DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the Harry Potter Characters. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc. No money was made from the creation of this story.
Chapter 2: Start of Seventh Year
`That sword…' Harry thought to himself as the water from the warm shower rained down onto his face. `It felt…so real. It was…so…wrong.'
Harry's first instinct was to assume that his dream was the work of Voldemort, but deep down he knew that it wasn't the Dark Lord who was responsible. This dream felt different from the ones that he used to have during his fifth year at Hogwarts. However, despite one half of his mind concluding that what he experienced was a common dream, the other half protested that there was another power trying to invade his mind.
His thoughts soon came to focus on the unforgiving blade he saw, his fingers curling as if to grip the rough hilt. In his heart, Harry knew that sword was a craft not meant to be wielded by good, but something in his mind justified its wickedness, and this justification caused his conscience to shudder.
`It feels like my opposite,' Harry thought to himself, his eyes closing. `Everything that I hate in this world…it's in that sword.'
Harry felt a sudden rush go through his body, his scar tingling gently. He felt his lungs close and his muscles tighten. His heart was throbbing within his chest, his hands clenching into fists so tight that he felt like he had squeezed all the blood out of his fingers. He couldn't explain it nor determine its reason, but he was having a panic attack.
His body slowly started to grow cold and he felt something pulling at his mind. He knew this feeling all too well, causing a chill to run up his spine. `Dementors!' he thought to himself as he forced his eyes open, his panic attack instantly vanishing. He took several deep breaths as his muscles loosened, feeling the full weight of his body once more. He observed the wall of the shower with an unsteady gaze, his instincts screaming that something was gravely wrong.
Suddenly, like a ghost, a Dementor flew through the wall at him with its arms outstretched and mouth open. Harry tried to back away, but stumbled, causing himself to collapse onto the floor of the shower. The Dementor hovered a few feet above him, as if it were waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Harry's eyes focused on the dark specter above him, his mind racing to formulate some way of escape, but before he had a chance to act, the Dementor attacked.
Harry closed his eyes as he instinctively pulled his arms up to protect himself.
"Harry!" Hermione's voice came from behind the bathroom door. "Are you okay?"
Harry opened his eyes and he released a shuddered breath as relief washed over him. The Dementor was gone.
"Harry, are you all right?" Hermione called again, her voice shaken with worry.
"Er…yeah!" Harry replied as he quickly picked himself up from the floor. "Just…er…slipped on the soap. Yeah…I dropped it and slipped when I tried to pick it up!"
"Oh okay," Hermione said with a sigh of relief. "Be careful, Harry? You know over 80 percent of injuries that happen in the home occur in the bathroom."
"I will be fine, Hermione," he smiled softly as he shook his head. Only his Hermione would remember such a random statistic.
However, despite the brief moment of embarrassment, his mind hadn't left the earlier happenings. His mind was no longer focusing on the sword but the attack of what he believed was a Dementor. He placed his hand against the wall, pushing gently against it, reassuring himself that it was solid.
`I know Dementors can't move through walls like ghosts,' Harry thought as he took in another settling breath. `Then was that thing that I saw? Couldn't have been a boggart --'
Harry heard the grandfather clock that stood next to the doorway that led into the kitchen chime and he abruptly realized that he'd been in the shower for almost a half-an-hour. `I've only been awake for an hour and I'm already exhausted,' Harry thought to himself with a smirk as he turned the water to the shower off.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
"I hear you dropped the soap this morning?" Ron snickered as Harry took his seat at the large oak table.
"I was feeling a bit drowsy," he lied as he poured himself a class of orange juice. "I must have nodded off or something."
"Why, had a rough night?" he asked as he took a large bite out of his toast.
"Just a little trouble falling asleep," he lied again. "Probably just nervous about today…you know, going back to Hogwarts and all."
"The responsibilities of the Head Boy position already giving you nightmares?" Hermione joked as she gently poked him in the side.
"No, nothing like that," he grinned at her. "I am actually looking forward to it."
"That's good," she smiled back. "It'll be an excellent learning experience. It'll also look really impressive on your transcript."
"Come now, Hermione," Ginny sighed as she spread marmalade over her toast. "You know just as well as the rest of us that Harry's name being on top of the transcript alone would make it impressive."
