Unofficial Portkey Archive

Things Could Get Better by H_HrFan

Things Could Get Better


DISCLAIMER: Harry belongs to JKR. I just like to play in his world on occasion.

A/N: For those of you awaiting an update to `A Time of Discovery', it'll likely be after the release of HBP.

Thanks so much to my pre-readers, Cindy and Sean, who told me they enjoyed this…Sara, I'm still waiting! LOL

6 More Days!!!!! Happy Reading!


Harry walked into the flat he shared with Hermione and Ron, sat down heavily on the couch, and sighed. "I can't believe he's moving out, and…"

"…getting married," Hermione finished. "I know what you mean. It is hard to believe."

Harry raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I know I should be happy for him, but…"

"…you can't help feeling like you're being left behind."

Harry nodded and looked up at her expectantly. "Don't you? I mean, he's our best friend, not just mine. It's…"

"…always been the three of us."

"Yeah, yeah it has," he replied, nodding his head. "Doesn't it bother you that he's moving on?"

Hermione laughed. "Are you kidding me?"

Harry looked up at her with a childlike look of bewilderment on his face. "Am I…? Whaddya mean?"

"What I mean, Harry," she replied, sitting down, straddling his lap and placing her hands on his shoulders, "is that, while I love the both of you," she paused and grinned like a Cheshire cat, "I'm being left alone in this flat with the one I love and respect the most. So yes, I will miss Ron. But no, I am not bothered by his moving on."

He placed his hands on her hips and set his eyes just above her shoulder. "But it just…"

"No, it won't be the same, but he's happy, Harry. You wouldn't begrudge him that, would you?" she asked, her expression serious as her eyes searched his.

"No," he replied, dropping his head.

Hermione dropped her forehead to his, "And he wouldn't begrudge you either," she said softly. "Be happy for him." She raised her head and placed her hand under his chin to raise his eyes to hers. "Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, things could get better when he moves out?"

Harry swallowed hard, his eyes suddenly larger than Hermione could ever remember them being. Her face was mere inches from his own. "How do you…?"

"Hey guys, I'm home," Ron called out as he walked through the front door.

Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry's neck in a quick embrace. "We'll get back to this later," she whispered against his ear.

Harry squeezed her hips then interlaced his fingers behind her back, pulling her in tighter and holding her against him longer. "Thanks," he said softly.

Hermione nodded against his shoulder.

"What's goin' on in here?" Ron asked when he caught sight of their embrace.

"Nothing that concerns you, Ronald," Luna replied, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him toward the kitchen.

"Yeah, but…"

"I know, I know, they're your best friends…get over it. They'll tell you when they're ready," she sighed.

"They shouldn't be sitting like that," he said, pointing a shaky finger toward the living room.

"Oh, Ronald, please," Luna said, fighting to retain her patience. "It's not as if you caught them doing anything. And besides, what difference would it make?" She turned him around to face her. "You've got me now, remember?"

Ron stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. "How could I forget?" he said, offering her a lopsided grin before capturing her lips in a kiss that made him forget completely about what appeared to be going on in the other room.

Harry felt Hermione begin to shudder against him…the vibrations from her shaking body sent unexpected chills throughout his own. He released his hold on her and pushed his head into the back of the couch, struggling to see her face. "Hermione, what are you…?"

She tightened her hold on his neck and kept her face down against his shoulder. He turned his head as far as he could in her direction and saw that her ears had turned a deep, dark red. "Are you laughing?" he asked incredulously. "What're you laughing at?"

Hermione raised her head, tears were streaming down her scarlet face, and a silent laughter was wracking her body. "I…I'm…s-s-sorry…" she stammered. She attempted to take a deep, gulping breath to regain her composure.

As he watched, Harry began to laugh along with her, although he had no idea what she found so amusing. Hermione took one look at his face and fell sideways off his lap and onto the couch, her laughter now beginning to resonate around the room. Harry placed a hand on her thigh and turned to face her, one foot hanging over the edge of the couch, the other on the floor. "What is so funny?"

