Chapter four - Revelations and Questions
It's been three days since the previous article was printed, three days since Hermione realized she had more than friendly feelings for one of her best friends, and for the last three days she has been stuck in her flat with him. She wasn't upset that they were stuck in a flat together, in fact she was delighted that she got to spend more time with Harry, but she hated that she was stuck. She wanted to help out in the shop, go for a walk; she would even go visit Malfoy if it meant she got to leave the flat.
Hermione wasn't the only one who was getting restless. Harry was, too. He felt like he was in a cage. He didn't mind being in Hermione's flat with her. It gave him a chance to make sure she was okay and to just be near her. He started noticing the little things about her, like the way she hummed while she washed the dishes and how she would sing silly muggle songs in the shower the he didn't know. This morning she was singing something about giving people something to talk about.
Harry spent a lot of his time thinking about the things he liked about Hermione. He was confused of why he was thinking about her so much, but ignored it because he like the way he felt when he did think about her. He liked thinking about her so much that it was all he could do. He woke up thinking about her, he fell asleep thinking about her and even dreamed about her. Never in his life had he had one person but Voldemort consume all his thoughts. It scared him at first. He couldn't decide what to do with all these new thoughts. What did they mean? And what was he going to do about them? Harry dismissed the questions and went to join Hermione for lunch.
The two where enjoying a nice lunch, stealing glances at each other when the other wasn't looking, when they were interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Harry? Hermione? Can you let us in please?" Ron said
"We've got some interesting new for you." they heard Mr. Lovegood say as Harry walked across the flat to open the door.
Harry let the three in and they all walked in to the small sitting room where Hermione was already waiting for them.
"So what did you find out?" Hermione asked eagerly as they all sat down. Harry took the place next to Hermione. She smiled at him and looked back over at Mr. Lovegood.
"Well it seams that the daily Prophet did have the rights to anything about you, I am not sure how but it seems that someone named Peter Pettigrew sold them the rights to it. Do you know this person?"
Harry was furious at the mention of Peter's name. He felt Hermione grab his hand as she spoke. "We do. He was the name that betrayed Harry's parents and led Voldemort to them the night they died."
"Now I understand."
"Understand what?" Harry said trying to keep his anger down.
"Why someone would do what he did. The contract that he signed was made so he got a large sum of money each year, as well as even large sum when a article came out about you."
"But he is dead now. I saw Lupin kill him," Harry said as Hermione squeezed his hand giving him the support he needed talking about this subject.
"The contract was made the night before your parents where killed," Luna said looking at Hermione and Harry's entwined hands trying to keep her smile back.
"Is there anything we can do about it now? How was he able to sell the right to Harry's life?"
"I am not sure how the contracts works but it was legal."
"Was?" Harry asked Mr. Lovegood.
"Yes. The Quibbler bought the contract from the Prophet this morning," he said with a smile. "Miss Chang has to write a retraction in tomorrow edition of the Prophet as well an a public apology to both of you next week in front of our office."
"This is good Harry. At least we know they won't publish anything untrue," Ron said trying to lighten up the mood.
"Good?" Harry yelled. "How is it good Ron? How would you feel to know that a newspaper has the right to your life? They have the right to publish what ever they please about me!"
"I know you are upset Harry but in the new contract the only person who can write anything about you is Luna and she has to consult with you before she does print anything," Mr. Lovegood said looking at Harry whose face was now bright red. He glanced at Hermione who now had her arms around Harry holding him close to her and he could see she was whispering comforting words into his ear.
"Harry," Luna said pulling him and Hermione out of the comforting world they are in when they are in each others arms. "I don't plan on ever writing anything about you unless you want me to."
Harry looked at the three and then back at Hermione. She gave him a weak smile that made the butterflies in his stomach come back. He looked back at Mr. Lovegood and said, "Thank you sir. I'm sorry I yelled. It's just... well.... "
"Its okay, Harry," Mr. Lovegood interrupted. "I know it won't be easy for you or Hermione. But things will get better soon. You don't have to worry about anyone sneaking around taking your pictures"
"How do you know that?" Hermione asked. "You can't stop people from doing what they did."
"I know I can't, but you have my word that no one from my paper will be following you, and I am pretty sure no one from the Prophet will either."
