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Behind Closed Doors by missinformation

Behind Closed Doors


A/N: I have been told on more than one occasion (by one person in particular-you know who you are! :p) that I give too many details…but sometimes those details are needed. And sometimes, I just really like the thing I'm describing! It's a mixed case w/Hermione's shoes. Since she is slightly shorter than Harry these shoes will put them at about eye level to each other. They are being portrayed exactly as they are described on the website link I've provided. :)


Chapter 3: The Calm before the Storm

(Inside spare room)

Ten pairs of eyes were glued to the screen as they watched in silence. Parvati and Padma stared in wide-eyed shock as they watched Hermione unbutton then remove Harry's shirt. Draco scoffed when the girls began to "ooh" and "aah" at Harry's naked torso.

"Oh, please! Stop drooling, you'll cause a short in the equipment," Draco chided them playfully. "He's not even that good-looking."

"He's bloody sexy!" Padma exclaimed, to everyone's surprise.

"Ha! What's the matter, Draco? Jealous?" Ginny teased, waggling her eyebrows.

"Bloody hell, woman! Have you gone mental? Of course I'm not jealous!" Draco shot back, a look of mock disgust etched on his face.

"Oh my God!" Lavender exclaimed in a shocked voice.

"What is it?!" Ginny asked, her eyes wide and a look of horror distorting her pretty features.

"Harry just took off Hermione's dress! Oh my God!" Lavender squealed, then added, "Did anyone notice the shoes Hermione's wearing? Very nice." She nodded her head in approval.

"What?! Damn it all! I missed that?! Can you rewind it?" Draco asked, a note of pleading in his voice.

Ginny rolled her eyes at Draco as she tapped the screen once again with her wand, closing the two original control panels and replacing them with a third. She tapped the screen again and a small window popped up.

"It's a picture within a picture! Isn't that just neat?" Ginny exclaimed as she set the new window to rewind and replay the scene. "There. Are you happy now, baby?" she cooed.

"Yes, very much so, love," Draco replied in an uncharacteristically sweet voice.

Ron got quietly to his feet and walked to his tent on the other side of the room. Luna followed him a few moments later.

"What's wrong, dear?" Luna asked him softly.

"We shouldn't be watching that. That's my two best mates. It's wrong of us to watch them," Ron said softly. He hesitated for a moment, then continued. "But I want to make sure he doesn't hurt her or take advantage of her. I know she's a grown woman and can take care of herself, but I still worry about her. She's like a sister to me." He looked to Luna, asking her with his eyes what he should do.

"I understand, Ron. You have good intentions for them both, but you know that neither would hurt the other. Why don't you come back over and sit. You don't have to watch all of it, you don't even have to watch any of it if you don't want."

She took his hand in hers, and they turned to join the others. Ron was about to reply that he trusted them both when a pillow came flying towards them.

"You big git! Get back over here!" Seamus called across the room, smiling broadly. "Or I'll throw another pillow at you!"

Ron threw the pillow back at him as he and Luna returned to their spot on the floor.


(Harry's Room)

With her hands still over his, Hermione led Harry's up her slender thighs and placed them back on her hips. Then, she placed her own hands on his shoulders, letting them fall in a loose grip down his toned arms. At the crook of his elbow, she teasingly allowed her nails to barely graze the skin of his forearms. It was Harry's turn to shudder under her tantalizing touch.

Harry buried his face in Hermione's neck as the shiver she had induced rocked his body. Her name escaped his lips in a trembling voice. Hermione then maneuvered her arms between Harry's, unbuttoned his slacks, and undid the zip. She looped her index fingers into the belt loops and tugged down gently, knowing that this would not remove them though rather enjoying teasing him all the same.

Just as Hermione had done moments before with her dress, Harry took her hands in his and placed them on his hips, and then helped her to guide his stubborn trousers down his muscular frame. He eagerly kicked off his shoes, nudging them and his discarded shirt into the small pile of clothing that was starting to form by their feet.

Their hands still together, Harry started to lead them back up his thighs, but Hermione suddenly stopped and let her fingers walk over the silken fabric of Harry's boxers before cupping his arse in her hands, kneading it playfully. She pulled herself as tightly to him as she could manage, relishing in the feel of the silky material against her burning skin.

Harry captured Hermione's soft lips with his own and lifted her gently off the ground. Her toes dangled just above the floor. As Harry slowly moved them towards the bed, Hermione's hands automatically moved to his shoulders for support, their kiss never ending.

"Where are you taking me, Mr. Potter?" Hermione murmured against his lips.

"Anywhere you want to go, Ms. Granger," he replied in the same muffled tone.

"Then take me to bed, Harry," she whispered in his ear, nibbling the lobe tenderly.

"Hmmm…in due time, love," he replied quietly, gently setting her on the soft bed.

Harry knelt down on one knee opposite her, placing one of her heels on his other knee.


(Spare Room)

"I think I am going to throw up!" Draco said, a look of disgust on his face.

Padma look at him with a shocked and concerned expression as Ginny rolled her eyes again.

"Are you ok, Draco? Why do you think you're going to be sick?" Padma asked.

"All that mushy rubbish Harry's spewing in there! It's making me sick." Draco replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Ginny scoffed and said, "I think it's sweet." The girls in the room all nodded in agreement.

"Wow, is it getting hot in here?" Lavender asked, winking suggestively at Seamus.

Seamus tugged at the collar of his night shirt. "Yes, yes it is."

Lavender stood up at that moment and motioned for Seamus to do the same. Grabbing a handful of his night shirt she pulled him playfully to their tent. The last thing the group heard was the zipping of the tent door and a Silencing Charm being muttered. Within a few minutes the only people still awake were Draco, Ginny, Ron, and Luna.

"I think it's time we turn in, Ron," Luna said, giving her boyfriend a look that indicated this was not a suggestion.

Ron nodded his head, turning to Ginny and Draco.

"You guys should shut that thing off and go to bed too. It's obvious that it works fine. Though I'm not sure that this is what Fred and George had in mind when they made B.U.G.s," Ron said, shaking his head as he followed Luna to their tent.

The four exchanged `goodnights', and then only Draco and Ginny remained.

"I'm not sleepy yet, are you?" Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope," Draco replied. "But I am feeling rather randy at the moment," he said, waggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner at Ginny.

"You're always randy, Draco! And besides, it's just starting to get good!" She said in her best pouty voice.

"I think we can do better than that," Draco said, winking at Ginny and beckoning her to him with his finger.

On all fours she crawled the short distance between them, capturing his lips with hers. They tumbled to the floor, completely forgetting about B.U.G.s and everything else as they rolled around on the floor, entangled in each other.


(Harry's Room)

Cupping her heel gently, Harry's hand crept up Hermione's calf and down the front of her leg. With his other hand now wrapped loosely around the heel of her patent leather shoe, Harry kissed the top of her foot between crisscrossing straps. As his lips progressed upward over the bands crossing her ankle he moved to unfasten the buckles, holding her shoe in place.

Nimble though his fingers may have been, they were no match for the dastardly silver buckles. Growing a bit frustrated, Harry silently waved his hand over the tiny clasps and they soundlessly unfastened themselves. A pleased smile spreading across his face, he slowly guided the shoe off her foot.

Taking her other foot in his hand, Harry examined the remaining shoe. It was a sexy little number; patent leather, four straps crisscrossing over the top of the foot while four more straps snaked their way up the ankle. The ankle straps were held together with stone-studded buckles. As he placed her foot upon his bent knee, he noticed how the 3 3/4 inch heel accentuated her slender calf.

"Hermione," Harry whispered against her leg as he kissed it, performing the unbuckling charm on the clasps again.

Hermione licked her lips, "Yes?"

"Where on earth did you find such sexy shoes? And that dress? I've never seen you wear anything so innocently you, yet so provocatively sexy."

Hermione laughed softly at the look on Harry's face. His eyebrow was raised and he was trying, rather unsuccessfully, to hide the half smile spreading across his boyish face. He was massaging her foot, but all of his attention was focused on her eyes as he waited for her reply.

"When Ginny owled me about coming to this party last week, she suggested we go shopping. I had assumed we'd be going to Diagon Alley, but instead she took me to this lovely shop in London. Ginny saw the dress in the shop window and was having a fit to try it on. It didn't fit her though, too small, and it clashed horribly with her hair! So, she had me try it on and proceeded to convince me to buy it. I found the shoes in the same shop."

"They looked great on you," Harry said softly. "You looked absolutely beautiful tonight, even more so than at the Yule Ball in fourth year." He paused, kissing the top of her foot. "You still do."

"Oh, Harry…do you really think so?" Hermione asked tentatively.

"No, I don't think so." Harry paused for dramatic effect. "I know so. I've always known so. I've just been too stupid to realize it."

As he said this, he started kissing a light trail up her leg, covering every inch of the invisible line with his lips. Harry allowed his eyes to travel up Hermione's nearly nude body. When his eyes met hers he could not help but smile. `How can she be so confident, yet so insecure at the same time?'

Though his lips were taking their time, his hands were being less than patient. While his lips had not even reached Hermione's knee, Harry's hands had already made their way to her thighs. As he placed both knees on the floor, Hermione leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows. Her smile broadened as his lips reached her inner thigh.

Hermione bit her lower lip as Harry kissed his way up her delicate skin inch by inch. Her body writhed when his fingers brushed her panties; Harry could feel the heat radiating from beneath the sheer fabric. Leaning towards her, he ran his hands under her thighs and wrapped them around her hips, his fingers sliding over the thin string of elastic resting just above the curve of her arse.

Harry kissed a small half circle over the front of Hermione's panties, his lips deliberately avoiding that sensitive curve, his fingers gently massaging the skin beneath the fabric. He could tell she was becoming both anxious and a bit frustrated by the moans he was eliciting from her. Harry teasingly ran his tongue up and down the middle of her moist panties.

"Oh, Harry," Hermione sighed softly as Harry slowly began to draw her panties to the side, exposing her soft curls.


A/N: Yeah, I know ch 3 didn't end as fluffily as the other chapters have, but all of that is being saved for ch 4! :p Don't kill me yet! There will be one last glimpse into the spare bedroom, which will lead to a final encounter with the B.U.G. I can't promise that ch 4 (which should be the final chapter) will be up by Christmas, but it should be up before the year ends (maybe).

Also (can't believe I forgot this!) thanks once again to my outstanding beta's (especially the Mayhem to my Mischief) & to Alicia for the link to the shoes!
