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Harry Potter And The Emerald Ring by Classic Cowboy

Harry Potter And The Emerald Ring

Classic Cowboy

Chapter 2: Brand New Hero


I've got big dreams but no self-esteem, you know?
I'd reach for the stars but I can't find my arms
All this time we've accomplished so much
Why can't I believe

Why can't I just feel love?

Goin' away

Leavin' today

You've gotta find a brand new hero

Goin' away

Leavin' today

You've gotta find a brand new hero

I let you down when you're not around you know

I can't be trusted with anything
All this time we've wanted so much to just belong

Why can't we just feel love?

Goin' away

Leavin' today

You've gotta find a brand new hero

Goin' away

Leavin' today

You've gotta find a brand new hero

What will they say when I've gone away?

Gotta find a brand new hero

- "Brand New Hero" by Reel Big Fish


The Hogwarts Express roared along the rails toward Hogsmeade Station, and despite its peaceful exterior, Prefect Hermione Granger was ravaging through the compartments like a mad woman. "Have you seen Harry?" She asked as she stuck her head into a compartment, and growled in frustration when the occupants shook their heads no.

Hermione turned the corner and came face to face with the smirking Draco Malfoy, with Crabb and Goyle. "Oh, could it be Potter has gotten smart and dumped his little Mudblood lapdog?" Draco sneered, but his confidant look vanished when Hermione grabbed him by the collar and slammed his back against the opposite wall of the train's hallway.

"Where is he?" Hermione growled, her brown eyes narrowed dangerously as she squeezed the taller boy's neck, "Where…. Is… Harry?"

"I …" Draco whimpered as his eyes widened at the wild look in the bushy haired muggle-born's eyes. "I haven't seen … seen him!"

"Truth, I want the truth, Malfoy," Hermione hissed venomously, "You said you were going to get back at him last year for putting your father in Azkaban, you've done something to him, Malfoy, I know you have. Tell me, and you may wake back up."

"I swear! I haven't even seen Potter, Granger!" Draco whimpered, "I want Potter publicly humiliated, do you think I'd do something to him that no one would know about, honestly?"

Hermione pulled out her wand, and Draco closed his eyes tightly when she pressed it into his temple, "I'll ask you one last time … What have you done with Harry?"

A strong smell suddenly filled the hallway as the crotch of Draco's trousers quickly became damp. "I swear to Salazar Slytherin I don't know anything!"

Hermione opened her mouth to growl a hex, when two sets of arms grabbed her and pulled her away from the horrified Malfoy. "Hermione! He'd brag by now if he's done something, and you know it!" Ginny said as she and Neville held both her arms tightly.

"He's involved," Hermione growled, her eyes still on Draco like a tiger on a zebra just outside its reach. "I know it, and I'm going to get it out of him if I have to hex his insides to his outsides and make him a woman."

"Maybe you need to sit down and relax," Neville shuddered at the mental images Hermione induced, "Come on, Hermione, calm down …"

"Malfoy, I think you better get out of here," Ginny warned, "I'm not sure how long we can keep holding her, and … change your pants."

Draco gulped, before glancing at the stunned Crabb and Goyle, "big help the two of you are!" He shot in a shaky voice, "C'mon, you haven't heard the last of me, Mudblood, mark my words!"

Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley lead Hermione back their usual compartment where Ron Weasley, the youngest male Weasley, sat staring out the window with Luna Lovegood sitting beside him with a dreamy look on her face while reading the Quibbler.

"Find him?" Ron asked, his voice trembling slightly with worry.

"I looked everywhere, he's not on the train," Hermione said in a trembling voice, sitting down in defeat. "He's no where to be found … what if something happened to him? What if V-Voldemort took him … what if he's …" Hermione's rambles were cut off when Ginny shook her roughly.

"Easy, Mione," Ginny said, staring her friend dead in the eye, "Think about that, if something happened to Harry, the Order would have all been informed. Do you honestly think Mum would be as chipper as she was this morning when she dropped us all at Platform Nine and Three Quarters?"

"I … I guess you're right …" Hermione murmured, "But then where is he then? Why isn't he here?" She was answered with an uncomfortable silence.