"How did they get in my flat?" Hermione asked looking around the room.
"Miss Chang and her photographer have invisibility cloaks. They followed you up after you closed the shop the other night and followed Harry out when he left."
"How did you find this all out? I can't see Cho willingly telling you all this." Harry asked squeezing Hermione's hand.
Mr. Lovegood smiled and laughed. "It's amazing what someone will tell you when they are given a little dose of Veritaserum."
"That's how you did it Dad? I can't believe you gave that to her! What will the ministry say? What if they send you to Azkaban for using it! You know you can't use it with out consent from the ministry." Luna said to her dad.
"It's okay Luna. He got permission from my dad to do it." Ron said with a smile. "Its good to have a boyfriend whose father just happens to be the Minister of Magic. You can get away with all kinds of things," Ron said
Harry and Hermione nervously laughed at Ron's comment as they thought back to their years at Hogwarts when they got away with almost anything, especially after Mr. Weasley was promoted to the position of Minister of Magic at the beginning of their sixth year.
"Well, I must be going. There is much to be done with the contract," Mr. Lovegood said getting up from his chair and walking towards the door followed by Ron, Luna, Harry and Hermione. "I suggest you stay here one more night Harry. After the retraction is out it will be safe for you to walk about freely, but I am sure you will still have your normal crowd around you."
"Thank you sir," he said and offered his hand to him.
Mr. Lovegood took his hand in his and gave it a firm shake. "You're welcome. Have a good night and I will see you next week for Chang's apology. Hermione, you may want to wait a few days before you return to work. Ron, Luna and Ginny have been doing a good job taking care of it for you."
Hermione smiled at him before he turned to Luna and Ron. "You two have a good night as well. Luna, I would like you back at the office on Monday."
Luna hugged her dad "I will be, dad," and kissed him on the check.
"Thank you again, sir," Harry said as the man walked out the door and down the stairs.
Ron and Luna stayed for a few more minutes after Mr. Lovegood left before they returned to help Ginny down at the shop leaving Harry and Hermione alone again.
Harry smiled at Hermione as she went into the kitchen to clean up their lunch dishes. Harry followed her and sat down at the table to watch and talk to her.
"So this will be our last night together," Harry said.
Hermione sighed. She was going to miss having him here. "Looks like it," she said as she started washing the plates and humming softly to her self.
Harry smiled when he heard her humming, " I'm sorry you had to be stuck with me."
Hermione stopped washing the dish and turned around to look at him. "Harry, there is no one, absolutely no one, I would rather be stuck with than you." As soon as she said that she could feel the color rise in her checks and quickly turned around.
Harry raised his eyebrow at her and smiled. The butterflies where back. "Umm, thanks. I think I'm going to go lie down for awhile."
Hermione nodded her head to him, but never turned around because she knew she face was still red. She heard Harry get up from the table, walk down the hallway and close the door to the guest room. Hermione sighed and returned to washing the dishes.
When Harry entered his room he flopped down on his bed landing on his stomach. He buried his face into the pillow. What was he going to do? He didn't want to leave he loved living with Hermione. Always having her near when he needed her. What he couldn't figure out is why he wanted to be near her? Why did she always give him butterflies in his stomach whenever she was near, why was she consuming his thoughts constantly. He could tell things were off with Hermione as well, she always seamed to by right there when he was moving around the flat, its not that he was complaining, but almost like she wanted to be near him as well. Did she know something he didn't? Was she trying to protect him from something? Or did she just want to be near him as well? Did she have feelings for him? Feelings?
"Oh, Merlin," Harry said into the pillow. "I think I'm in love with my best friend." he groaned.
What was he going to do now? How come he didn't see it before? The way she made him feel when they where together, the butterflies that never seamed to leave. The way his skin burned when they touched. They way everyone else seam to disappear from the room when she was around. How could he be so stupid to not see it? How long has he felt this way?
Harry began to think about their years of friendship. He never remembered feelings this way towards her during school. She was just his friend. His best friend. The only one who ever understood him and knew when he needed someone and when he didn't.
