Unofficial Portkey Archive

Remember To Forget by dumbles

Remember To Forget


Authors Notes: Ok so this isn't an update, I'd just thought I'd best fill you in on a few things...

We're actually nearing the end of this story- I know, it's sad... The ending is written, however I went back on Sunday night and reread the story from where we are up to until the end and it was then I realised that I missed out on so many things I wanted to include!

So, I'm going back and I'm doing massive rewrites which will extend the story as I include all the things I forgot (this is what happens when I write at 2am lol).

So there is about five chapters to rewrite and with all the stuff I missed, there'll be an extra three or four. So you're looking at about nine or ten more chapters. But...

I don't think I'm going to be able to start the rewrites until not this weekend, but the weekend after. From the looks of things my boyfriend will be staying home for the weekend as we've got a thing to do with some mates. So therefore it could be about three weeks before the next update... I'm saying could because he could turn around and go anyway or he could be gone all of next week.... I really don't know...

But I won't be updating until I've got a bit of the rewrites done, cause the next chapter is where I wanted to put something... and yes, i'm being cryptic lol.