Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Pride by jardyn39

The Pride


The Pride

by Jardyn39

Chapter 6 - Inspired Idiot or Idiotic Inspiration?

The Estate would be open to visitors again that day, although the House would only open late morning and for a shorter period as it was a Sunday. Harry asked if there was anything he could do to help out, thinking mainly of the Reptile House, but Justin wouldn't hear of it.

"Your only duty today will be to look after Hermione until we can join you for a late lunch. I suggest you take in one of the walks."

"Not too far, mind," said Susan warningly as a tiny post owl flew in through an open window. The owl sped around the room and dropped a small scroll onto Justin's head before zooming out of the window again.

Justin looked briefly at the scroll and then passed it to Susan who opened it at once.

She read the note very carefully before handing it to Justin.

"They've completed the Land Registry documentation search," she said once she was satisfied Justin had read the note.

"Does that mean we finally have a name?" asked Harry.

"Yes, although further enquires are continuing," said Susan.

Harry looked between Justin and Susan, but neither would venture a name. He was about to prompt them when he felt Hermione's foot lightly tap his, and he knew at once why Hermione was getting him to pay attention.

Justin was visibly shaken although clearly trying to make light of the news. Harry had the impression that until that moment he wasn't seriously worried about actually losing the Estate.

Susan, meanwhile, wore an expression of cold steel that Harry hadn't seen for some time. Susan was the kind of person who could be pushed so far, but when their limit was reached the consequences could be serious. To that day, Harry had no idea just how many had died the last time that had happened.

They looked each other a moment and seemed to reach an instant agreement before they seemed finally ready to talk.

"The name," said Justin. "It's Ron. Ron Weasley."

"No," said Harry at once. "You've got to be wrong. Ron wouldn't want a place like this!"

"You wouldn't want a place like this," Hermione corrected him quietly.

"Did Ron actually buy the land or was that transfer forged as well?" asked Harry.

"That may be a mute point," Susan said darkly. "He'll know that we know by now, but it will be a few days before he can use the Ministry to evict us. I think he'll use that time to persuade us to go quietly. He may even offer a small inducement."

"You're not giving up?" said Harry forcefully.

"We no longer have the Defence Force at our command whatever Ron may believe," explained Susan. "Even if we did, I'm not sure we would want to ask our friends to fight the Ministry. If we resist, they will have the full force of the law on their side."

Harry knew this to be true but his resolve to help was stronger then ever.


Harry looked around and judged that they were about halfway along the wide mile-long path that led in a straight line from the house to a tall Egyptian obelisk. They could see dots of people close to the obelisk but no-one seemed to be following them along the long path that was wide enough to accommodate a carriage.

Justin had said that Sundays tended to be quieter around the Estate with families coming to enjoy the grounds rather than the other attractions.

"Barry said to say, Hi," said Harry as they stepped off the path to continue along the wide mown grass verge.

"Barry?" asked Hermione.

"Barry the Python. He was a bit under the weather yesterday. Maybe we could pop by later and see how he's doing?"

"Yes, of course. Um, he said Hi?"

"Well, we got chatting, you know? I think you'd like him."

"This is a big Python?" asked Hermione tentatively.

"No, but he's still growing. He's off his food right now but a visit from you might cheer him up. Normally he's quite playful apparently; likes to pretend to strangle people."

"How nice," said Hermione with a weak smile. "I suppose I'll have to resist the urge to just scream and run."

Harry snorted and they both turned hearing running footsteps approaching from behind.

A boy and a girl thundered past them, neck and neck in a race. They continued further on up the path for a few yards before they both pulled up, panting hard. Both instantly claimed to have been first over an invisible finish line.

Harry and Hermione walked on slowly but after only a few feet the boy and girl were off running again.

"I think he shaved it," said Harry with a smile.

"No way," said Hermione at once. "She won easily."

Soon the two children were too distant to see clearly and everything was quiet again.

It was a long moment before Harry spoke.

"I think they'd be sorry to lose this place."

"Yes," agreed Hermione. "They certainly seem settled. It must have been quite a shock for Susan discovering she suddenly had this lot to care for as well as Justin."

"Well, she always did take things in her stride. I'm sure that's why she got involved with the Defence League. Someone probably told her she couldn't do anything to help."

"Was Madam Bones a member?"

"I've no idea," admitted Harry. "Susan never really liked to talk about her family before her Aunt was killed, so I never asked."

"How did you know how to reattach a splinched limb? I had no idea you could do that."