"Yeah," Ron agreed, trying his best to keep from chewing with his mouth open. "Harry could have any job that he wants with the Ministry."
"I doubt that," Harry said with a gently shake of his head. "You need to have all the right credentials and marks and classes to get certain jobs with the Ministry."
"You say whatever you want, mate" he replied after swallowing. "All you have to do is present your name and whatever position you want is yours."
"You boys even sure you want a job with the Ministry?" Ginny asked curiously. "Having a person like Cornelius Fudge around as your boss isn't going to be very much fun. You know how thick he can get."
"He can be thick, but I would like to work for the Ministry," Ron nodded as he relaxed against the back of his chair. "It would be wicked if Harry and I could be Aurors."
"I don't think it's all that of a good idea," Hermione disagreed. "You two get into enough trouble as it is. You know being an Auror will only bring more…besides, neither of you have the proper N.E.W.T. classes to qualify for Auror training."
"That's true," Harry said, noticing how uncomfortable Hermione felt with the idea of him becoming an Auror. "I do remember McGonagall saying that N.E.W.T. Potions was a required course."
"Oh in that case," Ron retorted in disgust, "you can count me out! I am absolutely fine with not having to be in Snape's class for another year."
"I'll drink to that," Harry grinned as he finished the last of his orange juice.
"But still, it would have been pretty exciting to get the chance," Ron sighed.
"Exciting as it may be, I'm going to agree with Hermione," Keung said as he entered the kitchen and took a seat next to Ron at the table. "You all, including you girls," he gave the girls knowing look before proceeding, "get into enough trouble as it is. Plus, not all Aurors go out on assignments for the Ministry. There are just as many Aurors out in the field as there are in the office handling paperwork. Things could get dull."
"Dull or not, at least we'd be paid for the trouble we get ourselves into," Ron pointed out.
"I wouldn't mind having a nice dull job," Harry smiled as he winked at Hermione. "I just hope we have a really dull year."
"That would be very pleasant," Hermione said with hopeful eyes. "Nothing to worry about except classes, Crookshanks, and the N.E.W.T.s."
"Aren't I included in your list of things to worry about?" Harry asked with a frown on his face.
"If we have a dull year, you won't be getting yourself into trouble," Hermione explained. "Therefore, I wouldn't have to worry about you."
Her answer was painfully logical, but it didn't stop him from giving her a larger frown. She, in turn, giggled before leaning in and giving him a soft kiss.
"Not when I'm eating!" Ron groaned as he dropped his toast onto his place. "There is a time a place to do those things, and I'm telling you now that it's not at the dining table."
"Stop it, Ron!" Ginny scolded as she hit his arm. "I think it's really sweet. Besides, I don't ever here you complaining when Nancy snogs with you."
Harry, Hermione, and Ginny couldn't keep themselves from laughing when they noticed Ron's undoubtedly shocked and betrayed reaction. He slumped against the back of his chair and crossed his arms; the redness of his face grew to the point that it could have easily matched the red in his hair. Keung simply smiled at the bunch as he looked up at the old grandfather clock.
"You all need to start getting ready," Keung said as he rose from his chair. "We need to leave for King's Cross in thirty minutes."
The four nodded and quickly finished their breakfasts.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry made one last scan over his study, going through his mental checklist of things not to forget. All his school things, which included his books and summer homework, his clothes, and his Firebolt were all secured away in his trunk. Hedwig and her cage were currently downstairs in the living room with Hermione. His pocket watch was sitting safely inside his pants pocket.
"I guess I remembered everything," Harry said to himself as he turned to leave the room, but then suddenly stopped before he reached the door. He had finally remembered the one thing that was poking under the surface of his mind.
He walked over to his desk and opened the side drawer to find the Golden Snitch that Hermione had given him for his sixteenth birthday. He gently smiled as he picked it up and rubbed his thumb against it. His eyes focused on the small inscriptions that were magically engraved into it.
"Always reach out for your dreams and hold on tight once you have a good grip," he read quietly to himself, his smile growing larger.
"Harry, hurry!" he heard Ron call from downstairs.
"We can't be late!" Hermione's voice soon came after.
