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Harry Potter and the Darkness Year 2 by spacegal

Harry Potter and the Darkness Year 2


A/N - a small hint here will probably send most of you into a fury or something like that but I want you to understand that it is all necessary! And there is a part for one of my stubborn friends - here's the part of Mia you have been waiting for, I hope this meets your expectation.

Chapter 15: The End of Term.

Harry burst into the Hospital wing, startling Mia and Madam Pomfrey. Draco had gone down back down to the Slytherin common room because Snape was throwing a fit that one of his students had gone missing during the attacks.

"Harry!" Mia shouted as she hurried over to him and enveloped him in a hard hug, glad to see that her brother was still alive. "It was Voldemort," she whispered and Harry nodded as he hugged her back.

"I know. But I'm here and he's gone, again," he promised and she nodded before she pulled away from him.

"What is going on here?" Madam Pomfrey demanded.

"Ginny here opened the chamber. It seems that she was under possession of this book," Harry lifted the book up for her to see. "She was also held in the chamber of secret but I managed to get her out."

"My hero," Ginny whispered and Harry stiffened slightly at the thought before he made his way over to Hermione and took her hand once more.

"Is she any better?" Harry asked with a hopeful tone and Madam Pomfrey sighed.

"Professor Sprout is nearly finished with the mandrakes. She should be awake this afternoon," Madam Pomfrey told him as Harry sat down on the edge of her bed.

"It's over Hermione. It'll never hurt you again," he whispered.

Ginny watched the scene with a hurting heart. Her hero didn't even see her, even when she was his damsel in distress. All he cared about was that girl.

"Ginny!" a female voice cried out and everyone spun around to see Molly Weasley embrace Ginny in a tight hug. McGonagall was staring at Harry like he had grown two heads while Dumbledore had returned back to the castle and was examining everyone.

"Potter," McGonagall croaked out. "How on earth…" she trailed off. Harry winced before he told everybody what had happen down in the chambers, the voice that he had been hearing, the answers that came from Hermione and how everything connected together back to Moaning Myrtle and her death.

"Unbelievable, all those years and we never thought to ask her," Madam Pomfrey muttered and McGonagall nodded in agreement. They couldn't believe that they had forgotten to ask Myrtle how she had died - maybe it could have prevented the incidents that had happened over the year.

"But what does this have to do with Ginny?" Arthur demanded.

"The diary. The diary belongs to Tom Marvlo Riddle, also known as Voldemort. By writing in the diary, he got stronger and started pouring some of his soul into Ginny, thus possessing her to write the messages on the wall, and for the snake to attack the muggleborns," Harry explained. He felt Mia's grip tighten on his arm when understanding dawned on her.

"Ginny Weasley!" Molly gasped. "Haven't your father and I told you not to speak with anything if you couldn't see its brain?" she demanded and Ginny wailed.

"I thought it was something someone had forgotten and when I started writing in it, it was like I had a friend," she sobbed. Molly just hugged her daughter close to her.

"What's up with Professor Lockhart?" Mia asked as she watched the teacher, who was looking around the room with wide eyes. Ron and Harry looked at each other.

"Mia, you won the bet," Harry told her and Mia looked at him.

"What?" she demanded.

"Lockhart admitted to us that he stole the heroics actions from other people before placing them under a memory charm. He tried to do the same thing to us with Ron's wand but it backfired - he doesn't have a clue who he is," Harry explained. Ron let out a snicker only to bit his tongue when Molly glared at him, obviously upset that the man she had idolised had been a fake the whole time.

"Oh my," Madam Pomfrey said and Ron looked at her.

"Will you be able to get his memories back?" Ron asked and Madam Pomfrey shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but memory charms are not something you can just reverse. I'm afraid he'll need to go to St. Mungo and be placed under observation where the healers can encourage him to remember," she explained. Ron shot Harry and Mia a relieved look.

"Okay, Harry and Ron, will you come to my office with me? Miss Weasley will stay here where Madam Pomfrey can oversee her well being," Dumbledore told them and the boys followed him out. Mia stayed back and held Hermione's hand, thanking god that it was all over.

Harry and Ron found themselves in the Headmaster's office. Ron looked around the place, considering it was his first time there, before he looked at the headmaster.

