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Hogwarts UnderExposed - A New Girl in Town by Neil

Hogwarts UnderExposed - A New Girl in Town


Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Hogwarts UnderExposed - A New Girl in Town

Finally after what seemed like hours but was only a matter of minutes, Professor Snape entered the room. He appeared much older than his actual age and was noticeably troubled.

"I have distressful news," he said, without preliminary remarks. "A student has been reported missing."

"But how is that feasible?" Neville asked. "A student couldn't possibly leave the Hogwarts grounds with our high level of security. Besides all the charms and wards, the gates and walls all have anti-intruder jinxes on them."

"I am well aware of our impressive safety measures Professor Longbottom," Snape said sarcastically, evidently annoyed by the interruption. "Never the less, preliminary searches seem to confirm that we are indeed short one student. That is why I have called you all here and restricted the student body to their Houses."

"We need to conduct an all out search of the castle," he continued. "Each floor must be searched thoroughly. We must search the dungeons, the Astronomy tower, Professor Trelawney's tower room; even the Owlery. Harry, if you could go and get that marvelous map of yours it could be of great assistance."

"Excuse me Severus, but who is it?" said Hermione, who had sunk, weak-kneed, into a chair. "Which student is missing?"

Chapter Six
Rainy Day Blues

Snape couldn't believe that in his haste, he had forgotten to inform the staff exactly who was lost. He shook his head unbelievingly. "The missing student is Denise Graves, a third year Slytherin," he informed the assemblage. "She was in her dorm room last evening. Her roommates recall seeing the girl close the curtains around her bed. This morning the hangings were still closed, but when they tried to awaken her, they found the bed to be empty.

"Initially they thought that perhaps she had simply arisen early and gone to breakfast on her own; although I'm told that would have been extremely out of character for Miss Graves. After a few hours with no sign of her, they became worried and contacted their Head of House, Professor Malfoy. Draco, would you bring us up to date?"

Draco hesitantly rose to his feet. Harry and Hermione exchanged meaningful looks. Draco looked dreadful; his normal swagger was nonexistent, instead his face was pallid; his hair askew. He looked extremely sick and as if he hadn't had a proper sleep in weeks.

Even though a part of him very much wanted to remain and hear what Draco had to say, Harry excused himself and hurried back to his quarters to get the Marauder's Map.

"Admittedly, when I was initially contacted by Miss Graves' dorm mates, earlier this morning, my first inclination was to close my eyes to the report," Draco said fretfully. "Like Longbottom here, I considered the likelihood of her actually being missing preposterous. It quickly became apparent, however, that the only way to quell the anxiety of her housemates was to locate the wayward young woman.

"I had the House prefects assemble a group of trustworthy students and we gave the castle a quick once-over. When the hunt turned up no trace of the girl, I grew apprehensive and decided it best to inform the Headmaster of the circumstances so that a more structured and through search could be conducted. I still feel confident that she is somewhere in the castle to be found."

From the expression on the Headmaster's face, it was clear that he did not share Malfoy's confidence. Snape had just completed assigning areas to search when Harry reentered the teachers' lounge noticeably out of breath.

"No sign of her anywhere in the castle," Harry announced, thrusting the map in front of Severus. "Except for the ghosts and elves, no one appears on the map anywhere but here and the House common rooms."

"That map displays the castle grounds and secret passageways as well?" Snape questioned.

"It shows all locations that the creators were aware of," Harry explained. "It doesn't, for example, show the Room of Requirement."

"Then you better check that out," Severus recommended. "As for the rest of you, please search your assigned areas. I'll have the ghosts and elves aid you. It will indubitably prove fruitless, but in a situation such as this we can't rely solely on this map. Please report back to me with your results."

It was in excess of an hour before everyone completed searching his or her assigned area; unfortunately, as Professor Snape had forecast, the search proved ineffective.

"Very well," Snape said to the group in general. "I really didn't expect any of you to find Miss Graves. The Marauder's Map is quite trustworthy."

"Have you any theory as to what happened to her, Professor?" asked Harry concernedly.

"Many, Harry, each of them as unlikely as the next."

"It seems - almost impossible - that Miss Graves could have left the school without some sort of assistance," Harry commented.

"I do not believe a single person inside this castle was involved in the girl's disappearance," said Snape.

"Then you think that somehow someone got into the castle and kidnapped her?" Harry questioned.

"That is one theory," Professor Snape said with a sigh. "One of several. At this point I'd only be speculating." He shook his head sullenly. "The students must be informed of what has taken place. I'll leave that in the hands of the Heads of House. Meanwhile, I must contact the Ministry and the Board of Governors."

The school talked of nothing but Denise Graves for the next few days. The theories about what happened to her became wilder and wilder. However, other than Janice, her best friend, few people seemed overly saddened by her disappearance; she was incontrovertibly not a popular student.

