Unofficial Portkey Archive

Unwritten by MeiQueen





Mei Queen


Authoress' Note: It's actually pretty long. I'm amazed, really. And I would like to remind those of you that think that the story is completely over after you read this that how one behaves while pissed is not necessarily how they will act once the buzz wears off. Read on and find out what I'm talking about, darlings!


Chapter 5: Saturday Night's Alright


A few weekends later, James Potter and Lily Evans were out patrolling again.

"This isn't as bad as I thought it would be," Lily murmured, smiling over at her partner.

James laughed. "I never thought I would ever hear you say that, I must admit. If I had a Galleon for every foul thing you called me back in fifth year, I swear, I'd be a very rich bloke."

She snorted. "You are a very rich bloke."

"Oh, right, well…a richer bloke, then."

They walked in fairly companionable silence for a few moments, looking in nooks and crannies for disobedient students, before James spoke up again. "Were you joking a few weeks ago when you said you wanted to try to drink me under the table?"

Lily laughed softly. "I didn't say I wanted to try. I said I would."

"But since we both know that you can't, I was wondering if you'd like a shot."

She put her hands on her hips in indignation. "I would at least like a chance to prove myself, yeah."

"Well, then. The mates and I are going to Hogsmeade tonight. Maybe you and Eduina would like to tag along?"

Lily looked thoughtful, chewing her lip. "It's not the right weekend."

"Of course it's not; we can't stand those ruddy crowds. Nah, we go in secret," James said simply, leaning over to look behind a tapestry. Using his best cheesy Muggle voice, he said, "And you can go too, for the one-time low price of a truce!"

She scoffed, smiling. "We're Lily Evans and James Potter. Truces aren't our style."

James smiled, allowing himself a snort of amusement. "Well, if I thought for a moment you'd agree, I'd just ask straight-out what you were doing for the rest of my life and how many kids you think we should have, but I figured that might intimidate you slightly."

Lily's hand came up to her mouth, turning away from James, body shaking with silent laughter. Finally regaining control of her sense of speech, she managed to choke out, "I hope you're kidding."

He grinned, putting on a mock-serious face. "Lily, darling, I never joke about my hypothetical children."

She allowed a few moments of silence to go by before responding. "So… tonight, then?"

James looked up at her in surprise. "You're serious? Not that I don't want you to go, because believe me, there's nothing I want more, but you know that it's against the rules to be sneaking out like this? You know we'll probably be pissed when we get back, too, right?"

"So?" Lily found herself asking in response. What the hell am I doing? Drinking with Potter is probably a recipe for disaster. No, scratch that, it's a definite recipe for disaster. All the same, I really could use a night of fun. Merlin knows if I get another owl from my parents about some inane wedding detail of Petunia's, I'm going to go completely and utterly mad. I can't take this insanity any more. Maybe a night out with loons like the Marauders is just what I need…

Shaking off her thoughts, she continued with, "We have our own dorm. Everyone can crash there if it comes to that, right?"

He felt his jaw drop in shock, regarding his partner with what can only be described as admiration. "Really? Well…that would be great, yeah!"

The redhead managed a grin in return, falling into step. "So do you think we can consider the Charms corridor wrapped for the night? If so, then let's head over to Transfiguration…Gryffindor Tower is on the way, and I need to stop by and see what Edie's doing tonight."

James nodded, agreeably following Lily down the corridor. Who is she, and what did she do with the rule-abiding, tempestuous Lily I've come to know and love? Not that I'm complaining…after all, this new Lily is extremely intriguing. Tonight should be very interesting…


Eduina Azevedo felt her eyebrow arch skyward as she listened to what Lily was asking. James was across the common room talking with the Marauders, no doubt debating what type of drinks they were going to order that night. They're probably betting on who'll handle the most, Eduina thought with a sarcastic smile. All I know is that my money is not on Peter.

"You want me to go get pissed with you and the Marauders."

