Thank you to my beta! And thank you for all the kind reviews!! Someone has pointed out that this fic. was on fanfiction. It is, but this is a differnt version. Enjoy!
Something to Talk About
Chapter Two:
A month has past since the first article was out. It was a month from hell , as far as Hermione was concerned. Each day, more and more witches and wizards would pack into her shop asking questions about her so-called "love affair" with Harry Potter. She tried to ignore it all, and tell them it wasn't true but, no one would listen to her.
`At least, it's bringing in business.'
Harry was also getting tired of the rumors. He couldn't leave his flat without some sort of disguise, and if he wanted to see Hermione at work he had to sneak in under his invisibility cloak and hide in the back room or upstairs until she was free. Harry felt trapped and was starting to get restless. He wanted the freedom he once had a month ago. He wanted to be able to walk around Diagon Alley without people bombarding him with questions, and always looking over his shoulder to see if someone was following him with a camera. He went through that after graduation when he finally defeated Voldemort and hoped he wouldn't have to again, but he sure was wrong.
Harry was sitting in his flat with Ron and his long time girlfriend, Luna.
"Ron, are you two going out tonight?" Harry asked.
" I think so. Ginny asked us to met her and Malfoy for dinner."
" Oh."
" I`m sure they wouldn't mind if you joined us." Luna said.
Harry smiled at Luna. " Thanks, but you guys know that if I go it will be the headlines for tomorrow's paper."
"Harry you can't hide anymore. It's really not a big deal. You hiding is just making people think you really are dating Hermione," Luna said. " Do you see Hermione hiding?"
"No," he said with a sigh
"So, stop being a coward and go do something!" she said pulling Harry off the couch and pushing him out the door.
" Luna!" he yelled as she shut to door on his face.
Luna happily walked over to Ron.
"You did that on purpose," Ron said as he pulled her into his lap.
Luna smiled. "How else do you think I would get time to spend alone with you? Harry is a good guy and I don't mind spending time with the two of you, but sometimes it's better when it is just the two of us."
Ron laughed. "I can't argue with that."
Harry stood outside the door of his flat. He was panicking. He wanted to leave the flat and do something, but what? How could he get around with out people noticing him? Harry sighed and pulled out his wand. He placed a simple charm that would alter his appearance just enough so he wouldn't get noticed and left the comforts of the building where his flat was. He began to walk around Diagon Alley looking at the windows of the various shops unaware that he was being followed by Cho Chang and her photographer.
Hermione was happily running around her shop helping various customers with questions they had. She happily helped them locate a certain book or point them to the right section. She made her way to her favorite section, the children's books. She smiled when she saw how many kids where sitting around enjoying a book. She looked around with a smile on her face when she saw a young man; about her age looking at her. Hermione smiled at him and went to help a mother pick out a book for her son. After 10 minutes showing the woman all the books about dragons she had she went back to the children's section to see the young man sitting with a little girl reading to her. Hermione recognized the little girl as Remus Lupin's niece, but she didn't recognize the man, at first. He had dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and looked like he hadn't shave in days.
" Are you two enjoying your selves?" she asked crouching down towards the floor to talk to them.
The man smiled at her and Hermione could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand on their ends. She knew who it was then. Only one person gave her that kind of reaction. Harry. " Yes we are," he said to her with a sly grin.
"I am Miss. Granger," the girl said smiling up at her.
" That is a very good book." Hermione said tipping the book up the get a better look at the cover. " One of my favorites."
"Really?" the girl asked.
"It is Jamie. My mum used to read it to me when I was your age."
"Could you help us pick out a few more books?" he asked.
Hermione smiled at the two "I would love to. Now Jamie what kind of books do you like?"
Jamie smiled and grabbed Hermione's hand and began pulling her around the children's section pointing out what books she liked.
He watched as Jamie pulled her around the room and how they would talk about a book and then add it to the growing pile of books. His heart began to pound loudly in his chest and his stomach felt like it had a hundred hippogriffs in it. He couldn't figure out why, he has known Hermione for nine years and never once has he felt like that when he saw her, why now?
He thought as he continued to watch her.