What was truly unexpected was the way in which the Ministry, Board of Governors and even the Daily Prophet handled the news. The Prophet instead of blaring the report on the front page buried the item on page thirteen between the obituaries and an advertisement for dragon dug fertilizer. The Ministry and Board of Governors reacted blandly as if a student disappearing from Hogwarts was an everyday occurrence. Even Denise's father, a normally blustery powerful politician, was extremely sedate and patient. He voiced absolute certainty that his daughter would eventually turn up safe and sound.

The Quibbler alone voiced strong concern for the disappearance in its editorials. Luna Lovegood linking the kidnapping to the many disasters currently taking place in both the wizard and Muggle worlds; claiming that Salazar Slytherin was to ultimately blame for all these tragedies. Minister of Magic, Percy Weasley joked that Lovegood would next be blaming global warming on the centuries dead cofounder of Hogwarts.

As is often the case with old news, the disappearance of Denise quickly faded from conversation. This was particularly true as November started and the first Quidditch match of the season drew nearer.

"The weather is predicted to worsen by the weekend," Claudia said elatedly, as she and Caitlin entered the DADA classroom. "If it's really gloomy and miserable, I'll be able to attend the Quidditch match this Saturday without dressing like a mummy."

"Yeah!" Caitlin agreed. "Instead we can all wear our wetsuits. You're the only person I know that likes gloomy, miserable weather."

"I don't really like bad weather," Claudia argued. "It's just nice to not have to dress like a freak."

"You're not a freak," Matt barked, evidently overhearing Claudia's put down of herself. "I happen to think you're very nice and attractive."

"You happen to need glasses," Claudia retorted, blushing profusely, "but don't be in to big a hurry to get them."

"Have you asked him yet?" Caitlin whispered.

"No, I'm frightened," Claudia replied. "If he says no, I'll be mortified and never be able to face him again."

"And if he says yes?" Caitlin questioned.

"If he says yes, I'll have to get naked in front of him in order to do it and that will be even more humiliating."

"I suppose you could always keep your clothes on, except for your knickers," Caitlin suggested, "but that would make it all seem a bit impersonal,"

Professor Potter cleared his throat noisily. "Miss Potter and Miss Priestly, as interesting as I'm sure your personal lives must be, I'd like to begin class now if you don't mind."

Caitlin and Claudia both went red in the face.

Harry smiled. "Now then, if I remember correctly, we finished our discussion of werewolves when last we met. Does anyone have any additional questions or comments before we move on?"

The class remained silent.

"I assume that means you have no questions," Professor Potter remarked. "That being the case, we will move on today to discuss vampires."

The class all murmured in excitement.

"Let's start by listing qualities unique to the vampire. Who would like to begin?" Professor Potter asked.

At first no one responded; finally Randy shyly raised his hand. "They're dead people that have come back to life, but with super human powers."

Harry didn't comment but instead pointed his wand toward the blackboard and a piece of caulk began to mark a list: Dead, Super Human.

"They can't be killed in normal ways," offered a blonde Hufflepuff girl. "They are demons that live forever by killing and drinking the blood of their victims."

"They can be killed if exposed to sunlight," Caitlin added.

"In a fight, if you stab them in the chest, they disintegrate," another student said.

As the list grew longer and longer, Harry noted that Claudia seemed to become more and more agitated. She didn't raise her hand, but instead squirmed in her seat with a disgusted look on her face, shaking her head in frustration.

"Miss Priestly, you seem bothered," Harry finally commented. "Do you find objection with our list?"

At first Claudia bit her lip trying to restrain her true feelings, but it was to no avail. "That list is based on prejudice, misinformation and Muggle movies," Claudia vented. "Vampires are no more demons than werewolves are. Undeniably, there are evil vampires, just like there are evil werewolves and even evil humans, but for the most part they are good quality people that suffered a horrible misfortune."

Harry studied Claudia face closely before asking, "Have you ever personally met a vampire?"

Claudia swallowed hard, trying to hold back her tears. "Yes," she answered quietly. "I knew one for many years. He was a close friend of the family and never killed a single person."

"Miss Priestly, you and I have before agreed that the author of our text book is extremely prejudice; I also concur that Muggle literature, television and movies have done a good deal to muddy the true story of vampires. For example, vampires do not disintegrate as shown in the Buffy, the Vampire Slayer television series. That was totally contrived by the writers of that series to eliminate the need to explain the numerous bodies strewn about the town."

Harry looked at Claudia questioningly. "Since you have first hand knowledge of vampires would you be willing to share that information with the class or would it be too stressful for you?"

Claudia appeared visibly shaken as she considered her answer. "I'd like people to know the truth," she finally answered, wiping her eyes.