Harry smiled and said, "Lupin taught me. He said it might come in handy one day, but mainly it was because I wanted more of Susan's new recruits to Dissapparate away without injuring themselves. Most of them were unlicensed, of course."

"You and Susan spent a lot of time together? I've always assumed you were alone when you went off."

"No, hardly more than when you were there with us. Susan gave me a means to track them; although it looked like we'd encountered each other by coincidence, it wasn't. I generally made sure we joined up when were out overnight. Actually, they were tracking us a lot of the time.

"There was safety in numbers and she had enough people to post rested guards all night long if needed. It was just one of the ways they helped us and it was all done in secret."

"I wish I'd been more supportive at the time," Hermione said. "I thought they were adding to your risk, not protecting you."

"Is that what you argued about?"

"That was part of it," she admitted. "I was completely in the wrong. I accept that now, but at the time I was furious with Ginny and Luna for siding with her."

"And I managed to sleep through the whole thing," Harry said chuckling.

"That was rather remarkable, although I've always had a sneaking suspicion that Justin stunned you as a precaution."

"He never said!"

"Well, how would it have looked if you had woken up to see your entire allied force fighting each other. Actually, that's pretty much what Justin said when he broke up the fighting."

"Fighting? You actually duelled?"

"A few stray hexes may have been exchanged," Hermione said with a smile.

Harry shook his head.

"It seems strange to hear that even now," he said. "My force?"

"It's true, Harry. We were only there because of you. No-one else would have inspired such a show of resistance. I wish you could have heard some of the things that were talked about at the Reception. It was the first time I'd really heard people talk freely about what happened to them. I suppose enough time has passed for them to feel more comfortable."

"I'm not sure I need any more reminders about what happened."

"Maybe, but what about how people felt? Seamus was there that Saturday, but I've never known him want to speak about what happened before. He said how you found him."

"Oh, then. Seamus was fine. He just needed a little encouragement, that's all."

"Yes, he said, except he was more honest about it. He said he was shaking so much he couldn't even hold his wand properly but you'd just made a joke out of it before telling him you were going to pick a fight."

"He asked me if I was going alone," said Harry remembering.

"And you said If you want to stretch your legs, I won't complain."

"I could be such a prat sometimes," said Harry.

"Harry, have you really forgotten?" asked Hermione with a touch of annoyance in her voice. "You just gave people enough encouragement to realise they could make a difference; that they could be brave and stand up for themselves."

"No, that was never me."

"Harry, when we were trapped everyone was convinced we were finished, weren't they? It seemed impossible that we could get out of there with the Death Eaters swarming over the place and trying to track us down."


"Harry, literally hundreds of people were waiting for us outside. When we appeared streams of them poured down the hillside to join in the fight. It was like you were their last hope."

"Well, we were, weren't we?"

"They didn't know that! They weren't there to just cheer you on your Horcrux hunt, Harry. They came because just like Seamus, they needed to feel a little of your inspiration or hear your words."

"Well, it sounds like you may have been as drunk as Seamus."

Hermione snorted softly.

"You know? Ginny told me all this when I objected to everyone abandoning their posts to keep a vigil over you. I honestly couldn't understand what good could come of it all. Do you know what Ginny said?"


"She said I never felt the fear like the others because I was always near to you. I never truly knew the fear of losing you because you never admitted your fear. I didn't take her too seriously at the time, but now I think she was right. It was that fear that drove me to chase after you that time."

"That was idiotic," he agreed with a smile. "So, does that make me an inspired idiot or an idiotic inspiration?"

Hermione shook her head with annoyance.

"No-one understands why you just dropped out of everything after Voldemort was finally gone. Even the Ministry couldn't do anything without consulting you first. Everyone up to the Minister of Magic himself expected you to just carry on in charge. The trials only happened because you ordered them."

"I only told them that to get rid of them for a while. Anyway, wasn't that the first time we met Take-Charge Ron?"

"That's a little cruel, Harry. Especially considering you encouraged him and even made the others stop just laughing at him."

"Oh, come on. Ron had a great time ordering everyone around. It practically guaranteed him a good place at the Ministry."

"I know perfectly well that you guaranteed him that place, Harry."

Hermione grabbed his arm to emphasise her point as she said, "Harry, you just seemed to stop and retreat to the safety of the Burrow."

"Well, I'd had enough. I knew it wouldn't be long before people realised there's nothing special about me. I was just marked as a Dark Lord's equal, nothing more. I've no more right to power than Voldemort had."

"I've never really believed that," Hermione said and seemed to be waiting for a response that never came.

They walked on in silence for a while.