Harry decided to join the two and got up from his spot on the floor and walked over to the two.
" Miss Granger," Jamie said. "Where are the books on werewolves?"
Hermione smiled at the young girl. "We have several good books about them," she said and made her way over to the section on magical creatures. She quickly walked down the isle until she found just the book. " This is a good one for you, it has information about werewolves, unicorns, phoenix, giants, house elves, and many more."
The girl smiled and grabbed the book from her hand and instantly opened it up and began reading it.
" You really know your books." Harry said.
"I didn't spend all that time in the library for nothing."
Harry laughed and looked around the store. "Looks like Ginny could use some help at the counter." he said.
Hermione turned to look at Ginny being bombarded with customers. " Oh no, sorry I have to go help."
"Go." Harry said as he picked up Jamie and took her back to the children's section of the store.
Hermione hustled over to the front counter to help Ginny ring up the sales. As soon as she was up there the questions started at her again.
"How are you and Harry doing? Are you still together? Has he met your parents? Are you two living together?"
Hermione again tried to ignore the questions but it was hard when Harry was in earshot of the questions. She knew he could hear them, and that he wanted to do something about it, but knew if he did everyone would know he was there and it was start more rumors. She desperately wanted to run to the back room and hide, but knew she couldn't. The questions kept coming for an hour before she was finally able to leave from behind the counter and again help her customers find what they where looking for.
"Miss could you help me find a book on household spells? I am going to be away for a week and I want my husband to learn how to do the dishes without blowing up the house," a witch asked her.
" Of course. I have several book that would help you. Here is one on basic household charms," Hermione said grabbing a book from the shelf and making her way down the aisle. "Here is one on basic potions that will help," she said pulling another book out of the shelf. "And this one is basic cooking. Its very easy to follow and doesn't take to much time to prepare the food. I think it would be perfect for him."
The woman smiled. " Thank you so much! You really know your books."
" Thank you. Is there anything else you were looking for?"
" Not right now. I will let you know if there is."
Hermione smiled at the woman and let her be. She wandered around her store some more helping various customers as she slowly made her way back to the children's section. Hermione smiled when she saw Harry and Jamie. They were sitting on the floor, Jamie in Harry's lap-both asleep.
Her stomach jumped slightly but she ignored it, thinking it was because she hasn't eaten anything all day. She quietly walked over to them and leaned over towards Harry.
"Harry," she whispered in his ear.
He slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by Hermione's face. "You fell asleep. Why don't you take Jamie upstairs and put her in my room."
Harry looked down at the tiny girl and smiled. "I should get her back to Lupin. What time is it?"
" Half past four."
" Merlin it's already that late! I was supposed to meet him at 4. I've really got to go," he said carefully standing up not wanting to awake Jamie. " Will you put the books in a bag for me and put it on my account?"
Hermione smiled and made her way over to the counter to place the books in a bag. She handed the bag to Harry. " Have a good night," she said
"Do you have plans tonight?" he asked her.
" No."
"Why don't I come over after you close and have some dinner? I'll bring something from the Leaky Cauldron."
" Sounds good," she said locking her eyes on his.
Harry smiled. " Good. I'll see you in a few hours," he said keeping his eyes on hers.
Hermione smiled nervously at him but never let her eyes wander from his. The two stood like that for several moments until Jamie woke up.
" Are we leaving?" she asked making them both jump and loose their eye contact.
"Yes we are. I was supposed to take you back to your Uncle Lupin over thirty minutes ago."
Jamie squirmed her way out of Harry's arm and hugged Hermione. "Thank you for helping me find all the books."
"You're welcome, Jamie. Come back anytime you want some more. I will be getting in a new book on fairies in a few weeks that I think you would like."
Jamie squealed with delight and grabbed the bag from Harry and made her way out the door stopping at the exit. " Bye-bye!"
"Bye, Jamie!" Hermione said waving the little girl.
" Miss, could you tell me where to find a book on gnomes?" the women she helped earlier asked.
"Third aisle on your left, second shelf," Hermione said
" Thank you! You really know your books. I must ask, have you read them all?"