"Many people think of vampires as re-animated corpses of human beings, but that's off beam because it equates them with zombies and Inferi," Claudia affirmed. "Vampires are not mindless creatures that just exist to kill. They have feelings and emotions just like you and I. They can love and be loved. They can be hurt both physically and emotionally. They are neither living nor dead, but rather undead.

"A vampire is immune to most diseases and is invincible to mortal weapons. Only when moving about during the day or when resting in their coffin is the vampire subject to physical harm."

Caitlin raised her hand and then asked, "But I thought vampires couldn't move around in the daytime?"

"That is a myth based to a degree on fact," Claudia declared. "The vampire's physical strength greatly exceeds that of mortals at night, but is severely weakened during daylight hours; in fact during the day they can be harmed by mortal weapons. For that reason, most will not venture out during the day, but the experienced vampire is able to move about and act as a human. It's only been in the recent history of fifty or sixty years that the new tradition of sunlight killing vampires has emerged. Popular culture, Muggle movies and novels have made sunlight the ultimate vampire killer. However, if you ever run into a real vampire, don't be surprised if they don't explode when sunlight hits them."

"What about religious symbols such as crosses?" Matt asked. "Do they really repel or harm vampires?"

Harry had taken a seat and was listening keenly as Claudia enthralled both him and the class with her knowledge.

"That's another myth." Claudia affirmed. "Vampires exist worldwide. With the variety of religious experiences available around the world, there are many people including vampires to whom Christian religious symbols are meaningless."

"Can vampires really heal most wounds?" Matt inquired.

"Yes, that is why burning the body of an evil vampire is not always an effective method of destroying it. If the vampire is not burned thoroughly to ashes, it will eventually heal itself and return for bitter vengeance."

"Then how do you kill a vampire for sure?" another student inquired.

Claudia face went ashen. "The best method is when the vampire's head and heart have been removed first before the corpse is burned. But this is only something that should be considered in less than ten percent of circumstances," Claudia emphasized. "The majority of vampires are not dangerous."

"How can you say that a creature that must drink blood in order to survive is not dangerous?" a burly Hufflepuff boy protested.

"Do you consider us, humans, dangerous?" Claudia asked. "Probably not, but yet we all ate bacon this morning for breakfast, chicken for lunch and undoubtedly will have roast beef for dinner this evening. The basic truth is depressing, but for anything to live, something or someone else must die. Whether this truth sets you free or not depends, I suppose, on your place at or on the dinner table. There was a time in the past when vampires roamed the world killing innocent people without thought or remorse; that is no longer the case. In order to incorporate with humans most vampires have taken to drinking a ghastly tasting synthetic blood and only partake of the real thing when a willing donor is available."

Harry found himself engrossed by Claudia's presentation. Much of what she was saying was news to even him. "There are actually people that willing give blood to vampires?" he questioned.

"Quite many," Claudia proclaimed. "Sometimes friends or relatives, but often complete strangers who are simply empathetic to the vampires' blight are the ones to donate. Muggles have donated blood for decades to help accident victims. This is similar, but more personal because the blood must be taken directly from the donor by the vampire. A vampire can only drink fresh blood being pumped by a live heart. I've given numerous times."

With that shocking pronouncement, the bell rang ending class. "We'll continue discussing vampires next class," Harry called out to the class as they gathered their belongings together. "Hopefully Miss Priestly will continue to enlighten us. Claudia, could I speak to you briefly before you leave?"

Claudia indicated for Caitlin to wait outside the classroom for her as she approached Professor Potter's desk. Due to her relationship with Caitlin and Emily, Claudia knew Professor Potter better than most of her professors, but it was still intimidating to talk to the famous man one on one.

"That was extremely informative," Harry said, a pleasant smile on his face. "Thank you for sharing your personal familiarity of vampires with the class. I hope you'll continue to do so next lesson."

Claudia nodded meekly.

Harry's expression turned to one of concern. "You used the past tense to describe your vampire acquaintance. Is he deceased?"

Claudia nodded again, her eyes reddening. "But he was much more than a friend," she said sorrowfully. "He was my father."

Harry reached out and clutched Claudia's shaking hand. "It must have been awful for you; something horrendous like that happening to someone so dear to you. Yet he must have loved you and your mother a great deal to resist all the harmful temptations and maintain your family."

"He did," Claudia said, biting her lips and trying fruitlessly to restrain her tears.

Harry felt the urge to embrace his daughter's best friend, but thought better. "If you ever need someone to talk to, Hermione and I will be here for you," Harry said sincerely.

"Thank you Professor," she said. Claudia wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "I better go catch up with the others or I'll be late for my next class."