He began thinking about the few years they have been out of school. He never got these feelings for her when she asked to help him buy the shop, even though he was happy about it ; it wasn't the same feeling. Then he thought about the first article and how he looked at the picture of them at the time. Then it hit him. The first article was when he started having feelings for her.
"What am I going to do?!" he said as he rolled over to lie on his back.
"Harry are you okay?" he heard Hermione say from the other side of the door.
"Yeah, I am," he said with a smile. She always looked after him.
"Are you sure? I mean with everything that has been going on and that contracts," she said. She knew he wasn't okay, and she wanted to talk to him. "Harry can I come in? I feel silly talking to the door."
Harry smiled. "You didn't have to ask to come in. It's your house."
Hermione opened the door and walked in. "Well, I didn't know what you where doing. I didn't want to have another bath tub incident," she said with a smile.
"Hermione, I said I was sorry about that! I didn't know you where in there."
Hermione sat down next to him on the bed letting her leg brush up against his. "I know. I was just kidding."
Harry could feel his skin burning as her leg rubbed up against his. "Oh," he said trying to concentrate on the conversation and not the fact that he just wanted to grab Hermione and snog her. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but he couldn't. He would wreck their friendship. He couldn't lose her.
Hermione smiled at Harry as she watched him shift uncomfortably around the bed trying to get comfortable. She knew she shouldn't be in the bed next to him, and she shouldn't of rubbed her leg against his, but she couldn't help it. She just loved being next to him. "Harry, are you really okay? You look a little upset."
"No I'm not upset," he said, what he really wanted to say was that he loved her and never wanted to be without. "I guess I'm a little tired. I haven't been getting enough sleep." as he tried to shift someone to get away from her touch, but every timer he did she would move her leg to keep it next to him. ` Is she doing this on purpose?' he though to himself and gave up on moving his leg away from her and let it lay next to hers.
Hermione smiled. "Do you want me to let you get some sleep?" she asked hoping he didn't want her to leave.
"No.... you can stay if you like," he said trying not to sound desperate to keeping her near him.
"Are you sure?" she asked while she snuggled up next to him, laying her head on his shoulder.
Harry swallowed hard. "Yes," he said and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him.
Hermione let out a sigh of content as she closer her eyes. He drew in a deep breath and took in his scent.
Harry laid his head on top of her bushy brown hair and smiled. This felt right to him. They fit perfectly together he though as he closed his eyes and drifted off in to sleep.
"Look at them they are so cute!" Ginny said, standing outside the door of Hermione's spare bedroom.
"I know," Luna said dreamily. "You should've seen them today, holding hands and comforting each other."
"What are you to talking about?" Ron said sounding very confused and irritated.
"Ron, you're hopeless." Ginny said and rolled her eyes at her brother.
"Ron, look at your two best friends," Luna said pointing at the two curled up in each others arms peacefully sleeping.
"Yeah, I see them. So what? They are just sleeping I've seen them do this a hundred times."
"You're as blind as they are!"
"Blind about what?"
"Ron, do you and Hermione ever take naps together?" Ginny asked
"Well I would hope not!" Luna said linking her arm with Ron's.
"Why are you asking me this?"
"Ron, you've been friends with these two for years, don't you notice the way they take care of each other?"
"Yeah, so?"
"Do you and Hermione act that way? Do you make sure she is okay above everyone else including yourself?" Ginny asked her brother getting very annoyed that he didn't understand what she was trying to say.
"No. I make sure Luna is okay."
"Any why do you make sure I am okay first?"
"Well you know why. I love you."
"Exactly!" Ginny and Luna both said
"I still don't..... OH!" Ron said finally understand what they where trying to say. "You mean they are... well... they... oh Merlin! How long has this been going on?"
"Well, they aren't exactly together, I don't think. But I think Hermione finally figured it out the other day. Who knows about Harry," Luna said walking away from the door and sitting on the couch.
"I think he knows he has feelings for her too. Did you see the goofy grin on his face just now?" Ginny said as she sat down on a chair near the fire.
"I can't believe my two best friends are in love with each other," Ron said as he walked away from the bedroom door and joined Ginny and Luna.
"Ron, don't be so loud they may hear you," Ginny say pulling Crookshanks onto her lap.
"So what if they do?" Luna said with a smile. "Maybe if they heard Ron they will finally admit they have something going on between them."