Hermione took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. She rolled over onto her back and stretched her feet out across his lap. A huge grin spread across her face and her body shook with the occasional chuckle that still managed to escape. Harry mindlessly moved his fingers in small circles over her thigh as he watched her. "So what are you laughing at?" he asked again, when she finally seemed to have regained some semblance of control.

She took one last deep breath, and swallowed hard before she spoke. "First, your expression. Merlin, Harry…you should've seen your face when I asked if you'd considered things getting better when Ron leaves. The shock! Oh man, I wish I'd had a camera. You are just too easy," she said, struggling to maintain her control. "Then, Ron comes in and Luna has to drag him out. He's got a right good match with her, don't you think? She oughta be able to keep him under control. I just…I don't know," she said, shrugging her shoulders and laughing again, "found it all funny, I guess."

Harry started to laugh again with her. "Sounded like Luna thought something was going on between us, didn't it?" Harry said, his laughter catching slightly at the thought. As if he and Hermione would ever….

"Come here, Harry," Hermione said, gesturing for him to lie down beside her.

Harry did as she instructed and stretched out between her and the back of the couch. They were pressed together in the small amount of space available and Harry could feel every inch of where her body rested against his. He placed his arm under her head as a pillow and moved his head around until he found a comfortable position.

Hermione snuggled against him, closed her eyes, and released a contented sigh. "Love you, Harry," she said with the comfortable casualness that came from years of being best friends.

Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around her tighter. "I know you do."

Hermione opened her eyes and smacked his arm when she saw the smirk on his face. "You prat," she said, laughing at him again.

Harry placed his hand to her face and began combing her hair back behind her ear with his fingers. "Love you, too," he said, laughing along with her. "How's Stephen, by the way? Haven't heard mention of him in a while."


Her words combined with the indifferent tone in which she spoke, took Harry completely by surprise. He dropped his hand and stared at her in disbelief. "You're not…" his eyes widened further and he raised himself up on his arm to look down at her. "You…you're serious, aren't you?"

Hermione laughed. "Well, he never came right out and admitted it, but there wasn't much room for doubt when I caught him snogging one of the guys at work."

"So you broke up with him," Harry stated, still in mild shock.

"No silly, why on earth would I do a thing like that? We're planning on getting married some day and having loads of kids. We talked about having at least seven." She laughed heartily at Harry's renewed look of shock. "Of course I broke up with him, Harry. Who am I to stand in the way of true love? It's funny though…" she said, her voice drifting away.

"What's funny?"

She looked him in the eyes and fought the overwhelming urge to smile. "All that time we were together, I thought he was checking you out to see what kind of competition you might be. Now I think he must've been…"

She smiled against the hand Harry placed over her mouth and began to laugh in earnest when she felt him shudder against her. "It's fine that he's gay, Hermione, but do not go there. Whatever it was, keep it to yourself. I don't even want to think about what you were going to say." He dropped his hand, trusting her to drop the subject.

"Come on, Harry, he's cute. You know he is," she said, continuing to tease him.

"You see this, Hermione," he said, pointing to his face. "This is me not thinking about it. Now shut it before I'm forced to take drastic measures. You might be good with a wand, but thanks to you, I'm better."

Hermione raised her eyebrows and stared into his eyes. "Is that a…"

"You two done in here yet?" Ron's voice interrupted.

"…threat, Potter?" Hermione asked, ready to take him up on any challenge. She raised herself up until she was eye level with him. Neither was aware of Ron's presence.

"No, it's very much a promise, Granger," Harry replied in the same challenging tone, placing heavy emphasis on her name.

They were still lying on the couch, both their upper bodies raised until their faces were mere inches from each other, their eyes daring the other to do something…anything.

"Threats and promises in the horizontal position, huh? Sounds interesting. We're not interrupting anything, ARE WE?!?" Ron ended with a shout.

Harry and Hermione jumped back from each other. "EEP!" Hermione squealed as she landed with a thud on the floor.

Luna's hands immediately went to her mouth as she tried to cover her laughter. Harry continued to stare at Ron incredulously, his breathing ragged and his hand on his chest. Hermione rolled from her hip to her arse and rubbed the spot on her hip where she'd landed, her face a brilliant shade of red.