As the girl floated out the classroom door, Harry found it necessary to reach for a tissue and blow his nose. How could life be so good to some and so unfair to others?

When Claudia reached the hallway, all thoughts of her conversation with Professor Potter were hurriedly erased from her mind.

"What happened?" she shrieked, seeing Matt lying on the floor. His face covered with a copious amount of blood, Caitlin holding a hankie tightly to his nose.

"Matt took exception to a remark that beefy Hufflepuff bloke made," Caitlin replied, as Matt slowly got to his feet. "Regrettably he was bested in a Muggle duel. I think his nose is broken."

"We need to get him to the infirmary," Claudia said anxiously. "Madam Pomfrey will fix him up in a jiffy."

"I can cope on my own," Matt claimed. "You guys go on, otherwise you'll all be late for class."

"You and Randy go on to class," Claudia suggested. "I'm going with Matt."

"I'm fine," Matt persisted. "Go to class."

"I'm going with you," Claudia insisted stubbornly.

"Okay mother. Obviously you won't take no for an answer," Matt yielded.

Madam Pomfrey didn't ask a lot of question, but instead quickly healed Matt and in a few minutes they were both headed off to class.

"What did he say?" Claudia asked as they walked.

"What did who say?" Matt answered, trying to dodge the question.

"The Hufflepuff bloke. It's not like you to start a fight."

"It was nothing," Matt lied. "He was just running off at the mouth and I lost my cool."

"Was it about me?" Claudia asked. "Tell me the truth Matt; what did he say?"

Matt hesitated briefly, but almost immediately realized that Claudia wouldn't stop badgering him until he answered her truthfully.

"He called you a tramp," Matt said uncertainly. "He said that anyone that would give blood willingly to a vampire, would sleep with the devil."

Claudia reached out and grabbed Matt's hand. "Nobody has ever defended my honor before," she said sincerely. "You're a good friend."

They were alone and she was holding Matt's hand. If she was ever going to ask, now was the time. Claudia took a deep breath and then blurted out, "Wouldyouhavesexwith me?"

Matt just stared at her, at first not able to articulate an answer. "Would I what?" he asked, not trusting his own ears.

Claudia became flustered at Matt's tentativeness. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Even friendship has its limitations. I can understand you reluctance; look at me. I'm not exactly oozing sex appeal." Tears started to swell in her eyes and she made to leave, but Matt held onto her hand tightly.

"I'd…I'd love to," Matt stuttered. "But we've never even gone out on a date. Why would you, from nowhere, offer me such a wondrous opportunity?"

"I doubt that wondrous is the greatest choice of words," Claudia replied. "Let's try to forget for the moment that my bloody legs are too weak to support my own weight and that I require this floating cushion to get around the castle. There is still the slight problem that I'm a sixteen-year-old young woman trapped in the body of a ten-year-old girl. Matt, my problem will only worsen, as I grow older. If I wait any longer, I may near get to experience what it feels like to be a woman. You're the first boy that I've ever had the nerve to ask this of. Hell, you're one of the few boys that haven't treated me as if I had the plague."

"I think you're beautiful," Matt implored.

"I know," Claudia laughed, shaking her head. "That's another reason why I decided to ask you now; before you had the opportunity to have you eyes checked."

"I'll always think you're beautiful," Matt argued.

"Of course you will," Claudia said, doubtfully. "Is Sunday okay with you?"

"Sunday!? You mean this Sunday!?" Matt asked flustered.

"Well, the Quidditch match is Saturday and I promised Caitlin that I'd be there," she explained. "I don't want to wait too long; one of us might lose our nerve."

"Where will we do it?" Matt asked nervously. "One of the empty classrooms or a broom closet?"

"No, too much chance of being caught," Claudia said. "Caitlin suggested a place that sounds perfect. I'll show you on Sunday."

"What about protection?" Matt mumbled uneasily.

"We don't need any," Claudia assured him. "We're immune to Muggle sexually transmitted diseases and" -she sighed- "I can never get pregnant."

"Does this mean we're a couple?" Matt asked, timidly.

"There are no catches or commitments necessary on your part," Claudia assured. "I'm just grateful that you've agreed."

"But what if I want…."

"You're not committed to anything," Claudia repeated. "I just hope you'll still be my friend after it's over.

* * * * * *

"Harry, I'm worried about Emily," Hermione confessed. "Do you think we made the correct choice by allowing her to play Quidditch tomorrow?"

"What are we going to do?" Harry implored. "Lock the girl in a glass cage? Not all prophecies are fulfilled; maybe it's the same with foresight visions."

"But Emily seems so positive," Hermione argued. "I couldn't live with myself if there was something we could do to save her life and we didn't do it."