"I'm impressed with your actions today boys. You have shown more courage than any adults I have seen," Dumbledore told them with a twinkle over his glasses. "I must say…200 points - each - would be correct in this reward."

Ron just gaped at him. He had never received this many points since last year and this time it was even bigger.

"Thank you sir, we appreciate it," Harry told him and Dumbledore beamed.

"However, I am most worried about our groundskeeper. Mr. Weasley, do you think you could find a good owl to send away this letter?" Dumbledore asked as he picked up a rolled parchment. "We must have our groundskeeper back before the end of term." Ron nodded as he took the parchment and hurried out of the headmaster office and up to the owerly to do the errand.

Dumbledore turned back to Harry. "I am amazed at how well you faired in the battle against the basilisk. Not many men would survive to tell the tale!" Dumbledore told him.

"Fawkes helped me out," Harry told him as he stroked the magical bird's feathers as it sat on the arm of the chair Harry was standing next to. "I'm just glad he came because I was loyal to the school." Dumbledore arched an eyebrow in puzzlement.

"No, he came to you because you proved that you were loyal to me," Dumbledore explained and Harry snorted.

"Actually, he came to me because I called him. Basilisk have a natural enemy - the roosters, because their cries can kill, and Phoenixes because they cannot be killed," Harry told him. Dumbledore looked at him, wide eyed behind his glasses.

"Oh," Dumbledore replied and Harry smirked.

"And I want you to know that Uncle Sirius isn't training me to be the next dark lord, because I pulled out the Gryffindor sword," Harry informed him. Dumbledore just stared at him when the door opened and they turned to see that Lucius Malfoy was making his way into the Headmaster's office.

Harry saw a familiar house elf - the same house elf that came to his house over the summer. It was the elf who blocked the barrier; the one sent the rogue bludger at him.

"So, this is who your master is," Harry exclaimed, as understanding dawned on him. Dobby cowed as Malfoy looked down at his house-elf before he sneered.

"I'll deal with you later," he promised before he moved over to the table. "Headmaster, I'm glad to see you back. I understand that the culprit has been caught?"

"Yes, they have," Dumbledore, told him.

"And who was it?" Malfoy asked, curious. Dumbledore smiled slightly.

"The same person as always. Tom Riddle. Except this time he used a means through this diary," he told Malfoy who stared at the book with an unreadable expression. "Thank Merlin for Harry - he stopped Riddle from regaining full strength."

Malfoy turned to face Harry with a sneer.

"Yes, thank Merlin. It seems that Mr Potter is always around to save the day," Malfoy stated. Harry smirked as he just glared back at Malfoy. "Let us hope Mr. Potter is always around to save the day," he concluded with a thinly veiled threat.

"Count on it," Harry shot back, causing Dumbledore to stifle a smile while Malfoy turned away.

"I'm glad to see that everyone made it out alive and unharmed," he told Dumbledore with false sincerity. Harry looked at Dobby and noticed the elf was nudging his head at the diary before gesturing it toward Malfoy.

Harry's eyes widen as he got what Dobby was trying to tell him. He winked at Dobby, who gave a small-relived smile before he jerked back to attention.

"Dobby, we're leaving!" Malfoy shouted. Dobby ran ahead of him only for Malfoy to whack him with his cane, sending him flying across the floor.

Harry watched the scene with a hard look before he turned back to Dumbledore.

"Is it okay if I borrow the book?" he asked and Dumbledore looked at him, surprised, before he nodded his permission. Harry grabbed the book and hurried out of the entrance.

The elder Malfoy was making his way over to the stairs of Hogwarts when the entrance opened once more and Harry came running out.

"Mr Malfoy," Harry shouted. Lucius stopped in his tracks and looked back at the boy, who thrust the book into his hands. "I believe this belongs to you," Harry told him and Malfoy stared icily.

"I don't understand what you are talking about," Malfoy informed him with a sneer and Harry snorted.

"I think you do. You slipped that book into Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day in Diagon Alley, thus causing the Chamber of Secrets to be reopened," Harry told him as he moved in closer. "Let me tell you one thing. When Voldie comes back to life, and we both know he will, he will go straight back into the ground - this time, straight to hell. Pass that message to him when you do meet him."