Lily looked back at her defensively. "Well, when you say it like that…"

Eduina giggled, smiling at her best friend. "It's just the funniest thing. You used to avoid them with all your might, now you're voluntarily putting yourself into a pissed, groping, sexually charged, hormonal, and, well, mildly psychotic atmosphere with the Marauders and nobody but me to protect you. You're nutters."

Lily felt her face heating slightly. Edie was right, and she knew it, but…

"Oh, come on. Don't I deserve a chance to be irresponsible, Edie?"

The brunette grinned, shaking her head. "You didn't let me finish. I think it's a fabulous idea."

"You…what?" Lily asked, scratching her head.

"For top of our year, you catch on terribly slowly, my dear. I mean that you need to let go every now and then, too. This is great! Count me in."

Lily grinned, pulling her friend to her in a big hug. "You're so fantastic, Edie."

"I know, darling, I know."


"So are we on for tonight?" James Potter bellowed from across the common room, getting up from his mates to stride over to where Lily was sitting with Eduina.

"Could you be any louder?" Eduina retorted sarcastically, chuckling slightly to herself.

Sirius interjected with a snort. "Would you really like to see him try?"

"True. No."

Lily smiled, brushing a hair away from her face. Getting up from her chair, she motioned for James to follow her out of Gryffindor. When they were safely in the hallway, she leaned over, whispering conspiratorially, "She's in."

"Too right, she is! We Marauders wouldn't have let her live it down if she had abandoned us on a perfectly good night for drunken debauchery!"

She shook her head exhaustedly at James' antics. "'Drunken debauchery', eh? Who talks like that, anyhow? Pretty ruddy ridiculous, if you ask me."

James Potter looked at her, grinning far too widely for Lily's comfort.

A few minutes went by of this, James' outlandish grinning and Lily's frantic return glances of fright, before she simply could not take it anymore. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. I just read once that there was a Muggle doctor a while ago that said those things that we scorn are the ones that we actually secretly desire. 'Impotent desires', or some such nonsense… So, basically, you must desire me since you treat me with such contempt."

Lily chortled, panicking for a moment that she was choking on her Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. False alarm, she thought to herself, breathing a happy sigh of relief. "'Impotent'? You mean 'latent'? How do you mix up 'impotent' and 'latent'? Impotent usually means you can't have children, by the way, while latent refers to something deep and unconscious."

James looked back at her with a sheepish grin. "I don't know, they both end in '-ent' after all. You should ask the Muggle doctor that came up with the ludicrous notion, Dr. Frodo."

Lily shook her head, body shaking with giggles. What is it about watching purebloods pretend to know Muggle culture that is so damn hilarious? I'm not sure, but this is positively hysterical. Tonight should be pretty fun, considering that I think all the Marauders are purebloods. "Frodo was the lord of the rings in the Muggle book by Tolkien, actually. You're probably talking about Freud. And, actually, I think it's safe to say that I treat you with derision because I generally feel that you deserve it. Besides, I haven't been too mean to you. Stop complaining."

"If he has a name like 'Freud' he doesn't deserve to have it remembered. And you've have been downright cruel to me over the years, my little spitfire," the Head Boy murmured almost affectionately, reaching over to ruffle Lily's scarlet locks (much to her irritation).

Finally, pointing up to the Astronomy Tower, James asked, "Ready for the last stretch? Here's hoping we don't run into too many couples in compromising positions…last week with Snape was just embarrassing."

As Lily nodded fervently in response, he found himself thinking excitedly about what would happen later that night. Thank Merlin this is the last stop of the night, I can't wait to see what this little redhead can do with some Ogden's Old Firewhiskey!