"I, um, thought it was a little ironic that you should have defended Ron earlier," said Hermione hesitantly.

It was the first time either of them had spoken of Ron's possible involvement. Indeed, today was the first time in months that either of them had really discussed the touchy subject of Ron at all.

"Well, it can't be him, can it? Not Ron. Okay, he's been driving me nuts lately but he wouldn't knowingly do anything this bad. I reckon someone is trying to frame him."

"Why would he come here and not mention it to me, though?" asked Hermione. "He usually talks about old friends that he sees."

"You don't try to steal a home from a friend," Harry observed.

"You know what I meant."

"You know it was Ron who came here before?"

"Yes, I asked him as soon as I returned yesterday. He didn't deny it."

Harry frowned thinking it strange that if Ron knew she'd visited the Estate then he wouldn't have known where to look for her last night.

"I didn't mention you at all, Harry," she added, as if reading his mind. "I just said Susan mentioned seeing him a while ago. Given your recent Press coverage this must be the last place anyone expects you to be."

He nodded in agreement.

"Remember they spoke about money yesterday?" continued Harry. "I expect with his recent promotions, Ron must be on a decent wage now. Do you know if he's investing in property? If he is, it could explain why he bought that Doctor's land."

"I doubt he's doing that well, although I have noticed," she began but trailed off in thought for a moment and they came to a complete halt.

"Harry, there's something I've wanted to tell you for some time now. Ron and I are on a break. We have been for some time now."


"Well, Ron hasn't quite got the message yet. It was my suggestion and I'm not at all inclined to continue together, but Ron insisted it should be a temporary break until we were both sure. He thought my problems with magic were clouding my judgement. It seemed reasonable at the time, but now I'm not so sure."

Hermione was talking down at her feet and Harry had to touch her elbow to get her attention. When she looked up her cheeks were flushed.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," Harry said as gently as he could.

"You have nothing to apologise for."

"I feel like I do. I can hardly claim to have been supportive just lately, either."

Hermione fell silent for a moment.

"You're probably wondering why I allowed Ron to act as if nothing had changed," she continued.

Harry shrugged and said, "I would assume he didn't want his Mum and Dad to know just yet, especially if he hoped things weren't finally over."

"Yes, that's what Ron did say," she said, turning away and wiping away a solitary tear.

Hermione took a great breath and stepped forward along the path again.

"That wasn't the only reason I put up with the charade, though," she said before turning a smiling at him. "You know? You wouldn't believe the number of people who told me I shouldn't put up with the way he treated me."

"I can't believe anyone would be that interfering," said Harry with a small smile, reminding her of his own efforts. Then he added seriously, "We care about you, Hermione."

"I think a few had words with Ron too," she added carefully. "I know his Dad pulled him aside to have another word during the Reception. The trouble is, it just seemed to make him much worse. At first I thought it was just pressure of work, but lately I've come to realise it's the old problem."

"How do you mean?" asked Harry.

"He's always been a little jealous of you, Harry. But since Voldemort he's got so much worse. Ever since we got trapped together, he hasn't been able to get it out of his head that I'll use any excuse to dump him for you."

"Well, that seems fair," joked Harry, as feelings of relief after so much torment began to take their effect. "After all, I've been jealous of him ever since then too."

Harry blushed furiously but Hermione was looking away from him into the distance and he couldn't see her face. All he had done was repeat something both Luna and Ginny had teased him about before, but he wished he had been a little more tight-lipped.

"You haven't explained why you stayed with Ron for longer," he continued in a more even voice.

"Well, he seemed to want to blame you for everything."

Harry felt there was probably a better explanation, but let it drop for now.

"I'm sorry if I was the cause of any problems."

"Harry, there is nothing you could have done. I think he found out something recently that did annoy him, though. He found out you turned down that Auror post."

"I told him about that ages ago," Harry reminded her.

"Yes, but you never said what the position was. He must have seen your file because he was simply livid."


"Harry, you turned down the position he has been aiming for all this time. It's still vacant and Ron thinks they're holding it open for you!"

Harry laughed and said, "That's stupid!"

"Could it true, though?"

"I turned down that job partly because I felt they had no intention of allowing me to do any real Auror work. It was just my name that impressed them. They expected me to use it as a stepping stone into a political career."

They walked on quietly, while Harry wrestled with a question he was burning to ask her.

"Is it me or is that obelisk not getting any closer?"

"Well, we are dawdling," said Harry. "We could wander back to the house if you wanted?"

Hermione nodded and they turned about face.

