Unofficial Portkey Archive

Day by Day by JanieB

Day by Day


Author's Note: Before I say anything else, I have to say this: Great galloping hippogriffs!! Do you know I logged on the other day and there it was, that incredible number in brackets after the word "Reviews" - 400!! WOW!! And thank you, one and all!! Rightio, back to the story…


By Lady Jane

Chapter Sixteen: "The One Where Everyone Ends Up At The Dragon's Lair…Again!"

Monday Morning In Neville's Office

Neville had owled everyone early Monday morning and they had all gathered in his office by eleven thirty. Harry and Hermione had arrived last and Hermione found herself hugged again and again; Neville buried her in the biggest bear hug of all time, just holding her and saying nothing, then Ron picked her up and swung her around making her squeal after which Dean demanded one of her life-threatening hugs and finally, Luna and Ginny fussed over her after hugging her and crying at the same time. Neville went and stood with Harry behind his desk and they both smiled as they watched.

Neville clapped Harry on the shoulder, 'You look a lot happier this morning, Harry.'

Harry laughed, 'You'd better believe it!'

Neville had been watching Ginny closely and was still wondering what the hell had happened earlier when she'd come flying out of his office. He'd stormed in, demanding Malfoy tell him what he'd said or done to her.

Malfoy had shrugged. 'I told her that tomorrow I'm leaving London for good.'

Neville made a noise of disgust. I'd like to get that Veritaserum out again. As if that would make Ginny run from him - she'd be dancing for joy! It only took a few minutes to complete the formalities in relation to Malfoy's identification of the two Death Eaters' photographs and he was gone. Neville decided Ginny must've been keeping a lookout for Malfoy's departure because he hadn't been gone five minutes when she reappeared in his office. She refused to tell him anything more than she just couldn't stand being in the room with Malfoy any longer. Then, making it obvious the subject was closed, she asked him whether there was anything that should be left out of her article that might affect the Department and they sat down to chat about that until their friends began arriving.

And so here they all were…

'All right everyone, what are we going to do now?' asked Ron, raising his voice to be heard.

'Have lunch together!' cried Luna.

'Where?' asked Dean.

'I know,' said Ron, 'the Dragon's Lair!'

No one noticed the fleeting look of horror on Ginny's face before her smile was back in place.

Monday Lunchtime At The Lair

Everyone was enthusiastic about Ron's idea and midday saw them in the Arrival Room at the Dragon's Lair, Mr Madomo beaming at them all as he escorted them to the bar for a drink while their table was readied.

Harry pulled Mr Madomo aside and had a quick word with him before joining Hermione. Champagne was served all round by way of celebration and Harry and Hermione exchanged a glance remembering the last time they'd been here.

'Oy! You two! No public snogging allowed!' Ron called out when he spotted Harry and Hermione kissing. They were good naturedly cheered and jeered at by their friends, laughing along with them.

By the time their table was ready, they'd finished their champagne but more appeared at their table without anyone asking.

Ron stood, holding a full glass, waiting until everyone was looking at him.

'Luna and I would just like to let you all know that we are now officially living together!'

He bent down and kissed Luna as their friends raised their glasses to them.

'Hey, Ron,' called Harry, 'you know this means you'll have to learn how to make your bed and put your washing IN the clothes basket, not ON it!'

'Guess I won't be seeing you down at the Wanderers' much any more,' taunted Dean.

And so it continued. Their mood was collectively happy and celebratory - each and every one of them thoroughly enjoying themselves without reservation. There was only one exception: Ginny.

She was in an agony of indecision. Fate had cruelly placed her between a rock and a hard place: she could easily carry out either of the two choices facing her. Don't see Malfoy: stay with everyone, leave with everyone. Do see Malfoy: easy to be the last to leave and then go and find him. He wouldn't be here until one thirty. Why the hell am I even considering it?

Dean noticed that under her smiling, laughing enjoyment lay a certain tension. I'll get to the bottom of that later, when we're alone, he thought.

When they'd finished their meal, Mr Madomo came back to the table and announced that it was "on the house" as their way of congratulating them on the safe return of Hermione, then he leaned over and spoke quietly to Harry, listening to something Harry had to say in reply before leaving them with a smile and a bow.

