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Helping Hermione Find Her Parents by Harry85

Helping Hermione Find Her Parents


Disclaimer: I don't own it, otherwise OBHWF would be just a delusion of someone and not canon…

A/N: My response to the challenge "Harry at Hermione's" by vivitribal. The requirements can be found here: Please if you read leave me a comment, it takes you few minutes and it makes me happy! *grins*

Muggle Summer

Chapter One: Leaving To Australia

It was some days after the final battle had taken place. Harry, Ron and Hermione were still at Hogwarts, trying to help fix the castle, tend the injured and bury the dead. There had been an huge funeral for all those who had fallen, and families from every angle of England and Scotland had come to honour their relatives who had died for the Light. Harry remembered well that day, as he, Hermione and Ron had stood on the first row, attending the ceremony.

It was hard for Harry to look at how many had died in his war, because that was how he had come to call it. His war.

And what pained him the most was that little Teddy would be without his parents, without the chance to know them, just like Harry himself had been. At least, he had been able to conjure them for a little while thanks to the Resurrection Stone. On the other hand, little Teddy wouldn't have to grow with relatives who despised him and treated him like a slave…

As he was pondering over that in a moment of pause, distractedly throwing pebbles into the lake much to the Giant Squid's amusement, he heard someone approaching.

"Here you are"

Harry had to smile. He would recognize that voice everywhere. It was his female best friend, Hermione Granger.

"Hi, Mione" he said, turning to greet her.

"Mind if I sit here a bit?" she said, and he shook his head.

"You're welcome" he said with a grin. She smiled back, and Harry felt his heart swell.

They stayed there like that, in silence, no awkwardness between them though. Something Harry knew was almost impossible with every other girl in the castle, except maybe Luna, thanks to her "weirdness".

However, he could see his best friend was troubled, and he guessed why.

"You're thinking about your parents" he said, looking ahead of them toward the castle.

"Yes" she admitted with a whisper. "I'll have to go fetch them soon" she said with a resolute tone, like she was facing her worst fear.

Harry had an idea why she was so scared.

"I'll come with you" he suddenly blurted out.

"What? No, no, you can't" Hermione protested, "you've to be here, for Ron, for Ginny…"

Harry laughed hollowly.

"Ginny? Hermione, come on. She's going to try and have me take her back as my girlfriend, and as much I've enjoyed the snogging sessions with her, at the moment I am far better without any pressure in that field"

"Why?" she asked, curious. He and Ginny had seemed so happy, before the three of them had to leave for searching the Horcruxes…

"I…I don't know what I feel for her anymore" Harry admitted, looking at her sheepishly. "I start to think it was just a fling, a distraction, and nothing more"

"What about Ron?" Hermione asked.

"I think he and his family will need time to heal for Fred's death, you know" he said, suddenly serious. "And since he died in my war, I kind of feel responsible. Some time off from them will make me good"

"Honestly, Harry!" Hermione hotly said. "We both know it's not your fault"

"Believe me, Hermione, I know. Still, I don't feel completely comfortable around the Weasleys at the moment" he admitted with a sigh. "That's why I want to come with you to Australia"

Mentioning the trip she had to do to retrieve her parents made Hermione grow silent again. She looked at the water of the lake, the occasional wave created by the pebbles Harry was throwing reverberating through its surface.

"You fear they will hate you" Harry said, watching her with the corner of his eye. The reaction she had told him he was right. He could detect her shoulders move like she was sobbing.

"Come here" he said softly. And she let him hug her, rock her too, to stop her tears.

"Hermione, no matter what will happen, I will be there for you. I owe you that after all you've sacrificed to be on my side in this war" he said, holding her close.

She sniffed, and looked up at him.

"Thanks, Harry. You can't imagine how much this means for me" she said with a tentative smile, and he grinned at her.

"So it's settled. Once things here will become less hectic, we will go"

Just like Harry had predicted, his interactions with the Weasleys were quite reduced those days. Ron and his family were still in shock for Fred's death, so they barely talked to anyone and it pained the raven haired boy to see his other best friend, usually always full of life, so empty.

As for Ginny, after being with her family all the time for the first days, she had cornered him a couple times to talk about their relationship, but Harry managed to evade the questions busying himself in some activity in the castle.

So it was with a sense of relief that he listened to Hermione tell him how they would reach Australia.

"We will take Muggle transportation so we will go by plane" she explained, showing him some timetables about flights from London to Sydney. All of them included stops in Singapore to refill the aircraft's tanks.

"And how are we going to reach London?" he asked while gathering the few things he had with him when they had arrived at the castle for the battle.

"By Apparition, of course" Hermione said, looking at him like he had grown a second head. "We will need to go to my house, as I've to pack some fresh clothes for the trip, and maybe we should have you do the same"

He nodded. "Maybe we can go shopping? I have no swimming trunks and although we won't be there for vacation, I'd rather have a swim or two there" he said with a boyish grin that made Hermione speechless.

Or maybe it was the idea of seeing Harry half naked…

When they were ready, they walked up to the Headmistress' office, and told her they were leaving, and why.