"We can't avoid talking about what Ron's been up to," said Hermione. "I know it's hard to believe, but what Justin said yesterday rang true. I don't think Ron worked particularly hard to get his recent promotions.

"No, Ron can work hard when he wants to. Okay, I know he's desperate to accumulate money and he's always wanted to live a newer house than the Burrow."

"He hardly realises he can't stop talking about it sometimes. He wants enough money to match your wealth, Harry."

"Why a big house, though? And, why this one?"

"It has to be big because you could afford a big house. Justin and Susan live in a house that even you couldn't afford."

"I can't believe he would take their home away, though."

"Actually, it wouldn't really be taking away anything they had before," she reminded him. "Justin never expected to inherit anything so grand, did he?"

Harry grimaced but shook his head again.

"No, not Ron," he said finally. "What did you mean by him not working hard?"

"Just that the promotions came because other candidates suddenly withdrew. There seemed to be a rash of retirements to create the vacancies too."

"Could be coincidence," said Harry, although not with much conviction. "Has his Dad said anything?"

"No, not in front of me. I think things have got a little strained between them, though."

"Anyway," Harry continued after a moment of thought. "The thing we really need to sort out are these Muggle title deeds. If they were altered magically, then there should be traces. Perhaps the changes could even be reversed."

"That's an idea, but we really don't know the full extent of the changes. For all we know there are more altered documents hidden in some Muggle bank. Besides, couldn't the changes be applied all over again in the future?"

Harry kicked the dirt and said smiling, "Well, I thought it was a good idea."

"What about that Doctor? Do you think he knew anything at all?"

"Susan doesn't think so."

"I saw you mouth his name yesterday. Does his name mean anything to you, Harry? Wirrell wasn't it?"

"No, that's the name they couldn't use."

"What?" asked Hermione as Harry snapped his fingers.

"Yes!" cried Harry and laughing triumphantly. "I remember now! Hermione, you're a genius!"

"Harry? I don't understand."

Harry's mind was racing as he thought back, trying to work it out.

"They must have it wrong," he said finally. "Worrell isn't the name of the Muggle Doctor, or at least I'm guessing it isn't. Surely it would be too much of a coincidence?" he added to himself. "How can we be sure, though?"

"Harry, are you going to explain? Because this is really annoying," said Hermione.

Harry looked at her and chuckled.

"Well, now you know how Ron and I felt sometimes."

Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

"More to the point, how is Ron going to explain suddenly having a title to all this lot?"

"Why should he explain at all? If he has done nothing illegal then he won't need to. What is it, Harry?"

Harry had just stopped again. An idea had suddenly crossed his mind and he didn't want to lose it.

"Nothing illegal," he said softly to himself. "Okay, that's good."

"What's good?"

"Well, I'd guess that Ron is only into it up to here," he said, holding his hand up to her neck. "I was worried he would be a lot deeper." Harry raised his hand above his own head.

Hermione frowned but said nothing as he dropped his arm.

"Um, Hermione, why did you come back here last night?"

"I suppose I wanted to feel safe. If you'd been at home I probably would have stayed there."

Harry turned to face her, a frown growing on his face. She had rehearsed that answer, he was sure.

"What happened? Did Ron do anything?"

"No. Nothing like that," she said quickly. "No, he's never done anything."

Harry waited for her to explain.

"Um, well. Sometimes he's just fine, Harry; just his usual good-natured self."

"Go on."

"He does get a little frustrated sometimes. He's known for ages the problems I've been having but he puts up with me. It's just that he doesn't think anyone else needs to know. I mean, it should be a private matter and he gets so annoyed when people pass comment.

"As I've gradually got worse," she continued, her voice becoming a little tremulous, "Ron has wanted me to spend less time in company. He much prefers it if I stay at home."

"Where is home these days?" Harry asked pointedly.

"I'm still living in my flat, thank you. It's handy for work."

"Ginny told me that Ron had rented a new place?"

"Yes. It was nice but far too big. I think he liked the idea of all the other tenants being wizards, so he wouldn't have to worry about fitting in with Muggle neighbours."

"I meant," he began.

"I know what you meant, but it isn't true. Ron and I haven't really been close that way for some time now."

"Hermione, that isn't what I meant and you don't need to pretend anything for my sake."

Hermione's expression flickered in the face of his rebuke but she gathered herself quickly.

"Harry, can you honestly remember Ron and I behaving like any other couple?"

"Well, so what? I just assumed you preferred to keep displays of your affection private."

"That's true, I suppose. The trouble is there wasn't much private affection at the best of times."

"You both gave us the impression you have practically moved in with Ron. I assumed that meant you were happy together, that's all."

