Ocean Avenue
"Ron, Luna, if you can't keep your hands off each other I'm going to leave you here," eighteen-year old Harry Potter told his two best friends.
"Harry, you go along. I'll teach Ron a lesson; or two," Luna grinned at Harry and then turned back to Ron.
"Too much information, thanks," Harry made a face as he walked into the hallway.
Ron, Luna, and he had decided that after vacation they were going to take a relaxing vacation; which is how they ended up in sunny Malibu, California, for the next two weeks.
Since their hotel was on the beach, Harry decided to take a walk, and hopefully, by the time he got back to the hotel, Ron and Luna would be done. Harry took off his sandals and stepped into the cool surf. Smiling at a couple little kids building a sand castle, he made his way to the docks. The view was breath taking; the sky painted with oranges, pinks, and reds.
Harry leaned against the wooden guardrails and sighed. Too many had died; too many had suffered; yet he, the cause of it all, was alive and healthy. Voldemort was merely a memory now, never to return.
"Are you okay?" A voice asked from behind him.
"What?" Harry asked, turning to a girl with brown hair and eyes.
"You've been standing here for over an hour," she replied.
Harry looked around and sure enough, the only light being given off was from streetlights. "I'm fine, just thinking," Harry smiled half-heartedly at the young woman.
"Really, about what? If you don't mind me asking," the girl asked.
"My life," Harry replied. "Do I know you?"
"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Hermione Granger," Hermione blushed as she extended her hand.
"Harry Potter," Harry smiled and shook her hand.
"Oh," Hermione's eyes widened, but she didn't say anything.
"Are you from around here?" Harry asked, not having caught her look of surprise.
"Yeah, I live just up the beach a ways," Hermione replied. "You?"
"I'm visiting from London. Staying at a resort just over there," Harry pointed out the building a few blocks away.
"I've been to London a few times before, it's really nice there," Hermione told him.
"Well, this is my first time to the states. I'm here with my mate Ron, and his girlfriend Luna," Harry replied as they began walking towards the end of the pier. "Well, it was nice to meet you," Harry smiled as they reached the beach.
"You too! Have fun while you're here," Hermione smiled, and started walking away from Harry.
"Hermione!" Harry called out, and ran up to her.
"Would you like to do something tomorrow?" Harry asked.
"That'd be great. There's an amusement park not too far from here, if you'd like to go," Hermione told him.
"That'd be fun," Harry smiled.
"Meet you at the lobby where you're staying at 9:30," Hermione told him. "Night."
"Night," Harry smiled as he watched her retreating back before heading back to his room.
"Mom, Dad, is it all right if I go to the park tomorrow?" Hermione asked her parents later that night.
"I don't see why not. Are you going with Ev?" Kate, Hermione's mother, asked.
"No," Hermione replied slowly. "You know how I went on a walk earlier?" She asked.
"Yes," David, her father, replied.
"Well, I was at the docks, and this guy was standing there with his head in his hands the first time I walked by, and when I was heading home, he hadn't moved at all. So, I went and asked him if something was wrong and he said no. He didn't even realize it was dark out. I introduced myself and guess who he is?" Hermione grinned.
"Who?" Kate asked, nonplussed.
"Harry Potter," Hermione smiled. "We walked back onto the beach and then he asked if I'd like to do something tomorrow and I figured he needed to have some fun, so, I told him yes and that we could go to the parks," Hermione finished, her parents looked at her wide eyed.
"So can I go?"
" I think you're right. That boy deserves to have some fun. You can, just call us if you're going to be out real late," Kate smiled as her daughter hugged her, and then David.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Hermione exclaimed as she ran up to her room.
"Ron, I'm going out tomorrow. Alone," Harry called through the door into Ron's room when he got back to the hotel.
"Okay Harry, have fun!" Ron yelled. Harry just rolled his eyes and walked into his room to get ready for bed.
"Hermione!" Harry called out as Hermione walked into the lobby of the hotel.
