Unofficial Portkey Archive

Tidbits by Anne U


Anne U

This little drabble is one of the first things I ever wrote. I actually did it as a comment on lissannej's livejournal. I wrote soon after OotP was published, so it has no references to chest monsters etc. ;-) Hope you enjoy it.


Rating: PG

Harry was starting to turn blue.

He really hadn't intended to spend so much time wandering around Gryffindor Tower wearing nothing but a towel and one of Dobby's old socks. After all, it wasn't entirely his fault that he'd ended up losing his clothes earlier that evening. Defending new students (especially cute girls) from Malfoy's predations was all in a day's work for The Boy Who Lived.

Still, Harry hadn't counted on Hermione's reaction to his predicament. All he wanted to do was to get back into his dorm room so he could pull on some jeans and a jumper (and, of course, some boxers). Hermione, however, seemed to be taking some kind of perverse pleasure in watching him develop goosebumps. After twenty minutes of bouncing off the door while wearing nothing but a towel and an odd-looking sock, Harry had had enough.

"All right, Hermione, you've had your fun," he sighed, exasperation mounting in his voice. "Take the charm off the door. Please."

"Charm? What charm?" she grinned.

"Whatever charm you used so that my roommates can enter and exit at will, but I can't go back in and get some clothes on."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said, still grinning, "but if you come over here I might be able to fix those goosebumps." She patted the seat of an overstuffed chair in the far corner of the common room.

Eyeing her warily, Harry moved gingerly across the common room and seated himself demurely in the chair, the better to prevent anyone from seeing anything they shouldn't. From behind the chair Hermione pulled out a Gryffindor blanket, which she draped gently around Harry's shoulders. Leaning toward him, she whispered a warming charm and pulled the ends of the blanket together loosely below his chin, the tips of her fingers grazing his chest. Her face hovered slightly in front of his, lips parted slightly, brown eyes glittering with amusement and something else he couldn't quite place, and Harry suddenly realized he wasn't cold anymore. To the contrary, he was very, very warm, and suddenly he leaned slightly forward in the chair and closed the gap between his lips and hers, and the slight parting of her lips suddenly felt like the Grand Canyon, and he was falling, falling, falling into them, and he knew in that moment that he'd never get out. Not that he wanted to.

"So..." she breathed when they finally came up for air, "are your goosebumps all gone now?"

"Well... they were for a minute," he replied. "But actually, I think I'd like to get them back. Wanna help?"


Thanks to everyone who reads and especially those who comment on my fics. I apologize about the ones I haven't updated lately. I can't write to a schedule anyway, and Real Life was hell on my muse the past 8 months or so. The last time I posted anything on Portkey was in mid-January, and 2 days after that, my mother died after a long illness. My muse has sort of abandoned me lately, but I hope to post newer stuff in the next few weeks. - Anne U