Ron looked from a surprised Harry on the couch to a scowling Hermione on the floor and burst out laughing. He stepped forward and reached out a hand to her. "Sorry, Herms," he said with great effort. "Let me help you, since Mr. Chivalry here can't seem to get his arse up to do it."

Hermione gave him a nasty glare and reached for his hand so he could help her up. "What the bloody hell was that, Ron?" she asked irritably, her heart still pounding hard against her chest.

"I was talking and you didn't hear me," he said, shrugging his shoulders, "had to get your attention somehow."

"What for?" Harry asked abruptly, obviously still perturbed. He sat up on the couch and grabbed Hermione's hand, then pulled her down onto the couch next to him. "You all right?" he asked, concern etched his voice as he watched her. She looked at him and nodded before returning her gaze to Ron.

"Oh, well, I don't know," Ron said, keeping his voice casual. "Just thought you were ready for an abrupt return to reality, maybe? Whatever, it worked."

"What're you going on about?" Hermione asked through nearly clenched teeth. "We were just…"

Luna grabbed Ron's arm and stepped forward to stand beside him. "Tell them the truth, Ronald," she said quietly, looking up into his eyes. "You have to do it sometime, might as well be now."

"What truth?" Harry asked. "What's she talking about?"

Ron took a deep breath and sighed. "Nothing big, really," Ron said, glancing sideways at Luna. Her eyes widened as she gestured at him to continue. "It's just that…" he paused and looked down at the ground. He hadn't realized that telling them would be so blasted difficult.

Luna nudged him in the side and looked pointedly from him to Harry and Hermione. "If you don't tell them, Ronald, I will. Stop acting so dramatic and just say it."

"Luna and I are moving in together before we get married. I'm moving out tomorrow," he said quickly. He closed his eyes and prepared for the onslaught that he assumed would come from hurricane Hermione. He opened them slowly when he was met with silence.

Harry and Hermione sat staring at each other, each thinking on how they felt about Ron leaving. Hermione looked at Harry pointedly, reminding him without words that this is what Ron wanted and that Harry had already told her that he'd never begrudge Ron his happiness. Harry pulled his eyes from hers, put on a semi-false smile, and stood to shake Ron's hand. "Congratulations, mate, that's fantastic," he said, fighting to keep his voice steady and supportive.

Ron took Harry's hand in his own and as they shook, he scrutinized Harry's face, looking for the telltale signs that Harry thought he was making a phenomenal mistake. It wasn't so much that he, Ron, thought it a mistake, as it was that he wanted to know that his friends cared enough to question his judgment. Sound judgment had never been his forte and he had looked forward to the questions and arguments from both Harry and Hermione. When none came, he felt a small ache, and he wondered if they might be a little too willing to move forward together…without him. A moment's disappointment surged through him.

"Oh, Ron, that's great," Hermione cried, jumping up from the couch to pull him into a hug the moment he released Harry's hand. "Luna, I'm so happy for you," she exclaimed, turning her attention to Luna, even as she stood in the confines of Ron's embrace.

"Thanks, Hermione," Luna said softly. "Me too."

"So, wow, tomorrow, huh?" Harry said, running his fingers through his hair as he stared at the ground. "That's…that's fast. Wow." He raised his eyes and looked at Ron, who released a visible sigh of relief.

"Yeah, it is a bit fast, but the wedding is less than a month away anyway, so, you know," Ron replied, shrugging his shoulders with a casualness he didn't feel.

Hermione looked from Ron to Harry, then grabbed Luna's arm to pull her aside so they could give the two men some alone time.

By the time they were done, Harry had confided his true feelings, and Ron felt a great sense of relief knowing that he'd be missed. Harry and Hermione helped him to pack with the knowledge that as long as they were all moving forward, no one would be left behind.


Ron had been gone for nearly two weeks and Harry and Hermione's schedules seemed intent on filling any void his absence may have left, had they time to dwell on it. There'd hardly been time for them to miss Ron's presence in their flat when they never even saw each other there anymore.