Neville was the first to leave, needing to get back to work more urgently than the rest of them, Ron following not long after although Luna was able to stay. Harry and Hermione, who hadn't had eyes for anyone but each other most of the time, left together, their arms around each other, Luna whispering to Ginny and Dean with a knowing smile that it was obvious they were planning on making up for lost time.

Dean groaned. 'Lucky buggers,' he commented, looking lustfully down at Ginny. 'I have to go back to work!'

Ginny smiled up at him, 'Never mind - we have tonight. Come to my place for dinner straight from work and I'll have something special ready for you.'

'And what will we be eating?' he replied cheekily.

They all laughed, then Dean kissed Ginny goodbye. 'Enjoy your coffee girls! See you tonight Ginny!'

As Luna drained her cup, she said to Ginny she wanted to get home and start work on cooking a special dinner that night, being the first dinner they'd be having as an "officially-living-together" couple. They both stood up and hugged each other. 'Congratulations,' Ginny told her warmly, 'I think my brother's very lucky to have you, Luna!'

As they walked towards the Departure Room, Ginny said she needed to go to the ladies' room before she left so Luna gave her a wave and walked on. Ginny turned around and went back to the ladies' room. She stood in front of the mirror, touching up her makeup which was a little difficult as her hands were shaking.

Shit! What am I thinking? What am I doing? She stared into the mirror. Her reflection showed a wide-eyed, scared looking young woman. This is ridiculous! I'm leaving!

She walked out, turning left to head for the Departure Room when she heard a voice behind her. His voice.


She froze.

He came up behind her, stopping just short of making any kind of contact with her. 'Have one drink with me?'

Must be fate, she thought bitterly. 'All right, Draco, I'll have one drink with you.'

As she turned he rested his hand lightly on the small of her back to guide her to his table.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Monday Afternoon at Harry & Hermione's

When they arrived home, their arms still around each other, Harry swung Hermione round, holding her tightly against him with both arms around her waist. Hermione ran her fingers through his hair, her hand coming to rest on the back of his neck, her other hand resting on his chest. They smiled at each other, feeling more sharply aware of one another since suffering the shock of having to consider, if only for a short time, that they may never see each other again.

'How would you like,' said Harry, kissing her, 'to go and see Professor Dumbledore,' he kissed her again, 'and have dinner with him this evening?' Hermione couldn't answer immediately due to the fact that Harry was busy kissing her. Again.

When finally he released her lips, she gave a soft laugh. 'Are you sure you want to go out tonight?' she asked him, giving her hips a teasing little movement to show she was fully aware of the effect their kissing was having on him. Harry groaned. 'Well…'

Hermione's arms went slowly around his neck; she pressed herself tightly against him and pulling his head down, whispered against his lips, 'We could always go tomorrow night. I can think of a lot of things I'd rather do right here tonight…with you.'

As Harry crushed his mouth to hers, he had not one more thought that night about anything else except Hermione.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Monday Night - Behind Closed Doors

Ron & Luna's Door

Ron sat back and patted his stomach, which was really very full. Luna smiled at him from across the table.

'So, Ronald, you enjoyed that?'

Ron stood up and then helped Luna up from her chair, pulling her to him, his arms around her waist.

'It was wonderful, sweetheart. I think you're already in my mum's league which is saying something!'

Putting her arms around his neck, Luna smiled dreamily up at him. 'High praise indeed! Now, how about we clean up so we can get to bed?'

Ron dropped his head, kissing her softly at first, then more urgently. 'Why don't we go to bed now and clean up later?' he murmured.

Luna, pressing herself against him, said, 'Just this once.'

Ron smiled and kissed her again, whispering, 'No wonder I love you.'

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Ginny's Door

Dean pushed his empty plate aside and leaning on the table, his chin resting on his hand, he smiled at Ginny.

'That was wonderful sweetheart - thank you. I think that's the best you've ever done!'

'It was one of your recipes, that's why!' Ginny laughed.

'Come on, let's clean up and then we'll have a coffee.'

A short while later, as they settled on the lounge, Dean with his arm around her shoulders and Ginny with her feet tucked up under her, leaving their coffees on the small end table to cool a little, he decided it was time to ask her what had been bothering her at lunchtime.

'You know at lunchtime today, you seemed a little tense. Anything wrong?' he asked, allowing only a little concern into his voice.

Ginny sighed. No keeping anything from Dean. 'Malfoy.'

Dean closed his eyes, trying to fight back the fury he could feel rising within him. Fucking Malfoy!

