Unofficial Portkey Archive

Taste by KateJ.




by: Kate J


Rating: R - Shagging O'Plenty

Ship: H/Hr, of course. Is there another ship?

Summary: Tiny chapter. Is brushing your teeth sexy?

Spoilers: None

Author's notes:

1. This is just a tiny little filler chapter. The little crumb in the corner.

2. I am a sinner. I admit I will not be one of the 177 thousand saved when Jesus comes back. I've accepted this. So please don't flame me if the story is too graphic for your (insert religious preference and/or ignorant self-righteousness here) sensibilities. I will simply talk bad about you to everyone I know. It's freakin Harry Potter fic, man. It's all in good, naughty, fun. This is smut-fic, so be warned. You all know the disclaimer song- nope, not mine... JK... Scholastic... no money being made, etc. You don't have to review, but thank you muchly if you do. :)




I was in desperate need of a shower, I thought, walking to my dorm. I would join Hermione after I fed Hedwig.

She nipped at my hand, looking at me furiously.

"I've been neglecting you. I'm sorry. Don't worry, you're still my number one girl, Hedwig," I said, rubbing her feathers and placing a bowl of water under her open perch. I looked over to my drawer.

Leave it there, Harry. Don't do it. Just leave it.

I shook my head of my thoughts and made my way to the shower. As much as I would have liked to share my shower with Hermione, I think little Harry was begging for some time to rest. Damn lightweight.

I made my way to her room around 11, clothes and toothbrush in hand for tomorrow. She was already changed in her simple, little, cotton nightgown. Her hair was much better. She'd showered and there were no traces of pudding anywhere. Oh well.

She was shaking her bracelet back and forth on her wrist, watching it shimmer. I crawled up to the bed suddenly feeling like snorting with laughter. It was so domestic; we were going to sleep. In the same bed. Without sex. We were both exhausted. It was Christmas Eve and the snow was still coming down hard outside the window. I needed to close my eyes.

I leaned over her and shut the light off, pulling her close to me and settling into the pillow. She brought my arm around her waist and held her hand over mine. That was the last thing I remembered before my eyes shut and I fell into comfortable sleep.


There are many advantages to sleeping in the same bed together, and morning sex is one of them.

She was asleep when I woke up, her body draped halfway over the bed. Her arm was dangling off the bed toward the floor. It was Christmas morning. I looked at her bare back. The flimsy cotton nightgown with little yellow flowers on it had ridden up during the night. My legs were entwined in hers; even in my sleep I'm reaching for her.

I smiled and slowly rubbed her back, up her neck, pushing her hair aside and kissing my freckle. She stirred and jumped a tiny bit, not used to having someone there in her bed with her. She turned just a little and smiled at me. I leaned down to kiss her.

We kissed only once, realizing our morning breath could kill small woodland creatures. Of course, that didn't mean I couldn't kiss her everywhere else. She turned back to the window, her back to me. I pulled the nightgown up and over her head and rubbed her bare back, over her shoulder blades, down the thin string of pearls in the center, feeling each bone, down her bare arms. I kissed the back of her shoulder as I pulled her leg up over mine and lowered my boxers a bit. I entered her slowly, just enjoying the laziness of it. I propped my head up with my hand as the other hand rubbed her hips, bringing them backward to me every so often. I placed my hand over her abdomen, just below her bellybutton and brought her back. I watched as the muscles in her back flexed every once in a while. I brought my hand up to her breast and just laid it there for a moment.

There was nothing rough or eager about this. We were just saying good morning.

I'd push forward and she'd push back. The only noise being the cotton sheets around our waists or our sighs. Forward and back. Forward and back. It was so peaceful.

There is no going back now. You know it.

Why would you want to?

I began to feel it building up in my center and I tried to stay slow. But she was pushing back into me a little harder now and her hot grip was tightening around me. I finally let go, as slowly as I could. No screaming or moaning. Just heavy sighing on both our parts.

And our parts were very sated. We fell back to sleep.

She woke up before me, because I woke up to hearing her turning on the faucet in the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar. I rolled onto my back and sighed, enjoying the smell of her on the pillow. In fact, I could smell her all over me.

I walked to the bathroom and peeked in. She was brushing her teeth. Thank God. I looked at her for a moment. She stood there brushing, looking like a woman who'd just had great sex. Suddenly I wanted to turn the clock back and start all over. I grabbed my own toothbrush from the counter and squeezed some toothpaste onto it. She winked at me and continued brushing, just staring at me.

I brushed around, staring right back at her. She spit and brushed some more. I brushed my back teeth and spit, brushing even more. I ran the brush over my tongue, and brushed my lower teeth all the while barely taking my eyes off of her. Lots and lots of brushing. All the while my eyes never leaving hers.

I've never taken so long brushing my teeth before. Her parents were dentists...maybe this was a normal thing for her.


She finally stopped the torture and rinsed, tapping her brush on the sink as she looked away first.

Wait... did I just win? I never win. Or was this a pity, Happy Christmas win? Hmm. She smiled at me and slapped my butt on her way out.

I love winning.


Toothpaste scene was inspired by a short scene in the movie Bring It On. Best part of that whole dumb-ass movie.

Kindle My heart- Little Princess sdtk. I love this theme. Sweet and simple. Christmas morning wake up.

Here Comes the Sun- Nina Simone (Beatles cover). Love this song. Great fun with toothpaste.

"small woodland creatures," sounds familiar to me. But I can't for the life of me remember where I heard it. If you know, e-mail me at