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The Blasted Days by Tayler

The Blasted Days


Dear Draco

I hate it that you're so far away. I mean, you're not that far, but knowing that you're somewhere I can't be makes the distance seem further. Why wouldn't you let me come? I can fight just as well as you can or at least I could have helped Madame Pomfrey. Why do I have to stay home while you're off risking you're life? Okay, maybe I'm sounding rash but I'd rather be there, with you, risking my life, than here at home going crazy.

The house is so empty without you. I never realized how large it was before today. It was always filled with light and love, no need for loneliness or desperation. I can't wait till you come home. I don't know how long I can take this.

I should probably go round to visit mum today. She's been worried sick about Ron and the others and now you.

Speaking of Ron, I'm sorry 'bout you're run in and I will have a word with him soon. He'll be getting a letter from mum anyways so I might as well pitch in and remind him that he loves his little sister. I will not have my brother bashing my husband while they are both on the same side and I would expect him to look out for you. I know you're probably giving the paper that look that you give me when you think I'm crazy, the one were you frown but raise an eyebrow. Tell me if I got it right though I don't have any doubt that I did.

I miss you. I want you to come home. Please be safe and, if it's not too much to ask, look out for the others too. Mum's already had it hard since dad was killed by…you know who. She'd never recover if any of you, including you Draco, didn't make it home. I don't think I would either be honest. I won't go into that though. I don't think I need to. Just, come home to me.

I love you with all my heart, mind, body and soul and I can't wait to show you again when you get home.

Forever yours


She was obviously trying to kill me. There was no other explanation for her malicious attempt to guilt me into going through with my plan to drop everything and run (if it came to that) home. And to bring up her competence? Again? We had spoken about this particular topic far too many times and of course she had to be a brilliant witch who had a wonderful talent in healing. For all I knew she could save our world for us and ended the war in a heart beat. But I wouldn't allow it. I couldn't. The very thought of her being in the faintest hint of danger sent shivers down my spine. And I refused to lose her that way. She had been the only thing that kept me from falling apart and indulging in the drastic.

I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes as I tried to collect my thoughts. Her other request was to keep everyone safe. Whether knowingly or not, she had neglected to mention how I would go about achieving this particular feat. Ron sure as hell wouldn't accept my aid, even if the Dark Lord himself picked the bloody prat out of a crowd and drew a target on his chest. Harry would be more agreeable, along with the twins, and would except help if offered. But for as long as I'd known Ron, he had been a big-headed, self assured git and would never take anything I had to offer. On the other hand however, he would probably say the same for me.

It was taking every bit of will power I had as well to keep from storming out of the camp right now and hurrying home. I had to physically dig my feet into the soft turf outside my tent to keep me grounded. Ginny's letter lay on my lap and my hands lay over top of it, balled so tight that I could feel my nails beginning to bite into my palms.

"Woah, definitely time for you to relax Draco...And I thought I was emotional."

Perfect, bloody perfect. Just the little snot I didn't want to see.

"Bugger off Longbottom."

"Hey, just thought you might want to know that you're going to break something or someone with all that anger coming off you," the blubbering oaf replied, holding up his hands in weak defense.

"And it'll be you if you don't make yourself scarce," I shot back, not even bothering to check my anger.

Now, I knew I shouldn't have been taking out my frustration on him, but Neville was just the type of person you could threaten so easily and it always made you feel better. We'd had this sort of relationship all through Hogwarts; I'd poke fun, humiliate and almost all out torture the man (boy then) and he would take it without much resistance. Since then, I had calmed my desires to say anything that would maim his already wounded self respect. We had come to an unspoken understanding though that our relationship would get no better than a distant respect. Ginny had been a major contributor to this agreement, as she had tried to mend Neville's broken spirit all throughout their time together at Hogwarts and becoming close friends. I, due to concern of losing a promising relationship, had held up my end of it. I had kept my comments to myself and Ginny had been happy. That was all that mattered. But now, the guy was just asking for it.

"Oh, all right," he said, his voice deflated and weak. "I'll see you around then Draco."

Great Merlin. How did she always do this to me? As the blundering idiot began to walk off, the hairs on the back of my neck rose. I could feel her glaring at me even though she was no where near us. It was a conditioned response, and I detested it. The prices you pay for the ones you love…

"Damn," I muttered quietly and then beckoned Neville back. He smiled, as if knowing how large my conscious had grown in the last two years.

"What's bothering you then?" he asked, plopping himself down next to me on the small wooden bench I had seated myself upon.

"I don't think it's any of you're concern Longbottom," I snarled, recoiling as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

This wasn't easy. In fact it was ridiculously cruel and unforgiving how difficult it was to confide in the Gryffindor klutz. But once I started, the words began to flow far too easily. His nature was to sit and listen without interruption so it was hard not to get immersed in letting everything out. There was such a contrast between the two feelings that I always felt the shock of it when I finished.

And I told him everything, from Harry's request to Ron's failure to accept me as a brother in law and the letters that Ginny and I had exchanged in the last few hours. As usual, Neville sat quietly and listened to my rants and ravings. He would nod every so often but didn't offer advice till he knew I had exhausted all my problems.

"Wow," he said after a while. "You've got quite a lot on you're plate, don't you."

"You have no idea," I said, sarcastically speaking of course because by now he definitely had the gist of it all.

"Seems to me like you need to get home as soon as possible."

"Gee, ya think?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head, amazed by how Neville functioned everyday. My comment was only answered with a soft chuckle and a "you'll be back with her before you know it".

Sitting back, I raised my gaze to the temperamental sky. I could only hope that what Longbottom had said would stay true, that I would get home soon, get back to her.

'Just hold on Gin,' I mentally pleaded. 'The first chance I get, I'm getting the hell out of here. Just wait for me.'

Author's note: Yes for chapter four being re-done. Apparently today I'm on a roll…