"Oh. Well, perhaps you shouldn't get all your news about me from Mrs Weasley."

"Where else was I supposed to get my news from them?" spat Harry, feeling his anger rise up again. "You practically forbade me from calling around, remember?"

"I was worried about what might happen, Harry. Ron never had a problem breaking through my wards and I was afraid you would end up fighting each other."

"What wards? You've never had any wards on your flat."

"Well, obviously I never wanted to exclude you, Harry, but I did try to put some security wards up."

Harry shook his head.

"Look. There's no way I would have fought with Ron," said Harry. "Well, not while there was a risk you'd find out about it."

"Well, Ron didn't think it was appropriate for you to stay over so often. He became rather insistent, and I didn't want to risk him cursing you while sleeping on my couch."

"He told me," began Harry. "Well, he said you were too polite to throw me out. I can't tell you how sorry I am about that. I didn't mean to become such a burden."

"No, Harry," she said, reaching out and touching his arm. "I've never had a problem with you staying over. In fact, I was much happier knowing you were okay. Mrs Weasley often mentions the nightmares you still have, although you always seemed settled on my couch."

"They're not as bad as they were," mumbled Harry, feeling embarrassed.

"Did Ron say anything else to you?"

"Um," said Harry, playing for time.

"I've often wondered, you see. So often lately, the few times I've seen you together, I've had the impression that you were about to snap."

"I couldn't, though, could I? That would risk losing your friendship."

Harry sighed softly and decided to change the subject.

"Why didn't Ron make you go and see a Healer? He can't have believed all that rubbish you told me last night."

He glanced across at her and saw a reluctant smile before she turned away.

"So," he continued, "why would Ron not want you to take the cure?"

"I told you, Harry. There isn't a cure to take as such. Besides, I've never really told him my theory either."

"Maybe he wants you to become dependent upon him," reasoned Harry, ignoring Hermione.

"I'm not, though," Hermione pointed out.

"No," Harry agreed. "He just wants to control you."

"Well, he hasn't managed so far!" said Hermione indignantly.

"Oh, I don't know. He dictates what people think about you and how you behave in public. He limits the contact you have with your friends."

"Why would he want to control me at all?"

"Well, that way he does have a degree of control over me," said Harry softly. "So far he's kept me at bay for fear of upsetting you. He's even restricted what I speak to you about."

"Harry, that's ridiculous. You make it sound like you're under my control!"

Harry nodded slowly and Hermione's smile faltered.

"I thought I'd ruined our friendship, Hermione," Harry said, a little quaver of emotion in his voice. "I can't begin to tell you how terrible that made me feel."

"Oh, Harry."

"I was afraid, Hermione. I allowed fear to stop me from dealing with him."

"Harry, please. This is Ron."

"No, Hermione. I'm not going to stand by and watch anyone take Justin and Susan's home away from them."

Hermione seemed to be searching for some response.

"You know," he said softly. "One day you're going to have to explain why you couldn't have come to me. Why am I practically the last person to know?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as he spoke. He reached out and pulled her close to him while she sobbed quietly.

"Come on," he said gently after a moment. "I think some visitors are making their way back this way."

Hermione wiped her eyes and they continued to walk slowly towards the house. They didn't speak, each being lost in their own thoughts. Harry thought the grass didn't look quite so vibrant as it had then they set out earlier.

"Um, Harry?"

Harry immediately heard the warning tone in her voice and looked up. The house was only a few yards away now, and waiting for them between two lion statues was Ron.


"There's a bit of a stink around here, Hermione," said Harry, not troubling himself to lower his voice as he walked towards Ron.

"Harry," warned Hermione as Harry continued to quicken his pace and leaving her further behind.

Harry took in the dark, expensive looking robes that Ron wore. He looked a little strange wearing tailored clothes rather than second hand robes, but there was no doubt he was comfortable with his new affluence.

"I thought it must be some of Justin's animals, but I'm not so sure now."

Ron shifted his travelling cloak to reveal his hand hovering above a pocket showing the top of his wand. Harry too moved his hand ready to draw and fire.

"Careful, Harry," said Ron evenly. "I wouldn't want to take you in for a breach of the International Statute of Secrecy."

"Well, we ought to find somewhere a little more private then," said Harry. "You've got some explaining to do and I wouldn't want to restrict your responses."

"Are you threatening me, Harry?"

"Run if you want, Ron."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh, yes you are," said Harry, quickly reaching out to grab Ron's arm. Ron tried to pull back but his reactions were too slow and they Disapparated together.