Unofficial Portkey Archive

Don't Fear the Reaper by starwberry_nerd

Don't Fear the Reaper


I don't own Harry Potter, I didn't think up the idea for this story, all I've got are copies of the books and a couple of really cool T-shirts. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go roast marshmallows over the epilogue


"Third time this week!" a voice roared and Harry sat up straight and took in his surroundings. In a matter of moments he realized that he was back on Privet Drive, in the kitchen of all places, and Vernon was yelling at him yet again. Harry's mind raced to try to figure out what Vernon was yelling at him for this time and if he should reply or not and as he reached to get another bite of toast, he stopped. He was still wearing the brace that Jim had put on him before he appeared back here. Harry studied it for a moment as he tried to hide a smile while Vernon's face became increasingly purple when the large man realized that Harry wasn't listening to him.

"LISTEN TO ME BOY!" Vernon roared as he slammed his meaty fists. Petunia scowled at him but said nothing as she served bacon to her son. Harry looked over at Dudley and wondered when his diet had actually started working. The usually whale size boy was now about the size of a medium size cow.

"If you can't keep that ruddy owl of yours quiet," Vernon snarled.

"She's bored." Harry jumped in now that he realized what Vernon was complaining about, "If I could let her out just at night-"

"Do I look stupid?" Vernon growled, a bit of egg hanging from his bushy mustache. Harry bit his tongue to keep himself from answering. "I know what'll happen if that owl's let out." He exchanged dark looks with his wife Petunia. Dudley let out a large belch that had the windows rattling.

"I want more bacon." The sullen boy demanded.

"There's more in the frying pan, sweetums." Said Petunia, immediately prepared to do anything for her massive son. "We must build you up while we've got the chance…I don't like the sound of that school food…"

"None sense, Petunia, I never went hungry when I was at Smeltings," said Vernon heartily. "Dudley gets enough, don't you son?" Harry wondered if there was enough food in the world for Dudley's appetite.

The huge boy grinned and turned to Harry,

"Pass the frying pan." Harry did so because not even his bullying cousin could ruin the fact that he could save Sirius! He could save Dumbledore. He could stop Voldemort from returning altogether! Harry quickly tried to squash down the growing feelings of happiness and hope.

"You know, my friend Hermione, she gets really worried really easily. If I don't write a letter to her then she might come to visit. Or maybe she'll get my friend Ron to come by. And Ron has a load of older brothers, two of them love to play pranks and one of them, his hair is getting a bit long and he happens to wear an earring." Harry immediately decided that this was going to be one of his favorite memories as he watched his relatives' faces pale.

"And I'd love to know what the neighbors would think if Mr. Weasley came by. He grew up in what you call my world. Nothing normal about him at all." The Dursley parents were now turning the most interesting colors and Petunia looked as if she was about to faint.

"But if I could just write a letter, then they would have nothing to worry about. There would be no reason at all for them to come here and Hedwig wouldn't make a sound. Your little dinner party would go off perfectly." He finished, happy that he had finally figured out exactly when he had been placed. He watched as Vernon took all this into consideration and Harry could just see his brain trying to make a good decision.

"Fine," Vernon grunted, "But just at night and just so they won't come here! And stay out of your Aunt's way while she cleans!" Harry nodded and quickly rushed outside before they could think to give him any chores.

In moments he lay back on the garden bench and he began think about what he could do. He remembered Hermione's little adventure with the time turner and the dangers of changing the past. He looked down at his hands growled in frustration, wishing there was some way he could hurry up time so he could send a letter. He needed help and the best ones who could do that were Dumbledore and Hermione. They would know what to do. He happened to look at the hedge and with a smile he realized that there was something in the hedge looking back. Two enormous, familiar green eyes had appeared among the leaves. Harry was just about to call out to Dobby when a jeering voice called out to him.

"I know what day it is," sang the waddling Dudley. Harry raised a brow but said nothing.

"I know what day it is," Dudley repeated. He sounded irritated, almost frustrated as he parroted the phrase. He had obviously expected more of a response.

"Congratulations, you've learned the days of the week." Harry snapped back, annoyed that Dudley has scared Dobby off.

"Today's your birthday," sneered Dudley.

"No, really? I never would have known if you hadn't told me." Harry replied dryly and he smirked as Dudley began to turn red in anger.

"Well, how come you haven't got any cards? Haven't you got any friends at that freak place?" Dudley demanded.

"We don't exchange cards for birthdays in my world. We cast spells on relatives and whoever has a relative that looks most like a pig by the end of the day wins a prize. Luckily I have a head start."

"MUUUUUUUM!" wailed Dudley, tripping over his feet as he ran back to the house. "MUUUUUM! He's doing you know what!"

Harry winced and knew that this wasn't going to be pretty as a blow from Petunia soapy frying pan came at his head. He knew that Petunia knew that no magic had been cast but of course that didn't do him any good.

And so Dudley sat around like the lazy, spoiled brat he was, eating ice cream and sneering at Harry who had been assigned a massive amount of chores. Wearily the boy-who-lived began to mow the lawn, was the car, wash the windows and whatever other pointless job Petunia could think of. The sun beat mercilessly on his back and soon he was dripping in sweat but Harry ignored this as he tried to think.

