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I Would Rather Die by gti88

I Would Rather Die


A fic in response to this challenge

Disclaimer…All characters belong to JK, but the plot is mine….

Other than that…let's begin

Chapter I: Evil and Uncertainty

"Have the object shipped to the manor in two days time. Make haste, the route is not a safe one."

Lucius bowed deeply. "Right away, my lord," and he left the room.

The Dark Lord was preparing for a special mission. One, which was sure to succeed, and would officially cement his position of power. Yes, overthrowing the Ministry of Magic was something he had planned on doing for a long time. The hour was approaching.


The Burrow was a hive of activity as usual. Only, the cheeriness had left, and was replaced by the heated debates of the Order of the Phoenix, which had assembled for an urgent meeting, in light of Albus Dumbledore's death.

"I second Arthur's nomination," growled Moody.

"Alastor, I'm not so sure. We need a spy at the Ministry, and Arthur is quite busy with his department these days, " argued Molly Weasley. "I think Remus would be a better choice, " and she looked expectantly at the werewolf.

"Molly, really, I…" he stuttered, but did not finish.

"All in favour?" shouted Tonks over the table.

The shouts and debates continued, Tonks was impatiently tapping her fingers on the table, and eventually, at the sight of her furious face, the Order seemed to be quieting down.

"Nymphadora, what were you shouting about?" Kingsley's exasperated voice came.

"I wanted to back Remus as the new leader of the Order. I was asking if we all agreed on that, but seeing as we're wasteing valuable time arguing pointlessly..."

That simple sentence had decided it. Consensus was quickly reached, and the former professor was officially bestowed with the honor.


Harry was seething. The funeral had concluded a week ago, but the pain of the loss still ate away at his insides. He was also angry, because Dumbledore died so unexpectedly, and all for a fake Horcux. He should've foreseen it, considered the possibility that someone else may have gained the real Horcrux first. But no, there was no way that thought could've occurred to Dumbledore, or him. They were much too focused on Slytherin's locket. Now, someone, R.A.B., had taken possession of it, and it was quite possible that person was dead, and the locket hidden somewhere else. He didn't know what to do without his late mentor.

He heard a door open, and someone walked up behind him.


Turning around, Remus came into view. Harry didn't say anything, but simply looked at him.

"Can you come inside? We need to talk to you about something."

He raised himself to his feet, and mutely followed Remus to the Burrow's kitchen. Whatever they had to tell him, he didn't think it would be of any importance.

How very wrong he was.

"Harry, " Arthur's voice drifted over the table, but Harry barely paid attention. "We've decided that you, Ron and Hermione can be inducted in the Order."

What was the difference, he thought, Dumbledore is dead…

But on the other hand, it could be somewhere to start from. He would carry on what Dumbledore started. Fight for good. For the Light, and destroy Voldemort, if he could manage it.

"Yeah, OK," came his deadpan reply.

"You don't need to tell us what Dumbledore entrusted you to do. We only want you to tell us where you'll be going, because we need to make sure that you're safe."

"Thanks Mr. Weasley, I will."

Harry felt slightly better. With the support of the people that cared for him, the fight was possible. He might not win, but he was not going to stand aside and watch his nemesis become victorious either.


Darkness had fallen. A wagon was slowly making its way through the forest, its mechanisms silenced to avoid detection, and carrying a precious load the Dark Lord so desperately required. Two shadows snaked across the top of the hill, adjacent to the road, trailing the wagon noiselessly. The Death Eaters below had not noticed their presence.

The shadows stopped.

"It's going to become more dangerous from here on. Go back to your mother, take her to the house, and wait for me there," one told the other.


"We don't have time, so don't argue with me. Go!"

A faint popping sound left only one of them behind. He shrunk to the ground, as a masked face turned in his direction.

"Must've been a squirrel," was the short explanation, and the person atop the hill breathed a sigh of short relief, as the journey continued.


Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting in the Burrow's backyard, taking in the morning sunshine.

"We're in the Order, finally."

The fact was the reason Ron had been smiling all morning. Not so Harry and Hermione, though. Harry had gone back to his depressed self, and Hermione was giving him quizzical looks, trying to figure what was wrong with him.

She knew Harry was upset over Dumbledore's death and the task he inherited from the late headmaster. He was lost, and she could relate to him - her brain, for the first time in recorded history, had failed to provide an idea of where to begin with the Horcruxes.

"Come on, guys, cheer up," Ron attempted to lighten the atmosphere. "We've been trying to get in the Order for two years. Why aren't you excited?"

"Ron," started Hermione snappishly, "we have four Horcruxes to destroy, face down Voldemort, and somehow, somehow, survive through all of this. I don't see a reason why we should be happy."

"I don't know what your problem is! We have to survive, there's no question about that. But you…"

Harry's patience quickly dried up.

"Guys, please, don't start fighting again. Last year we spent enough time apart. We need to stand together and understand each other, if we are indeed going to live through this!"

"I'm sorry, Harry," Hermione pleaded. "I'm just worried, that's all…I can't stand the thought of losing either one of you."

Harry stood up, walked over to Hermione, and embraced her tightly.

"Neither of us is going anywhere, " he spoke in her ear, "Whatever happens, Ron and I will always be here for you. Never forget that."

Hermione hugged him back, and a feeling of safety and calm enveloped her. She missed that feeling all last year, and was all too happy to have it back again.

A sudden commotion in the Weasley home caused them to come apart. Ron, who had been dozing off, jerked awake.

"Get off me! What's going on?" he cried, but quickly regained himself, "Is everything OK?"

Mrs. Weasley ran out of the house and shouted for them to hurry back inside the house.

"Let's go, let's go, come on, we have to Floo to Hogwarts," she hurried them through the door into the kitchen.

"Mum, what's going on?" Ginny had come down the stairs to see the source of the commotion for herself.

"Ginny, come on, quickly, through the fireplace!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione landed in Dumbledore's office. Harry raised himself to his feet, and instinctively looked towards the desk. Only, now, it was Professor McGonagall sitting behind it.

He felt a pang of sadness. Directing his eyes upwards, he found the portrait of Professor Dumbledore, slumbering in its frame.

"Mr. Potter," the new headmistress brought him back down to earth. "I think there's something you should see."

Her gaze was hard and fearful, as she handed him a copy of the Daily Prophet. Ron and Hermione joined him, looking down at the glaring headline on the front page.

Ministry Attacked!

A/N First chapter of this fic is done…not as great as I'd like it to be, but nevertheless, please review