By the end of the second hectic week Hermione decided she'd had enough. It was bad enough that she had to miss one best friend…but she'd be damned if she was going to be forced to miss the other. She'd left a message posted on the refrigerator door Thursday night…

Time, home, Friday? Dinner?

She found Harry's response when she entered the kitchen that Friday morning…

8:00. YES! Who's cooking?

Hermione left work by noon to clean their flat and make dinner preparations. By 5:30 she was exhausted and beginning to regret her decision to clean the place the Muggle way. At first she thought it might be a nice way to add some personal touches to it. Now that she was finished, and her back and neck ached with the effort of bending down to dust and scrub, she realized magic would've allowed her the opportunity to take a nice, long nap so she could be rested and ready for anything when Harry got home.

She was bending this way and that, trying to get the kinks out, as she walked to her bedroom to gather her things for a long, hot shower. When she was sure she had all she needed, she headed down the hall, her steps hurried as she anticipated the feel of the steaming water beating down against her tired, aching body.

She closed the bathroom door and turned on the water before she started to undress. In no time, steam began to rise and the room became comfortably warm as she began the process of removing her clothes. When she was clad only in her knickers, she checked once more that she had everything she needed. She peeked into the shower and realized that she'd forgotten to replace the now-empty shampoo bottle with the one she'd bought a few days before…which was sitting in a bag on the vanity in her room. She reached for her t-shirt and then thought against when she remembered she was the only one home and Harry wasn't expected for at least two more hours.

She walked out the door quickly, making sure to close it behind her to keep the steam inside. Her body shook as the cold air hit her the moment she left the warm confines of the bathroom. She rubbed her arms to still the onslaught of goose bumps, then she practically ran to her room to get what she needed.


Harry walked into the flat feeling exhausted and silently praying that Hermione didn't need his help with anything so he could sit back and relax. The previous two weeks had meant twelve, sometimes fifteen hour days and there wasn't anything he wanted more than to take a long, hot shower and, if possible, a short nap.

He set down his bag and pulled off his robe, making a halfhearted attempt to hang it in the entry hall closet. He slipped out of his shoes and kicked them into the closet before closing the door and leaning his head against it. The coolness of it felt good and he stood there for a moment before resignedly pulling away.

He walked through the living room and was met with the lingering scent of orange mingled with the flowery deodorizer Hermione liked so much. The smell brought a certain amount of comfort to him and he smiled, knowing that she must've made it home early too. Not only were they both home early, but as he looked around it appeared to him that his chances for a rest break seemed to be rapidly improving. The flat looked amazing and he found himself once again grateful for her presence in his life…he knew he needed to tell her that.

He lowered his head and began the process of removing his tie as he walked toward his own room. As he drew nearer to her door, he could hear her rustling around inside. He paused for a moment in his steps as he struggled to loosen the knot.

He started to announce his presence before he looked up at her, "Hermione, I'm…." He stopped mid-sentence. In an instant his brain seemed to lose all ability to function and his mouth became particularly dry as he stared in shock at the near-naked woman before him.

Hermione started. She grasped the door and held on tightly for a moment, her eyes wide with shock at the sight of him. "Damn it, Harry. You scared the hell out of me," she said as she struggled to still her rapidly beating heart.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"What are you doing home so early?" she asked, her voice sounded much harsher than she'd intended, but she let it slide, trusting that he wouldn't take offense to it.

"I just left. Couldn't stand…" he shook his head and looked at her face. She was standing in front of him like it was just another moment in time, an ordinary moment…a moment when she was fully dressed. "Hermione, what're you…I-I mean, why…?" he gestured toward her nearly naked body. "Where're your clothes?"

Hermione had completely forgotten that she was clad only in her knickers and she tried to play it off. "What're you talking about?" she asked, as calmly as she could.

Harry cocked his head and looked at her in confusion.

"Ever heard the story The Emperor's New Clothes?"

Harry shook his head and wondered briefly if she'd lost her mind. "Maybe?" he replied hesitantly.

She drew her eyes into the back of her head and thought for a second. "Well, it's about this vain Emperor who liked only the most elegant clothes…" she began.

