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Through Teddy's Eyes by Harry85

Through Teddy's Eyes


Disclaimer: Nope, not mine. Do I seem a H/G RHr shipper to you?

A/N: My response to the "Through Teddy's Eyes" Challenge by moonies rule. You can find it here: Hope you will enjoy the story, this won't be very long, just four/five chaps at max, but I hope you'll like it all the same, lol.

Thanks to my beta Gingercat!

Through Teddy's Eyes

Chapter Four: An Outside Point of View

I've always loved Christmas, especially because at Christmas we stay with the Weasleys at the Burrow. It's not that I don't like my home, really, but when we stay here, I get to spend the night with all my cousins, and it is always a lot of fun.

Who am I? Teddy Lupin, of course. Ten years old, and eager to go to Hogwarts next year.

As you all know, I've never known my real parents, but hey, I got pretty lucky, because I got stuck with Harry Potter. I can think of many worse solutions.

Harry is really a cool godfather, although I call him dad now. He also spoils me too much, but I would never admit that to him. However, he only does that when Hermione is not around, as she always reins him in. I guess it comes from his abused childhood, he told me many times about it and how he would treat me differently from those monsters known as the Dursleys.

It wouldn't take much, would it?

But anyway, back on topic, I really like the Burrow. Nana Molly is always ready to slip me a biscuit or two, and when time for dinner comes, I always wonder how will we manage to fit all of the food she cooked inside our bellies. Nonetheless, we always do. That might be because Uncle Ron is at the table. He eats like an army, and never gains a stone, Aunt Ginny always complains about that.

However, this time we came here first, so no cousins to play with yet, and there's still a lot of time before dinner.

I don't really know what to do, so I decide to go take a peek under the tree to see how many gifts I got.

As I near the living room, though, I hear whispers from within. So much for sneaking a peek at the gifts. However, curious, I poke my head inside the room and suddenly smile.

There they are, Harry and Hermione, locked in an embrace, whispering in each other ears, smiling fondly at each other. And then it happens, Harry moves in, and their lips connect. It's not the first time I've seen this happen, of course. I mean, they have been married for eight years now, I just had to have caught them kissing, right?

Strangely, I know I should be freaked out, I mean, at my age boys and girls still despise each other, right? So the mere idea of kissing should make me feel sick. And it does, when it is Aunt Ginny and Uncle Draco, or Aunt Luna and Uncle Ron, or even the twins with their wives. But when it is Harry and Hermione, somehow it just feels right.

I don't remember much about when Harry was dating Ginny, but they tell me my hair would flame red anytime she came in the house. It's funny, because I like her, now that I've grown up, but for some reason I didn't when I was a baby. I'm not sure about it, but if that helped even a tiny bit to get Harry and Hermione together, then I'm happy for that, because as much as I like Ginny, it's crystal clear that Hermione is the one for Harry.

They use to tell me stories about their years at Hogwarts, and you can feel the special bond they have always shared.

I'm sure you're wondering how could a ten years old boy have such deep thoughts. Well, I dunno. They tell me Remus, my father, has always been pretty smart and insightful too, so maybe I just inherited it. Or maybe it is Hermione's influence, or a mix of both.

Ok, so Harry and Hermione kissing is nice and all, but I really want to take a peek at the gifts under the tree now! Why is it that every time they kiss they take so long to do it?

Still, I wonder if that's how my parents were. They tell me they were both special people, and they were very much in love, so maybe I could have witnessed the same thing if they were alive. Or maybe not, who knows. I have an hunch that Hermione and Harry share something really rare, although I can't put my finger on what it is.

Oh, sissy must have woken up. I can hear her cries from upstairs, and sure enough they heard that too. Hermione lets out a little groan at being interrupted, and they rest their foreheads together for a moment before they both sigh and Hermione goes to check on little Katharine while Harry goes to look out of the window at the snow slowly falling down.

She is Harry and Hermione's baby daughter, just a few months old, and I remember pretty well when Hermione was pregnant, I think that's the term but I'm not sure, with her. I was a bit scared of her sudden bursts of anger, but Harry reassured me, that it was normal.

But I also remember the look of happiness on both their faces when they were holding her in the hospital, and maybe the shouts and strange eating habits were worth living through after all.

"Teddy, what you doing here?" someone asks me. It's Mark, their first child, seven years old.

"Nothing, Mark. Just trying to get a peek at the gifts but Mum and Dad were in there" I say, and head back to the kitchen to see if I can get Nana to slip me something. It's then that there is pounding on the door. Someone must have arrived, and I cast a last glance at the living room before going to see who it is.

A smile spreads on my face as I see the three of them, Harry, Hermione and Katharine. I just hope one day I'll find someone to make me as happy as Harry is with Hermione.
