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Don't Fear the Reaper by starwberry_nerd

Don't Fear the Reaper


Yes, Harry doesn't see Hermione in this chapter evil- no worries, he will see her soon and there is not chance of him ever dating Ginny ever. Also, I don't own Harry Potter though I do own Mina and I do own Harry's bracelet, it's very pretty


That night, Harry lay in bed, staring at the ceiling for only a few minutes before he heard Ron's rumbling snores. He smiled absently but he felt no real joy. He was so close, so close to the man that ruined his chances of ever being normal and there was nothing he could do about it.

He sighed and closed his eyes tightly, attempting to block out the rest of the world so he could fall asleep but suddenly he felt strong hands grab him. A hand went over his mouth as arms picked him up and carried him out of the room despite his struggles.

"Blimey Harry, calm down." hissed a voice.

"It's just us." Another voice added and Harry stopped struggling long enough to see who his captors were.

"Fred, George, what do you think you're doing?" Harry snapped and the twins both grinned as they let him down once they were within the safety of their room. Not even Mrs. Weasley could get near it without their notice, thanks to several conveniently squeaky boards.

"Well Harry," Fred began.

"We were wondering the same thing about you." George continued and his eyes narrowed,

"Like for instance, what would that pretty charm around your wrist be?"

"And why did Dung's name make you angry enough to shatter the windows?" Fred added with a raised brow.

"And how did you use magic without a wand?"

Harry looked at the two of them, his mind racing. No one had even mentioned the bracelet until now; he half suspected that the Dursleys couldn't even see it though he had no way of making sure until next summer, unless his plan succeeded and he moved in with Sirius of course.

"What makes you think the window was me?" Harry asked, keeping his tone light. The twins exchanged looks and then nodded,

"We know what Weasley magic feels like and what broke the window wasn't Weasley magic. Now, how did you use magic without a wand?" George demanded and Harry raised a brow,

"It was just a bit of accidental magic. I've been under a bit of stress at the Dursleys." He lied and was surprised when the twins shook their heads.

"Once you get your wand, stuff like that is supposed to stop happening." Fred said and Harry frowned.

"A wand sort of binds a person's magic inside of themselves and once you start using it a lot then your magic will always go through that path." George explained when Harry continued to look confused, "At least, that's how mum says its like."

"Of course there are always exceptions, like when a wizard reaches magic maturity. Then he has more magic than the path is used to and some spills out until everything settles down." Fred added.

"But that usually happens at sixteen, that's why there aren't any tests in that year, to give you time to get used to your new magic levels."

"The only other exceptions are the really powerful or someone who doesn't have a wand that matches them completely."

"Or if someone has a little help." The twins' gaze fell upon Harry's bracelet before they looked at him. The younger wizard sighed,

"I don't know how I'm able to do this all of a sudden." He confessed and if he thought about it, it was true. He had no idea why he was suddenly able to do wandless magic. In fact, he had no idea what he was really doing. For the past three days he had been practicing his new abilities which left him too tired to really think of anything much less plan what he was going to do. The twins exchanged glances and Fred tapped Harry's bracelet and Harry's eyes widened as he caught a brief line of light run from the bracelet through Fred's hand but neither prankster seemed to notice.

"So what about this little toy then?" Harry moved his arm away from the twins before it could do anything to George. He didn't know what the light had been but he didn't want to risk anything.

"It's just a gift from," he paused for a moment, "the father of an old friend." True Jim wasn't Mina's father and he wasn't really Mina's friend but it was an easier than telling the twins he got it from the Grim Reaper. But apparently it didn't matter since, judging by the looks on their faces, the twins obviously didn't believe him.

"Right, and mum was so proud of us for taking the car." George snorted and Fred sighed,

"If we haven't made it clear Harry, we can tell what's Weasley magic and what's not and that bracelet has some strong magic on it." Harry's mind raced as he tried to decide what to do. He didn't think he could make up a plausible story to trick the twins, with all the work he had been doing with his new abilities, his mind had been too tired to think of anything he could do to change things so far. He needed help and with Hermione not an option until he was certain he could talk to her without anyone interfering, the twins were the next best thing. They were sneaky, creative and they were the best he knew when it came to dealing with the unpredictable.

Briefly he considered telling Ron but that idea was discarded almost as quickly as it had come. Ron was good at chess but that was about the limit of his planning capabilities and though he was as brave a friend as he could ask for, but he remembered all too well the injuries that Ron had acquired because he fought next to Harry and how jealous Ron had been because of the tournament. When he told Ron, if he told Ron, it would have to be after the youngest Weasley male did some growing up.

Then there was the problem of Snape and Dumbledore. Harry mentally smacked himself for forgetting about the headmaster and the potion master's legilmancy abilities. He still didn't have a clue about occulemency and he didn't know who to go to but he put that matter aside for now.

"I can't tell you everything." Harry began and when he saw the twins begin to protest, he put up a hand,

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that Snape or Dumbledore can do something called legilimancy, basically they can read your minds. If I tell anyone or if they find out then it will all be useless." The twins exchanged furious glances,

"We always wondered how that greasy bat," George began.