While the three where talking outside the spare room both Harry and Hermione were awake. They were pretending to be asleep not wanting the other to know the other was up and listening to what there friends where saying.
Hermione was embarrassed. How could her friends talk about her like that? What if Harry heard what they said? How would he react to it? Would he still want to be my friend even thou he knows I have feelings for him? The questions kept on forming in her head and soon she could feel a headache forming. She let out a groan and carefully got out of the bed trying to wake Harry.
Once she was out of the bed she turned to look at Harry who had a silly grin on his face. Hermione shock her head and wished that the silly grin was for her and walked out to greet her other friends and get something for her headache.
Harry felt Hermione get out of the bed and he instantly felt cold and alone. He wanted her to stay next to him, he felt so comfortable with her next to him. He smiled when he thought about what he heard Ginny, Luna, and Ron talking about. He couldn't believe that Hermione had feelings for him. What was he going to do about it? He knew he had to tell her about his, but how? Should he do it tonight? Or should he wait until the whole paper fiasco is over with? Harry laid in the bed for several more minutes thinking about what he was going to do until he finally figured it all out. Harry rolled out of his bed and walked into the sitting room where his friends where.
That night Ron, Luna, Ginny, and Draco joined Harry and Hermione for dinner. The six talked about the upcoming event that where going to be taking place and there days at Hogwarts.
Around 10:30 everyone finally left Harry and Hermione alone for there last night.
Harry sat on the couch next to Hermione with his feet propped up on the coffee table and Crookshanks in his lap. "It's going to be weird going back to my and Ron's flat."
Hermione looked over at Harry and began to pet her ginger cat. " Why is that?"
Harry smiled "I guess I am just used to be around you. You are a better room mate."
"Really? I though you liked being a bachelor with Ron."
"It's fine for now, but I think he wants Luna to move in," He said watching her hand pet the cat. "And besides you're a lot cleaner than Ron. And a better cook."
Hermione laughed "It's all clear now, you are just using me for my cooking and cleaning skills."
Harry laughed as well. "You caught me," he said as Crookshanks dug his claws into Harry's leg and jumped off his lap.
"Ouch! What was that for?" he asked the cat who was sitting near the fire looking very pleased with himself.
"Oh, are you okay? Did he break though your skin?" Hermione asked scooting closer to him on the couch and placing her hand where Crookshanks dug his claws.
"No, I don't think so. He's been acting weird all week. Yesterday, he jumped in the shower with me, and this morning he kept following me around and looking pathetic."
Hermione giggled. " He jumped in the shower with you? So that's why you yelled."
"Yeah, I don't know who was more shocked, me or him," he said with a laugh.
"I can't imagine what is wrong with him," She said giving her cat a odd look. "He looks okay to me, and he's been eating his normal amount. Maybe I should take him to see Hagrid in a few days. He would know what to."
"I'll go with you. I was thinking about going over there in a few days. I haven't seen him in a while."
"You don't have to Harry."
"I know, but I want to," he said with a smile. " I think I am going to go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow, with the retraction coming out and all."
"Right," Hermione said not wanting the night to end. She loved just sitting with Harry and talking. "Good night," she said.
During the middle of the night Harry got up, he hadn't been sleeping well and decided a cup of tea may help him. He quietly crept to the kitchen stopping for a minute in front of Hermione's door. He stuck his head in her room and smiled. She was so beautiful when she slept. He loved the way her hair fanned out on her pillow and how the moon shown through her window on to her face giving her an angelic glow. Harry stood in the doorway for several minutes before Crookshanks noticed him and hissed. Harry rolled his eyes at the cat and left the doorway to retrieve his cup of tea.
Harry quietly looked around the kitchen for a bag of tea, but none could be found. He continued rummaging through the cupboards when he opened one a several cups fell out and shattered on the floor. Harry silently swore and hoped Hermione didn't wake up, but soon he heard him calling.
"Harry? Is that you?"
"Yeah. Sorry to wake you I was looking for a tea bag and these cups fell out," he said pulling out his wand and mumbled a repairing spell the fix the cups.
"It's okay." Hermione said walking to a cupboard and pulling out two tea bags and two cups. "I wasn't getting much sleep. I felt like someone was watching me."