"Neither could I," Harry agreed. "But Emily seems certain that nothing anyone can do will change her fate. If that's, in fact, the case, then she should be allowed to fully enjoy the little time she has remaining. And you know how much she loves Quidditch."

Hermione nodded. "Life is so unfair." She sobbed, shaking her head in despair.

"I was thinking the same thing in class today," Harry said. "Claudia Priestly is another one that life has dealt a horrible hand."

Hermione sighed. "I cry a little every time I see the little dear, but at least she gets to live out her life. With a bit of luck, feasibly, her situation will improve. Emily doesn't have that chance. I know we didn't conceive her, but she's still our daughter and I can't bear the notion that we'll be forced to lay her to rest. Parents should never have to endure the death of a child."

Hermione buried her head in Harry's chest as tears flooded her eyes. They stood like that for several minutes, neither speaking; Harry gingerly stroking her hair. Every day they offered a cheerful face to the world while inside they were stewing in anguish.

They only moved when a tapping at the window interrupted their solace.

Hermione wiped her eyes. "I wonder who could be sending us an owl at this hour."

"Only one way to find out," Harry said, reluctantly breaking their embrace in order to open the window.

The tawny owl immediately flew in the window and offered its leg to Harry. It had an official looking letter attached.

"It's from Seamus Finnegan," Harry declared. "Probably another update on Caitlin's holdings. I swear that girl is going to be richer than the queen."

"Just so it doesn't change her any," Hermione said. "Money can radically affect some people."

"I think Caitlin will be alright," Harry said, in an assuring manner. "She has a pretty level head on her shoulders.

Harry quickly read the letter and then handed it to Hermione, a concerned expression on his face. "It's not about her inheritance," he said.

Hermione read the letter and scowled. "Seamus wants us to contact him by floo as soon as possible, no matter how late we take delivery of this owl," Hermione said aloud. "I wonder what could possibly be so important?"

"Only one way to find out," Harry said, trying hard to mask his own concern. He strode over to the fireplace and reached for the small box sitting on the mantle that contained glittering floo powder. Next he crouched down in front of the empty grate. Sticking his head into the fireplace, he took a large pinch of powder and dropped it onto the logs stacked neatly beneath him. They exploded at once into emerald-green flames.

"Number nine, Ashdale Lane!" Harry said loudly and clearly. When the spinning stopped, Harry found himself looking up out of the fireplace in Finnegan's study.

"Seamus," he called out.

"Harry! I'm pleased that you got back to me so quickly," Seamus responded, approaching the fire. "If Hermione is available, she might want to stick her head in, too; I'm sure she'll want to hear this."

Seamus waited patiently until both Harry and Hermione's heads were there in the crackling fire of his fireplace and then asked, "Do you both remember Judge Ebony Jones?"

They both answered in the affirmative.

"I had a meeting with her earlier today. It seems that an American Muggle lawyer, by the name of Mark Williams, has contacted her via a number of intermediaries. I don't know a lot about Williams, but it appears that he is well aware of the magical world. According to Judge Jones, he has been associated in a number of cases that involved a combination of Muggle and magical clients. Someone high up in the U.S. magical government must trust Williams quite a bit because he has been allowed to keep his memory of our world intact."

"What does all this have to do with Hermione and I?" Harry asked somewhat impatiently.

"I'm getting to that," Seamus replied calmly. "It seems that Williams has a client by the name of Tom Pitt who was intimately involved with a young British witch, over fifteen years ago. The witch became pregnant, but Pitt broke off their relationship and moved to America before the child was ever born. According to his lawyer, Pitt is suffering remorse for his actions and simply wants to meet his daughter so that he can tell her how sorry he is for having abandoned her and her mother. Pitt gave Williams very little information to go on, just the last name of the mother, Garrison, and his belief that she might have named the baby Caitlin."

Harry and Hermione both stared at Seamus, horror struck. "After all these years, Caitlin's father suddenly wants back into her life. How do we even know that this Pitt person is actually her dad?" Hermione questioned angrily.

"That's why there was a delay between my conversation with Judge Jones and my sending you an owl," Seamus explained. "I didn't want to confront you with this until I was sure Pitt was in actuality Caitlin's natural father."

"Then you're sure?" Harry asked.

"All the pieces fit," Seamus declared. "Pitt was born and raised in England. Sixteen years ago he resided in the village bordering the Garrison estate. He left England and moved to the United States about the same time that Caitlin's mother would have been in her second trimester." He gazed at Hermione's stricken face. "I guess the proverbial icing on the cake would be Caitlin's official record of birth; it lists her father as a Muggle by the name of Tom Pitt."

"What does all this mean?" Harry asked apprehensively. "Caitlin is our daughter; surely Pitt can't reclaim her after all this time."