"You little fool," Malfoy hissed as he threw the book at Dobby, who caught it. "You are no match for the Dark Lord." Harry arched an eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm very sorry. I was one year old when I banished his ass," Harry reminded.

"Dobby, come!" Malfoy snapped, obviously having heard enough from the Boy-Who-Lived. Harry looked at Dobby.

"Open it," he whispered to the abused house elf. Dobby opened the diary only to stop when he saw a black sock in the middle of the book.

"Dobby!" Malfoy shouted impatiently.

"Master gave Dobby a sock," Dobby told him in awe. "Dobby is free!"

"What?" Malfoy demanded as he turned around only to see Dobby holding the diary with a sock in it. Malfoy looked at Harry, who just smirked before he pulled up his trouser and Malfoy saw that he didn't have a sock on.

"You lost me my servant!" Malfoy screamed in rage as he drew his wand from his cane and pointed it at Harry. He was about to cast a spell when Dobby jumped in front of the boy protectively.

"You will not harm Harry Potter!" Dobby shouted as blast came from his hand, sending Malfoy flying backward. The wizard scrambled to get up, fighting his cloak, and managed to shakily stand on his feet. He growled at Harry, anger flaring in his cold blue eyes.

"Your parents were meddlesome fools and look where it got them. Mark my words Potter; you will meet the same sticky ending." With that, he walked away from the two of them. Harry looked down at Dobby with a smile.

"You freed Dobby," the elf breathed reverently.

"Actually, I was wondering, how do you feel about being bonded to me?" He asked and Dobby hugged Harry's leg.

"Dobby would love that, Master Harry Potter," he told him and Harry smiled.

"One thing," Harry told him and Dobby looked at him. "Don't try and save my life again." Dobby gave him a sheepish smile before he grasped Harry's hand.

Harry felt the air shimmer around him before he looked down at Dobby.

"Now, Dobby is bonded to Master Harry Potter," he told Harry and the boy laughed.

"Go home, I'll see you over the summer," Harry told him and Dobby snapped his fingers before he disappeared from sight. Harry shook his head - he had a feeling that Draco was going to be hopping mad when he found out that he stole one of the Malfoy house elves.

Harry made his way into the Great Hall. He smiled when he saw Ron and Mia and was about to make his way over to them when a bunch of people stopped him. He saw that it was the Hufflepuff that Ernie had been talking to that day in the library.

"What?" Harry asked. He saw that Mia and Ron were about to stand up to help him, but he shook his head, indicating that he would deal it himself.

"We just wanted to apologise," Ernie started and Harry held up his hands.

"Whoa, just you wait there! Are you telling me you think if you apologise for thinking I was the Slytherin heir, I'll simply accept it and forgive you?" he demanded before shaking his head. "I don't know where you get off but there is no way I'm going to forget this. You are only apologising because Hermione got attacked and you know that I would never do anything to harm her."

"But we really are sorry," Ernie told him. Harry sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"And I get that. But I will not forget. I don't have time to deal with people's thick head because they want to believe every bad thing about me. Pick a side - you either accept that I'm a good guy and trying to do my best, or think I'm a bad guy who is going stark raving mad. Either way, you have to pick a side and stick to it." Harry informed them before he brushed past and moved over to the Gryffindor table. He was about to sit down when he heard his name being called out.

Hermione had made her way down the stairs to go to the Great Hall. She smiled when she saw Headless Nick floating past everyone.

"Hey Nick," she greeted and Nick smiled down at the young girl.

"Hello Miss Granger. It's nice to see you up and about again," he told her as she laughed.

"Same to you," she told him before he tipped his head and floated off. Hermione watched as Harry faced off a group of Hufflepuffs. She could see that he was furious and it looked like he was giving them information that they didn't seem to be happy about.

Once Harry was finished, he brushed past them all and was about to sit down when Hermione couldn't hold it in anymore. She heard from Madam Pomfrey that Harry had been very worried about her throughout her whole state.

"Harry!" a female voice called out. Harry spun around to see Hermione running toward him and he opened his arms to her. They hugged as hard as they could.