Harry held up his hand and chuckled vacantly. "Hermione, what…? Never mind, I think…yeah, I remember that," His eyes narrowed as he shook his head, trying to figure out what the bloody hell she was rambling on about.

"Oh, well," she said, shrugging her shoulders, "…same tailor."

Harry laughed out loud. "Okay, fine…what are you doing in the Emperor's clothes, then?"

"I was getting ready to get in the shower and I forgot something." She shrugged her shoulders casually. "Besides, it's not like you haven't seen a knickers-clad woman before, lighten up."

Harry scratched his head and stared down at the floor for a few seconds before looking back up at her. "You mean you're not…well, you know…embarrassed…?"

She stepped forward and placed her hand under his chin. Her face and body were within a foot of him as she looked directly into his eyes. "Tell me, Harry, what exactly would be the point of that now? It's a little late, don't you think?"

Harry gulped. "Valid point," he said hoarsely.

Hermione released his chin and took a few steps toward the bathroom. "You can stop staring now," she called back over her shoulder. "Not much to see from behind."

"Hermione?" Harry called out gruffly.

She stopped walking and turned around, raising her eyebrows questioningly.

"You really are…." He paused when she raised her hand in the air. She walked back toward him and stopped little more than a foot away, she pulled down her knickers and tossed them to the corner of the hallway. Harry stumbled back awkwardly. His hand twitched in her direction and he found himself in a fierce battle against his hands and his eyes, both of which seemed to be crying out with an overwhelming desire to roam her body.

"What I am, Harry, is a naked woman in the presence of a man. It wouldn't matter what I looked like. You'd want to shag me right now anyway, wouldn't you?"

Harry couldn't speak. He couldn't move. He couldn't do anything but stand there and fight against a body bent on betrayal. He forced his head to move back and forth in a feeble attempt at `no'.

"I'm not beautiful, or sexy, or any of those things you might've been about to say, Harry. I'm just me…and that's not saying much."

Harry shook himself from his stupor and narrowed his eyes at her. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Use humor like that. It's not that funny, you know."

She smiled ironically at him. "I learned it from you, Harry."

"What're you…?"

"I need to get in the shower. Is there anything else before I go?"

"Yeah," he said, as he rapidly closed the distance between them, "take me with you?"

It was Hermione's turn to look shocked. "What…?" she shook her head and rubbed her hands over her ears, wondering if she'd heard him properly. "Huh?"

Harry grabbed her arms and pulled her against him. Immediately a delicious warmth filled her body. "Take me with you," he repeated.

Hermione clicked her tongue and fought against her urge to fall against him. "You're not…"

"…oh, but I am serious," he said, cutting her off mid-sentence. "I've never been more serious about anything in my life." He leaned down and nipped at her lip, not fully kissing her, but letting her know that he desperately wanted to.

Her heart pounded against her chest and the warmth that had filled her body a moment ago, now seemed centered at the pit of her stomach…and below. She fought against her need to squeeze her legs together. "That all you got, Potter?"

"You ain't seen…" Hermione's eyes glistened mischievously and Harry paused, momentarily fearing what he'd gotten himself into. She licked her lips and he felt a powerful stirring in the pit of his stomach and down into his groin. Before he could lean in to kiss her, she was dragging him by his tie toward the bathroom door. "Hermione, what…?"

Without a word she opened the bathroom door, dragged him inside, slammed the door shut and roughly opened the shower door. She adjusted the temperature of the water without releasing her hold on him and then stepped in, bringing him with her.

His white shirt was immediately soaked through and she could see the outline of his chest through the now nearly-sheer fabric. She pushed him back against the wall and put a leg up on the side of the tub next to him. She moved her body to within an inch of his, but didn't touch him. "Is this what you want, Harry? Me? Like this?"

Harry looked at her for a moment and he felt something inside him seem to click into place and he shook his head.

Hermione kept her foot on the side of the bathtub, but backed her body away from his to study his face.

Harry waited for her to speak. When she didn't, he placed his hand behind her head and pulled her closer, turning her to whisper into her ear. "I just want you," he said softly, "any way I can have you."