"Ron, pay attention," Ginny snapped, glaring at her brother, who was still staring out the window, "What are you staring at anyway?"

"I'm not staring, dear sister," Ron sighed, "I'm watching for something … flying car, broom, anything."

"Look no further then, Ronald," Luna said pointing out the window, "There's some broom riders there."

"What, where?" Ron asked snapping to the way the blond headed Ravenclaw girl was pointing. "Oh shit."

The five occupants of the compartments all looked out the window to see twelve black-cloaked figures riding in formation on brooms. "Deatheaters … not good …" Neville whimpered.

The door to the compartment swung open, "Ah, here we are," the Deatheaters Antonin Dolohov and Bellatrix Lestrange smiled as they entered they stood at the entrance of the compartment. "I'm glad to see you made a full recovery Ms. Granger," Dolohov grinned at the frightened group as the train came to a stop.

"Alright you lot," Bellatrix waved her wand, "Out. And where's your fearless leader Potter?"

"He's not here," Ginny snapped defiantly.

"Too bad, looks like you're all going to die for nothing then," Bellatrix shrugged, "Now MOVE!"

Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna were herded out with the rest of the students by a large force of Deatheaters and surprisingly Imperius Cursed Hogwarts teachers. Lestrange, Dolohov and the slightly trembling Wormtail seemed to be the ringleaders of the attack.

"You five," Bellatrix smiled at the five who accompanied Harry to the Department of Mystery a few months prior, "Step forward."

They reluctantly did as told, Ron and Neville stepping slightly farther, in an attempt to protect the girls. "What d-do you want?" Neville asked, trying to sound brave.

"You five are the closest here to young Harry Potter," Dolohov said, as he Bellatrix, Wormtail and a group of Deatheaters approached them with wands drawn. "We think it would be appropriate to show your classmates what comes with being friends with the Boy Who Lived."

"What are you going to do?" Hermione squeaked, her chest heaving with nervousness and fear.

"Give an example," Bellatrix smiled wickedly as the group of over twenty Deatheaters chimed in unison 'CRUCIO'.

All five teenagers cried out in pain as the unforgivable spells struck their bodies, sending liquid fire coursing through them. They didn't stop at one attack. The assault lasted for five minutes leaving all of them on the ground, panting, crying, and breathing heavily before the Deatheaters finally stopped.

"As much fun seeing you squirm in pain, it really doesn't have as much purpose without Potter to see you all hurt because of him, now does it." Bellatrix sighed, "Oh well, Wormtail, put up the mark. we finish this now."

Wormtail nodded timidly before casting the spell to put the mark of the Deatheaters high into the sky. It was there less then a moment before another green beam of light shot from the direction of Hogwarts, striking the symbol associated with death. At first nothing happened, but then it shifted from a skull and a snake to another symbol all together. "What is the meaning of this?" Bellatrix growled, staring at the large green circle between two straight lines across the very top and bottom.

"Bellatrix, we best hurry," Dolohov said, worriedly, "I've a bad feeling about all of this."

"I agree," Bellatrix nodded turning to the dazed teens at their feet, "Kill them. AVADA KEDAVRA!" she called, and a green beam of light shot from her wand, only to strike a near transparent green barrier around the five teenagers. "What? Avada Kedavra! AVADA KEDAVRA! AVADAKEDAVRAAVADAKEDAVERA!!!!" She barked repeatedly but each spell struck the barrier harmlessly. "Impossible!!"

"In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night, no evil shall escape my sight." a voice spoke loudly as a gigantic green mace came barreling through a gathered group of Deatheaters.

"Who's there, Dumbledore?" Bellatrix back peddled slightly into Dolohov.

"Those who worship Evil's might," a series of green beams shot from the sky striking each of the controlled professors, freeing them from the Imperio instantly.

"SHOW YOURSELF!!" Dolohov barked, as the remaining Deatheaters gathered back to back.

"Beware my power… " a masculine figure said lowering himself from the sky. He was dressed in a black body suit with green covering his shoulders and upper chest and back, and in the center of his chest was the same symbol that replaced the Deatheater's mark in the sky. His face was vaguely familiar but his eyes and upper face was mostly covered with a black mask with green eye lenses, and his dark hair was spiked up showing a smooth unmarked forehead. "…Green Lantern's Light!" He said pointing his fist at the group, showing a glowing green ring on his finger.