He pulled away and kept Hermione at arms length. "I can't believe you are awake!" he exclaimed and she laughed, her brown eyes sparkling. Harry felt himself get warm all over - it was so good to hear her laugh again.

"I'm just so happy you solved it!" she told him and Harry shook his head.

"No, it's thanks to the piece of paper in your hand that we managed to complete everything and save the school," he told her. She blushed slightly before she hugged him again.

Hermione pulled away and hugged Mia, who just held her close. "So glad you're okay," Mia told her and Hermione laughed.

"Meaning you just want someone to help you gang up on Harry again, right?" Hermione teased and Mia grinned.

"And that too," Mia teased back.

"Oh come on! She just wakes up and you're already plotting on how to annoy me," Harry complained, causing Ron to laugh. Both girls sat down as Dumbledore stood up while McGonagall tapped her goblet, signalling everyone to silence.

"Here we are. We have come to the end of another year. And again, Gryffindor has won again once more!" he informed them and Gryffindor cheered. "I have another piece of news to give you. Exams have been cancelled," Dumbledore informed them and everyone but Hermione cheered, who slumped down in her chair.

"Oh no!" she whispered, her eyes wide with shock. Mia shook her head as she smiled, amused at her best friend.

The Great Hall doors slammed open and everyone turned to see Hagrid standing in the doorway. The groundskeeper walked in.

"Sorry I'm late everybody. My release papers got lost. Some ruddy bird called Errol," Hagrid told them. Harry, Hermione and Mia just looked at Ron, amused, while Ron just looked sheepish.

Hagrid walked over to where Harry was and stopped before him. Harry stood up. "I just wanted to thank you for finally clearing my name. If you hadn't, I'd still be you know where."

Harry just smiled. "You're my friend Hagrid. We knew it wasn't you and we wanted to bring the real person to justice," Harry told him and Hagrid beamed with appreciation.

"Thank you," Hagrid repeated and Harry shook his head.

"No problem," Harry told him and hugged the giant. Hagrid clapped Harry's back, softly, before they pulled away and he made his way up to the head table. Harry sat back down.

Soon dinner was over. Mia had disappeared halfway through, claiming that she was stuffed. None of them had a clue where she had gone to but they weren't too worried about it because they knew that she could take care of herself.

Everyone was about to leave for their common rooms when Harry noticed that the Great Hall doors to the outside were open. He moved over to them and saw a large fire in the middle of the field next to the lake, and a figure dancing around it.

"Is that…Mia?" Hermione asked, curious.

"I think so," Harry told her and they hurried down to the fire, unaware that everyone else was following them.

"Burn! Burn!" Mia shouted in delight as she danced around the bonfire. Everyone watched as she picked up a book and threw it into the fire.

"MIA!" Hermione squealed, startling Mia.

"What?" she asked and saw everyone standing there.

"Why on earth are you burning books?" Madam Pince demanded and understanding dawned on Mia's face.

"Oh, don't worry. Those are only Lockhart's books. There is no way I'm keeping those fake books now he's been revealed as an idiotic fraud," Mia informed her before picking up Gadding With Ghouls. "Trapped a ghoul with a tea strainer, whatever!" She tossed it into the fire and threw her hands up in the air. "Burn!"

"I'm with her!" Harry shouted as he made a dash up to the castle. He came back a few minutes later with his own books and set them to the side with Mia's and threw a text into the fire, feeling the relief and joy over destroying one of Lockhart's lies. "Whoo Hoo!" Harry shouted, causing everyone to make a dash for the castles for their own to join in the fun.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but, I feel better now I've destroyed them," Hermione told Harry, who laughed and pulled her into a hug.

"We've cured you of Lockhart," Harry told her and she rolled her eyes.

"I've been cured of Lockhart since valentine when I sent him the card," she informed him. Harry looked at her.

"What?" he asked and Hermione sighed.

"I think we need to have a sit down and talk," she told him. Harry nodded in agreement, wondering what was going to be revealed.

Everyone made their way back to their common room so that they could pack up. Tomorrow they were going home for the summer.

Mia was too busy celebrating. She couldn't wait to get home and back to her normal bedroom, one that she didn't share with anyone. "Home time!" Mia sang. "Back to my own bed and bedroom!"

"Back to training," Harry sang back and Mia smiled at him.