Harry's words seemed to weaken her body's ability to stand on its own. She lowered her foot from the side of the tub and wavered headily. Harry put his arms around her and pulled her close. "I want you," he whispered again, "and not just for now. Forever." He nipped hungrily at her neck and she dropped her head back, giving him better access.

"You don't mean that," she said breathily. "This is…this…." She moaned loudly as he hit a particularly soft spot just below her ear. "…a one-time thing."

Harry pulled away from her and raised her head until their eyes met. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked huskily.

Hermione shook her head and tried to look at him through glazed eyes. "Don't ever stop…please."

Harry pushed himself off of the wall and closer to her. He led her backward until they stood beneath the fall of the water. Her hair instantly matted to her face, forehead, and shoulders and he brushed it back as best he could from her eyes. Water streamed down her face and she closed her eyes, raising her head to let the water rain down upon her. Harry stood, transfixed as she raised her arms and aided the water in its quest to push her hair back from her face.

It was like she was standing beneath a waterfall and it was, by far, the most erotic sight Harry could ever remember seeing. He grabbed her head and brought her forward roughly. His lips crashed against hers with a need he'd never felt before. He wanted to taste her, to feel her, to crawl inside her. Their mouths opened and their tongues clashed together, each moaning into the other, sending currents of electric shock charging through their bodies.

Hermione shuddered at the intensity of it. She pulled at his tie and he bowed to her willingly, despite the sheer force of the action. She was desperate to have him near her, touching her, tasting her, filling her. She fumbled with the knot, which Harry had loosened on his way to his room, but not quite enough for her to slip it over his head. "Help me," she mumbled against his lips.

Reluctantly Harry backed away from her and took charge of the blasted knot, while Hermione worked the buttons of his shirt. The water seemed to have sealed the knot, making it impossible for him to loosen it any further. When she reached the last button, he pulled the collar from beneath the tie and slipped his shirt off. Hermione giggled at the sight of him standing there with only his tie, trousers, and socks. "Cut the blasted thing off later," he muttered, his lips finding hers once more.

As they kissed, Hermione fumbled with his belt and when she couldn't get it unfastened she stepped abruptly away from him and placed her hands on her hips. "Would you just take it all off, please?" she said huffily, gesturing in the direction of his remaining clothes.

Harry laughed. "It's your fault, you know. If you hadn't dragged me in here fully clothed, this would be a hell of a lot easier."

"I didn't hear you complaining."

"A beautiful woman dragging me off to the shower? Why would I?"

Harry finished with the fastenings on his pants and pushed them and his briefs down to the floor. "Briefs?" She cocked one eyebrow upward in interest. "I always pictured you as a boxers kind of guy."

Harry pulled off his last sock and tossed his wet clothes out of the shower. "Always?" he said, raising his eyebrows in return.

"Well, girls talk," she said vaguely.

"Sometimes too much," he said, capturing her mouth once again.

Hermione wrapped her hand around his tie and moaned against his mouth, deepening the kiss until she thought sure could fall right through and kiss his soul. "You're good at that," she said, when finally they broke apart for air.

"You're pretty damn good at that yourself."

Hermione laughed, the sound surprisingly empty. Harry looked at her in concern. She studied his face as he studied hers. "Harry, what are we doing?" she asked quietly, dropping his tie and looking at him intently.

"I don't know," he replied honestly.

"Are we ruining us?"

"I'd like to think we're making us better, Hermione. I care about you, you know that."

She looked into his eyes and searched for something she didn't quite understand. "Could you ever love me?" she asked suddenly. The question surprised even her and she shook her head in disbelief. "Never mind. Don't answer that. I never should have…. I'm sorry." She turned away from him and reached for the soap, desperate for a distraction.

Harry raised her head until their eyes met once again. "I think I always have," he responded with quiet sincerity. "If you want to stop this…what's happening right now, we can do that." She lowered her eyes and stared unseeingly at his chest. He gathered her to him and whispered into her ear, "…but I don't want to stop us. We don't have to have sex, Hermione. Not right now, not until you're ready…or never, if you don't feel the way I do. But whatever this is that's happening between us on this…this emotional level, I don't want it to stop. I don't ever want it to stop."