"Hey, Harry" Hermione smiled and walked over to him. "I hope you don't mind, but my family has season passes to the parks around here so I thought we could just do that today," she told him, hoping it would be okay with him.
"That sounds great," Harry grinned. "Shall we?" he extended his arm and she looped hers through his. "Do you want to drive?" Harry asked once they were in the parking lot.
"Sure, it'll make it easier," Hermione replied, getting into the driver's seat. The trip to the first park took about thirty-five minutes, and after they had parked and gone through the gate, they got a park map.
"What do you want to do first?" Harry asked, looking at the list of rides.
"It's up to you," Hermione smiled. "If you like roller coasters, we can start with one of those," she added.
"I've never been on one before," Harry grinned sheepishly.
"Okay, I've got the perfect one!" Hermione led Harry over to a steel roller coaster and got in line. Since they got there right at opening, they moved through the line quickly, and before they knew it, the safety harnesses were lowered and they began their ascent up the first hill.
"Hermione, how far are we from the ground?" Harry asked, his heart hammering against his chest.
"About two hundred and eighty feet!" Hermione called back to him. "Put your hands up!" She yelled as they plummeted towards the ground. Hermione alternated between screaming and laughing while Harry hung on for dear life.
"That wasn't so bad now was it?" Hermione smiled as she grabbed her thong sandals from the shoe bin.
"I want to do that again!" Harry exclaimed, grinning like a madman.
"Settle down, there's only five more roller coasters here," Hermione giggled, and they made their way to the next ride.
By noon, they had been on every roller coaster and decided to have some lunch.
"What do you want?" Harry asked as they entered the food court.
"Um, how about a cheeseburger and fries?" Hermione replied and Harry nodded his agreement.
"Hi, we'll take two cheeseburgers, fries and two drinks," Harry ordered for them while Hermione found a table.
"That'll be $10.79 please," the cashier replied, looking up at him. "Oh my god! You're Harry Potter!"
"What? Did someone say Harry Potter?" Harry heard a voice somewhere behind him.
"It's him! I can see his scar!" Yet another voice called out.
"Harry, c'mon!" Hermione grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him through the crowd and towards the ferris wheel. As soon as they were buckled in, the ride started moving.
"I'm sorry," Hermione apologized, I didn't realize so many people would recognize you."
"You're a witch?" Harry exclaimed, looking wide eyed at her.
"Yes, but that doesn't matter," Hermione replied hastily.
"Yes, it does. I thought you were just another normal muggle. Someone that wasn't after my fame!" Harry yelled.
"I'm not! When I realized who you were last night I thought you deserved to have some fun after what happened with Voldemort and everything!" Hermione yelled back, crossing her arms across her chest.
"What did you say?" Harry asked.
"I'm not after your money!" Hermione growled.
"No, you said Voldemort. I only know about five people who will say his name out loud," Harry gazed at her intently.
"Well, the fear of a name only increases the fear of the thing its self," Hermione shrugged.
"Oh," Harry murmured.
"I hope you're not mad at me. I just didn't want to treat you differently than anyone else," Hermione looked hopefully at him.
"I just wish you would have told me," Harry smiled reassuringly at her.
"I should also tell you that there is quite a large wizarding community in this area," Hermione grinned as Harry rolled his eyes.
"Great," he muttered as the ride stopped them on the top.
"Afraid of heights?" Hermione asked, smiling at him.
"No. My Malibu fan club has arrived," Harry grumbled as a group of girls and a few guys pointed up at him.
"Just tell them you're a look alike," Hermione offered, and Harry looked at her doubtfully. "Or you could just sign some autographs."
"Why can't they just leave me alone?" Harry moaned woefully.
"Because you saved them all. Do you want to apparate out?" Hermione rested a hand on his arm.
"Dear god, yes!" Harry exclaimed.
"Meet you in the parking lot," Hermione smiled and apparated next to the jeep. She looked up to see Harry looking back at her. "Have you ever been horse back riding?" Hermione asked.
"No," Harry replied.