"At least Dad can teach us," she shot back and Harry laughed.

"What are the pair of you like?" Ron asked while Hermione rolled her eyes.

"They do this all the time. They love teasing each other," Hermione explained before she turned to the others. "We better start packing so we're not running about the next morning. Some of you have books to return to the library," she added in with a pointly look at Ron, who blushed slightly and nodded.

"Fine," he muttered and Harry smiled.

"Cheer up, I'll come with you. I gotta give some books back too," Harry told him and Ron grinned gratefully.

"While you two are off to the library, Mione and I are going to have a girl's chat," Mia told them before linking her arm through Hermione's. They both headed up the stairs, giggling while the boys just stared at each other before rolling their eyes as they both picked up their books and headed out of the common room.

Hermione and Mia found themselves sitting across from each other, cross-legged on Hermione's bed.

"What was it like, you know, being petrified?" Mia asked, curious. Hermione's eyes took on a far away look.

"Horrible," Hermione admitted before she looked at Mia. "I could hear everything but I was unable to respond. I never want to feel like that again." Mia nodded sympathetically.

"When I heard that you had been attacked, the first thing that came to my mind was that I had lost my best friend," Mia admitted. Hermione felt tears well up in her eyes. "I know we've only known each other for two years but you're like a sister to me."

"I feel the same way. You're like a sister to me, too. I feel I can come to you about anything and you wouldn't judge me," Hermione told her. Mia felt her own eyes mist over before they leaned in and hugged each other.

"Let's promise, no matter what, we'll always be best friends," Mia whispered. Hermione agreed as she pulled away and they both wiped tears away from their eyes.

"Always best friends," Hermione agreed and Mia laughed.

"God, the boys are going to think we're crazy if they see that we've been crying," she told Hermione, who laughed as well.

"Tell me about it," the bushy-haired girl laughed before her smile dimmed. "What am I going to do about Harry?" Mia's smile softens.

"Just talk to him. He'll understand your reasoning to why you were attracted to that big lunkhead," Mia told her.

"What if it's too late?" Hermione sighed. "He seems interested in Ginny." Mia held up her hands while arching an eyebrow. She knew that Hermione was feeling insecure about her place in the group and about her feelings for Harry. She knew that it seemed like Harry was attracted to Ginny but also remembered that the young witch had been out of the picture for most of the term.

"Whoa! Before you go any further I want you to know that I'm not letting my brother end up with someone like her! There's something about her that puts me off. I don't know if it's because I'm just protective of you all or if there is something going on," Mia told her. "God Hermione, if you could see the way you and Harry act around each other and the way you look at each other, you could see how perfect you are for each other. I mean, when you were…" she faltered, closed her eyes before she took a deep breath and opened them again. "Petrified, he was terrified. He swore that the person who attacked you made their fatal mistake - they picked on you. He wouldn't have lost it if it were Draco, or I. Not the way he lost it with you. He fought a big basilisk for you!"

"He's been worried about Ginny," Hermione whispered and Mia took one of Hermione's hands in hers.

"And he was terrified for you. Do you think he would have dragged us into the forbidden forest to face a whole pack of huge spiders for Ginny? Do you think he would have kept on searching for the attacker if it were Ginny? I mean, Colin and Justin were attacked long before you were attacked and he wasn't bothered that much, but he went on a frenzy spree just to find out who attacked you and why," Mia explained.

Hermione gave her a soft smile. "Really?" she whispered and Mia sighed.

"We're not going to get into an argument over your insecurity about your place in the group again, are we?" Mia asked. Hermione laughed remembering the talk they had at the end of their first year.

"No," Hermione told her and Mia nodded.

"Good. Besides, I have a feeling if you just talk with Harry, he'll be able to make you understand what's going on with you two," Mia told her.

"Thanks Mia, for being the best friend a girl could have," Hermione told her and Mia grinned back.

"Ditto to you," Mia told her before they embraced each other in another hug. "Now, lets get down the stairs so I can return the rest of my books to the library. Madam Pince is about to come after me with another one of her books and attack me!" Mia exclaimed, causing Hermione to burst into laughter at the image.