Harry quickly glanced up at his watch and knew that it was time to leave number two Privet Drive. He shoved the snitch in his pocket and quickly left his study.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
"That's the last of them," Keung said as he shut the trunk of the car that held the four student's now shrunken trunks.
He turned to the four and gave them a grin. Harry grinned back as he picked up the cage that held Hedwig. Hermione stood next to Harry, a giddy expression on her face and a groggy Crookshanks in her arms. Ginny held an eager expression, but her attention was mainly focused on trying to keep Pigwidgeon, who was flying around wildly in his cage, under control. Ron, on the other hand, was the only one who had somewhat of a grim look on his face.
"Everyone ready?" Keung asked as he opened the backdoor of a rental car he received from the Ministry of Magic.
"A definite yes!" Hermione exclaimed brightly as wrapped an arm around Harry's, giving it a tight squeeze.
"Can't believe how excited you are?" Ron sighed as he shock his head.
"It's our last year at Hogwarts, Ron," Hermione replied. "It is exciting!"
"Whether it's the first or our last year, school is school," Ron retorted.
Ginny, knowing that an argument was soon coming, gave Harry a defeated shrug before making her way around the three and into the car. She took the left backseat and rested Pigwidgeon's cage on her lap as she laid her head back against the headrest.
Keung looked over at the two arguing friends, his eyes calling out Harry for assistance in quickly ending the argument. Harry understood and, not wanting to make a dead sprint to make it to Platform Nine and Three Quarters on time, took a deep breath as he looked towards an agitated Hermione.
"Hermione, love, could you two please have this discussion later?" Harry asked sweetly before she had a chance to respond to Ron's last insult. "No good if we're late for our first day."
She took in a deep breath and nodded at him, but rolled her eyes at Ron before finally entering the car and taking the middle seat, leaving the right seat for Harry. Ron caught her glare and, in turn, narrowed his eyes as he watched Harry shut the back door.
"You'll be riding front with me then," Keung said as he patted Ron on his shoulder.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
"Okay, I take that you all can make it over to Platform Nine and Three Quarters without an incident, right?" Keung asked as he and Harry finished unloading the now normal-sized trunks onto the luggage trolleys.
"We shouldn't have any trouble," Hermione replied as she set Crookshanks on top of her trunk next to a caged Hedwig.
"All right then," Keung smiled as she shut the trunk. "I need to head off now. I need to return the car and get in touch with Dumbledore."
"About what?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I really don't know," he answered honestly. "I've been looking after you the whole summer so I haven't really paid attention to the news that was be passed on around the Order. It's time I got caught up with things."
"Let us know if there's anything `interesting'," Hermione said as she took hold of the trolley that held Harry and her things.
"I'll do what I can, but I can't promise anything," Keung replied before giving Harry a gentle back on his back, his attention focusing on the two boys. "You two stay out of trouble this year. It's your last year after all, try to enjoy it."
"Easier said than done," Ron huffed as he crossed his arms. "With N.E.W.T.s at the end of the year, I can't see how anyone could possibly enjoy seventh year."
"Shut it, Ron," Ginny sighed agitatedly as she set a now content Pigwidgeon on top of Ron's trunk and took a hold of the Weasley luggage trolley.
Ron shot his sister a fiery glare and she responded with one of her own. Keung noticing the sibling tension growing knew that it was time to take his leave.
"You all better get going if you don't want to be late," he announced as he pointed towards the large clock that stood next to the entrance of the train station. It read fifteen `til eleven.
"You three go on ahead," Harry said to the others. "I need to quickly talk to Keung about something."
Ron, Ginny, and Hermione agreed to Harry's request and after saying their thank you's and good bye's to Keung, they made their way into the King's Cross Train Station.
"I've been meaning to thank you about something," Harry started as he put his hand into his right pocket.
"I've told you a thousand times already that you don't have to thank me about the summer," Keung replied.
"No, it has nothing to do with that," Harry said as he found what he was looking for. He pulled the snitch out of his pocket and showed it to him. "I wanted to thank you for bringing this back to me."
Keung looked at the snitch and recognized it to be a birthday present that Hermione had given Harry, but his face then fell into one of confusion. "What do you mean, `bringing this back to you'?"