"Well, I suppose today'll just be full of firsts!" Hermione exclaimed, pulling out of the parking lot. She drove back to where Harry was staying and then they got out and walked about a quarter of a mile to `Johnson Stables'.
"Hey there, Hermione," the man at the front counter greeted her.
"Hey, Nick," Hermione smiled. "I'm going to take Lightning and Juliet out for a while," she added.
"All right. You gonna saddle them up or do you want me to?" Nick replied.
"I can get it, thanks anyways," Hermione waved and pulled Harry over to a large stall at the end of the building. "You can ride Lightning, he's the black one," Hermione told Harry as she walked into the stall. After she saddled up Juliet, she helped Harry with Lightning.
"Just relax, he's a good horse," Hermione told Harry as he shakily mounted the horse. After he was safely on, Hermione mounted Juliet. "If you want him to stop, pull on the reins. Pull on the right one to turn right, left to turn left, and if he's not moving, give him a little kick with your heels. Not hard though; you do that and he'll buck you off," Hermione instructed as they started along the beach.
"This isn't so bad," Harry commented after a few minutes.
"You might be sore in the morning though," Hermione warned.
"How long have you been riding?" Harry asked.
"Since I was seven," Hermione replied, smiling at his shocked expression.
"So you do competitions?"
"I used to all the time, but I haven't been as much anymore. Juliet's getting old, so I've been taking it easy on her. She got sick a while back and hasn't fully recovered," Hermione smiled sadly, while stroking Juliet's mane.
"Do you have any other pets?" Harry asked, as he rode along side her.
"Well, we had to put my cat Crookshanks to sleep last year - he was getting really old. I've been thinking about getting a puppy, but I haven't decided yet. I think my parents might get me one for my birthday," Hermione told him.
"When's your birthday?" Harry inquired.
"September 19," Hermione replied. "Why are you asking me all the questions?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Well, I'm sure you know everything about me already," Harry shrugged.
"I know about your battle with Voldemort, but that's it really," Hermione replied.
"Well, what do you want to know?" Harry asked.
"Do you play quidditch?" Hermione asked.
"I played for Gryffindor House as seeker, but I don't play professionally," Harry replied. "I'm going into auror training this fall," Harry grimaced.
"Sucks to be you," Hermione laughed.
"Really, and what are you going into?" Harry shot back.
"I'm going to Africa to research ancient artifacts," Hermione replied. "Mummies, tombs, books. All that fun stuff."
"I know a guy that lives in Egypt. He works for Gringotts," Harry told her.
"Really. Maybe I've heard of him."
"Bill Weasley. I'm sure you've heard of his brother Ron, who's my best friend," Harry replied, bringing Lighting to a stop.
"The guy with red hair and a fang earring," Hermione grinned. "Yeah, I've met him before."
"Ah, so you think he's good looking," Harry laughed.
"Well, he is attractive, but I'm into dark hair; and I've always had a fetish for green eyes," Hermione smirked at him.
"What?" Harry asked, eyes wide.
"Dark hair, green eyes. Oh, and I love accents," Hermione giggled, riding off.
"Hey!" Harry called as he rode after her.
"Beat you back to the stables!" Hermione yelled over her shoulder. Harry groaned and went as fast as he could without falling off. When he finally arrived back to Lighting's stall, Hermione had already unsaddled Juliet and brushed her.
"Just tie him up, Nick will take care of the saddle," Hermione smiled and pulled Harry out to parking lot. "You can drive since we're just down the rode."
"Okay, do you want me to drop you off at your place?" Harry asked as he pulled onto the street.
"Sure," Hermione accepted. After about a minute of driving Harry pulled into the driveway of a two-story house. "Thanks for the ride," Hermione smiled, and leaned across the seat and kissed Harry lightly on the lips. "Bye," she waved and ran up to the front door and into the house.
Harry sat in her driveway for a minute before coming to his senses and driving back to the hotel.
Author's Note: I got this little plot bunny after hearing "Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard, which is a really good song. There will be like a chapter or two after this, not sure yet. So please tell me what you think so far, all reviews are greatly appreciated!
luv, sarah may