"Pitt has absolutely no rights under magical law," Seamus stated firmly. "Firstly he is a Muggle, secondly he abandoned his child before birth and thirdly Caitlin is fifteen. You are under no obligation to even acknowledge that you have been made aware of his existence or of his desire to meet Caitlin. We can act as if this conversation never occurred. My understanding is that he is not even alert to the fact that Caitlin's mother is deceased. I can inform his lawyer that communiqué has been refused and that will end the affair. The choice is totally yours."

Hermione shook her head despondently. "No it's not. The choice has to be Caitlin's. She's no longer a little girl; she's a woman. Whether or not she wants to meet this man has to be her decision."

Harry nodded his concurrence.

"I kind of thought you two would feel that way," Seamus said.

"Just one thing, Seamus," Harry interjected. "The timing of all this has me concerned. Is there any chance that Pitt knows about Caitlin's inheritance and that this is just some kind of scheme to get his hands on a portion of it?"

"Harry!" Hermione admonished. "How can you think something so awful?"

"Hermione, don't reprimand Harry. I had the same initial thought," Seamus admitted. "If he were a part of our world, I'd be extremely suspicious. After all, he was privy to the fact that the Garrisons were extremely wealthy. However, since he was not cognizant of the fact that Caitlin's mother was dead, I doubt that he'd know of the deaths of her grandparents or that Caitlin has inherited their entire estate. Still, it's something to keep in mind."

"I imagine that the next step is for us to talk to Caitlin," Hermione commented.

"Yes!" Seamus affirmed. "If she desires to meet her father, then I can handle the arrangements, if you'd like. If she'd rather not; then I'll inform Pitt's lawyer thusly and that will be the end of it."

"We'll be in touch within the week," Harry said. "Thanks for your assistance."

"Anytime," Seamus replied, just before Hermione and Harry disappeared from his flames.

"I don't think I'll ever become accustomed to that," Harry said, exercising his neck. "Do you think wizards will ever use cell phones?"

"Not until we give up magic," Hermione said, forcing a smile. "Electronics, computers and magic are just not companionable." She dropped her smile. "Harry, you don't think that there is any chance that Caitlin would abandon us and the magical world to be with her natural father, do you?"

"Of course not," he said adamantly. Now if only he was as confident with his feelings as his voice made him sound.

* * * * * *

Emily woke up to the sounds of thunder rumbling overhead.

"There must be a dreadful storm going on outside in order for us to hear it all the way down here," Kim said, noticing that Emily was finally awake.

"Yeah," Emily said, listening to the noise of the storm. "It hardly seems worthwhile taking a shower this morning; I'll be soaked to the skin as soon as I walk out the door."

"Quite true," Kim laughed, "but those of us that live in close proximity to you always appreciate it when you shower."

"Just for you then," Emily joked, slipping her slippers on and heading naked toward the bathroom showers.

The noise of the storm was even louder when they later entered the common room for breakfast. Lightening flashed across the bewitched ceiling and the wind pounded against the castle walls.

"You know," said Kim, "we always mock the Muggles, but when it comes to playing sports, they're a lot smarter than us."

"How's that?" Emily asked.

"Well for one thing, they play their outdoors sports like golf, baseball and soccer when the weather is agreeable," Kim explained. "When the weather outdoors turns nasty, they move to indoor sports like basketball and ice hockey. Wizards play one sport, Quidditch, year around no matter how atrocious the weather."

Emily nodded her agreement. "It's going to be a tough one today, but we've had to play in a bit of rain before."

But it was considerably more than a bit of rain. It was a testament to the popularity of Quidditch that the whole school turned out to watch the match as usual, but they ran down the lawns toward the Quidditch pitch, heads bowed against the ferocious wind, umbrellas being whipped out of their hands as they went.

"Well, you got your wish," Caitlin said, as she and Claudia huddled together under a heavy blanket waiting for the start of the game. "Not a bit of sun."

"The lack of sun is fine," Claudia said, "but I could do without all the rain and wind. It's freezing cold for early November."

"The boys will be here soon. Maybe Matt will offer to keep you warm if you ask him nice enough," Caitlin joked.

Claudia blushed. "I asked him yesterday. We're going to do it tomorrow after lunch."

Caitlin gasped. "You're actually going to have sex. I can't believe it. Well, yes I can. I knew he'd say yes. I just never expected you to really ask him, at least not so soon."

"The opportunity just presented itself and I sort of blurted it out," Claudia admitted. "What do you mean, you knew he'd say yes?"

"Claudia, wake up! Matt finds you irresistible."

"ME!? IRRESISTIBLE!? You must be kidding."

"No, I'm not," Caitlin insisted. "You spend so much time dwelling on the negative aspects of your affliction that you never see your positive qualities."

"Such as what?" Claudia laughed.