Lily Evans could feel her heart beating in her chest as she and James stopped back at the Heads' Tower after patrolling to change. She had walked straight in to her bedroom, staring mindlessly at the few Muggle outfits she had brought with her to school, which were now scattered all over her bedspread. Even though Hogsmeade was an entirely wizarding village, most of the group was going "Muggle casual", according to the Marauders. She had actually been so nervous about what to wear that she had resorted to asking James Potter, the style guru himself. The stunned look of bewilderment on his face was enough for her to know to probably never ask his fashion advice again, though. Lily wasn't sure exactly why she was so nervous, maybe because she was getting to know all of Potter's friends at once. She really only knew Remus, just from patrolling and prefect duties of the past two years. Sirius and Peter she really didn't know, but she wanted to make a good impression, for reasons she didn't entirely understand. Very 'couple-y' thing to do, getting to know his mates, she thought to herself nervously, idly twirling a strand of hair around her finger. Finally selecting some clothes, she put on a white jumper and some jeans, letting her hair down (literally) while she did so. We're not a couple, though, Potter and me. I don't even like him. I mean…I guess…I suppose we're friends now, but I don't…fancy him. Bugger. Why am I assuring myself about this?

Swinging her door open, she saw that, much to her amusement, James Potter had assumed the position she had taken while he had dawdled in the shower a few weeks ago. Sunk into the cushions of the couch, his foot was tapping against the cobblestone floor with impatience. "We're going to be late, you know."

She scoffed. "We won't be late, Eduina always takes longer than me, and they can't leave without her."

James tilted his head, processing the information. "Hadn't thought about that."

"And that would be why the Head Boy doesn't run the school on his own."

"'Lily Evans is my future wife'," James muttered loudly, approaching the portrait.

The redhead in question regarded him in shock. Well, that was more blunt than usual, I must give him credit…he actually found a way to be more tactless than he typically is. "Now really, I know you're honest and all, but this is absurd…"

To Lily's great surprise, Patty O'Flanahan swung open while she was mid-sentence.

Finally understanding, she beamed. "Finally changed our long password, eh?"

The raven-haired boy grinned impishly. "Well, I've heard that stating a goal makes it that much more reachable. Sports technique…I think I'll instate it into my pre-Quidditch pep talks. Besides, I can tell…I'm growing on you."

"You're mental."

James Potter flashed her his most debonair smirk, allowing her to walk through the portrait first. "Mental about you, yeah."


Lily shook her head at the cheesiness of the statement, walking in agreeable silence with James. She was allowing him to lead because she had no idea where they were going, though. Her stomach was beginning to flutter with nerves. What am I doing? This is so against the rules. I wonder if I could get expelled for this…Merlin, I hope not. Well, the Marauders have never been expelled, so that's a small comfort. The fact that they're still here is slightly remarkable, actually.

The redhead was so engrossed in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed James trying to speak to her. "Hmm? Did you say something?"

Her companion shook his head in disbelief. "I've only called your name about twenty times now. Something important on your mind?"

"I'm just a little nervous, is all."

"Ah, rule-abiding Lily has re-entered your body, then," he whispered with an impish smile.

Lily scoffed. "Please. Rule-abiding Lily has always been there. She's just slowly gaining a more fun side, that's all."

"Hey, we're here. You're right, they haven't made it yet…Eduina must take a really long time, eh?"

She looked around in bewilderment. It looked like every other stretch of hallway in the massive ancient walls of Hogwarts to Lily. There's a tapestry on the opposite wall, a few classrooms, and a statue of an ugly but historical witch. What's special about this? "Here? We're 'here'?"

"Yeah, that statue is our way out. We have to wait for the others…they should be coming any sec now though."

Lily cocked her head to the side, straining to hear. When she perked her ears as much as possible, she thought she picked up on voices. Stepping slightly closer to James, she whispered, "Hey, do you hear that?"

Slightly delirious by the delicious smell of Lily's perfume, James shook his head. "Hmm? Oh. That's probably them."

"I don't see anything."

The Head Boy tapped his finger against his chin nervously. "Um…you won't be able to. They have my cloak."

"Your…cloak?" she asked suspiciously, turning to face him fully.

His eyes widened. "Please don't get mad, Lily. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to panic and turn us in…we had to get around the school without getting caught for pranks somehow, so we used my cloak. It's an heirloom, been in my family for years. I would have told you, but I didn't know what you'd say."

Sure enough, there was a whooshing sound and Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Eduina Azevedo materialised in front of them.

"Hey guys!" Sirius called cheerily. "Eh, Prongs?"

James looked at him irritably, seemingly a little reluctant to take his eyes off of the angry redhead by his side. "What?"

"Why does Lily look like she's about to kill you?" If looks could kill, the one that James threw Sirius in response to that question would have done quite the effective job. Eduina smiled, sidling up to her best friend.

"Neat cloak you've got there, Potter. I always wondered how you gits got around without getting caught."

James sighed, nodding to Eduina in thanks. "Are we ready, then? Where's Peter?"

Remus shrugged. "Apparently really tired. I was thinking about staying with him, but we haven't been to Hogsmeade in ages."

Eduina and Lily looked at each other nervously. Lily finally piped up as the boys concentrated on remembering the password to open the statue. "So, is this the dumbest thing we've ever done, or just really close to it?"

The brunette grinned. "I think this is going to be fun. What do you say, Lil? Let's just forget about whether it's a smart thing to do for the night and concentrate on the fact that we're with some of the most elusive pranksters in the school. We'll be fine. Right, guys?"

The boys nodded solemnly. Remus smiled at the girls, allowing them to go first into the passage. "We won't let you get caught. You'll have a good time, even. We promise."


James Potter, much to Lily's irritation, darted concerned looks at her while they were walking down the passage. Finally, the temperamental redhead got to the breaking point. "Potter. I'm not angry about the bloody cloak. Just drop it."

"Are you sure?"

She sighed, willing herself to calm down. She hated it when people asked whether she was sure she was all right. It was annoying. Why would she say it if it weren't true? "Yes, I am sure. I don't care about the cloak. It seems pretty dead useful, actually."

James grinned slightly, finally feeling comfortable enough with Lily's explanation to turn to Sirius and discuss Quidditch tactics that they should employ at the next match, the biggest one of the season. Gryffindor v. Slytherin. There had been a lot of inter-house tension leading up to the match, and as Captain, James Potter had definitely been feeling it. He was regularly getting curses hurled at him and his players in the hallways. James momentarily stopped his conversation with Sirius to look at the girls. "You're going, aren't you, Lil?"

Lily's features clouded over in confusion. "Where?"

Eduina shook her head at her friend's slowness. "The Quidditch match, of course."

"Are you kidding? It's the biggest of the season, of course I'll be there."

Sirius and James beamed at her; obviously her answer was the right one. "So you two will be our cheerleaders?"

Lily snorted. The word 'cheerleader' took her back to the hilarious pictures of Petunia sitting on the mantel. Petunia Evans had been a cheerleader in her day, as she would fondly relay to anyone that would listen. If Lily had a ruddy Galleon for every cheer Petunia had made her practise with her as a child, she would never have to worry about money again. To Petunia's great discouragement, Lily had been much better with dancing and hand-eye coordination and had always grasped the dances better and faster than her sister ever would. Petty should be thankful I went to Hogwarts and didn't steal that cheerleading limelight from her, the redhead thought with a grin.

Eduina, meanwhile, was replying to the boys. "Of course we will. We'll find some pom-poms if it kills us, right, Lil?"

Lily nodded in giggling assent. "So are we… here, then?"

They had stopped and were staring at some earthen stairs that seemed to lead up to a passage in the ceiling. Remus nodded. "This is it. We'll go up first to be sure that the coast is clear. Since we've done it before, we'll go without the cloak. I doubt the Honeydukes staff would report us; we're their biggest clients. You two can use the cloak, though."

Tossing her the maroon velvet ball, the boys went up the stairs one by one. Satisfied that they were out of earshot to hear her enthusiasm, Lily gasped slightly as she unfolded the delicate fabric. Giggling with Eduina as they threw it over themselves, she whispered, "This is so cool! I want one of these!"

The brunette smiled, her almond-shaped eyes twinkling with laughter. "Now if only they didn't cost an utter fortune and we actually had a use for one."

Lily grinned, tapping her finger against her chin thoughtfully. "If only, indeed."


Emerging into Honeydukes was a quiet affair, in fact, Remus had been completely right. The few members of the staff that had noticed the young delinquent boys had grinned at them and shook their hands. Must be in with the right people, Lily thought to herself with amusement. It must be so nice to get away with everything…maybe hanging out with them won't be so bad.

Lily and Eduina followed the boys out of Honeydukes, still safely wrapped in the Invisibility Cloak. Once the door to the sweet shop swung shut, Eduina pulled the cloak off, balling it up again and passing it back to Remus. "So are we headed to the Three Broomsticks then, lads?"

Sirius nodded. "Are you ladies ready for some firewhiskey?"

The girls laughed, Lily raising her eyebrow mischievously. "Depends. Is Potter ready to get his arse kicked?"

James sidled up next to her, accepting her challenge. "Oh, so we're on last names, then? Well, Evans, I am ready to watch you lose, if that's what you're asking."

Lily shook her head, grinning. "You're on."


"Madam Rosmerta, darling! It's been too long!" Sirius Black cried out loudly upon entering the inn. The perky young blonde whom he was addressing broke into a grin, coming over to give Sirius a big hug.

"Black, it has been too long. You haven't visited me in positively ages!" Finally regaining her composure and letting go of her hold on Sirius, she surveyed the group, introducing herself to Lily and Eduina. "So what will we be having, then?"

"I think we could go for a round of firewhiskey, Rosie," Remus quipped with a grin, pointing to a free booth in the corner.

Madam Rosmerta nodded, returning his grin and leaving the group to find some clean glasses. Meanwhile, the group piled in to the booth one by one. Lily ended up sandwiched between Eduina and James, and fact Lily was rather ambivalent to, but that seemed to make James Potter quite the happy bloke. Stretching and feinting a yawn, James allowed his hand to fall on the bench behind Lily's shoulder. Noticing it, she decided not to comment, for reasons she really wasn't sure of. Instead she continued her conversation with Eduina, trying with all her might to ignore the masculine fingers that were delicately tracing her arm. Eduina was, naturally, right next to James' stray hand, a fact that she found extremely amusing. Noting the intense look of concentration on her friend's face, Eduina found herself valiantly attempting to hold back a major case of the giggles. I think I'm going to leave her to deal with Potter, the brunette thought with a roguish grin. Angling her body the other direction, she found herself wrapped up in a lively conversation about Quidditch with Remus and Sirius.

"So," James whispered, somewhat more huskily than intended. She must know that I'm hitting on her, he thought with a sigh. But she hasn't made me move my hand…maybe I should take that as an encouraging sign?

"Here we are," Madam Rosmerta interrupted, holding a brimming tray of drinks.

"Keep them coming," James muttered to the blonde. "Just put them on my tab."

Unable to contain her curiosity, Lily asked, "You have a tab here?"

"We go here fairly often, yeah. I always settle up and tip big, though, so Rosie doesn't mind."

Lily nodded, slightly dazed. A considerate guy who was rich enough to pay for the drinks of five people without batting an eyelash was hitting on her; actually, his fingers were slowly drawing little circles on her pale shoulder. Where is the catch in all this? Everyone seems to like James Potter. He's a sweet guy when he wants to be, and with me, he always wants to be sweet so I'll like him. But why does he like me? What is special about a girl that can't even fit into a bridesmaid's dress for her horrid sister's wedding? Why does he want me, anyway?

Shaking off her depressing thoughts, the redhead lifted the glass to her lips. "Cheers!"

The group echoed the sentiment, toasting one another, and then emptying their glasses. Lily winced at the sting of the burning alcohol, but began to enjoy the light-headed feeling she immediately received. Sirius motioned for Rosmerta, and another tray of drinks made its way to the increasingly boisterous group.

The night progressed much the same: they would tip back their glasses, talk some more, signal Rosmerta, drink another round. As the night wore on, Eduina occasionally stole glances at the Head Students, and was much unsurprised at the vision that met her eyes. With each drink, Lily Evans started to lose a little bit more of her inhibitions, and James Potter gained a little bit more confidence. It seemed that, pissed, Lily and James couldn't remember why they weren't together, in fact, James had now openly wrapped his arms around the redhead. Lily's delicate hands were tracing James' forearms, and both of them looked extremely content. Eduina, Sirius, and Remus occasionally looked at them, grinning.

Sirius leaned over conspiratorially to Eduina. "Do you think they know?"

Remus joined in. "That they're perfect for each other? I don't know. They certainly seem to fight it, don't they?"

Eduina laughed. "James doesn't fight anything when it comes to Lily. But Lily is definitely pushing him away. I'm not entirely sure why, actually."

Sirius scratched his chin, playing with the small patch of hair that was growing there. "No ideas, even?"

Her bright hazel eyes clouded over. "Well…I think her self-confidence is wrecked. Now that Potter is behaving how she wants him to, I think she's convinced herself that she doesn't deserve him."

Remus raised an eyebrow. "That's some odd logic."

"It has a lot to do with her family," Eduina muttered darkly, twirling a strand of silky chestnut hair around her index finger. "Her sister's a real treat, let me tell you. Lily still hasn't gotten over the fact that she gained a bit of weight over holiday."

"What a stupid thing to be hung up on," Sirius muttered. "She looks fine."

"I know it, you know it, James knows it…but her? Well…we're all our own hardest critics, aren't we?"


"Sssh," Eduina Azevedo stage-whispered, grinning.

The Invisibility Cloak was wrapped around her, Sirius, and Remus. They were all walking with James and Lily up to the Heads' Tower, as none of them felt they had the sobriety to make it to Gryffindor Tower and to bed without being caught. Lily and James never fully found out who could drink the most, as they had dozed off in one another's arms inside the cosy pub. Eduina had woken them all up, and it was thanks to her that they managed to make it back through the Hogsmeade passage without being caught.

Following a few paces behind the Head Students and moving very slowly because of the smallish cloak, the trio resumed their conversation of earlier.

Eduina sighed, blowing a bit of fringe away from her face as she did so. "We need to find a way for them to admit their feelings to one another without alcohol."

Sirius grinned roguishly. "Oh, come on. We could always turn them into alcoholics, they'd be drunk everyday and in a steady relationship."

Remus cocked an eyebrow. "And that is why Padfoot isn't usually in the planning portion of our pranks. We need a plan that isn't destructive and morally wrong, how about that?"

"I had a suggestion, but you turned it down, Moony. Now I've got nothing."

Lily Evans let out a yawn, leaning her head on James' arm while they walked together. His arm was snaked around her waist, and he was looking down at her affectionately, occasionally covering her hands with his own. Not soon enough for the exhausted group, they finally reached the portrait of Patty O'Flanahan.

"'Lily Evans is my future wife,'" Lily recited irritably, more than ready to crawl into her comfortable bed.

James wrinkled his nose in distaste. "It really loses something when you say it, darling."

"Don't call me 'darling'. It sounds too old."

"Dear?" James tried hopefully, trying to flatten down the back portion of his hair.

Lily weighed the name, cocking her head back and forth. "Eh."

Everyone walked in through the portrait, Sirius, Remus, and Eduina each choosing one of the comfortable armchairs to curl up in.

James Potter thought carefully, mentally going through different nicknames as he flopped onto the couch in front of the fire. It was slow going, the alcohol had dimmed his vocabulary quite considerably. Pulling Lily down next to him, he continued. "Sweetie?"

"Hmm. Little too sugary for my tastes, but we can work with it," the redhead conceded with a grin, curling up on the couch against James, enjoying the lack of cares she felt at the moment, the liquor washing over her in waves of contentment. James' arms came up to encircle her and she began to drift to sleep, vaguely aware of the whispers of the rest of the group, but mostly just too blissful to care.


Authoress' Note: couldn't resist having a little fun with them, heehee. Hah, now here's the big question: what will happen when Lily's buzz wears off and she realises where she spend the night? Review and let me know what you thought!