"Yeah, you better do that," Hermione told her as they both got off the bed and headed down the stairs. They passed Ron who was heading up, complaining that it was too late to be working.

Hermione spotted Harry and moved over to him as Mia picked up her bag that had her books in it. She was about to make her way out of the common room when she stopped.

"Oh, by the way girls," she called out and the Gryffindor girls stopped and looked back at her. Mia smirked. "I win the bet." With that, she walked off, humming a jaunty tune under her breath as the girls just stared after her as realisation dawned on them.

Harry laughed. "Oh man, I can't wait to see what the bet will be," he told them.

Everyone, apart from Harry and Hermione, made their way up to their beds to go to sleep so that they could get up early for the next morning. Harry and Hermione just settled themselves on the couch, facing each other.

"The reason I fancied Lockhart was…" she trailed off, unable to believe that they were going to get into this conversation this young. "Was because I'm scared about our attraction."

"Hermione…" Harry was cut off by a shake from Hermione's head.

"No, Harry, I need to get this out without any interrupting," she explained and Harry closed his mouth and waited. "We've both liked each other since last year Harry. But we're only twelve and while our attraction will probably grow as we get older, it's scary. Lockhart was a safe route to be honest. It was something that was easy. I didn't have to worry about Lockhart liking me back because it was all flattery for him but I knew if I had made it clear like that toward you, we probably would have started something that was not a good idea." Harry nodded, as he understood what she meant. "Being horrible basically toward you about Ginny was my way of protecting myself. I didn't like how Ginny could be obvious in her crush about you and I was scared that you would find her more attractive. See the thing is, we're both young and while we are attracted to each other we could end up finding ourselves attracted to other people, it just scares me about our feelings."

"Hermione, yes, I have to admit that I like Ginny," Hermione looked down slightly but Harry reached out and cupped her chin, lifting her face up so they could look at each other in the eyes. "But I really like you more than I like her. I was attracted to her because you were attracted to Lockhart - my head told me that if you could be attracted to someone else then so can I but I'm wary of Ginny, especially with all the attacks that happened."

Hermione nodded as she understood Harry but she knew she had to get the rest out before they went through any more misunderstanding.

"I'm just scared that when we get older, we'll realise that our attraction was base merely on a crush, that you'll find that Ginny will be better than me," she admitted. Harry laughed softly, causing Hermione to look at him, curiously.

"What? You don't think I feel the same way?" Harry asked. "That I think that one day someone would come along and take you away? That you'll think they're better than me?" Hermione gave a sheepish shy smile.

"We idiots, aren't we?" Hermione asked and Harry shrugged.

"You are right though, about us being young. Maybe it is a crush. Maybe we'll find ourselves in a different spot a few years later from now but I'm not worried. As long as I still have you as my best friend, then I'll take what you can give me," Harry told her as he reached out and took one of her hands in his. "We're a part of each other with us being the elements - you're the one who can cool us down when we start to loose control of our tempers. As long as we're best friends, then I think we have nothing to worry about."

Hermione smiled before she shifted in her seat, moved in closer to Harry. She rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her's.

"You're my best male friend, Mia takes the female role," Hermione told him. Harry laughed as he kissed her forehead and both of them just relaxed, enjoying the feel of their connection growing.

What they didn't realise was they had just set an action in motion that would change their lives when they got older.

Everybody made their way to the train station in the next morning, all ready to head home.

"Well, that's another great end to another year," Ron told them as they handed their trunks to the prefects, who took them and placed them on the train.

"Oh yeah, a fantastic end," Hermione muttered out, sarcastically. It still stung over the fact that they couldn't do their exams. Mia rolled her eyes in amusement.

"The way she was acting, you think someone killed her pet!" Ron exclaimed only for frantic squeaking to start up from his shirt pocket. He looked down and saw his pet rat peeking out. "Don't worry Scabbers, I wasn't talking about you," Ron soothed.

"Hey, how come we've never seen that rat?" Harry asked and Ron shrugged.

"He keeps hiding from me," Ron explained. "He doesn't do too well surrounded by people - the twins keep trying to use him as a test rat for their experiments."

"No wonder he keeps hiding," Mia told him. Hermione frowned.

"Maybe I should get a pet this summer," she murmured, mostly to herself.