"Well, let's start with that ten year old body you're stuck in, the one with the perfect teeth, the flawless skin, the beautiful face and the gorgeous hair. Add to it brains, personality and a caring heart and I can understand why a guy might be attracted to you."

"But I still look ten," Claudia insisted.

"That's only a detriment if the guy never takes the time to really get to know you. Matt knows you and cares for the person inside that body. Besides, I don't think he's even slightly turned off by your problem. Matt's a very caring person, a special sort of guy. I liked Matt a lot and never would have broken up with him if it hadn't been for his inability to accept naturism and his need to control our relationship. Matt's a smart guy; he learns from his mistakes. Give him a chance and I think he'll try his best to make your relationship work."

Claudia just stared at Caitlin; stunned by her words. "Then you don't… He's not just doing it for the… He actually…"

"Matt won't be having sex with you tomorrow," Caitlin declared. "He'll be making love to you. My mother tells me that there is a world of difference and I trust my mother."

"There you guys are," Evan shouted with relief. "We've been looking everywhere for you; just about gave up."

Evan, Randy, and Matt excused their way over to Claudia and Caitlin.

"Where's Kim?" Caitlin asked Randy.

"We decided to sit separately, just for this game," Randy explained. "Kim said she'd feel uncomfortable wearing green in this sea of scarlet and I feared for my life sitting over with the Slytherins."

"Smart move," Caitlin said, smiling as Evan motion for her to join her him under his blanket. "Matt, I'm sure Claudia wouldn't mind sharing with you and Randy."

Claudia blushed.

"I don't think that blanket will cover the three of us," Randy commented. "You two share it. I don't mind getting a little wet."

"You'll be drenched and freeze to death," Claudia protested. "There must be someway we can make this work."

"The only way it will work is if you or I sit on Matt's lap," Randy said. "He's my best mate, but there's a limit to how far friendship goes."

Claudia looked tentatively toward Matt who was now wearing an expectant ear-to-ear smile. Claudia slid uncertainly off her pillow and onto Matt's lap. The movement caused her skirt to hike up exceedingly high on her legs. Randy swathed the blanket securely around the three of them; Matt's left arm winding up draped around Claudia back, his hand grasping her delicate shoulder. His right arm ended up resting on her legs, his hand touching her smooth bare thighs. Claudia shivered.

"Are you cold?" Matt asked concernedly, pulling Claudia closer to him.

"I'm fine," Claudia lied. Her body was sending her all sort of mixed signals. How could she be hot and cold at the same time; how could she be both shivering and sweating. Most of all, how could she feel so scared and nervous, yet so contented and secure.

"Here they come!" Evan shouted. "How are they ever going to fly in this weather?"

The wind was so strong that the teams staggered sideways as they walked out onto the pitch.

Claudia could hear the players being announced, but could barely make out their names. She didn't know if it was the storm or Matt's hand on her thighs that was making it so difficult to focus. All she knew for sure was that she was glad she had opted to wear panties today, or was she? What would she do if Matt touched her in such an intimate place? Her initial reaction would be to slap him, but how could that be right? They'd be making love tomorrow and he would be doing a lot more than just touching her. Besides, a part of her, a part she fought to ignore, wanted him to fondle her.

"Who do you think will win?" Evan asked Caitlin.

"Which ever team doesn't drown or freeze to death," Caitlin replied sarcastically.

"I'm serious," Evan said tickling Caitlin in the ribs.

"I am, too," Caitlin rejoined. "This game isn't going to be a test of Quidditch skills. The winner will be the team that can best survive the elements. If they were playing in decent weather I'd give the nod to Slytherin. Gryffindor has better Chasers, but Emily can fly circles around the new Gryffindor Seeker, Biel. In this weather though, it's more a case of luck than skill."

"They're off," announced a soggy voice.

Within minutes the score was Gryffindor 30 - Slytherin 0

Suddenly the harsh shrill of Professor Weasley's whistle sounded through the stadium.

"What happened?" Hermione asked Harry, excitedly. "Why did Ron blow his whistle? Has someone been hurt?"

The fans waited for some sort of confirmation, but evidently even the announcer was out of the loop. Then suddenly a loud cheer erupted from the Slytherin end of the field. The Gryffindors looked around mystified and then finally they saw her. Emily Potter was riding a victory lap around the pitch, her arm held high, the Snitch struggling desperately to escape her fingers. The game was over. Slytherin had won; Emily Potter had caught the Snitch in near record time.

Hermione was jumping up and down cheering as loud as the most passionate Slytherin fan. Harry grabbed her in a tight embrace. "Have you forgotten that you're Head of Gryffindor house?"

"The hell with house loyalty," she screamed. "That's my daughter with the Snitch."