Keeping his voice as neutral as he could, he said, 'Malfoy what?'

'I ran into him this morning, in Neville's office. He was there giving his statement. Neville had stepped out for a minute and Malfoy goaded me into sitting down - I mean, I felt as though I'd be acting like an idiot if I didn't sit down. He told me he's leaving London tomorrow, for good.'

'Thank God for that!' exclaimed Dean, heartfelt relief in his voice.

'Then I ran into him at the restaurant today, after everyone had left, when I was coming out of the powder room.'

Dean unconsciously held his breath. 'And?'

'I had a drink with him. He asked me to. To say goodbye.'

Dean stood up, his breathing ragged. 'Christ, Ginny, what the hell did you do that for?'

'I don't know. I feel sorry for him I think.'


Ginny shrugged, close to tears. 'I don't know! He just seemed so - I don't know! I guess after he helped us find Hermione - I don't understand it myself! I hate him, I loathe him - you have no idea how much, but…' her voice trailed off as she put her hands over her face, tears trickling between her fingers.

'But you feel sorry for him. How in the name of all that's holy can you feel sorry for Draco Malfoy, Ginny?' Dean sounded bewildered.

She shook her head, a muffled, 'I don't know,' coming from behind her hands.

Dean sat down again and gathered her into his arms; he could feel her shaking as she cried.

'Don't waste your pity or compassion on him, Ginny. He deserves nothing from you. Or from any of us.'

Wiping her face with her hands, Ginny nodded as she looked up at him. 'I know. And tomorrow he'll be gone, for good. I won't have to so much as even think about him again.'

Dean framed her small, pale face with is hands, kissing the remainder of her tears away.

'None of us will. Tomorrow can't come too soon.'

Ginny threw her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately before saying, 'I love you so much, Dean. I don't know what I'd do without you!'

'You won't ever have to find out my love because I'll always be right here.' And he kissed her back.

They never did get around to drinking their coffee.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Tuesday Morning - Back To Work Everyone!

Hermione woke slowly, enjoying the wonderful after effects of the previous night's lovemaking. She could hear Harry in the kitchen - he was humming! - and smiled as she stretched. She knew she'd have to go back to work today, but she knew too that they would forgive her if she was a little late. They'll never know what a speedy recovery I've had, mainly thanks to Harry, she thought merrily. Except, perhaps, Priscilla! I wonder if she's managed to keep quiet about us? I'll have to take her to lunch if she has!

Slipping on a short, cream satin gown that had a tie around the waist, Hermione made her way to the kitchen, not worrying about slippers as it was quite a warm morning.

She was stopped in her tracks in the doorway by a sight she hadn't seen for a little while: Harry, hair still wet from a shower, wearing that bloody towel around his waist as he stood at the stove cooking some scrambled eggs.

Hermione gasped and Harry turned at the sound giving her what could only be described as a cheeky smile. Leaning on the door frame and crossing her arms, she shook her head in exasperation as she said, 'Harry, I really have to go to work today!'

He shrugged, looking at her innocently. 'I'm not stopping you love!'

Making a sound that almost sounded like a growl, Hermione straightened, her hands going to her hips.

'You have that bloody towel on Harry!'

'The towel? You want me to take it off?'

Hermione groaned. 'Harry! You're not being fair!'

Harry tilted his head at her, indicating she should join him.

Sighing theatrically, she dropped her hands from her hips and walked over to him. He gathered her to him with one arm, still stirring scrambled eggs with the other and Hermione wrapped her arms around his waist, dropping her head to her shoulder.

'I wish I could stay home today,' she lamented.

'Why don't you?' asked Harry.

'Well, I'll have to go in for a short while, there's sure to be a bit of mess with my appointments alone.'

'Why don't you go and have your shower, then come and have some breakfast, go to work and I'll come and get you at lunchtime. How does that sound?'

Hermione smiled up at him. 'Perfect,' she announced, a devilish gleam in her eye.

Harry noticed and looked at her quizzically. She started moving away from him then suddenly grabbed the towel and pulled - running towards the bathroom with it flying behind her, Harry's yell of surprise ringing in her ears. He did, of course, get his revenge, although it was a very wet and soapy affair followed by a breakfast that had been kept warm only by virtue of magic.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Old Mr Pince heard the loud booming noise made by the lion's head knocker then looked up as the dark wooden door swung open. His wrinkled face was wreathed in a huge smile when Hermione walked in. He stood up and shuffled around his desk towards her. His grandson, Gaylord, also left his unimportant desk beside the fireplace and almost ran to greet her; a couple of inter-department memos flying out of the fireplace behind him, zooming around the room as though they, too, were celebrating her safe return.

'Miss Granger! It's wonderful to see you!' Old Mr Pince took her hands in his, squeezing them warmly. 'I was so relieved when I heard you were all right!'

'Thank you, Mr Pince, and believe me, I'm glad to see you too - and you, Gaylord!' She turned to the young man who was hovering beside his grandfather, shaking his hand. 'I heard Harry Potter himself rescued you!' he exclaimed, his voice full of awe, his young eyes filled with a shining hero-worship.

'He did indeed! With a little help from his friends, I might add,' Hermione told him. 'He's coming to see me at lunch time today, too, so you can say hello.' Gaylord looked as though the power of speech would probably leave him at the sight of Harry. Hermione made a mental note for her and Harry to stop and have a word with him on their way out.

As she put her hand on the door to her department, she smiled at the familiar parchment announcing, "Welcome to the Fred & George". Well, here goes! she thought as she turned the handle and walked through.

Twenty minutes later Hermione collapsed into her chair as Priscilla closed the door before taking a seat in one of the armchairs facing Hermione.

'Talk about running the gauntlet!' exclaimed Hermione. 'That was almost as much of an ordeal as the whole kidnapping thing!' She'd been bombarded, as she knew she'd be, the second she walked in the door. So many questions, a lot of smiles, many hugs and even a few tears later, she managed to make it across the room to her office.

Priscilla was perched on the edge of the armchair, positively jiggling with excitement.

'Oh Hermione, you have no idea how horrible it was!'

Hermione, smiling, raised her eyebrows at her friend.

'Oh, no! I know you do but I mean - well - oh, bloody hell! You know what I mean!' she finished, sounding thoroughly exasperated.

Hermione couldn't help it, she laughed. 'Of course I do! I'm sorry, it just sounded funny - "I had no idea how horrible it was?"' Hermione laughed some more.

Priscilla was almost wringing her hands. 'Hermione, please can we have lunch today? I am just dying to hear about it! Please?'

Before she could answer, there was a knock on her door and Gaylord came in with a memo for her, smiling shyly at the two women before leaving.

It was from Neville. He said Ginny had contacted him about having lunch that day, asking if he'd contact Harry and Hermione to join them as it was to do with the article in the Weekly about Hermione's kidnapping. Harry said as long as Hermione agreed he'd certainly meet them for lunch - but only at the Dragon's Lair and if he paid for it.

Hermione smiled. Good, old generous Harry! she thought. She looked up at Priscilla, still perched uncomfortably on the edge of her chair, waiting expectantly. Hermione looked at her, realising no one had said a word to her about Harry being her boyfriend. 'Priscilla, you didn't tell anyone did you? I just realised. About Harry and me, I mean.'

Priscilla shook her head. 'Not a word,' she said proudly.

'Well, since you can obviously keep a secret if you try - how would you like to keep a few more?'

Priscilla frowned slightly, tilting her head to one side. 'What do you mean?'

'I mean,' said Hermione, her eyes twinkling, 'would you like to have lunch with Harry, Ginny, me and a friend of ours, Neville Longbottom?'

Priscilla looked as though she might faint. Her mouth formed a small "o" and stayed like that as she stared at Hermione.

'Is that a yes or a no?' Hermione asked kindly.

Priscilla nodded vigorously, then suddenly smiled.

'Wow! Wait till I tell my mum I had lunch with Harry Potter!' She stood up slowly, looking a little dazed. 'Where are we going?' she asked. Hermione started writing an answer to Neville.

'The Dragon's Lair,' she replied, not looking up. 'We have guaranteed privacy there.'

Priscilla sat down again. 'The Dragon's Lair? I've heard about that place.' She looked down at her neat blue skirt and white blouse. 'Do I look all right?' she asked, giving Hermione a worried look.

Hermione looked up and nodded. 'You look fine! It's only lunch, not dinner. Just a sec-' she finished her memo to Neville then said, 'Would you mind running this out to Gaylord for me? It's for Neville, letting him know we're coming.'

Priscilla stood once more, taking the folded memo from Hermione. She stopped and turned in the doorway, saying, 'I forgot to tell you how glad I am you're all right and it's so good to see you!'