"knew about our work. This clears a few things up." Fred finished. They looked back at the young boy-who-lived expectantly and Harry sighed yet again.

"About two years from now, Voldemort returns. In my sixth year one of his followers murders Dumbledore and three years after that Voldemort murders me, Ron and Hermione while we were on a special mission." The twins stared at him, disbelief evident in their faces.

"Harry…" Fred started but he couldn't seem to say anything and his brother was equally reluctant to say anything.

"If you don't believe me then how else do I know that you have the marauder's map?" The twins looked at him sharply but he ignored them and went on,

"I know about Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. How else do I know who they really are? And how else would I know about occulemency or legilmency? I haven't even started my second year yet and I'm not Hermione, I haven't read ahead in any book about these things." The twins let out identical sighs,

"All right Harry,"

"We believe you."

"Now what do you want?" Harry took a deep breath,

"There's a basilisk in the castle. I know where it is and how to kill it so it shouldn't be a problem. The problem is that if I don't let certain things happen then the house elf I told you about will still belong to the Malfoys and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I also don't have any idea what to do with a dead basilisk and I don't want it to go to waste. The defense teacher this year is rubbish so I'm going to try to start a sort of elite study group but that means I won't have time to research certain things. Would you two mind helping me figure out how to free Dobby and what to do with a basilisk corpse?" The twins grinned.

"And here we thought,"

"You'd ask us to do something hard."

"Get back to bed Harry,"

"And leave it to us."

"As long as,"

"You let us join in,"

"That little defense group."

Harry laughed and nodded,

"Of course you two can join. But there's one more thing. When we get back to Hogwarts, I need you two to make a cage large enough to hold a man about the same height as Percy but not comfortably. It has to be absolutely unbreakable and it cannot have any opening large enough for even Scabbers to get through." Fred rubbed his chin and George cocked a brow.

"Are you going to tell us why you need this cage?" George finally asked and Harry shook his head,

"This is something special. But please, I really need that cage as soon as you can get it finished. I know that you two are the best ones qualified for making it." He added and they rolled their eyes.

"Well of course we can and we will do it." Fred said.

"We'd just rather know what it's for." George added.

"You'll find out soon enough, I promise. And thanks, you don't know how much this means to me." They shook hands to seal the deal, though Harry almost flinched when George accidentally brushed against his bracelet and a small thread of light, identical to the one that had touched Fred, ran up the Weasley prankster's arm. With that Harry slipped out of the room and into bed, smirking slightly because now, resting up his sleeve, was the Marauder's map. He carefully placed it inside his old transfiguration book and then got into bed. This time, with the knowledge that he would not be doing this alone, he quickly fell into a thankfully dreamless sleep.

The next day was about the same as the first, except he discovered that his new flame based power required a lot more mental discipline than his levitation talent. Thankfully he discovered this by accidentally setting Peter's tail aflame yet again. He attempted to keep his temper under control by counting to ten but it seemed to narrow his focus and instead only a smaller portion of the rat's tail was scorched. He then resolved to just not look at him until the twins finished the project. It was also the day they received their letters from Hogwarts and Hermione and Harry eagerly began the countdown to Wednesday.

But on the third day Harry had been sent to call the twins down to dinner. It was then that he caught the twins doing something that shocked him. They were making a dozen quills and several paper airplanes fly through their room, without their wands and, just like with his own experiments with wandless magic, there was no sign of an owl from the department of the misuse of magic.

"Harry!" George yelped and all the planes and quills fell to the ground, adding to the mess.

"I thought you two told me that wandless magic is practically impossible!" Harry snapped at them and they exchanged guilty glances.

"Well, it is," Fred started warily.

"But, see, ever since that night you told us about the whole, from the future thing," George continued,

"We've been able to do this."

"The first time was just an accident! And we did tell you the truth!" George was quick to assure Harry. Harry glanced at his bracelet briefly and frowned, wondering what other things the gift could do.

"Well, it's time for dinner. Afterwards, show me what you can do, and then maybe we can practice together." The twins agreed and they all went downstairs to eat one of Mrs. Weasley's meals.

During the meal, Harry would glance at Ginny but he did not get the same overwhelming feeling in his chest that he used to get around her. He could not detect that delicate flowery fragrance and Ginny was just not important in his mind. In fact, he had not thought of her at all since she had run away at breakfast when he first arrived.

He ignored the unsettled feeling he was getting now and quickly ate as much as he could before he ran off to join the twins, promising Ron that he would play chess with him after he talked with them.

They spent a few minutes showing off before Ron's impatience and his jealousy that his friend was being hogged by his brothers overcame him and the youngest Weasley brother came and dragged Harry away. As soon as Ron was asleep Harry snuck out of the room and he and the twins practiced their new magic. Neither of them was able to create a flame like Harry but they discovered that they could talk to each other telepathically.

The training was a good distraction and afterwards Harry would immediately fall asleep but no matter how hard he worked or studied or tried to concentrate on the games that Ron wanted to play with him, he could not keep reminding himself that it was getting closer and closer to Wednesday, closer and closer to the day that he would see Hermione again.