Hermione smiled and was about to answer when Harry said. "She did. She doesn't sell a book she hasn't read."
The woman smiled. " That's what I thought," and disappeared down the aisle.
" I should be going. See you later," Harry said as he made his way to the door glancing back at her with his lop-sided smiled before exiting the shop.
Hermione walked over near the door and watch Harry and Jamie walk down the street and around the corner. The sight on them together made Hermione heart warm with delight. She loved how Harry acted around children so kind and attentive. It made her wonder how he would be with their children.
`Did I just think about having kids with Harry?'
Her stomach did a few somersaults when she though about him. Hermione put her hand on her stomach and wrinkled her eyebrows. `This can't be happening,' she thought, as she went back to help Ginny.
At six o'clock Ginny locked the door to the shop and changed the sign from open to closed. She walked over to Hermione and helped her restock the books that were in the front window.
"So, who was he?" Ginny asked.
" Who?"
"The man with Jamie. I saw the two of you staring at each other like some love-sick teenagers."
Hermione rolled her eyes. " You didn't recognize him?"
"No. Who is he?"
"It was Harry. And I was not looking at him like a love-sick teenager."
"That was Harry?"
"Yes. He came in to buy some books for Jamie, he should be back in a while. We are having dinner tonight."
"Really." Ginny said giving her friend a look saying `are the rumors true?'
" Ginny we are just friends, and you know the rumors aren't true so don't even give me that look." Hermione said walking in to the back room and grab some more books.
" Sorry. It's just that you two look so cute and half the time you act like an old married couple. Why don't you two just try going out on a real date."
"Honestly, Ginny! We are just friends! Now if you excuse me I think I am going to go take a bath before Harry gets here and I believe Draco is outside waiting for you." she said pointing at the door where he was.
"Right. Well I will see you on Monday. Have a good day off Hermione." Ginny said walking out the door.
Hermione rolled her eyes and Ginny and made her way up to her flat. She walked in to her bathroom and began drawing a bath and lighting a few candles. She stripped off her clothes and slowly got in to her bath. Hermione closed her eyes and let the warmth of the water and the aroma from the candles take over her. Soon she was fast asleep.
Harry dropped Jamie off with Lupin and quickly made his way over to the Leaky Cauldron to pick up some fish and chips, and some chocolate cake. As he was walking back to Hermione's shop he began thinking about what he heard the people in her shop asking her. He couldn't believe that she put up with all the questions. He felt guilty, but was amazed at how well she handled all the questions being fired at her. He admired her for that. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay so calm as she did; she was always the one to stay calm in a stressful situation. He smiled as he remember all the times they where in danger and she kept everyone grounded even when he knew she was as terrified as everyone else. He remember how she would always grab on to his arm when she was scared and would never give up, she was always there in the end. She was always there for him.
Harry continued on thinking about Hermione until he was in front of her shop. He loved her shop. The day Hermione came to him and said she wanted to buy the old Flourish and Blotts shop and wanted him to be her silent partner was one of the happiest days of his life.
He loved the first few weeks that it was open when he was in there helping her. He never thought she would take his suggestion on the name of the shop. He said it as a joke, but on the day it opened and she pulled away the sheet that was hiding the sign there it was. In big gold letters ` The Golden Book Worm'. People where skeptical of the shop at first saying it couldn't replace Flourish and Blotts. It couldn't replace the store, but Hermione's store let everyone remember what it used to be and that it would be here just as long as the other one was.
Harry pulled his key to the store out of his robes and let him self into the shop.
"Hermione?" he called as he walked up the stairs to her flat. No answer. "Hermione?" he called again as he walked into her kitchen and put the bags of food down. He walked around the flat when he came to the half open bathroom door. Harry stuck his head in and saw her laying in her bath tub covered in bubbles. He gasped as Hermione eyes shot open.
"Harry!" she yelled and grabbed for the towel lying on the floor next to her.
"I'm sorry! I didn't see anything! I'll just go. Bye." he said and ran out of the bathroom and down the stares.
" Harry!" Hermione yelled but it was to late, he was already out the door and was running down the street.