Unofficial Portkey Archive

Shades of Grey by Sk8erWitch

Shades of Grey


Chapter Four


"So what happened?" Aeryn asked as she made a quick stop at the Hogwarts table before joining her friends.

"Madame Pomfrey said that her magic has been totally drained from her body," Hermione explained.

"Someone bound her magic?"

"Not exactly, binding someone's magic still leaves the magic there; you are just unable to use it. What happened with Luna is different, it's like magic doesn't exist in her, she was completely drained that she was drained of her color as well, she's completely grey."

"But she was attacked?"

"We don't know for certain, they can't tell if she was attacked or if it was a cause of something else," Ron said, "But the drain has left her completely comatose."

"I'm sorry Ron," Aeryn said, "Did you try anything?" She asked Harry.

"Yeah, but nothing worked." Harry replied.

"I only asked because I five more people were in the Hospital Ward," Aeryn said, "I went to get some headache potion."

"I didn't know about that." Harry said.

"I tried to ask Madame Pomfrey, but she would tell me anything," Aeryn said, "I got the feeling that she was keeping something from me."

"Maybe we should hold a prefect meeting." Hermione suggested.

"Did you see who was `attacked'?" Harry asked.

"Well I don't know their names, but they were all prefects," Aeryn said, "I remember seeing them at the last meeting. Anyway, I should get back to my table; I just wanted to see if you knew anything."

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Some people say that evil people don't have a soul, is that true?" Remus Lupin asked his seventh year Advanced DADA class. It consisted of a mix of all four houses. The particular classroom which he had chosen was seated stadium style where the top row was higher then the rest.

A few people raised their hands. "Pansy?"

"No, it's not true. If it were then why would they use the Dementor's Kiss as an execution at Azkaban?" Pansy replied.

"Very good point, anyone else? Hermione?"

"When someone uses the Dark Arts for Dark purposes, they do so with the sacrifice of ones soul. Instead of becoming a mindless shell, a dark soul remains."

"Excellent. Now what can be done about it? Could there be redemption? Draco?"

"Perhaps, if said person truly wants to seek redemption."

"Now, how was Voldemort defeated?" Remus asked, he clearly could see Harry roll his eyes.

"Potter killed him." Someone called out.

"In a way he was poisoned," Harry said, "His new body was made from pure evil, we found a way to poison him with pure goodness."

"Good, excellent, forty points for Hogwarts, for all four of you. Now…" The class was interrupted by a small shockwave sweeping the room from back to front. Ink bottle and books were moved causing them to crash to the floor.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"I wonder what all that was." Hermione said after they were headed to lunch after being dismissed from class. "Luckily none of my notes have been ruined."

"Am I the only one who didn't cast any protection spells on my parchment?" Ron groaned.

"Seems so, I didn't see anyone else with all their notes erased when casting the cleaning spell." Harry said teasing Ron.

"Draco!" they heard from behind them. The group turned to see Terra Brooks headed for them, "I wanted to tell you that Aeryn's in the Hospital Ward."


"We were in Charms; everything was going normal until she tried a really complex charm. There was this big shockwave…"

"You felt it too?" Ron asked.

"Ron, right? Please don't interrupt me." Terra said, "Anyway the shockwave came from Aeryn. Shattered all the windows in the room. She passed out and is running a high fever. I just thought you should know. Kayla is sitting with her now; Madame Fernelly is a lot less strict when it comes to visitations."

"Thanks Terra." And they headed towards the Hospital Ward.

"Who's Kayla?" Harry asked.

"Really Harry," Hermione started, "It's been three weeks since school started and you don't know who Aeryn's friends are."

"Well I can't help it if she's been distant lately,"

They entered the Hospital Ward to find six curtains drawn around six beds. Three blonde girls from Salem Academy were standing near a bed where Aeryn was standing getting her books organized into her book bag, like she was getting ready to leave.

"We'll be making a list of the damages to all of out personal belongings that you damaged with your little freak show Potter." One of them said, "We expect you to pay up. It's not like you can't afford it."

Aeryn slung her bag over her shoulder, "Listen to me, I'm not about to be pushed around by some beach blonde Cali girls who are too stupid to fix their little nic nacs with a simple Reparo. So you can take your little list of damages and shove it up your -"

"That's enough young lady." Madame Pomfrey came into the room, "You are not free to leave yet."

"But Madame Fernelly said I was fine." Aeryn argued.

"I think it's safe to say that I have had more experience to know what to do in this sort of situation." Madame Pomfrey said.

"What situation? What ever happened, it's over. I don't have a temperature anymore."

Madame Pomfrey held out a potion, and Aeryn looked at her in disbelief. "You don't really expect me to take that?"

"Your body in not capable of handling the amount of magic it contains you are not able to channel it properly." Pomfrey explained.

"I'll use a wand."

"I'm afraid it would do no good."

"I'm not taking it!" Aeryn said stubbornly.

"With a normal witch or wizard it would bind all of their magic. With you, it is more likely that you will have to go back to using a wand. No more wandless magic, no more extra powers."

"I don't care I am not taking it, and you can't make me." Aeryn said as she stormed right out of the room.

"How bad would it be if she didn't take it?" Draco asked Madame Pomfrey.

"I'm afraid that if she continues like this, she will overload. It would destroy her."

"Give me the potion and I will make sure she takes it."
