Chapter Two
"I hate everything about you,
Why do I love you?
You hate everything about me,
Why do you love me?"
- (I Hate) Everything About You
-Three Days Grace
Harry awoke with a start. He scar was searing instead of its usual prickling. As he rubbed his forehead he glanced at the clock and noted that it was 12:01 a.m., his seventeenth birthday.
"No wonder he's pissed," Harry grumbled, pulling the sheets off his boxer-clad body. As he made his way over to the window, he wondered when the heat wave, which had been in Surrey for nearly two weeks, would end. The cool breeze drifted through the open window, making it seem less humid. Harry spotted his favorite star Sirius after a few seconds. He couldn't recall how many times he had gazed at the constellation, wishing he could have his family back. His thoughts were brought to a halt when he noticed a snowy white owl soaring towards him out of the corner of his eye.
"Hey Hedwig," Harry said softly as the bird perched on his arm. "What've you got there for me?" He undid the letter and package tied to her leg and put his arm out in front of her cage's door. Hedwig hopped in and hooted appreciatively before moving over to her water bowl. Harry grinned and turned his attention to the letter. His name was written across the front of it in Hermione's neat handwriting. He smiled before breaking the seal and unfolding the letter.
Dear Harry,
How are you? Things are going okay here. Happy birthday, you're so lucky you're seventeen and can legally do magic. I'm sooo jealous. Please don't do anything to permanently hurt your relatives…just scare them a little. I miss you so much and cannot wait until September 1st so I asked my parents if you and Ron could come to my house for the remainder of the summer. Guess what? They said yes! So if you agree - which you'd better - we'll pick you up on August first at 11 o'clock. You can call me so Hedwig doesn't have to fly halfway across Britain just to deliver a yes. So I hope you enjoy your gift…it's not much, but I thought you'd like it.
Love you,
P.S.- I'll see you tomorrow!
Harry laughed out loud as he finished the letter; Hermione new him all too well. He set the letter on his desk and picked up the package, which was wrapped in shiny green paper and had a gold bow. He unwrapped the gift like it was Christmas, meaning it took him less than 3 seconds to have the present completely unwrapped. He removed the lid to the box and grinned. Inside was a book, but upon taking it out of the box, he discovered it was a scrapbook. The front cover read "Friends and Family".
Harry opened to the front page and smiled at the picture of Ron, Hermione, and himself in their first year. They were so carefree then, well as carefree as they could be. The next several pages were filled with pictures from their years at Hogwarts and quotations and sayings sporadically placed between them. After about ten pages of school and the Weasleys, there was a picture of his parents. Harry wondered where Hermione had gotten it but didn't have time to dwell on it when he flipped to the next page. There were pictures of his late grandparents from both his mum and dad's side, others, who were obviously relatives, the Marauders, and his immediate family.
Harry didn't realize that he was crying until a tear splashed onto the book. He quickly wiped them away as he flipped to the last page. It had his parents' engagement announcement, his birth announcement, and finally, the obituaries of Lily Ann Potter and James Harold Potter.
Tears swam in Harry's eyes and he let them fall freely as he choked back a sob. A note fell onto his lap from the book and he picked it up and read, "Harry, Sirius gave these to me over Christmas and told me to do something special with them for you, it was hard to make but I hope that you love it. - Mione"
Harry set the note and the book on his desk before crawling under his blanket and falling asleep.
Dudley walked into the kitchen the next morning expecting his breakfast to be waiting for him, only to find Harry sitting at the table reading something. As he got closer, he noticed that the pictures were moving and waving up at Harry.
"Mum!" Dudley yelled, running into the next room. "Harry didn't make breakfast and he's looking at some book with moving pictures!"
Petunia jumped up from her seat on the couch and walked into the kitchen to find everything exactly as Dudley had told her. "What are you do-," she trailed off when Harry looked up at her, his eyes blood shot.
"Why did you hate her so much?" He asked, his voice shaking.
"What?" Petunia questioned as she walked closer to him.
"Was it because she was a witch and you weren't?" Harry gulped, fighting to keep his tears back.
"You wouldn't understand," Petunia replied, looking at the floor.
"I'm sure I would, if you'd let me," Harry whispered. "They're all dead, you know; you're the only person left that knows anything about my parents that I don't already know. It's been so hard, not knowing them, feeling so alone and unloved," Harry whispered as he looked into his aunt's eyes with his mother's.
"She was always so beautiful and smart. Everyone loved her and everyone wanted to be her; including me. She and your dad loved you so much. They wanted a truce with me, but I couldn't stand being wrong once again. Then when our parents were killed, I blamed her. She always wanted things to be okay between us, but I was too thickheaded to listen to her. I hated her. When we found you on our doorstep, I wanted to die. My baby sister was dead, thinking that I hated her. I'll never forgive myself for not listening to her when she wanted to talk. I'm sorry," Petunia suddenly looked up at Harry, her eyes filled with tears. "You have her eyes you know. Exactly her eyes."
"You can look at this if you want," Harry offered, motioning to the book. With a wave of his hand it floated in front of his aunt and she slowly picked it out of the air with a trembling hand.
"Thank you," she whispered, taking a seat next to him and they looked through the book together, Petunia explaining pictures she knew, and Harry just listened and smiled.
A/N: I wrote this just for you guys…I luv yous all! Now, I know that this might not happen, but I think that petunia really was just jealous of lily but deep down she really loved her to death. You don't all have to agree with that, but that's just what I want to think…so thank you for reviewing, now, if you've got any questions…ask me! Hahaha, so, I love you all because you all read my story…ill pray for you before I go to bed…lol…bubyes! Btw, the reason petunia spilled everything was because she felt like she was looking into lily's eyes…so yeah…
Sarah may