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Captivated by [x]Mrs_H_Potter[x]



AN: This is my first story in a while. I am planning on it being a chapter story. I don't know when I will update. I will try to do it as often as I can but I start school on Tuesday next week and I still need to look after my 2 year old daughter as well.

- This story was a challenge on the PK forums in the H/Hr section. I will provide a link at the end of this chapter.

- Please read and review. Tell me what I need to change, whether you liked it or you think I am writing the characters wrong.

- This story is AU. If you don't like anything like that then please be warned now.

Disclaimer: Nothing I have written here is owned by me.

The Faceoff:

Hogsmeade was unusually quiet for this time of year. Normally there would be Hogwarts students running from shop to shop enjoying themselves. Ever since Dumbledore died the previous year the wizarding world had never been the same. The Hogwarts board of directors had decided it was best to close down the school until the war was over. All muggle-born and half blood witches and wizards were moved into safe houses with their families.

A small group of witches and wizards walked down the street dressed in black cloaks and silver masks covering their faces. To most people this would have caused fear but to the group hiding in a small alley way it meant the moment had arrived. Months of careful planning and surveillance had finally paid off. Harry felt his fingers twitching around his wand as he felt the excitement, nervousness and anxiety crashing into his system at the same time. It was now or never and he was certain that the only people walking away from this fight would be his side. Slowly he rounded the corner and out into the open.

"Expelliarmus" he shouted pointed his wand at the death eater in the middle of the group. Looking up in surprise they ran to different points around the town. Some choosing to hide behind chairs and tables, while others decided that hiding in the alley was a far better spot. To Harry it didn't matter where they hid. This would be their last fight and he for one was not going to leave anyone alive.

Harry heard shuffling behind him and turned quickly to see that most of his men and woman had come out of the alley to stand as a defined unit. He turned back when he heard one of the death eaters shouting at his group.

"Stop being cowards, get back up here and prepare for a fight" he yelled in a vicious tone. Slowly all of the death eaters; which Harry counted to be twelve, walked out from their hiding place to stand behind the masked man who had given the orders.

"Well, if it isn't Harry Potter" his smooth voice rang out threw the deserted town. As soon as the words left his mouth Harry knew who it was: Lucius Malfoy. Harry had a few encounters with the senior Malfoy, he was known for his unmerciful personality and authority in the wizarding world. While Hogwarts was open Harry had gone to school with Lucius' son Draco. Even though he wasn't as bad as his father, he found pleasure in taunting those who he thought were beneath him, Harry being one of his main targets. Even though he tried to ignore the younger Malfoy's taunts it wasn't until it was revealed that Draco was the one intended to kill Dumbledore that Harry began to truly hate him.

"I would say it is nice to see you to Lucius but I would be lying" Harry growled back, causing the death eater to laugh.

"Give yourselves up or end up dead" he yelled, trying to frighten some of the death eaters into submission. It almost worked. He saw a few to the sides leaning to put their wands on the ground. They would have succeeded if Lucius hadn't decided to turn around.

"What do you think you are doing?" he barked. The death eaters who were about to surrender snapped up with their wands still in hand. Once satisfied that they weren't going to turn themselves in he faced back to Harry.

"As much fun as this is, we have else where to be" he smirked. With a loud crack he had disapparated followed closely by the death eaters standing behind him.

"Shit" Harry yelled before turning and facing his group. The looks on his teams face said everything. Once Hogwarts had closed down most members of the DA (Dumbledore's Army) had joined the Order of the Phoenix, to help in the fight against Voldemort.

"Spread out, look for anything that can trace us back to Voldemort's hide out" he yelled. No one wanting to upset him further, they began scrambling around, looking in shops and alley ways trying to find any evidence. Harry just stood there hoping they would find something.

"I blew it Ron" he sighed, turning to see his best friend Ronald Weasley standing there. "I shouldn't have talked, I knew it was giving them time to escape" He turned back to watch the members of the Order still running around.

"Don't worry mate" he heard Ron say softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get them soon" Harry turned and smiled at his friend before watching him join the rest of the order on the street.