The bracelet featured prominently in his mind as he tried to figure out why Jim had put it on his wrist. He could feel the box in his pocket and when he had pulled it out he had watched with amazement as it actually got larger. But Dudley began to wander a little too close so Harry had put it back before the fat boy could see it and attempt to take it. He had no worries about Dudley trying to take the bracelet. There were no clasps on the surprisingly light piece of jewelry and it fit too well for him to even think about slipping it off. It reached halfway up his forearm and engraved in the silver were strange ruins that he didn't recognize. Running around both edges of the bracelet were squares of red, blue, and green gems separated by gold wire. He kept his mind on the bracelet and on the question of what were the three gifts that Mina gave him. By concentrating on something else, he could ignore most of the pain and exhaustion that was slowly bogging down his body.

At half past seven he was finally allowed back inside. Petunia shoved a plate of a chunk of cheese and some bread at him with a scowl on her horse like face.

"Just take it up to your room." She snapped and Harry quickly went on his way. He caught site of Vernon and Dudley trying to get their bowties around their many chins and just before he entered his room, Vernon caught him by the arm.

"Remember boy, one sound." Vernon growled and then handed the young wizard the key to Hedwig's cage.

"And tell those friends of yours that they'd better not come anywhere near here!" he finished and then pushed Harry away. Harry rolled his eyes and slid inside his room. With a smile he looked at the figure that was sitting on his bed.

"Hello there." Harry said as cheerfully as he could manage.

"Harry Potter!" Dobby cried out, "So long Dobby has been wanting to meet you…such an honor it is!" His large tennis ball like eyes began to fill with tears.

"It's very nice to meet you as well Dobby. Would you like to sit down?" He winced as Dobby began to wail loudly,

"S-sit down!" he sobbed, "Never….never ever…"

"Dobby, please be softer. I'm sorry, just please!" Harry hissed as he tried to comfort the strange house elf and ushered him onto the bed. Eventually Dobby managed to control himself and say with his huge eyes gazing up at Harry with a disconcertingly familiar look of adoration coupled with hero worship. For a moment Harry tried to place it. He knew that it hadn't come from Dobby all the time and he had the strangest idea that the look belonged to someone female.

"So what can I do for you?" He started and gritted his teeth as Dobby began to wail again.

"Harry Potter asks if he can help Dobby…Dobby has heard of your greatness, sit, but of your goodness, Dobby never knew…"

Harry desperately wished there was something he could do to find out who said these things and then grind them into dust but as it was he had to stop Dobby from continuing to praise him,

"Dobby, please, I'm not all that great, please be quiet." Harry pleaded and looked up in a plea to the heavens when he realized what he said.

"Harry Potter is humble and modest," Dobby said worshipfully as he looked up at Harry. "Harry Potter speaks not of his triumph He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

"Dobby, look, thank you for coming here but I already know about the evil that's going to come to Hogwarts and I know how to take care of it. I'll be fine." Harry told the house elf before he could go any further with praising Harry. Dobby looked at Harry with stunned eyes,

"Harry Potter is valiant and bold! He has braved so many dangers already. But Dobby cannot let Harry Potter be in more danger. Even if he has to shut his ears in the oven doors later, Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts!" Dobby insisted.

"Dobby, I need to go back to Hogwarts, to my friends. I need to tell them something important."

"Harry Potter is wanting to go back to friends who don't even write?" Dobby said, his face wide eyed and innocent.

"Dobby, I already know you've been stopping my letters," Harry began.

"And Dobby will give them back if Harry Potter promises not to go back to Hogwarts. Sir, there is a danger that you cannot, must not face! Please say you won't go back!"

"I have to go back Dobby. A lot of people are counting on me."

"Then Harry Potter leaves Dobby no choice," said the elf sadly. Before Harry could do anything, Dobby darted out the bedroom door and sprinted down the stairs.

Harry felt himself grow cold as he remembered the consequences of last time Dobby had pulled this trick. He raced down after the elf and jumped down the last six steps, landing as silently as he could on the hall carpet and made his way silently to the kitchen. He felt ill as he say Petunia's mountain of crème and sugared violets floating near the ceiling, right above Mrs. Mason's head.

"No!" Harry hissed and Dobby gave him a sad look.

"Harry Potter must say he's not going back to school-" Dobby begged.

"I can't." Harry replied as he looked at the pudding with dread. Dobby had a gloomy look upon his face as he replied,

"Then Dobby must do it sit, for Harry Potter's own good."

The pudding began to fell and Harry felt his heart nearly stop and in his mind, fro he could not risk his relatives hearing him, he gave a loud cry of STOP!

And the pudding stopped in mid air, only a foot above Mrs. Mason's head. Both he and Dobby stared at the pudding in surprise and Dobby made a gesture with his hand. Harry felt as if something was pressing down on his mind and with a savage gesture of his own hand, the pudding slowly began to rise back towards the ceiling.

Slowly, so agonizingly slowly, the pudding began to move back towards the kitchen, Dobby fighting him every inch of the way. Finally the beautiful creation landed on the kitchen counter and Harry narrowed his eyes,

"Stay," he hissed and though the pudding trembled as Dobby attempted to move it back towards the ceiling, it remained on the kitchen counter.

"Dobby, I promise that I'll be okay. I know about what's coming. Just trust me." Harry pleaded with the elf.

"Harry Potter sir-" Dobby began but then the small elf got a far look in his eye and he cringed.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked and Dobby looked up at him with tears in his eyes,

"Dobby's family is calling him." The elf replied and with a sharp crack, the house elf disappeared. Harry suddenly felt exhausted and barely made it back to his room where he then collapsed onto his bed and fell asleep almost before his head hit his pillow.