Harry blushed slightly and grabbed the teakettle from the stove and added the water to the cups. He then brought them both over to the table where Hermione was sitting. "You still take yours with honey right?"
Hermione smiled. "I do. I'm surprised you remembered."
"Well, I did see you drink it everyone morning for seven years."
"True. You still add milk to yours right?"
"Most times. Every now and then I use honey," he said with a smile as he set some honey and some milk on the table. "Sometimes I use both."
Hermione smiled as he watched him add some honey to her cup and handed it to her. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." he said and sat down across from her.
The two sat in silence sipping their tea and enjoying the presents of each other.
"Are you worried about the article tomorrow?" Hermione asked
"No. I think Cho knows when she has lost and won't do anything stupid," he said staring in to her sparkling brown eyes.
Hermione could feel the heat in her check rise as she locked he eyes on his. "That's good. I will be glad when this is all behind us and we can go back to out normal lives."
"You miss the shop, don't you?"
"I do. It's hard being so close to it and yet I can't go down there and help. I know Ginny and Luna are doing a wonderful job, but it's just not the same."
"It's not like you to stand back and let someone do your work."
" Right," Hermione said with a smile. Harry always knew what she was talking about even if she wasn't being totally clear. "I will be glad to get back down there. I have a wonderful idea for the children's section."
"What's that?" Harry asked as the two walked in to the living room and sat down on the couch in front of the fire. He grabbed the blanket that was lying on the chair next to him and wrapped it around them.
"I want to have a children's story time. I think it would be great to have one each Saturday after noon. Maybe get different people to come in and be guest readers. It's something I've always wanted to do since the shop's been opened."
"I think that's a brilliant idea," Harry said draping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to him.
"Really? Would you come in and read once week?" she said laying her head on his shoulder.
"I would be offended if you didn't ask me."
Hermione nuzzled her head in to the crook oh his neck and sighed. "I was thinking of getting Molly, Luna, Hagrid, Lupin, and Dumbeldore to fill out some of the weeks."
"What about Snape?" Harry said with a laugh
"I don't want to scare the kids," she said
" Right. I think you should get Fred and George to read as well, and Ron, Dean, Seamus, Lavender, and MaGonagall."
" I don't know if I could trust Fred and George in the store. Last time they where there they left a bunch of chocolate frogs go. I am still looking for them in the shelves."
Harry let out a yawn. "I will come and keep an eye on them."
Hermione yawned as well. "They do seem to listen to you."
"Well, I think that are extremely grateful for me. If I didn't give them the start up money for their shop they wouldn't of ever opened it."
"You seemed to be quite the business man, helping Fred and George, me, and even Lavender's boutique."
"Why not help others? I have more than enough money. I'm going to help Fred and George open up their shop in America next year, as well as a new restaurant in Diagon Alley."
"That's wonderful." Hermione said sleepily.
Harry looked down at Hermione and watched her fall asleep. He smiled and gently kissed the top of her head before closing his eyes and falling asleep as well.
Harry awoke the next morning to the sound of someone banging on the door. He grumbled and looked down to see Hermione still asleep.
"Hermione," he whispered. "It's time to get up. Someone's at the door."
"Mmmm… Five more minutes, mum," she said and snuggled closer to him.
"Come on, Hermione." he said as carefully got off the couch letting her fall on the cushions.
Harry laughed and walked over to the door.
" Sorry to come over so early," Ron said as he walked into the flat. "I wanted to be with you all when the paper arrived."
"I'm glad you came," he said as they walked over to the living room.
Ron stopped in front of the couch. "Why is Hermione on the couch?"
Harry ran his hands though his hair "Oh well, we fell asleep on the couch last night."
Ron smiled. "I see."
"See what?"
Ron leaned closer to Harry "I know you fancy her."
Harry eyes grew wide. "How do you know?" trying to act innocent, when he already knew he knew.
Ron laughed. "Luna and Ginny told me."
"Right. Yesterday."
"You heard us?"
"How could I not?"
"So are you going to do anything about it? Are you going to tell her?"
Harry smiled. "I am."
"Next week."
"Why then?"
Harry smiled. "You'll see," he said as he walked into the bathroom for a shower.