"Oh, of course, Miss Granger. We can handle the situation here now, so you can leave without a worry" the older witch said, smiling at them, something quite rare for her.

As they were leaving, she called out.

"Mr. Potter"

Harry turned, and was met with a look of pure pride from his previous Professor.

"Good job" she said with a nod, and Harry nodded back before following Hermione out of the room. They then went to break the news to the Weasleys and their other friends, and needless to say, Ginny was the one who took it the worst.

"You don't have time to talk with me, but you find it to go with her to Australia, uh?" she spat, and Harry glared at her.

"We don't know how Hermione's parents are going to react when we will lift the Memory Charm, so sorry if I worry for my best friend" he spat back.

"What about me? Don't you worry about how I'll be now that Fred's gone?" the redhead said, and Harry's eyes sparkled dangerously.

"Don't try to use Fred's death to blackmail me, Ginny. Don't steep so low" he growled, then marched away from the redhead girl without looking back. Hermione was waiting for him at the entrance of the castle, unaware of the harsh exchange.

Following their plan, they reached Hogsmeade, from there they Apparated to Diagon Alley, as Harry had to make a trip to Gringott's, then quickly set foot into the Leaky Cauldron where Harry was cheered by an huge crowd, and Tom insisted for them to have a free round of something to drink, then they managed to get into Muggle London.

"Phew" Harry said once they were out. "They are already starting the celebrations" he commented, referring to the pub and the photos of himself in Diagon Alley.

"What did you expect?" Hermione said with a bright smile, squeezing his hand as they boarded a taxi. "You're the hero of the Wizarding World" she whispered into his ear, her hot breath tickling him, and giving him a reaction southwards.

"I'd have liked to Floo directly into your house from Gringott's" he lamented, and she scolded him like a child.

"Now, Harry, you know that wasn't possible, my house is not connected to the Floo Network" she lectured him, who stuck his tongue at her.

Hermione playfully rolled her eyes at him.

Once at the Grangers', Harry patiently waited for Hermione to pack her things, in the meantime having a look of the house.

"So you live here?" he called from the living room.

"Yeah, why?" Hermione replied from upstairs.

"It's nice" he said, coming up the stairs just in time to see her with a two piece swimsuit in her hands, ready to be packed.

"She wears that?" he thought, gulping, as an image of his best friend with that particular outfit came into his mind.

"Can you help me close this?" she said, and Harry, still a bit dazed from the image he had conjured in his mind, stepped into the room, brushing her hand as they pushed together on the suitcase to close it. Then, they were off for some shopping.

Three hours later, and with five swimming trunks more for Harry, they were back to the house.

"I could really use a shower" Hermione said, loosening her hair that she had previously confined in a ponytail. The mere sight of her hair cascading on her back had a sensual aura that didn't go unnoticed to Harry, although it was a perfectly normal action for Hermione to do. Humming a soft tune, she retreated into the bathroom and started running hot water, while downstairs Harry decided to surprise her with cooking dinner, or start to since it was unlikely he would finish before she came back there.

When she found him already cooking, Hermione couldn't help but smile and lean on the doorway admiring his skill.

Finally she spoke.

"I've never been able to cook more than a fried egg, and you can do this" she said approaching him and looking at the lasagne in the oven. "I'm jealous" she pouted, and Harry had to bit back a thought about how sexy she was when she was pouting.

They ate quietly chatting and mostly just enjoying the company of the other. Then, it was time for them to settle for the night.

"I'm afraid you'll have to settle for the guest room" Hermione said, looking at him apologetically. "Sorry if it's a bit messy, but there was no time…"

Harry stopped her rambling, although he thought she was rather cute when she rambled, gently touching her arm.

"Hermione, it's just one night" he said with a smile, and she couldn't help but blush a little.

"Well, I guess we better go to sleep then, since tomorrow morning we will be leaving soon" she reasoned.

"Yeah" Harry agreed. "Goodnight then" he said, and acting on instinct he kissed her on the cheek. She stammered a goodnight and retreated to her room, which was in front of the one he was staying into.

As she changed to her nightclothes, she couldn't help a girlish giggle, touching the spot he had kissed.

Soon sleep took both of them, with pleasurable dreams involving each other to entertain them.

Next morning, after a quick breakfast, they took a taxi to Heathrow, then went through the necessary procedures for boarding a plane, which Hermione hurriedly explained to Harry as he had never travelled that way, they had to get a tourist visa, which would let them stay in the country for three months, and then they could finally relax upon finding their seats.

"Er…Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Yes?" she turned toward him.

"Can I take the window seat?" he grinned at her, and she couldn't say no to him, so she gladly let him take that place.

Once the plane took off, Harry watched in amazement as they rose up in the air, and the countryside began to look smaller and smaller, since they were surrounded only by white, fluffy clouds.

"Flying by broom is more exciting" he whispered into her ear, "but you can't go this high"

She giggled, and shook her head in amazement at how many things that for her were natural Harry had missed through the first years of his life, when he was coped up with the Dursleys.

Then, she buried herself in a book, as they had 24 long hours of flight ahead of them.