'Thanks Priscilla, it's good to see you too,' replied Hermione warmly.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

At that same moment, Ginny was in her boss' office discussing the article about Hermione. Bill was grinning happily at her. 'Talk about Johnny-on-the-spot! An eyewitness account! It'll sell like nobody's business!'

Bill had personally spoken to the Editor-in-Chief as he wanted Ginny to continue working under him, with a promotion to first assistant sport editor, a rise in pay and also that she be available for "special assignments". Such as Hermione's kidnapping. Ginny was more than happy to concur. She liked Bill, she was getting more money, still being in sports meant she'd be able to see Dean "for work purposes" but whenever some interesting possibility came up, she knew they would at least think of her. It was upward movement for her career without losing her current "perks".

'I'll have to wait and see Bill, about how much can actually go into the article. I'm having lunch with Harry and Hermione and Neville, the-'

'I know who Neville is, Ginny, sweetheart, never fear! He's closely associated with you, Ron, Harry and Hermione not to mention his position in the good ol' Department of Magical Law Enforcement! Okay, I want you to take it to the edge, okay? I want every morsel you can possibly squeeze in showing up in this article. Okay?'

Ginny nodded, smiling. 'Okay! I know what you mean, Bill. Don't worry.' Ginny, however, knew that her friends would come first; she would lose her promotion before she'd print things they didn't want made public.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Neville had said in his memo that that he'd be at the restaurant at one o'clock and he was, Ginny arriving before he'd even left the Arrival Room. Anxious to greet Harry and Hermione personally, Mr Madomo ('I'm sure that man lives here for Merlin's sake!' Ginny said to Neville in a laughing undertone) asked them to please take a seat on a comfortable lounge in the Arrival Room, supplying them with a glass of vintage champagne while they waited. It was only a matter of ten minutes before Harry arrived to be delightedly fawned over by Mr Madomo. Then not five minutes later Hermione and Priscilla arrived and while Harry was busy hugging and kissing Hermione as though it was a week since he'd seen her, not three hours, Ginny was left to introduce Priscilla to Neville.

Neville looked at the petite, young woman with the long dark hair - which she wore loose with a side swept fringe - and the smiling blue eyes and felt something deep down inside just shift. Move. He smiled at her, knowing this day would be a day to remember. Priscilla, for her part, couldn't remember ever meeting a man who seemed so nice and had this effect on her. (Well, not since Harry, anyway…) Not to mention those wonderful grey-green eyes that were looking at her with such…approval!

Their mutual interest in each other didn't go unnoticed by the others, but they gave no sign, not wanting to intrude on the delicate beginning. Neville unwittingly helped Priscilla get over the fact that she was sitting at the same table as Harry Potter - sitting next to him for Merlin's sweet mother's sake!! - by taking all her attention for himself. Harry was on her right, Neville on her left. Hermione was on Harry's other side and Ginny was between Neville and Hermione. Priscilla felt exhilarated and dumbfounded at the same time. The weird thing was, these famous people - especially Harry - just seemed like ordinary and normal people! Oh, wait until I tell my mum! She won't believe me!

Neville tapped his empty water glass with his knife, the soft pinging sound gaining everyone's attention.

'All right, now that we've ordered,' he said as he looked at them all, 'it's down to business!'

And that's what they did. Ginny got out her Quick Quotes Quill and some clean parchment and the next half an hour was spent talking and listening and debating while they ate.

They sat back afterwards all looking very relieved, except Priscilla who looked a little stunned at having heard the whole story of Hermione's ordeal. Mr Madomo himself arrived with a tray of coffee cups containing a wonderful brewed coffee with a touch of magical something.

Priscilla sighed happily, draining her coffee cup. 'I just can't believe this, I've had the best day, eaten the best food in the best company - and met', she looked at Neville from under her eyelashes, 'the best people!' Including a gorgeous and very appealing man who seemed such a wonderful combination of authority and knowledge and power on top of his niceness! she added to herself. Neville couldn't help but smile back at her. 'I know just how you feel!' he told her.

Shortly afterwards, Ginny made her excuses and left - Bill, her boss, she said, was waiting for a draft and she hadn't committed to exactly what was going to be in the article so she really needed to talk to him now that she knew her boundaries.

Neville groaned as he looked at Hermione and Harry looking at each other meaningfully, fingers entwined.

'You two are pathetic, I must say! Go home, for Merlin's sake!'

Priscilla found herself laughing, unable to believe she was sitting here watching Harry Potter being all mushy with his girlfriend and being teased about it!

'Priscilla,' said Neville, 'you wouldn't believe that a few short weeks ago these two would've died before they'd even dream of admitting they might, maybe, perhaps like each other in that way and look at them now!'

Priscilla laughed. 'I know! That day Hermione went to lunch with Harry she was just so full of him when she got back it was ridiculous and yet, when I suggested that she might actually want to…well-'

'Shag him!' interjected Hermione, laughing. 'As I remember it, you said if I wasn't already shagging him, I would be soon!'

Harry looked askance at Priscilla as did Neville. She did have the grace to blush but also retaliated with, 'Hermione! That was girl talk! Who's gossiping now?'

'Touché!' cried Hermione, still laughing.

Neville couldn't help but smile at Priscilla's rather pretty discomfort, a slight blush on her cheeks.

'Good on you for standing up for yourself Priscilla,' he told her quietly, then raising his voice a little, he suggested, 'How about we leave them to it, Priscilla?' I'll take you back to work and we can leave these two lovebirds to themselves.'

Hermione suddenly snapped her fingers as she remembered something. 'Oh, I nearly forgot! We were going to have a quick visit with Gaylord - but then things changed and we met here - would you please tell him we're sorry and we'll see him tomorrow?'

Priscilla nodded as she stood up, Neville holding her chair for her. 'Of course!' She turned to look up at Neville, smiling. 'Don't let me forget, will you?'

Neville smiled back. 'I won't. All right, bye you two - see you soon!'

'Bye! See you tomorrow Hermione!'

They both gave a quick wave and as they turned and walked off, Harry and Hermione watching as Neville put a tentative hand on Priscilla's waist until Priscilla smiled up at him and moved imperceptibly closer when it went from tentative to definite.

Hermione and Harry turned and smiled at each other. 'I think Neville is very taken with my Priscilla,' Hermione commented. 'And Priscilla seems pretty taken with Neville,' said Harry. 'Amazing, isn't it? One day you go to lunch, a casual lunch, no expectations and see what can happen?'

'Actually, I'm more interested in what's going to happen when we get home,' said Hermione seductively, leaning closer to Harry. Harry leaned forward and kissed her. 'Well, we'd better get home so we can find out,' he told her, his voice equally seductive.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Tuesday Night - Behind Closed Doors

Neville's Door

As he Apparated home, Neville walked from his small loungeroom towards his bedroom, loosening his tie, smiling at the memory of that afternoon. Priscilla. Unusual name. Old name. Unusual girl. NOT old. He'd found out she was nearly two years younger than he, that she idolised Hermione, worshipped Harry, lived with her mother (her father, a Muggle, had been killed in a car accident only two years previously) and loved reading almost as much as Hermione, only "information" being higher on her list of priorities. Information meaning gossip, that is, thought Neville, smiling. But she wasn't in the least bit nasty, just naturally very curious and seemed fascinated by people. He'd asked why he'd never seen her at Hogwarts and she said her dad had been rather scared by the whole "magical thing" and she'd only gone to Hogwarts for the last two years of her schooling. Apparently, her mum hadn't told her dad she was a witch until after Priscilla was born and odd little things had started happening around their daughter over the years.

When they'd arrived back at the main entrance to the Ministry, he'd asked her to dinner the following Friday and Priscilla had quickly accepted. Neville smiled to himself again. Friday seemed so far away.

Priscilla's Door

The smile on Priscilla's face that had been put there by Neville's dinner invitation didn't leave for the rest of the day. She arrived home very excited and happy, telling her mum all about her lunch at the Dragon's Lair - and who she'd gone with. Her mum had been extremely impressed and eager to hear more first hand accounts of Harry Potter (Priscilla had much of the first time Harry had come to see Hermione) and by the time the two women had finished talking, they'd had dinner, washed up and Priscilla was yawning. As she climbed into bed a little later, she thought how slowly the days would seem to pass until Friday but the anticipation was delicious!

Ginny's Door

Ginny had a light, solitary dinner before writing some more of the article she was doing on Hermione. Dean had gone with the Wanderers to their hometown in Scotland, not something he usually did, but their Scottish Healer had just gotten married and was away on his honeymoon so Dean agreed to stand in for him this one time. He hated leaving Ginny, but she'd assured him she was fine, that she'd be busy with writing her article and she could turn to any of her friends or her brother if she needed anything.