"The night that you showed up at number four Privet Drive, Hedwig found this outside," Harry explained, unsure of Keung's lapse of memory. "I figured that you picked it up before you and Reins teleported to Hogsmeade, and you gave it to Hedwig as a sign for me."
"Harry…" Keung said slowly, his body stiffening slightly. "I never once touched this snitch when Magnolia and I were trapped inside the chamber…and I know for a fact that I did not give it to Hedwig to give to you on the night that I arrived at the Dursleys."
"Then…how…how did it…" Harry stuttered as he looked back down at the snitch.
Keung took the snitch from Harry's hand and examined it carefully. "You sure this is the exact same snitch that Hermione gave you."
"Yes," he replied with a nod. "It has the same engraving on the side."
"You've had this the whole summer and didn't say anything about it?"
"I thought you brought it back to me. I never got around to thanking you for it until now. I didn't know that you…" Harry suddenly stopped. "You don't suppose…"
"I don't know," Keung said as he continued to examine it. "Would you mind if I hold onto this for a couple of days and have Dumbledore look it over?"
"I guess not," Harry answered with an uneasy shrug.
"Harry!" the two heard Hermione call out from the entrance of Kings Cross. "Hurry or we'll be late!"
"You go on then," Keung said as he placed the snitch into his pocket. "I'll see you in Hogwarts in a couple of days. If anything funny happens, let Dumbledore know immediately."
"So much for a year of no worries," Harry groaned as he ran towards Hermione.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
"What kept you, mate?" Ron asked as Harry and Hermione ran into the entrance of the last carriage of the Hogwarts Express.
"Sorry, Ron. I had to ask Keung about one of the spells that he showed me a few days ago," Harry lied after taking a deep breath. Until Dumbledore discovers the means of how the snitch made its way back to him, he didn't feel his friends needed to know about the situation. `The first day hasn't even started yet. No need to make them worry already.'
"Good thing you two made it back," Ron said with a grin. "The train is about to leave at any minute."
"Do you really think Harry and I would miss the train?" Hermione asked as she leaned her head against Harry's shoulder.
"I can't say anything about you, but I do know that Harry has missed the train at least twice," Ron answered as he patted Harry on the shoulder.
"Come now, I didn't have a choice last year," Harry said with a defensive yet humorous tone in his voice. "And during second year, it wasn't my fault."
"I know, mate," Ron grinned. "Let's get going then. Ginny has seats for us in the back."
Harry and Hermione gave him a nod and the three made their way into the center aisle of the carriage. Unfortunately, the group didn't make if very far before they heard a snide voice come from behind them.
"Well if it isn't Saint Potter," Malfoy scoffed as he crossed his arms.
"Why can't he just leave us alone for once?" Hermione muttered quietly.
"I think it's in his blood to be a royal pain," Ron replied after releasing an annoyed sigh.
Harry snickered quietly at the two before slowly turning to face Malfoy, somewhat surprised to discover that he was alone, not a single one of his cronies in sight. "What do you want, Malfoy?"
"You know that you and I have some unfinished business, Potter," he replied hotly, his hands on his hips. "But first things first, I want to settle something that you and I started the last time we were on the train."
"Last time I checked, it was settled, and you were lying on the floor unconscious," Ron pointed out, trying his best to stifle a laugh.
"Stay out of this, Weasley!" Malfoy barked, his eyes narrowing on him. "This has nothing to do with you. If I were you, I'd be more concern about your poor excuse for a family."
Ron's smirk washed away from as if Malfoy had thrown a bucket of cold water over him. An expression of rage was all that was left. Malfoy always found it difficult to ignore the taunts of Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin gang. There were many times he wished he could retaliate, but someone usually talked him out of it.
"Ron, calm down!" Hermione exclaimed when she noticed his blood boiling. "Both of you ignore him. You know he's only looking for a fight."
"I have no problem with a fight," Ron grinned. "I'm ready to kick his ruddy arse all over this train. You with me, Harry?"
The thought of knocking Malfoy unconscious did seem very tempting, but upon looking at the agitated look on Hermione's face, he reconsidered it.
"What's wrong, Potter? Going to let your foul, little mudblood girlfriend lead you around on a leash!" Malfoy laughed, noticing Harry's hesitation.