"I'll get you a pet for you this summer as an early birthday present - I keep trying to think what to get you for your birthday," Harry told her.

She looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?" she asked and Harry nodded.

"Sure - we'll check out the pet store when we head to Diagon Alley at the end of the summer," Harry told her. Hermione smiled as she gave him a hard hug.

"Thank you!" she told him before the whistle went, signalling that it was time to get on the train.

They entered the Express and made their way through the train till they found an empty compartment and got themselves settled in, just relaxing after a long and hard year. When the journey was done and they arrived at the train station, everyone hurried off to get off the train. They grabbed their trunks and Ron caught sight of his parents.

"I'll catch you all later?" Ron asked them and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, we will," Harry, told him as he hurried off over to his parents. Harry watched Mrs. Weasley swoop Ron up into her arms and hug him tightly. Harry shook his head as he turned back to the front. He was right about Mrs. Weasley - she was the overbearing mothering type.

Harry, Hermione and Mia made their way over to the wall and passed through it so they could get onto the platform to meet their parents. "Sirius picking you up?" Hermione asked as they walked out of the wall and Mia nodded.

"Yeah, the ministry is busy covering up the whole diary incident and Dumbledore is too busy making sure that the school will be safe for next year so they don't have time to go chasing after as mass murderer. Especially considering the fact that he wasn't here last year," Mia explained. They made their way out of the station and over to the car park.

Draco made his way over to them. Hermione arched an eyebrow before she rolled her eyes. Draco was determined to mess around with everyone's head from now on and Mia wasn't having any problems with that before she turned back to face Harry. Mia and Draco decided that they wanted to have fun with people from now on by messing around with their heads.

They knew that Draco's father would be interested in the fact that there would be rumours that his son was hanging around with Harry Potter. That would help Draco in finding out more things about what the Death Eaters were planning - plus, it had a place in Mia's plan that she schemed before coming to Hogwarts.

"What about the tracking charms and all that?" Hermione asked.

"We checked ourselves. They must have learned their lesson after last year," Harry told her and she nodded.

"Kids!" a male voice shouted and they turned to see Sirius disguised as Mac moving over to them. They waved back at him as he moved closer. "You four are going to give me grey hair before I hit forty," Sirius muttered as he looked at the kids. They gave him sheepish grin in reply.

"Hermione!" a male voice called out and they turned to see Hermione's parents waiting for them.

"I gotta go," Hermione told them.

"You coming up this summer?" Draco asked and Hermione smirked.

"Like I'm gonna miss a summer with you guys," Hermione shot at him.

She hugged Mia before she hugged Harry and gave him a kiss on the cheek before waving and pushed her trolley over to where her parents were.

"Okay kids, let's go," Sirius told them as he led his smirking kids over to the car. It was time to go home and relax after another year of saving the wizarding world without them knowing it.

"You have to admit, it was a fun year," Mia stated. Draco cracked up laughing while Harry looked at Mia with disbelief.

"And pray tell, just what was funny? Me hearing voices? Me speaking Parseltongue? Hermione turning herself into a cat? Getting petrified? Having an idiot of a teacher who managed to debone my arm and oblivate himself or having a huge basilisk hiding in the chamber under the girl's toilet?" Harry asked.

"Teacher, definitely," Draco choked out before he cracked up laughing. "Man, Amendo," he stated with a shake of his head and Mia smirked.

"Gotta agree with Draco," Mia stated. Harry rolled his eyes as he turned to face the window and Sirius smiled to himself.

He had missed their bantering again.

The End/ TBC

Here we are, the end of the second book (Thank God) and we can now move on to the third book, which will, also, be out next Monday.

I want to thank my beta for doing her hard work on my story and that I'm sorry to see her leave but I understand her reasons and I'm glad to say that my new beta will be helping me out on my next books and so on.

While there are bashing of Ginny - it's not an outright bashing - there are many mysteries of Ginny and I plan to reveal each one in a way of how I think it all happened - I truly believe that Ginny is a misguided young woman who seeks out many ways to get what she thinks is truly hers due to a lot of problems in her family life.

This Book is finally over and you have no idea how good it feels to put a big C for completed over it.

See you all over in the next book and thanks for all the reviews!