Hermione stepped back, letting the water wash over her in rivulets like unshed tears. "Do you mean that?"

Harry nodded. "Every word."

Hermione smiled and the tears that she'd been holding back fell in a glorious release of pent up anxiety. "Me too," she replied, her voice so soft that Harry wasn't sure if he'd actually heard her or merely read her lips. Harry smiled in return, a feeling of light-headed elation assaulting his mind and body. He placed his hands on her hips and waited for her to make the first move.

She grabbed his tie and pulled him closer to her until he too, was standing under the water. "Think we could make this thing permanent?" she teased, holding the tie up for him to see.

"I don't think so," he said, chuckling at the thought. "But do you think we can make the water warmer? This is freezing."

"It is?" It was the first time Hermione had noticed the lack of steam coming from the water and the brisk cold that was falling down upon her.

"So, I make you that hot, huh?" Harry teased, grinding his hips against her stomach.

"Must've been that warming spell I put on before I walked out of the bathroom earlier," she said vaguely, pretending as though she hadn't heard him. She turned from him and shivered as she reached for the faucet.

"Warming spell, eh?" he said, rubbing his hands up and down her arms in a feeble attempt to keep her warm against the endless stream of cold water she stood under.

The hot water was turned up as far as it could go and she looked at him, shaking her head sadly. "Out of hot water." She shut the water off and turned toward him. He pulled her closer. She placed her hands on either side of his stomach and he rubbed his hands up and down her back and arms.

"What now?" he asked.

Hermione's hands slid around to his back and before he could even comprehend what was happening, she dropped her hands and pulled him against her. She kneaded his tight, firm arse for a moment, relishing in the effect her actions had on the erection pressed against her stomach. "Take me to bed, Harry. Make love to me."

He pushed her back and searched her eyes for any signs of hesitation. "Are you…?"

"…yes, I'm sure."

Harry stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel to wrap her shivering body. He grabbed one for himself and wrapped it around his waist. He held out a hand to escort her from the tub and before her second foot ever hit the floor he swooped her up into his arms. "Ahh!" she squealed at the suddenness of his gesture. "Barbarian!" she shrieked, playfully smacking him on the shoulder.

"Me Tarzan, you Jane," he said playfully, dropping his voice as low as he could make it go.

Hermione's eyes lit up excitedly. "Oh! Can you do that yell thing Tarzan does?"

"Gods no, woman. What is it women like so much about that bloody yell?" he mumbled. He opened the bathroom door and a cool rush of air greeted them instantly.

"It's so animalistic…raw, powerful. And sexy has hell. Guess I'll just have to see what I can do about teaching you, won't I?"

Harry quickened his steps, almost stumbling over his towel when it fell to the hallway floor. Hermione giggled. "There's no hurry, you know."

"You know me. Once I get in learning mode, you have to teach me while you can." He got to his room and tossed her on the bed, his hand clinging to her towel and ripping it off as she went. "Give it your best shot, I have a short attention span and sometimes I need things shown to me over and over again."

"Sounds like I have my work cut out for me. I might even have to discipline you."

"Oh. Yeah. I'm sure you will. What you got in mind?"

He stood on the floor, looking down at her sprawled on the bed. She crooked her finger at him, "Come here," she said softly.

Harry put his knee on the bed and crawled toward her. The second he was within reach she grabbed his tie and pulled him roughly down on top of her. She laughed at his yelp of surprise. "Sounds like we're well on our way," she said with a satisfied smirk.

"That's a long way from Tarzan, professor."

"But we've got all night to get there," she said, pulling him down into a long, penetrating kiss that curled his toes and forced a long, loud moan to escape him. Hermione smiled against his lips, thinking about all kinds of tortuous ways she might make him yell…and how much fun it would be trying.


A/N2: I'm debating whether or not to take this to the next level. Let me know what you think. Reviews are ever-so-appreciated. Thanks.