It seemed like three hours had passed but Harry knew it had only been twenty minutes. Ron and Ginny Weasley had searched threw Honeydukes, Remus Lupin and Nymphodora Tonks had walked the road out of Hogsmeade and back and Seamus, Dean, Kingsley, Fred, George and Luna had searched in the Three Broomsticks.

It was then that Harry remembered he had hit a death eater with the spell he fired off after stepping out from the ally way. He walked over the spot where the death eater stood and looked around the area. He couldn't see any trace of an unconscious death eater anywhere.

"There is a death eater here somewhere" he bellowed, making sure everyone heard him. At the sound of this information everyone begin foraging around faster, eager to see if there was a body anywhere.

Harry continued down the road making his way slowly up to Luna and Dean, who were standing outside Zonko's.

"Sorry Harry there was nothing in there" Dean sighed, pointing a finger behind him at the shop. Harry was about to reply when he heard the words he had been waiting for.

"We found the death eater" came Ginny's loud scream. Turning his back on Dean he ran as fast as he could to where Ginny and Ron were standing. As he got closer he could see a small figure lying on the ground. When he reached them Ginny threw herself into his arms.

"We found her" she said gleefully. The smile which formed on her face quickly fell as Harry unwrapped her from his body and stepped forward to get a look at the death eater. By now the rest of the Order present had crowded around, determined to get a glimpse of the unconscious body in the woods.

"Must have been a powerful spell to knock them back this far" Ron chuckled.

"Remus, Tonks get this back to Grimauld place. The rest of us will make sure everything is back to normal" Harry shouted, a smile forming on his lips. Finally I can get some worth while information he thought to himself. The entire time school had been out the order only had sightings and rumours to go off. Even though they had worked months to get a face off, having a death eater to question would make his job much easier.

Remus and Tonks grabbed a hold of the death eater's arms before disappearing with a pop. Once they were gone the group left behind let out a loud cheer. Things were starting to look up.


It was an hour before any of the remaining members at Hogsmeadee got back. They had restored everything back to normal, not that there was much they needed to do. They made sure that no shop keepers or shoppers were hurt before they had got there. Once their job was done they apparated into the kitchen at number 12.

"Where is the death eater?" was the first question out of Harry's mouth. Molly Weasley jumped around in surprise before pointing up the stairs. Looking around at his friends he walked out of the kitchen. He was sure they wouldn't follow; they knew he needed to see what vile, cruel person was under the death eater's mask by himself.

As he walked up the stairs and passed Mrs Black's portrait; which no one seemed to know how to move he heard shouting coming from one of the top bedroom. The closer he got the louder the yelling got. The last set of stairs before the landing he had made out that the voice yelling belonged to a woman. As he opened the door he stopped and looked at the sight before him. Sitting in a chair with her hands tied behind her back was the most gorgeous women he had even seen. She had wild brown bushy hair and big chocolate eyes which were burning with fury as she glared at him.

"Well if it isn't the boy who lived" she spat. "If you expect me to give you any information you are sorely mistaken. I would never give my masters location to anyone, especially not you" she yelled pulling against her restraints. Taken slightly by her aggressiveness he looked at Remus who was standing behind her.

"We haven't found out much. She refuses to speak and has been a handful since she woke up" he sighed. "The only thing that seems to come from her mouth is how her master is going to come and kill us all" he continued. Harry looked back at the women sitting in the chair still trying to free herself.

She looks about the same age as me he thought. He walked slowly over to her and kneeled down to stare into her eyes.

"What is your name?" he spoke softly. The response he got was nothing he expected.

"None of your fucking business" she screamed before spitting on his face. He stood up and wiped his face before looking back at Remus who was shaking his head.

"I have Tonks working on an ID for her" not a moment after speaking the words Tonks walked into the room with a smile on her face.

"I have a name" she practically screamed, before calming herself down to act more professional.

"Oh wow smart witch you have there" came a sarcastic remark from behind him. Not paying it any attention he continued to stare at Tonks. She seemed to understand the question in his eyes and spoke firmly.

"Her name is Hermione Granger"


AN: Link for the challenge: