's look of victory over Ron's shoulder.

"They did you wrong, Weasley. For once, you did nothing to screw this up. I'm as shocked about that as you are," Malfoy said. "You know, I've actually begun to admire you, just a bit. You pulled yourself up from that hovel you grew up in and became a respected businessman. But, you and I both know, well everyone knows, that these two have always felt better than you. They have more money, they're smarter, they're better looking…well, maybe not the Mudblood. Everyone knows that you were the third wheel, the loveable funny sidekick of the 'Trio,' he said, emphasizing the last word sarcastically. "Of course, you did get the girl. But everyone knew that eventually, Harry Potter would win that, too."

Malfoy walked away from Ron toward Hermione, wiggled his eyebrows and gave her a wicked grin. "You've known that all along, haven't you, Ron?" he asked, still facing Hermione. "You've felt their pity all these years." He turned abruptly towards Ron. "I think it's time for a little payback, don't you? You get to choose who dies first, Ron. Potter or Granger."

Hermione looked wide-eyed at Harry, who was staring at Ron. Ron looked between the two of them and back at Malfoy, an inscrutable expression on his face. Hermione had seen a similar expression from him when he was poring over account ledgers from his business, concentrating.

He is actually deciding who should die!

"I've decided," he said flatly, his eyes fixed on Hermione.

"Great!" Malfoy said, rubbing his hands together.

He turned his head to Malfoy. "But I want to do it."

Malfoy's eyes widened in shock and an appreciative grin spread across his face. "I didn't think you had it in you, Weasley."

"I guess being betrayed by your two best friends puts everything into perspective, somehow," Ron replied, staring daggers at Harry.

Malfoy waved his wand and the ropes disappeared from around Ron. Crabbe and Goyle inched closer, their wands out. Ron rubbed his arms and stood slowly. Malfoy had raised his wand. "Nothing funny, Weasley."

"Don't worry, Draco. I should thank you for opening my eyes to the true nature of my best friends." Ron walked over and faced Harry, his back to Hermione.

"Great!" Malfoy said. "You've chosen Potter. I've wanted to see him die since the moment I heard his name."

Ron looked at Malfoy and held out his hand. "My wand?"

Malfoy snapped his fingers and Goyle approached, handing Ron's wand to him. He took it in his hand and pointed it between Harry's eyes. Unflinchingly, Harry raised his head and stared at Ron. "Now I understand why you told me to wait to ask Hermione to marry me. You thought the longer I waited, the better chance you had to win her over." He shook his head and turned away from him, walking towards Hermione.

Hermione couldn't look at him. She kept her eyes fixed on the ground, wanting more than anything to die. "Look at me," he said quietly.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione moved her eyes up slowly to Ron's. The pain she saw there broke her heart, and tears she had been determined not to shed began to flow freely down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Ron," she whispered. "I should have told you. I didn't want to hurt you, I swear."

"I know," he mouthed silently before saying in a cold voice, "It's a little late for that, isn't it Hermione?" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, Hermione saw determination and fear there. She looked quickly at Harry, who shook his head slightly.

With a quick wink of his eye Ron turned to Malfoy. "Forgive me for my lack of knowledge about unforgivables. How does the Avada Kedavra work?"

"It's really rather simple," Malfoy began. He waved his wand and said, "You do this with your wand and say the words. The important part is the feeling behind it. That is what makes it effective."

"Right," Ron said waving his wand as instructed. He stood directly between Harry and Hermione, looking back and forth between them.

Malfoy slapped Ron on the back. "Good luck," he said, stepping back and crossing his arms, waiting. Ron turned to Harry and said, "I never thought my best friend would betray me like you have. I hate you right now more than I've hated anyone in my life. Except MALFOY!" he yelled, turning and hitting Malfoy squarely in the jaw.

Malfoy fell back, his wand knocked out of his hand. Ron turned quickly and yelled, "Stupefy!" in the direction of Crabbe and Goyle. Hermione heard a grunt and saw a flash of red light streak past Ron's head. He ducked down and pointed his wand at Harry. "Evanesco!" he shouted, and the ropes binding Harry disappeared.

Harry bounded up and lunged toward Malfoy, who was crawling toward his wand, his mouth bleeding profusely. Ron stood up and pointed his wand at Crabbe, who had fallen over Goyle in his haste to get at Ron. "Petrificus Totalus!" Crabbe froze and fell over on the spot, only his eyes moving in his head.

Ron ran over and kicked Goyle in the side, then across the head. Goyle went unconscious and lay still.

Hermione heard a crash and turned to see Harry and Malfoy falling into the worktable. Harry landed on top of Malfoy and began beating his head against the floor repeatedly. She felt the ropes around her disappear and she lunged for Malfoy's wand.

"Harry, stop! You are killing him!" she cried, scrambling to her feet with Malfoy's wand grasped in her hand.

"Good!" Harry said, his face red with anger. He switched from pounding his head into the ground to hitting him in the face.

Hermione grabbed Harry's arm. "Stop it, Harry! It's over." His fist in the air, he looked at Hermione for the first time. Harry's face began to relax and his panting breaths began to slow, as he looked at her. "He can't hurt us anymore," she whispered.

Harry looked down at Malfoy who lay on the floor, bleeding and groaning. His eyes shifted up and Hermione followed Harry's gaze over her shoulder to find Ron standing behind them, his wand pointed down to his side, a stunned expression etched on his face. Hermione quickly let go of Harry's arm and stood up.

"Ron, you were brilliant! I honestly thought you were going to kill one of us for a minute."

Ron stood there for a moment, staring between the two of them, the hurt expression from earlier clearly evident. "Well, the day's not over yet," he replied. Hermione's eyes widened and Ron gave her a small smile.

She felt Harry walk up beside her, and she stepped away slightly. He looked at her for a moment, before saying to Ron, "Thanks, mate. You saved our arses."

"Yeah, well, someone had to."

And the three of them stood there, all of Malfoy's truths and lies hanging heavily in the air between them.