When Emily landed, Slytherin players and fans surrounded her and almost immediately she was being carried off to the castle on the shoulders of her admiring fans.

"Well, there's always Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw," Randy said mournfully, but no one was listening. Caitlin and Evan were watching Emily make her exit while Claudia and Matt were kissing ardently.

"What the! Oh for Merlin's sake why don't you two get a room," Randy bellowed.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Matt whispered in Claudia's ear. "Would you consider moving our plans up a day?"

"Now? Do it now?" Claudia mumbled, completely flustered. "We can't. I… need to take a hot shower. I'm soaking wet. I'm not prepared."

"You'll never be prepared," Caitlin said, kissing her friend on the cheek. "Let your gut feelings decide. The room will take care of the rest."

Claudia was still sitting on Matt's lap, his arms holding her tightly. "You're sure you want to do this now, with me?" she asked.

"Quite sure."

"Okay," she said, trembling as she tried to slip out of his arms and return to her cushion, but Matt refused to let her go.

"I'll carry you," he said. "I'm not letting you out of my arms."

"But what will people think?" Claudia questioned.

"Undoubtedly that I'm in love with you and carrying you off to a nearby broom closet to snog."

"You don't have a problem with that?

"The broom closet, yes. The snogging, definitely not."

Matt got to his feet, Randy grabbing the blanket as it slipped off the young couple. At first Claudia tried desperately to adjust her skirt in order to shield her modesty, but she soon gave up. She was too happy to be concerned with people seeing her bare legs or possibly catching a glimpse of her panties.

Evan watched as Matt walked off, Claudia in his arms and her cushion following behind them like an obedient puppy. He stared at Caitlin as if deciding whether he wanted to comment or not. Then he asked, "Are they going to sleep together?"

"Among other things," Caitlin said, grasping Evan's hand tightly.

"Lucky bloke. I'd give anything to be in his shoes," Evan said, heaving a deep sigh.

"Really!" Caitlin said, feigning shock. "I had no idea that you were suppressing feelings for Claudia."

"You know what I mean," Evan said, venting his frustration. "I'm not even thirteen yet. We have over two years to wait until we can do what they're about to do."

"Make love?"


"Evan, I think it's time that you and I have a serious discussion."

"Please don't tell me that you're going to break up with me?"

"No, I am not breaking up with you. Will you please stop being so insecure?" Caitlin said. "I care for you just as much as you care for me, but this isn't the place to talk about that. I'm soaked to the skin and freezing. Let's get back to the castle so that I can strip out of these wet clothes and take a hot shower. Would you like to scrub my back?"

"Very funny," Evan said, not the least amused. "Please don't tease me with offers that can't happen."

"Evan, I don't tease. Do you or don't you want to scrub my back?"

"I do, but can I scrub your front, too?"

"Only if you say please."

* * * * * *

"Where is Emily?" Tyler asked. "We wouldn't be having this party if it wasn't for her and she's missing out on all the good food."

"She went to get out of her wet uniform and take a nice hot shower," Kim explained.

"I know, but that was over an hour ago. How long does it take her to shower?"

"Usually not this long. Maybe she is waiting for you to come help her wash those hard to get at places," Kim suggested with a giggle.

"Don't I wish?" Tyler said, shaking his head. "Why don't you go check on her?"

Kim looked around the common room. "All of our dorm mates are down here. That means the dorm is empty except for Emily. Why don't you go up and check on her yourself? You can give her a congratulatory snog while you're at it."

"What if she's still in the shower?" Tyler asked.

"Since when has a lack of clothing been a problem for you two?" Kim asked. "Maybe you'll get more than a snog."

"Only in my dreams," Tyler said, his face displaying a frown. "We still have two years to go before we can make love without triggering that damn underage sex alarm."

"There are a lot of things you two can do to please each other that won't set off any alarms," Kim suggested. "You guys just have to be a little more creative."

"Yeah! The problem is that once you start, it's hard to stop. I can't risk losing her, but on the other hand I haven't seen her fully nude in months. Maybe I will go up and give her a prodding."

Kim laughed. "Just be careful what you poke her with."

Tyler didn't respond to Kim's quip, but instead hurried down the passage to the third year girls' dorm.

Kim had scarcely turned around when Tyler came running back into the common room, his face white as a sheet. "Kim!" he screamed over the racket of the party. "Hurry and get Madam Pomfrey! Emily has passed out and I can't rouse her."

End of Chapter Six

A note to readers concerning chapter seven: There will be two versions of the chapter. Both versions will be posted on the group site. Only the edited version will be available on most other fanfiction sites carrying the series.

My thanks go out to my betas for this chapter: Don and Mistri-Tonks' Admirer. If anyone would be seriously interested in becoming a beta for this series, please contact me at Please be a good reader and take the time to review.

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