She was sitting at her kitchen table, parchment spread out with a Quick Quotes Quill busily writing away as Ginny dictated when she heard someone knocking, causing her to jump. She walked quickly to her front door, leaning on it so as to be heard more easily and asked who it was.

'It's me. Draco.'

Ginny sagged against the door; she was leaning on it for support now. When she spoke, her words and her voice were both vicious. 'Go away! I don't want to see you now or ever Malfoy!'

'I am going Ginevra. I'm catching a Portkey in twenty minutes to - well, it doesn't matter where, but it's a long way from here. You never will see me again. I promise.'

Ginny groaned. 'Then what the hell are you doing here?'

'I was close by and I couldn't leave without saying goodbye one last time, without seeing you one last time, before going.' Into self-imposed exile, he thought bitterly.

Shit! 'All right, so now you've said goodbye - again! So go!' Please go! she thought desperately to herself. Leave me alone!

'Ginny?' His voice was tentative.

'I thought you hated that name,' she said acidly.

'But you don't,' he replied.

She spun around and opened the door a few inches, looking daggers at him. 'Look, just please go! Leave me the hell alone!'

At that moment, she heard the sound of the front entrance door opening, she could hear voices as they walked across to the stairs…

Perfect! Probably my neighbours coming home - just what I need, for them to see Draco bloody Malfoy at my door!

They had both frozen at the sound of the voices, Malfoy turning to look towards the stairs.

Ginny grabbed his arm and hissed, 'Come inside until they're gone! I don't want them to see you here!'

Ginny closed the door quietly behind him and they stood there, looking at each other. Ginny stood with her fists clenched by her side, glaring up at him with fury-filled eyes. Malfoy, dressed in black silk robes, stood with hands by his sides, looking at her with a deep, poignant sadness in his eyes.

As if seeing in slow motion, Ginny saw his hands for a second before she felt them come to rest on each side of her face; they weren't cold or even cool, but soft and warm as they gently framed her face.

Utter confusion pushed the fury from her gaze as she watched his face coming closer to hers as he leant down, touching his lips briefly to hers. The light kiss seemed to inflame him though and a soft moan escaped him before he crushed his lips to hers, one hand snaking around her waist, pulling her hard against him, her softness moulding itself to him, his other hand wrapping around the nape of her neck, his fingers tangled in the soft curls of her hair.

Her hands, fluttering in empty air, clutched at his forearms but she didn't pull away, lost as she was in the strangeness of the kiss, aware that his tongue was pressing against her lips, feeling as though she was falling into some strange dream as she opened her mouth to him and a wave of new and never before felt sensations assailed her. He lifted his mouth from hers just long enough to whisper passionately, his voice hoarse, 'Hold me - please Ginevra! Put your arms around me, just once…' She found her hands meeting behind his neck, felt his hands running down the curve of her back to her waist, then back up in rhythmic movements as he continued to kiss her deeply. Then he stepped back from her, his eyes blazing, breathing heavily, his voice rasping as he spoke, 'Ginevra, I'll never forget you.' He took her hands, his eyes hardened with pain, but still sad, his voice softer as he repeated his words, 'I'll never forget you.' And he was gone, slipping out the door, closing it behind him. Ginny collapsed against the back of it, sliding to the floor, dazed, hugging her knees as she reached the floor. She sat there for a long time before she realised there was something in her hand. He'd put it there. Lifting her hand, she opened it, staring at the tiny, exquisitely wrought glass rose that was nestled in her palm.


Author's Note: Oh dear. Anyone rooting for Draco & Ginny….awfully sorry! (Don't hate me!) Now, I'm thinking the next chapter will be the last BUT never fear - I've been thinking about this for a little while and what I'm going to do is write a sequel - "Four Weddings & A Funeral" (another movie directed by Mike Newell who, as you no doubt know, is directing GoF).

Aside from the fact that there will be four weddings and a funeral in this fic, there will be no other similarities, the fic won't be based on the actual happenings in the movie.

Last chapter won't be too long coming although I'm back at work now (damn the need for money!) so I'll just have to give up sleeping! (LOL!!) Thanks again you wonderful, wonderful readers and reviewers!! xxxx Janie xxxx