Chapter Three
"I'm leaving tomorrow," Harry told Vernon Dursley later that afternoon.
"You ruddy well are not!" Vernon bellowed, his face turning purple. "Do you think I'm going to pay someone else to do the yard work and clean the house when I've got you?" He asked incredulously, scrutinizing Harry as if he were mad.
"You can't tell me what to do, you know," Harry replied calmly, pulling his wand out of his back pocket and twirling it in his hand.
"I know you can't use that! You'll be expelled from that freak school of yours and we'll be stuck with you!" Vernon smirked, though he sounded slightly unsure of himself.
"Oh, but there's your mistake. Since you've never remembered my birthday in the past seventeen years," Harry began, putting emphasis on seventeen, "I didn't expect you to start now. In the wizarding world, where we do magic, once you're seventeen you're free to use as much magic as you want," he paused to let him sweat. "As of twelve this morning, I've been able to use all the magic I want; including cursing you to hell and back without getting in trouble," Harry finished just as calmly as he had started, thoroughly enjoying every minute of it.
"You're-you're lying!" Vernon choked out, though he was clearly sweating bullets.
"Dudley!" Harry called, and Dudley sidled into the room, looking between his father and Harry. Before Dudley could run, Harry had shot a curse at him, causing Dudley to squeal like the pig that he was, literally. Dudley was currently on all fours, running in circles while tripping around. Needless to say, he was not accustomed to being a pig.
"Change him back!" Vernon yelled, charging at Harry and knocking his wand out of his hand.
"Let me leave!" Harry yelled back, shoving his uncle away from him.
"Then change him back!" Vernon yelled again, his fat fingers reaching for Harry's throat. With a swish of his hand, Dudley was back to his old, fat self and running out of the room crying.
Before Vernon had the chance to get his hands around Harry's throat, he froze and fell over backwards, causing the entire house to shake. Harry smirked and looked down at his uncle saying, "Don't worry, it should wear off by tomorrow," and then walking over to the phone to call Hermione.
Harry waited two rings when a voice answered on the other line.
"Hello, is Hermione there?" Harry asked, leaning against the wall and glancing at his uncle.
"Just a minute," the voice replied and was replaced by another voice.
"Hello?" Hermione asked, catching her breath.
"Hermione, hey it's-"
"Harry! Oh my god! How are you?" Hermione squealed on the other end of the phone.
"I'm good, just changed Dudley into a pig and back and stunned Vernon," he chuckled and Hermione laughed.
"I can't believe I told you to do something like that…you and Ron are a bad influence on me," she sighed, lying down on her bed. "I miss you," she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I miss you too," Harry replied softly, wishing he could just hold her.
"We'll be there at ten," Hermione told him, laughter in her voice.
"Getting early huh? Someone's a bit impatient," Harry grinned, waiting for her reply.
"Uh! Would you rather we just leave you there?" She asked in a completely serious tone.
"You would never do that to me, you love me too much!" Harry laughed, as Petunia walked into the room.
"You're right," Hermione sighed, though somewhat reluctantly.
"What was that?" Harry asked.
"I said `You're right'!" She giggled, completely out of character.
"What did you do to him!?" Hermione heard Petunia screech on the other end of the phone.
"Uh, Mione, I've got to go, but I'll see you tomorrow," Harry told her, repressing a laugh.
"Okay, be good. I love you," she told him.
"Love you too," Harry replied, and they both hung up.
"What did you do to him?" Petunia asked again, though more calmly.
"Stunned him. Don't worry, he'll be up and about tomorrow," Harry shrugged, and started towards the staircase.
"Who was that?" Petunia asked after a second.
"My friend from school," Harry replied, slightly uncomfortably. He wasn't used to having his relatives care what he did.
"What's his name?"
"Her name is Hermione Granger," Harry replied. "Now can I go? I need to get packed," he pleaded.
"Okay, well, goodnight," Petunia replied and walked into the kitchen, almost as if in a trance.
