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Kingdom of Slytherin by Anime Redneck

Kingdom of Slytherin

Anime Redneck

Disclaimer" Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

The Kingdom of Slytherin


Lily Potter's voice: Choices. One choice can decide everything. The choices we make determine who we are, and how we live our lives. The simplest of choices can have dire consequences on the world around you. Whether it's what house a boy chooses to be in, or which boy to mark as an equal. A single choice can make all the difference.

15 Years Ago Godric's Hollow

The quiet peace that normally surrounded Godric's Hollow was destroyed by a loud bang and flash of light. In the living Room the Dark Lord Voldemort dueled his archenemy James Potter. Wands flashed as curses were fired back and forth. Several objects in the room shattered as a result of the battle. Voldemort easily blocked a desperate stunner from James. Voldemort flicked his wand sending a pulse of purple light that struck James in the chest. James was thrown back into a wall by Voldemort's curse. Weakly he attempted to raise his wand, which had smoke spouting from the tip due to large amount of spells cast in a short amount of time. Voldemort laughed cruelly as he flicked his wand slamming James into the wall again.

"You can't beat me Potter." Voldemort hissed.

"Who said anything about beating you? All I have to do is hold you off till Lily escapes." James said clutching his side.

"Who said I was after her? You're the one I want Potter." Voldemort said smiling evilly.

"Why don't you just kill me now and get it over with?" James said weakly.

"And waste all that talent? Oh no Potter you're going to become one of my servants. Think about it you could be my greatest Death Eater nothing will be beyond your grasp."

"Never." James spat.

"If you won't join me then I'll just have to hunt down your dear wife and slowly torture and kill her and your son." Voldemort hissed angrily. "There is only one way to save her Potter. Join me." James hesitated desperately trying to think of another way, any other way, to save Lily and Harry.

"You have to do it James it's the only way." Squeaked Wormtail from behind Voldemort.

"Peter you traitor. How could you?" Snapped James.

"I'm sorry James, but it was the only way. You must see that if you fight Harry and Lily will die." Wormtail pleaded.

"The rat is correct Potter. Join me and I will spare them." Voldemort held his hand out to James.

"Alright." James whispered hanging his head in defeat.

*Fifteen years later*

Sixteen-year-old Harry Potter slept peacefully in his room at Hogwarts. That is until his alarm clock began to beep waking him up. Grumbling to himself Harry got out of bed and quickly dressed for class. He came out of his room and without knocking entered the room next door to see his best friend Ron Weasley asleep with a bit of drool hanging from his mouth. Harry smirked and shook his head.

"Wake up Ron." Harry said tossing a book that had been laying on his nightstand at Ron's sleeping form. Ron awoke with a start, and ended up falling out of bed.

"Hey what's the big idea hittin me with books at this ungodly hour." Ron said with a yawn.

"It's 7:30 Ron. We got class in half an hour." Harry said leaving the room so Ron could get dressed.

Ten minutes later Harry and Ron walked down to the common room in full uniform. Matching Black slacks, dress shirt and a dark robe with a emblem of a yellow python wrapped around the right arm marking them as members of the Slytherin class. At the back of the room a young girl with bushy brown hair dressed in a simple skirt, blouse, and plain black cloak stood staring at the ground.

"Good. You're already up." Ron said harshly. " Here carry my bags." He roughly shoved his bookbag into the girls arms.

"Ron. You know better than to order my servant around." Harry growled grabbing the bag and shoving it back in Ron's hands. "You want somebody to carry you're books get you're own mudblood. Come on Hermione." Ron was so busy griping about Harry not letting him share, that he didn't catch the apologetic look that passed from Harry to Hermione.

"Come on Harry. Not all of us can have the Dark Lord present us with a mudblood as a gift." Ron pleaded.

"He didn't give her to me he just allowed my family to keep her." Harry replied remembering the first time he had met Hermione.


Eight-year-old Harry Potter sat in the living room playing when the front door opened and his mother and father walked in. Trailing behind his mother was a small timid looking girl bushy brown hair. Curiously Harry stood and walked up to his parents.

"Harry, this is Hermione. She's going to be staying with us from now on." Lily said softly.

"Is that so?" hissed a voice from the doorway. Everyone in the room snapped around and stood rigidly still. A tall-cloaked figure with glowing red eyes stood in the center of the house. Hermione moved back from Lily trying to put as much distance from her and the cloaked figure as possible.

"Lord Voldemort." James said as he and Lily kneeled.

"Dolohov told me that you picked up a stray during the raid tonight." Voldemort hissed staring at Hermione who stood frozen in fear.

"Please My Lord, I sensed magic with in her and thought-" Lily started before Voldemort cut her off.

"You thought you'd take in a mudblood did you? Well too bad there is only one use for mudblood's and that is target practice." Voldemort aimed his wand at Hermione. Before he knew what he was doing Harry moved to stand protectively in front of her. Voldemort eyed him carefully. "It seems your son has taken an interest in her already Potter. He's very brave, most adults would not dare stand in my path. Yet here he stands knowing that defying me means death for him... He will make a great Death eater one day." Voldemort hissed putting his wand away. "So what did you want with the mudblood Lily?"

"My lord, I thought she would make a good playmate for my son. There are very few children his age around here." Lily said calmly even though she had been scared to death when Voldemort pointed his wand at Harry and Hermione. Voldemort eyed them carefully.

"Very well. You have been serving me well these past years. We'll call this a bonus." Voldemort hissed.

"Thank you Lord Voldemort." James and Lily said in unison bowing at the waist.

With that Voldemort disappeared leaving the Potter's and their new guest alone. Harry turned around and Hermione looked up. For the first time Harry saw her bright brown eyes.

"Hi I'm Harry." Harry said.

"Hermione Granger." She replied.

*End Flashback*

"Harry? Pay attention Harry." Ron snapped.

"What?" Harry asked.

"What's with you mate? You were completely spaced out all the way thru Master Malfoy's potions class." Ron asked.

"Just reminiscing Ron." Harry answered truthfully.

"Whatever, I'm going to the pitch to get some practice in. You coming?" Ron asked.

"No I'm gonna go to the library." Harry replied.

"Why do you always want to go to the library?" Ron questioned. Harry shrugged.

"I like it there Ron. It's nice to have some peace and quiet once in awhile."

Ron merely shook his head and headed for the pitch. Harry headed to the library with Hermione following closely behind keeping her head down since she was not permitted to look the purebloods in the eye. Soon they made it to the library. The pair quickly found a table near the back section of the library were they knew they would not be disturbed.

"You didn't have to bring me here Harry. You could have went to the pitch if you wanted. I don't mind." Hermione said quietly. Harry shook his head.

"It's no big deal Hermione. Go ahead and pick out some books." Harry replied.

Hermione smiled briefly. As she walked off gathering a few books Harry found himself wishing she smiled more. For a long time after she came to live with him she had nightmares about her parents deaths. Many times she had come into Harry's room crying. Harry would always talk to her until she calmed down and then take her back to her room. Sometimes sleeping on her floor next to her bed incase she had another nightmare. The pair had hated being separated when Harry had gone to Hogwarts, but muggleborn were not allowed to now that Voldemort was headmaster of Hogwarts and controlled all of Wizarding England.

Hermione had once told Harry that Hogwarts used to place students in one of four houses. However, now Hogwarts used a caste system. Four classes separated students by various degrees of skill. Riddle was the lowest class; it consisted mostly of first year students and had a simple blue snake for an emblem. Next was the Grindelwald class, when a student became capable of dueling spells they were admitted into the Grindelwald class, which had a long rattlesnake as an emblem. The third class was Morgana, when a student had proven both their loyalty to Voldemort and their combat prowess they became a member of the Morgana class, whose emblem was a coiled viper. The final class was Slytherin. There were only twenty-five Slytherin students in Hogwarts at a time. They were the students most likely to become Death Eaters after graduating. Only by defeating a Slytherin student could one become a Slytherin. The emblem for the Slytherin class was a yellow Python that wrapped around the sleeve.

Harry was the youngest student to have ever been inducted to the Slytherin class. While in his first year a Slytherin student had insulted Harry's mother and challenged him to a duel. If Harry had learned one thing from his father it was to never back down from a challenge. While Harry knew very few spells, his father had taught him from an early age to defend himself. The Slytherin student was so confident in his abilities he never expected Harry to duck his first spell and grab him from behind in a sleeper hold. Harry held on till the older boy passed out leaving Harry the victor. Voldemort was so impressed that he allowed Harry one request that he would personally grant. Harry had asked that Hermione be allowed to join him at Hogwarts as his personal servant. Though in truth Harry simply didn't want to be separated from Hermione. Voldemort granted his request, and Hermione was allowed to accompany and sit in on all of Harry's classes.

Harry was broken from his thoughts as Hermione sat down with a stack of books. Hermione looked at Harry and handed him a book.

"Here this should help you with your potions essay." Hermione said quietly.

"But that essay's not due for two weeks." Harry exclaimed.

"So you'll get a head start." Hermione replied.

"Oh come on Hermione." Harry pleaded.

"Honestly Harry, you'd flunk out if I didn't make you do your homework." Hermione huffed. Harry started to reply but stopped and thought for a moment.

"Actually you're probably right." Harry admitted opening the book and taking out a quill and parchment.


Luscious Malfoy walked slowly up to the large snake statue that marked the entrance to the headmasters throne room. He paused in front the statue before it moved around revealing a winding staircase. Voldemort never bothered with a password. No one dared to enter the throne room uninvited. Luscious reached the top of the stairs and knocked.

"Enter." Hissed a voice from inside. Luscious stepped inside and immediately kneeled. The room was very dark. A few green flame torches were spread out, the windows were covered in dark green curtains, and the walls were bare of portraits.

"Master. You called for me?"

"Yes Luscious, I heard thru the grapevine that you have doubts about a certain Slytherin student." Voldemort hissed from atop his throne. A large yellow Python lay coiled around the legs of the throne.

"Yes master. Potter is becoming a powerful wizard. Yet he is not succumbing to our teachings. He remains fiercely independent and undermines the entire caste system by not taking advantage of lower students. What's more I believe he has feelings for that mudblood of his." Luscious ranted.

"Don't be so delusional Malfoy." Voldemort responded lazily. "Potter is one of the most gifted students to ever grace the halls of Hogwarts: Academy of Shadows. He will make a fine addition to our ranks. Perhaps your mistrust in him is due to the fact that he has repeatedly defeated your son's attempts to become a member of the Slytherin class." Voldemort hissed eyeing Malfoy carefully. "No matter. Potter is no threat to us. However, do keep a close eye on him. We wouldn't want any unfortunate surprises."