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Behind Closed Doors by missinformation

Behind Closed Doors


A/N: Ok, so I decided to write a sequel. hehe. This picks up right where Truth or Dare ended. It's not necessary to read Truth or Dare, but it will help to understand what's already transpired so far. It will flip flop between being outside Harry's room and inside the room. Also, just a refresher on what Hermione's dress looks like. I tried to fit it back into this story, but it didn't really work, so here it is:

Her dress was dark brown, which matched her eyes. It was a sensible length, cutting off just above her knees, and had a modest scoop at the neck. The straps were wide in the front, but became very thin once they hit the top of her shoulders, and traveled to the very low cut back, which ended just above the small of her back. From the front, it definitely screamed Hermione, but once she turned around, it screamed something else entirely.

I've decided to establish a link to the song "Sugar Water" by Cibo Matto, just so you can hear the song and get a better understanding of why I am using it for both this fic, and "Truth or Dare".

Disclaimer: I still don't own J.K. Rowling's characters…oh well!

Behind Closed Doors

Chapter 1: Back Lit

As soon as they had heard the retreating footsteps of their friends, three curious girls opened the door to the spare bedroom, their heads barely visible from behind it. Ginny, Luna, and Lavender watched silently as Harry waved his free hand over his own doorknob and ventured inside, Hermione close on his heels. They could not help but giggle quietly as they heard the tell-tale clicks of charms working on the door as it locked behind the couple.

"Silly witches! Close the door and stop ogling over those two!" Draco said with a smirk. "Let them have a little bit of privacy. It's not like you don't know what's about to happen, for heaven's sake!"

"Sod off, Draco! If we want to be Peeping Tom's, then leave us to it," Ginny pouted. "Wait…a Peeping Tom is a guy. What do you call a girl who's eavesdropping on her best friends?"

"Aside from a stalker?" Ron quipped.

"A Peeping…no, wait. There are no good feminine versions of Tom, are there?" Luna shrugged. "Perhaps a Peeping Tamara then?"

"No, I don't like the sound of that. We'll find a suitable title for it later," Ginny said, sounding a bit annoyed. "Right now, I'm dying to know what's going on in there!"

She paused for a moment, her brows knitted together in thought. Her eyes opened wide as a brilliant idea came to her.

"Lav, Luna, I have a brilliant idea! We-that is, the three of us-should go stand outside Harry's bedroom door and see if we can hear anything."

"How is that a brilliant idea?" Seamus asked, obviously perplexed.

"It just is! Come on, girls. I happen to have a pair of Fred and George's Extendable Ears with me, so we can hear everything they say," Ginny said as she rummaged through her bag for the device in question.

Once she found it, she and her accomplices crept quietly down the hall to the locked door. Ginny divided the string into three separate pieces, and handed one each to the girls so they could all listen.


(meanwhile, on the other side of the door)

As soon as the door had closed behind them, Harry had put up privacy charms as well as a silencing charm, ensuring their seclusion. As soon as he had finished this, he turned around and was surprised to see Hermione less than a millimeter away from him, so close that their noses almost touched.

"Hi," she said in a breathy tone, an uncertain smile spreading across her face and a slight blush creeping up her neck.

"Hi," Harry whispered.

"So…um…where were we?" she inquired, looking deep into his emerald eyes.

Harry cleared his throat nervously, then said, "Well, you were in a chair and I was giving you a massage."

"A sensual massage," Hermione corrected him.

She looked over her shoulder to the desk and chair in the corner; the cherry-stained mahogany wood gleamed under the dim light of a small lamp. She eyed it with determination, then slowly walked towards it, butterflies dancing in her stomach. She tentatively ran her finger across its smooth surface.

"This is a beautiful desk, Harry. Where did you get it?" Hermione asked in a soft voice.

As Harry watched Hermione make her way over to it, he couldn't help but be entranced by the sight before him. The way the light shone around her delicate frame seemed to give her an ethereal appearance; she looked like a misplaced angel.

"It was my mum's," Harry said, his voice a bit strained from nerves. "Do you remember the summer we went to Godric's Hollow for the first time? When we were at my mum and dad's house searching for clues that might lead us to the horcruxes, I saw it in their bedroom."

Hermione looked at him over her shoulder, not quite able to read his expression. He came up beside her, then brought his fingers to an almost invisible engraving on the back of the chair. She looked at the etching and immediately knew what it meant.

Then, she lightly placed her own fingers over Harry's, and they gently traced the letters. `L.E.P.'

"Lily Evans Potter," Hermione said softly.

Harry just nodded his head, a small smile gracing his face, his peaceful expression allowing her access to the once closed compartment of his orphaned past.

"It's absolutely gorgeous," she said, and looked up into his face. The moment she gazed into his glistening emerald eyes, the knots in her stomach began to loosen, and she placed a light kiss on the back of his hand while squeezing it reassuringly.

There was a brief silence. Neither was quite sure what to do next. He hesitantly pulled the chair out for her, turning it sideways like the one in the lounge had been.

"Thank you," she said as she took her seat.

"You're welcome."

Once Hermione had actually sat down, the brief moment of comfort Harry had felt when she had kissed his hand vanished under the pounding of his heart. In an attempt to regain his footing he tapped the clock radio on the desk, and music filled the room. The song that was playing was definitely not appropriate for the situation in which they were. He continued to tap the radio, trying desperately to find a more fitting song. He found he was quickly running out of stations.


(outside the room)

"What the hell is he doing in there? That kind of blaring music is sure to kill the mood!" Ginny exclaimed to her eavesdropping cohorts.

"I wonder if I could set the music from out here?" Lavender pondered aloud.

With a flick of her wrist and a wave of her wand, she managed to change the station from outside the door. It was no mere coincidence that the song just beginning to play was the one from earlier in the evening. All three girls sighed as the music began to swell from within the room.


(back inside the room)

"How odd. What are the chances of finding that song on the radio again?" Hermione asked as soon as she heard the unmistakable melody with which she was now so in love.

"I dunno, but I think it will work, don't you?"

"Absolutely," Hermione said with a sigh.

Then, she suddenly stood up. Harry was a bit shocked by this.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to get a bit more comfortable," she said.

She picked up the chair and turned it so its back faced the desk while she now stood to its right. Seductively, Hermione picked up the hem of her dress and slid it slowly up her thighs, draping her left leg over the seat and sinking down, her back still to Harry. Harry gulped as he saw she was now straddling his chair. He watched as she gathered her hair and put it back up with the clip, then rested her chin on her folded arms, which were slung across the back of the seat.

She was inhaling deeply, her back rising and falling gently with each breath. Harry just stood there, his mouth open slightly. He took a step towards her, feeling terribly intimidated at the moment. He shook his head and took the final steps to stand directly behind her. As the first chorus of `la, la, la' broke out, his hands met the bare skin of her shoulders.

She was just as hot as when he had laid his hands upon her in the lounge. He felt his skin would burst into flames if he continued to touch her, but was too immersed in feeling it to take his hands away. `I can always be taken to St. Mungo's for third degree burns,' he thought. `I've heard they have an excellent burn ward there.'

His hands started in the same place as before, his fingers snaking under the straps of her dress, tensing and relaxing over her shoulders. And again, just like before this elicited soft moans from Hermione. He moved from her shoulders to her neck, his thumbs making deep circles at its base and moving upward.


Harry let his hands roam down her neck once more, finding a place between her shoulder blades. Her back seemed strange and yet hauntingly familiar after their first encounter.

"Lower, Harry." she whispered, almost inaudibly.

"What?" Harry asked, thinking he had imagined hearing anything at all.

"I said go lower, Harry."

"How's this?" he inquired, his hands now halfway down her back.

Hermione shook her head. "No, lower," she breathed.

Harry let his hands slide down her back until he felt her nod her head in approval. His hands were now at the small of her back, exactly where they had been when he stopped earlier. He resumed making small circles with his thumbs at the base of her back. He leaned in, his weight gently pressing against her. His breath was once again hot on her neck, giving her goose bumps.

"Oh, Harry. That feels wonderful," she said with a sigh.

Her eyes were tightly closed as she turned her head to the right, still resting it on her folded arms. Harry watched her as she sat before him, and licked his lips. Her ear looked so appetizing. He laid a trail of kisses from the base of her neck to just below her right earlobe. She moaned softly as his lips made contact with the area just below her earlobe, and then shuddered slightly.

Harry's fingers were now tracing light lines up her exposed spine as he licked and kissed at the sensitive area beneath her ear.


(outside the room)

"Oh, it's starting to sound really good in there!" Ginny said in a hushed voice.

"What are you going to do when the song ends?" Luna inquired of Lavender.

"It won't," she winked. "I have it set to repeat itself. I don't really think they'll even notice to be perfectly honest."


(meanwhile, back inside the room)

Harry was now kissing his way down Hermione's spine while his fingers traced the crevice of her open-backed dress, which dipped dangerously low. He was still surprised Hermione would wear such a provocative outfit. He couldn't believe that it only zipped up to the small of her back. From the front it didn't look quite as sexy.

As if replaying the previous scene in his head, he let his fingers guide the zipper of her dress towards the floor, revealing light pink lace. The material was so light that he had to do a double take to make sure she was wearing anything under the dress at all. Licking his lips hungrily, he let them wander below the back of her dress towards the band of her panties. Pulling the elastic back gently, he let his tongue invade the once-covered area.

Starting at the dimple just below the base of her back, he licked a slow line along her spine. He was very interested in the effects this had on her body. Each time his tongue traveled north or south along that splendid line she would shiver uncontrollably. He loved making her lose control. Even more than making her lose control, he loved the sounds that his tongue was causing. `If she's making these sounds with my licking just her back, imagine what sounds she'll make when I do other things,' he thought, waggling his eyebrows suggestively to no one in particular.


And so ends Chapter 1. Many thanks to robinsinn for being such awesome beta for chapter 1! Please remember to R & R!