"A GREEN LANTERN!!" Wormtail cried out, hiding behind Bellatrix and Dolohov, "Oh Merlin, we're going to die!!"

"This is your one warning," Green Lantern's voice boomed to the group, "Go. Leave this place and NEVER even think about these students again."

"Are you going to make us, green boy?" Bellatrix sneered at the young hero.

"I gave you a chance you didn't deserve," the Lantern narrowed his green covered eyes, 'This is for you, Sirius,' he added mentally before a gigantic green three headed dog appeared in the middle of the Deatheaters and began a ravenous attack.

Hooded figures flew through air, thrown by the constructed monster, only Bellatrix and Dolohov managed to jump from its attack. "And this is for hurting my friends," the Lantern growled under his breath, before he shot toward Bellatrix and punching her right in the sternum, making the dark witch double over, then turned and fired a blast of energy from his ring striking Dolohov in the exact spot his spell struck Hermione a few months prior.

Wormtail looked around at the fallen Deatheaters and the few still standing, then at the gathering angry teachers and students from Hogwarts. He did what any former Gryffindor turned Deatheater Lieutenant would do. "RETREAT!! SAVE YOURSELVES!!!"

Those Deatheaters able apparated away instantly, but before the rat could escape, Green Lantern grabbed him by the collar, "Before you go, traitor, I want you to pass a message on to your master." The Lantern growled, looking into the Deatheater's terrified eyes. "Since he didn't get the prophecy he wanted let me give him one of my own. Green Lantern's light will very shortly push the Shadow of Tom Riddle off the face of the earth … permanently. Do you think you can handle that?"

"Ahuh, Ahuh!" Wormtail whimpered.

"Good, now get out of here." Lantern growled, watching Wormtail transform into a rat and scurry away. A moment later Aurors, including Tonks and Moody apparated to the scene, and began apprehending the remaining unconscious Deatheaters.

Lantern turned his attention then to the five recovering students. "Are you ok?" he asked walking toward them.

"My chest …" Hermione whimpered, grasping where Dolohov cursed her not too long ago. Green Lantern scooped the girl up in his arms before glanced at the other, better recovered victims who were being helped by the Hogwarts faculty.

"They need medical attention," Professor Snape said, studying the young Lantern. "Ms. Granger especially."

"We'll get the students back on the train, and on to Hogwarts," McGonagall said, eyeing the girl in the Lantern's arms worriedly.

"I'll get Ms. Granger to the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts, Professor," Lantern said as a green aura surrounded him and Hermione, then rocketing into the sky.

"Wow …" Tonks gasped watching the Lantern go.

"Indeed," Snape sneered, "It's about time someone showed up who can do YOUR job." He said, sticking his nose into the air, ignoring the pink haired Auror sticking her tongue out.


Hermione's eyes slowly fluttered open, and with a groan she looked around to find herself in the Hospital Wing of Hogwarts. Madam Pomfrey appeared a moment latter to check her over, "How are you feeling, dear?" she asked, placing a palm over her forehead.

"I … what happened?" Hermione asked glancing around to see Ron, Neville, Ginny, and Luna all sitting in beds.

"You won't believe it, Hermione," Ron cheered. "He just came out of no where and kicked Death Eater butt!"

"Harry?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"No, no way, Green Lantern, Hermione!" Ron gasped, with the same dreamy expression Luna usually gets over one of her mystical creatures. "A real live superhero, Hermione, he had to be more powerful then even Prof. Dumbledore!"

"Harry's saved the whole school, the whole world at least once a year, Ron" Ginny rolled her eyes from the bed across the way.

"Yeah, but he doesn't wear a wicked costume while doing it, now does he?" Ron asked smugly.

"Perhaps not, perhaps he does …" Luna mused dazedly, "One never knows what masks one's friend often wears, Ronald."

Hermione sighed agitatedly. "Has Professor Dumbledore or Madam Pomfrey mentioned where Harry is?"

"Ginny asked Dumbledore when he came in while you were still unconscious, Hermione," Neville spoke up, "He just gave a smile with that freaky twinkle in his eye again then walked out."

"So you can stop getting your bowls in an uproar, mother chick Mione," Ron chuckled, "Your little hen is apparently just fine,"

"The Muggle term is mother hen and little chick, Ron," Hermione grumbled, sinking into her bed.

"Mr. Weasley, please don't agitate Ms. Granger," Madam Pomfrey said in a monotone voice as she scurried around the room checking over the five students. "You seem alright if not but well shaken from the spells. I'll give you some pain syrup for tomorrow morning, you will most definitely long for it. But you all may go for the opening feast but then off to bed with the lot of you."

With the mention of food Neville and Ron leapt to their feet and dashed out of the Hospital Wing.

"They're feeling better all of the sudden …" Ginny mused, shaking her head as the three girls crawled out of bed and followed behind.


"We're late," Ron said as the five entered the Great Hall and were stunned when almost the whole room (even some Slytherin) stood to give them a standing ovation.

"Um … hi …" Hermione said as the group blushed wildly and slowly made their way to their usual seats at the Gryffindor table and Luna went to the Ravenclaw table.

"Now that we are almost all present, we shall continue." Professor Dumbledore smiled at the five late-comers. "I'm sure your housemates will tell you what first years went where, now then where was I … ah yes I recall. I am pleased to announce we have three 'new' faces this year. "Prof. Flitwick has decided to take some time off, around year to take care of his now orphaned grandchildren. In his place please welcome from the United States Ms. Zitanna." He was motioning to the end of the table.

A beautiful young woman in her late 20's stood up with long raven hair. She was dressed differently then any of the other professors, dressed in a type of tuxedo with what looked like a swimsuit bottom instead of pants which showed her long shapely legs well. Her dazzling looks caused all the boys from all house tables to stare, and it seemed she was eating the attention up.

"Also as you all know, Professor Umbridge will not be returning this year …" Dumbledore paused till the applause finally stopped, "In her place we welcome also from the United States, Professor Hal Jordan," he motioned to the man in a long green cloak. He stood up and gave a mock salute to the school before sitting back down. "Good luck, Professor, you'll need it."

Dumbledore then glanced to the corner of the Great Hall where most of the stares were directed. "As you all know now, The Dark Lord has returned and is trying to retake his power. In order to more properly protect those present at this school and those in the area, I have arranged for Green Lantern to take on the roll of school guardian. He is one of many in the Green Lantern Corps and I might add though he is the newest, he is the finest I have ever known, and I assure you will make sure what happened earlier on the Hogwarts Express will not happen again." he added, a twinkled in his eye as a blush appeared on the young hero's face. He then gave the Lantern a sterner look and nod.

Green Lantern smirked but nodded in return before backing into the shadows. "Also another face I'm sure you've noticed missing during your trip this morning was that of one Harry Potter." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled when Harry's five closest friends perked up, especially Hermione. "He returned to Hogwarts in early July to begin working closely with Professor Jordan on refurbishing what I believe Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger created and dubbed 'Dumbledore's Army' and other activities that I'm sure Mr. Potter would prefer remain personal."

On cue Harry dashed in from the back entrance of the Great Hall breathing heavily, "Am I late?" he asked with a lopsided smile.

"Harry!" Hermione cried out happily as Harry made his way to the table, and was enveloped in a double hug from Ginny and Hermione. "We were SO worried about you!"

"Yeah, you bloody git," Ron narrowed his eyes, "Would it have been so hard to write an owl and tell us where you were?"

All four present gave Harry a stern look even for once Hermione agreeing with the redhead. "Well … some of the things I've been doing with Professor Dumbledore and Professor Jordan really … isn't for 'some ears'." Harry made the excuse.

Ron, Ginny, and Neville seemed to buy it but Hermione studied him a moment longer.

"I guess…" Hermione finally relented before glancing further up the table. A moment later her eyes lit up.

"What's up?" Harry asked noticing the thrilled expression on her face.

"It's nothing, Harry," Hermione said looking away, "It isn't really for 'some ears'. You see …" She finished with a snort.

Ginny looked from Harry, to Hermione, on to Neville and Ron who were equally pigging out on food. "Looks like it's going to be a fun year."

IOI To Be Continued IOI