Harry took the stairs two at a time and bounded into his room. He couldn't stop thinking about the way his aunt had been just minutes before. If he wouldn't have known better, he would have thought she was under the Imperious curse, but he had been trained to sense such things. She seem to be in a daze, as if something was on her mind, consuming all of her thoughts. Maybe it had been from that morning when they had gone through the scrapbook. Whatever it was, he didn't have time to dwell on it because at that moment, a small bird ran into the side of his head.
"Pig!" Harry groaned, rubbing his temple. He quickly snatched the small bird out of the air before it could hit him again. Ron's untidy handwriting was covering the short note.
Harry -
Guess what! I'm in Romania right now visiting Charlie. Don't worry though, I'll be at Hermione's in about a week. (Give you two some alone time)
Harry laughed at this, images running through his mind, before continuing.
I'm going to wait to give you your birthday present in person. Have a happy birthday!
- Ron
Harry smiled as he took out a scrap piece of parchment and hastily wrote a reply to Ron.
Ron -
Will do, see you in a week and you know me too well! Have fun and tell Charlie I said hi.
- Harry
"Pig. Pig!" Harry yelled, jumping up to catch the hyper little bird. "You're a bloody nuisance, you know that?" He grumbled as he secured the note to the owl's leg before tossing him out the open window.
Harry returned to packing - doing it the muggle way just to waste time. He pulled out an old radio that was in a cupboard and flipped it on to the only working channel. After several minutes of the latest songs, the DJ came on air.
"We have an emergency bulletin. Just a few minutes ago, a mall in Birmingham was attacked leaving eleven victims, all of who have no visible signs of murder. These unnatural and unexplainable deaths have been occurring across the country, with no less than 300 reported deaths. Let's just hope that the gang or cult behind this is caught before any more killings can occur. I'm Alan Shepard and you're listening to London's Best, 237.8."
The voice cut off as Harry slowly slid down the wall, the energy building inside him. He had to get out of this house or he would suffocate. He walked downstairs and outside, the cool night breeze calming him very slightly. He started down the sidewalk, anger raging inside him. He couldn't let his emotions control him, if he did, there was no telling what he could do to put others in danger. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he sat on the bench on the Dursley's front porch.
He had no clue how long he sat there before going up to bed, but he awoke the next morning feeling very stiff. He rubbed his eyes and glanced over at the clock. Although his vision was blurry, he could tell that it was past nine o'clock. He shot out of bed as if someone had burnt him with a fire poker. After grabbing a green polo and khaki shorts, he disappeared into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After his shower he returned to his room and put on his glasses, noting that it was 9:57, and Hermione was never late.
As if on cue, the doorbell rang followed by Dudley's heavy footsteps, which seemed to shake the entire house. Harry put any extra things he had forgotten the previous night and threw them on top of the heap inside his trunk. Slamming the lid, he waved his hand and the trunk rose into the air behind him, and followed him to the main floor. He could see Dudley talking to a very annoyed Hermione, who obviously hadn't gotten a word in since he opened the door.
"'Mione," Harry smiled, walking around Dudley and wrapping Hermione in his arms.
"Harry! I've missed you so much. How are you?" Hermione asked, kissing him gently on the lips.
"A lot better now that you're here," Harry grinned, nuzzling her neck.
"C'mon, my parents are waiting in the car," Hermione told him, pulling him by the arm.
"Just a minute, I need to tell my aunt goodbye," Harry replied, and was forced to bring her with him, as she wouldn't let go of his arm.
"Are you leaving?" Petunia asked when they entered the sitting room.
"Yeah, I just wanted to say goodbye," Harry told her.
"Well, I'll see you," Petunia smiled half-heartedly.
"Bye then."
"Goodbye, Harry. I'm proud of you," she added, staring into her teacup. Harry just smiled before pulling Hermione down the hall, out the door, and into her parent's waiting car.
A/N: I hope you all like it…all I want is some reviews…you guys really have no idea how much this means to me…so I appreciate every sentence you write. Thanks again, now u no what to do now! REVIEW! Lol…hahhaha…luv ya all! By the way…Alan Shepard was the radio dj where I'm from!!
Sarah May