"I hope you remember what happened to you the last time you called Hermione that?" Harry replied, his tone low and threatening. Malfoy, as usual, had crossed the line.
"Harry, please don't…" Hermione started.
"It's okay, Hermione," Harry interrupted her as he turned and gave her a quick smirk. "No one is going to get hurt."
"You think you're so tough?" Malfoy shouted with disgust. "Of course someone is going to get hurt, and I guarantee that it's going to be you."
Harry turned back to Malfoy and took in a deep breath. "Say when, Malfoy."
The two stood still and watched each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Malfoy's hand moved ever so slowly towards the inside pocket of his jacket, his fingers trembling slightly. Harry kept his hands loosely at his side while he examined Malfoy's shaky figure. He could tell that Malfoy was both angry and nervous, a bad combination of emotions to have before going into a duel.
The train suddenly jolted and the whistle signaling the train's departure sounded off. This was the moment that the two were waiting for.
"I have you now, Potter!" Malfoy roared as he grabbed the hilt of his wand; however, before he had a chance to draw it, Harry disappeared with a cloud of smoke and reappeared a few feet in front of him with his wand already raised.
"If you draw your wand, I promise you that I won't hesitate to transfigure you into a ferret," Harry said slowly, his wand aimed at Malfoy's sweaty brow.
"You cheated," he growled through gritted teeth. "No one ever said you could use apparition."
"No one ever said that he couldn't," Ron stated with a grin so large that not even a spider could wipe it off his face.
"Are we done?" Harry asked his eyes locked onto Malfoy's.
Malfoy muttered something under his breath, but when asked to repeat himself, he barked that he had forfeited the duel. Harry accepted his surrender and lowered his wand as he slowly backed away. Malfoy released another menacing growl and after a few verbal curses, he stomped away, leaving the carriage.
"You shouldn't have done that, Harry," Hermione sighed as he turned and walked back towards them. "You're are the Head Boy now. You're not supposed to get into petty fights."
"But he was asking for it," Harry replied. "No one, especially him, has the right to come up to you and call you that name."
"It doesn't matter what he called me," she said as she took his hand. "You have new responsibilities and rules that you need to be aware of at all times and even though school hasn't technically started yet, you have to uphold them."
"I'm sorry, Hermione."
He knew she was right. She always was. If he wanted to be successful at being the Head Boy, he knew that he needed to follow the rules at all times and set a proper example for everyone at the school. Though despite his acknowledgement of this, but deep down, he was pleased with how he handled himself in his first duel since his summer of training.
"It's okay," she smiled as she got up on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss. "I know all of this is new to you, but don't worry, you'll be an expert in no time. I'll see to that."
"And how are you going to see to do that?" Harry asked mischievously.
"Come off it you two!" Ron cried. "If you haven't noticed, I'm still here. Could you please at least wait until I'm out of sight before you both get cozy."
"Come now, Ron," Hermione exclaimed. "Harry and I have been together for almost a year! You have to be used to seeing us do this by now."
"I have nothing against your relationship and I have no problem with the thought of you two snogging," he replied. "I just don't want to see it. It's like watching your brother and your sister kiss."
"Thanks for putting that wonderful image in our heads," Harry groaned as he tried his best from keeping his face from contorting.
"You will never change, Ron," Hermione sighed as the three made their way towards the last compartment.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry gently rested his head against Hermione's shoulder. She, Ron, and him had just returned from the prefects' carriage. Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom had stopped by their compartment and they, along with Ginny and Ron, were discussing the upcoming Quidditch season.
"Are you feeling okay?" Hermione asked him as she rested her head against his, wrapping her arm around his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm a little tired," he replied with a soft yawn.
"You could take a nap if you'd like," she suggested, gently nudging the side of his head with hers. "I'll wake you up when we get near to Hogwarts."
"That doesn't sound like bad of an idea," he smiled as he moved his head up so he could give her a quick peck on her cheek. "If only it were quiet." He said towards the chattering group. Unfortunately, none had noticed.
Hermione giggled and gave him a tight squeeze as he rested his head back against her shoulder. He felt secure and safe there, allowing his worries to slip away and sleep to take him.