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Stories by cheering charm

  1. O by cheering charm

    One shot PWP smutlet. He isn't supposed to make her feel this way.

  2. Scenario #599 by cheering charm

    (Part 4 of the Tragic Little Hero universe, but may be read as a standalone story.) "Hermione was prattling on about something. He’d gotten adept at tuning her out, for which he felt monumentally guilty. His mind usually wandered to Quidditch or maybe to what he would eat at the next meal. Sometimes, he couldn’t help himself, it wandered to Voldemort. Tonight, however, it wandered into new, uncharted and completely terrifying territory. All he could think about was kissing her."

  3. The Unasked Question by cheering charm

    Harry's subconscious knows something he doesn't know. Part 2 in the Tragic Little Hero universe.

  4. Better Late Than Never by cheering charm

    It has been twenty years after Harry, Ron and Hermione left Hogwarts. None of them could have imagined the effect time, distance and life in general would have on their friendship. An opportune meeting on Platform 9 3/4 rekindles feelings long forgotten.

  5. All Tied Up by cheering charm

    This is my response to Challenge #25 from's New Year's Even Fest. "For some reason or another, Harry and Hermione are forced to spend the evening bound by a three foot rope (magically bound of course), which puts quite a cramp in their plans with other people." So light and fluffy it's embarassing.

  6. Affection by cheering charm

    (Part 3 of Tragic Little Hero universe, but may be read as a standalone fic.) This is a story about a boy turning into a man, standing up to his enemies and his friends, and going after something he wants, even when he knows he won't have it long term. NOT your typical h/hr story.

  7. Tragic Little Hero by cheering charm

    “You are so frustrating! I came here to help you talk about Sirius, to help you mourn his death. Maybe even get a little support from you for my own grief. Instead, I find that you are lying here in a filthy room, unshaven, unbathed and caught up in a self-centered pity party. Frankly, it’s a bit disgusting. I’ve had it.” Is this the end of Harry and Hermione's friendship?

  8. Handholding: A History by cheering charm

    Hermione recounts how she and Harry fell in love.

  9. A Darkened Doorway by cheering charm

    Something unexpected happens when Harry and Hermione are on assignment in a seedy part of town. Was it a result of their surroundings? Or something more? How will they handle the fallout of their brief encounter? More importantly, how will Hermione's boyfriend react?

  10. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered by cheering charm

    *FINAL CHAPTER IS POSTED* Hermione lost everyone in the war with Voldemort; her parents, her boyfriend Ron and Harry, who left a week after graduation without a word. Now, five years later he has returned to Hogwarts to rebuild their friendship. Will Hermione forgive him for abandoining her? Will he tell her the real reason he left? How will the wizarding world react to the return of its favorite son?

  11. Hold That Thought by cheering charm

    This fic was written in response to Muddgutts challenge for his House Cup picture. Story is set in first person, Hermione's pov. Short, one shot. FIC ADMINS' NOTE: Muddgutts' fanart & challenge may be found here: